mirror of https://github.com/vichan-devel/vichan.git synced 2025-03-03 16:53:50 +01:00
Fredrick Brennan f1b43e5fb2 {% (end)?raw %}{% (end)?verbatim %}
rg '\{%\s*raw' -l | xargs -I{} sed -i -e 's/{%\(\s*\)raw/{%\1verbatim/g; s/endraw\(\s*\)%}/endverbatim\1%}/g' {}

Close vichan-devel/vichan#452.
2021-11-03 22:49:49 -04:00

408 lines
14 KiB

{% verbatim %}
/* gettext-compatible _ function, example of usage:
* > // Loading pl_PL.json here (containing polish translation strings generated by tools/i18n_compile.php)
* > alert(_("Hello!"));
* Witaj!
function _(s) {
return (typeof l10n != 'undefined' && typeof l10n[s] != 'undefined') ? l10n[s] : s;
/* printf-like formatting function, example of usage:
* > alert(fmt("There are {0} birds on {1} trees", [3,4]));
* There are 3 birds on 4 trees
* > // Loading pl_PL.json here (containing polish translation strings generated by tools/locale_compile.php)
* > alert(fmt(_("{0} users"), [3]));
* 3 uzytkownikow
function fmt(s,a) {
return s.replace(/\{([0-9]+)\}/g, function(x) { return a[x[1]]; });
function until($timestamp) {
var $difference = $timestamp - Date.now()/1000|0, $num;
case ($difference < 60):
return "" + $difference + ' ' + _('second(s)');
case ($difference < 3600): //60*60 = 3600
return "" + ($num = Math.round($difference/(60))) + ' ' + _('minute(s)');
case ($difference < 86400): //60*60*24 = 86400
return "" + ($num = Math.round($difference/(3600))) + ' ' + _('hour(s)');
case ($difference < 604800): //60*60*24*7 = 604800
return "" + ($num = Math.round($difference/(86400))) + ' ' + _('day(s)');
case ($difference < 31536000): //60*60*24*365 = 31536000
return "" + ($num = Math.round($difference/(604800))) + ' ' + _('week(s)');
return "" + ($num = Math.round($difference/(31536000))) + ' ' + _('year(s)');
function ago($timestamp) {
var $difference = (Date.now()/1000|0) - $timestamp, $num;
case ($difference < 60) :
return "" + $difference + ' ' + _('second(s)');
case ($difference < 3600): //60*60 = 3600
return "" + ($num = Math.round($difference/(60))) + ' ' + _('minute(s)');
case ($difference < 86400): //60*60*24 = 86400
return "" + ($num = Math.round($difference/(3600))) + ' ' + _('hour(s)');
case ($difference < 604800): //60*60*24*7 = 604800
return "" + ($num = Math.round($difference/(86400))) + ' ' + _('day(s)');
case ($difference < 31536000): //60*60*24*365 = 31536000
return "" + ($num = Math.round($difference/(604800))) + ' ' + _('week(s)');
return "" + ($num = Math.round($difference/(31536000))) + ' ' + _('year(s)');
var datelocale =
{ days: [_('Sunday'), _('Monday'), _('Tuesday'), _('Wednesday'), _('Thursday'), _('Friday'), _('Saturday')]
, shortDays: [_("Sun"), _("Mon"), _("Tue"), _("Wed"), _("Thu"), _("Fri"), _("Sat")]
, months: [_('January'), _('February'), _('March'), _('April'), _('May'), _('June'), _('July'), _('August'), _('September'), _('October'), _('November'), _('December')]
, shortMonths: [_('Jan'), _('Feb'), _('Mar'), _('Apr'), _('May'), _('Jun'), _('Jul'), _('Aug'), _('Sep'), _('Oct'), _('Nov'), _('Dec')]
, AM: _('AM')
, PM: _('PM')
, am: _('am')
, pm: _('pm')
function alert(a, do_confirm, confirm_ok_action, confirm_cancel_action) {
var handler, div, bg, closebtn, okbtn;
var close = function() {
handler.fadeOut(400, function() { handler.remove(); });
return false;
handler = $("<div id='alert_handler'></div>").hide().appendTo('body');
bg = $("<div id='alert_background'></div>").appendTo(handler);
div = $("<div id='alert_div'></div>").appendTo(handler);
closebtn = $("<a id='alert_close' href='javascript:void(0)'><i class='fa fa-times'></i></div>")
$("<div id='alert_message'></div>").html(a).appendTo(div);
okbtn = $("<button class='button alert_button'>"+_("OK")+"</button>").appendTo(div);
if (do_confirm) {
confirm_ok_action = (typeof confirm_ok_action !== "function") ? function(){} : confirm_ok_action;
confirm_cancel_action = (typeof confirm_cancel_action !== "function") ? function(){} : confirm_cancel_action;
$("<button class='button alert_button'>"+_("Cancel")+"</button>").click(confirm_cancel_action).click(close).appendTo(div);
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{% endverbatim %}
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{% endverbatim %}{% else %}
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{% verbatim %}
