$config['max_pages']) return false; $config['try_smarter'] = true; $build_pages = array($page); buildIndex("skip"); return true; } function sb_api_board($b, $page = 0) { $page = (int)$page; return sb_board($b, $page + 1); } function sb_thread($b, $thread, $slugcheck = false) { global $config; $thread = (int)$thread; if ($thread < 1) return false; if (!preg_match('/^'.$config['board_regex'].'$/u', $b)) return false; if (Cache::get("thread_exists_".$b."_".$thread) == "no") return false; $query = prepare(sprintf("SELECT MAX(`id`) AS `max` FROM ``posts_%s``", $b)); if (!$query->execute()) return false; $s = $query->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); $max = $s['max']; if ($thread > $max) return false; $query = prepare(sprintf("SELECT `id` FROM ``posts_%s`` WHERE `id` = :id AND `thread` IS NULL", $b)); $query->bindValue(':id', $thread); if (!$query->execute() || !$query->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC) ) { Cache::set("thread_exists_".$b."_".$thread, "no"); return false; } if ($slugcheck == 50) { // Should we really generate +50 page? Maybe there are not enough posts anyway global $request; $r = str_replace("+50", "", $request); $r = substr($r, 1); // Cut the slash if (file_exists($r)) return false; } if (!openBoard($b)) return false; buildThread($thread); return true; } function sb_thread_slugcheck50($b, $thread) { return sb_thread($b, $thread, 50); } function sb_api($b) { global $config; if (!openBoard($b)) return false; $config['try_smarter'] = true; $build_pages = array(-1); buildIndex(); return true; } function sb_ukko() { rebuildTheme("ukko", "post-thread"); return true; } function sb_catalog($b) { if (!openBoard($b)) return false; rebuildTheme("catalog", "post-thread", $b); return true; } function sb_recent() { rebuildTheme("recent", "post-thread"); return true; } function sb_sitemap() { rebuildTheme("sitemap", "all"); return true; } $entrypoints = array(); $entrypoints['/%b/'] = 'sb_board'; $entrypoints['/%b/'.$config['file_index']] = 'sb_board'; $entrypoints['/%b/'.$config['file_page']] = 'sb_board'; $entrypoints['/%b/%d.json'] = 'sb_api_board'; if ($config['api']['enabled']) { $entrypoints['/%b/threads.json'] = 'sb_api'; $entrypoints['/%b/catalog.json'] = 'sb_api'; } $entrypoints['/%b/'.$config['dir']['res'].$config['file_page']] = 'sb_thread'; $entrypoints['/%b/'.$config['dir']['res'].$config['file_page50']] = 'sb_thread_slugcheck50'; if ($config['api']['enabled']) { $entrypoints['/%b/'.$config['dir']['res'].'%d.json'] = 'sb_thread'; } $entrypoints['/*/'] = 'sb_ukko'; $entrypoints['/*/index.html'] = 'sb_ukko'; $entrypoints['/recent.html'] = 'sb_recent'; $entrypoints['/%b/catalog.html'] = 'sb_catalog'; $entrypoints['/sitemap.xml'] = 'sb_sitemap'; $reached = false; $request = $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']; list($request) = explode('?', $request); foreach ($entrypoints as $id => $fun) { $id = '@^' . preg_quote($id, '@') . '$@u'; $id = str_replace('%b', '('.$config['board_regex'].')', $id); $id = str_replace('%d', '([0-9]+)', $id); $id = str_replace('%s', '[a-zA-Z0-9-]+', $id); $matches = null; if (preg_match ($id, $request, $matches)) { array_shift($matches); $reached = call_user_func_array($fun, $matches); break; } } function die_404() { global $config; if (!$config['page_404']) { header("HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found"); header("Status: 404 Not Found"); echo "
Page doesn't exist