infinity ======================================================== About ------------ infinity is a fork of vichan, with the difference that 8chan is geared towards allowing users to create their own boards. A running instance is at Most things (other than installation) that apply to upstream vichan also apply to infinity. See their readme for a detailed FAQ: If you are not interested in letting your users make their own boards, install vichan instead of infinity. Because I cannot be bothered to maintain `install.php`, the install process is as such: ``` mysql -uroot 8chan < install.sql echo '8chan' > .installed ``` Here's my install script as of 11/14/2014 for the 8chan servers which run Ubuntu 14.04: ``` apt-get install graphicsmagick gifsicle php5-fpm mysql-client php5-mysql php5-cli php-pear php5-apcu; add-apt-repository ppa:jon-severinsson/ffmpeg; add-apt-repository ppa:nginx/stable; apt-get update; apt-get install nginx ffmpeg; pear install Net_DNS2 ``` Have fun!