mirror of
synced 2025-02-19 20:23:17 +01:00
165 lines
5.4 KiB
165 lines
5.4 KiB
var banlist_init = function(token, my_boards, inMod) {
inMod = !inMod;
var lt;
var selected = {};
var time = function() { return Date.now()/1000|0; }
$.getJSON(inMod ? ("?/bans.json/"+token) : token, function(t) {
$("#banlist").on("new-row", function(e, drow, el) {
var sel = selected[drow.id];
if (sel) {
$(el).find('input.unban').prop("checked", true);
$(el).find('input.unban').on("click", function() {
selected[drow.id] = $(this).prop("checked");
if (drow.expires && drow.expires != 0 && drow.expires < time()) {
$(el).find("td").css("text-decoration", "line-through");
var selall = "<input type='checkbox' id='select-all' style='float: left;'>";
lt = $("#banlist").longtable({
mask: {name: selall+_("IP address"), width: "220px", fmt: function(f) {
var pre = "";
if (inMod && f.access) {
pre = "<input type='checkbox' class='unban'>";
if (inMod && f.single_addr && !f.masked) {
return pre+"<a href='?/IP/"+f.mask+"'>"+f.mask+"</a>";
return pre+f.mask;
} },
reason: {name: _("Reason"), width: "calc(100% - 770px - 6 * 4px)", fmt: function(f) {
var add = "", suf = '';
if (f.seen == 1) add += "<i class='fa fa-check' title='"+_("Seen")+"'></i>";
if (f.message) {
add += "<i class='fa fa-comment' title='"+_("Message for which user was banned is included")+"'></i>";
suf = "<br /><br /><strong>"+_("Message:")+"</strong><br />"+f.message;
if (add) { add = "<div style='float: right;'>"+add+"</div>"; }
if (f.reason) return add + f.reason + suf;
else return add + "-" + suf;
} },
board: {name: _("Board"), width: "60px", fmt: function(f) {
if (f.board) return "/"+f.board+"/";
else return "<em>"+_("all")+"</em>";
} },
created: {name: _("Set"), width: "100px", fmt: function(f) {
return ago(f.created) + _(" ago"); // in AGO form
} },
// duration?
expires: {name: _("Expires"), width: "235px", fmt: function(f) {
if (!f.expires || f.expires == 0) return "<em>"+_("never")+"</em>";
return strftime(window.post_date, new Date((f.expires|0)*1000), datelocale) +
((f.expires < time()) ? "" : " <small>"+_("in ")+until(f.expires|0)+"</small>");
} },
username: {name: _("Staff"), width: "100px", fmt: function(f) {
var pre='',suf='',un=f.username;
if (inMod && f.username && f.username != '?' && !f.vstaff) {
pre = "<a href='?/new_PM/"+f.username+"'>";
suf = "</a>";
if (!f.username) {
un = "<em>"+_("system")+"</em>";
return pre + un + suf;
} },
id: {
name: (inMod)?_("Edit"):" ", width: (inMod)?"35px":"0px", fmt: function(f) {
if (!inMod) return '';
return "<a href='?/edit_ban/"+f.id+"'>Edit</a>";
} }
}, {}, t);
$("#select-all").click(function(e) {
var $this = $(this);
$("input.unban").prop("checked", $this.prop("checked"));
lt.get_data().forEach(function(v) { v.access && (selected[v.id] = $this.prop("checked")); });
var filter = function(e) {
if ($("#only_mine").prop("checked") && ($.inArray(e.board, my_boards) === -1)) return false;
if ($("#only_not_expired").prop("checked") && e.expires && e.expires != 0 && e.expires < time()) return false;
if ($("#search").val()) {
var terms = $("#search").val().split(" ");
var fields = ["mask", "reason", "board", "staff", "message"];
var ret_false = false;
terms.forEach(function(t) {
var fs = fields;
var re = /^(mask|reason|board|staff|message):/, ma;
if (ma = t.match(re)) {
fs = [ma[1]];
t = t.replace(re, "");
var found = false
fs.forEach(function(f) {
if (e[f] && e[f].indexOf(t) !== -1) {
found = true;
if (!found) ret_false = true;
if (ret_false) return false;
return true;
$("#only_mine, #only_not_expired, #search").on("click input", function() {
$(".banform").on("submit", function() { return false; });
$("#unban").on("click", function() {
if (confirm('Are you sure you want to unban the selected IPs?')) {
$(".banform .hiddens").remove();
$("<input type='hidden' name='unban' value='unban' class='hiddens'>").appendTo(".banform");
$.each(selected, function(e) {
$("<input type='hidden' name='ban_"+e+"' value='unban' class='hiddens'>").appendTo(".banform");
if (device_type == 'desktop') {
// Stick topbar
var stick_on = $(".banlist-opts").offset().top;
var state = true;
$(window).on("scroll resize", function() {
if ($(window).scrollTop() > stick_on && state == true) {
$("body").css("margin-top", $(".banlist-opts").height());
$(".banlist-opts").addClass("boardlist top").detach().prependTo("body");
$("#banlist tr:not(.row)").addClass("tblhead").detach().appendTo(".banlist-opts");
state = !state;
else if ($(window).scrollTop() < stick_on && state == false) {
$("body").css("margin-top", "auto");
$(".banlist-opts").removeClass("boardlist top").detach().prependTo(".banform");
state = !state;