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	<title>/{{ board.uri }}/ - {{ board.title|e }}</title>
	<link>{{ config.root }}{{ board.uri }}/</link>
	<description>Live feed of new threads on the board /{{ board.uri }}/ - {{ board.title|e }}.</description>
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	{% for post in recent_posts %}
		<title>{% if post.subject %}{{ post.subject|e }}{% else %}{{ post.body_nomarkup[:256]|remove_modifiers|e }}{% endif %}</title>
		<link>{{ config.root }}{{ board.uri }}/res/{{ post.id }}.html</link>
		<guid>{{ config.root }}{{ board.uri }}/res/{{ post.id }}.html</guid>
		<comments>{{ config.root }}{{ board.uri }}/res/{{ post.id }}.html</comments>
		<pubDate>{{ post.pubdate }}</pubDate>
		<description><![CDATA[ <a href='{{ config.root }}{{ board.uri }}/res/{{ post.id }}.html' target=_blank><img style='float:left;margin:8px' border=0 src='{% if not config.uri_thumb %}{{ config.root }}{% endif %}{{ post.file }}'></a> {{ post.body }} ]]></description>
	{% endfor %}