Only one:
Other than that, you are free to institute whatever rules you want on your board.
Give them your password. If you don't trust them enough for that, you probably shouldn't be making them a volunteer.
Go to the volunteer panel and click on the board link for your board.
The admin can be reached at admin at 8chan dot co.
Were you inactive for longer than two weeks? Were there no posts on the board for two weeks?
If either of those is true, the board was deleted automatically. You are free to recreate it. I cannot restore it, so don't bother emailing me about it.
Make sure you are using the volunteer interface to view your board. The URL of your browser should be Then, put "## Board volunteer" in the name field. Write your post and click "Reply". It will appear with your volunteer capcode.
Donations can be sent to 1NpQaXqmCBji6gfX8UgaQEmEstvVY7U32C (Bitcoin) or LUPgSCJt3iGeJXUETVhmnbQ89Riaq1yjZm (Litecoin). PayPal is also accepted @ .
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