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$(window).trigger('stylesheet', styleName);
{% endverbatim %}
{% if config.stylesheets_board %}
{% verbatim %}
if (!localStorage.board_stylesheets) {
localStorage.board_stylesheets = '{}';
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for (var styleName in styles) {
if (styleName == stylesheet_choices[board_name]) {
{% endverbatim%}
{% else %}
{% verbatim %}
if (localStorage.stylesheet) {
for (var styleName in styles) {
if (styleName == localStorage.stylesheet) {
{% endverbatim %}
{% endif %}
{% verbatim %}
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newElement.className = 'styles';
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var style = document.createElement('a');
style.innerHTML = '[' + styleName + ']';
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return null;
function highlightReply(id) {
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// don't highlight on middle click
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if (post)
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window.location.hash = id;
return true;
function generatePassword() {
var pass = '';
var chars = '{% endverbatim %}{{ config.genpassword_chars }}{% verbatim %}';
for (var i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
var rnd = Math.floor(Math.random() * chars.length);
pass += chars.substring(rnd, rnd + 1);
return pass;
function dopost(form) {
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var textarea = document.getElementById('body');
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// IE
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textarea.selectionStart += ('>>' + id).length + 1;
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// ???
textarea.value += '>>' + id + '\n';
if (typeof $ != 'undefined') {
var select = document.getSelection().toString();
if (select) {
var body = $('#reply_' + id + ', #op_' + id).find('div.body'); // TODO: support for OPs
var index = body.text().indexOf(select.replace('\n', '')); // for some reason this only works like this
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textarea.value += '>' + select + '\n';
$(window).trigger('cite', [id, with_link]);
return false;
function rememberStuff() {
if (document.forms.post) {
if (document.forms.post.password) {
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localStorage.password = generatePassword();
document.forms.post.password.value = localStorage.password;
if (localStorage.name && document.forms.post.elements['name'])
document.forms.post.elements['name'].value = localStorage.name;
if (localStorage.email && document.forms.post.elements['email'])
document.forms.post.elements['email'].value = localStorage.email;
if (window.location.hash.indexOf('q') == 1)
citeReply(window.location.hash.substring(2), true);
if (sessionStorage.body) {
var saved = JSON.parse(sessionStorage.body);
if (get_cookie('{% endverbatim %}{{ config.cookies.js }}{% verbatim %}')) {
// Remove successful posts
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for (var url in successful) {
saved[url] = null;
sessionStorage.body = JSON.stringify(saved);
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if (localStorage.body) {
document.forms.post.body.value = localStorage.body;
localStorage.body = '';
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this.get = function(var_name, default_val) {
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typeof tb_settings[this.script_name] == 'undefined' ||
typeof tb_settings[this.script_name][var_name] == 'undefined')
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return tb_settings[this.script_name][var_name];
function init() {
{% endverbatim %}
{% if config.allow_delete %}
if (document.forms.postcontrols) {
document.forms.postcontrols.password.value = localStorage.password;
{% endif %}
{% verbatim %}
if (window.location.hash.indexOf('q') != 1 && window.location.hash.substring(1))
var RecaptchaOptions = {
theme : 'clean'
onready_callbacks = [];
function onready(fnc) {
function ready() {
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{% endverbatim %}
var post_date = "{{ config.post_date }}";
var max_images = {{ config.max_images }};
{% if config.google_analytics %}{% verbatim %}
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