mirror of https://github.com/vichan-devel/vichan.git synced 2025-03-04 01:02:47 +01:00
Savetheinternet d950bcb9d2 ...
2011-06-08 00:21:32 +10:00

173 lines
5.3 KiB

require 'info.php';
function rrdtool_build($action, $settings) {
// Possible values for $action:
// - all (rebuild everything, initialization)
// - news (news has been updated)
// - boards (board list changed)
// - post (a post has been made)
$b = new TB_RRDTool();
$b->build($action, $settings);
// Wrap functions in a class so they don't interfere with normal Tinyboard operations
class TB_RRDTool {
public function build($action, $settings) {
global $config, $_theme, $argv;
$this->boards = explode(' ', $settings['boards']);
$this->spans = Array('minute', 'hour', 'day', 'week', 'month', 'year');
$this->interval = 120;
$this->height = 150;
$this->width = 700;
// exclude boards from the "combiend" graph
$this->combined_exclude = Array('dome9001', 'mod', 'test');
if($action == 'cron') {
foreach($this->boards as &$board) {
$file = $settings['path'] . '/' . $board . '.rrd';
if(!file_exists($file)) {
// Create graph
if(!rrd_create($file, Array(
'-s ' . $this->interval,
'DS:posts:GAUGE:' . ($this->interval*2) . ':0:10000',
'RRA:MIN:0:1:' . (3600/$this->interval), // hour
'RRA:MIN:0:1:' . (86400/$this->interval), // day
'RRA:MIN:0:1:' . (604800/$this->interval), // week
'RRA:MIN:0:60:' . (2592000/$this->interval), // month
'RRA:MIN:0:1440:' . (31536000/$this->interval), // year
'RRA:AVERAGE:0:1:' . (3600/$this->interval), // hour
'RRA:AVERAGE:0:1:' . (86400/$this->interval), // day
'RRA:AVERAGE:0:1:' . (604800/$this->interval), // week
'RRA:AVERAGE:0:60:' . (2592000/$this->interval), // month
'RRA:AVERAGE:0:1440:' . (31536000/$this->interval), // year
'RRA:MAX:0:1:' . (3600/$this->interval), // hour
'RRA:MAX:0:1:' . (86400/$this->interval), // day
'RRA:MAX:0:1:' . (604800/$this->interval), // week
'RRA:MAX:0:60:' . (2592000/$this->interval), // month
'RRA:MAX:0:1440:' . (31536000/$this->interval), // year
error('RRDtool failed: ' . htmlentities(rrd_error()));
// debug just the graphing (not updating) with the --debug switch
if(!isset($argv[1]) || $argv[1] != '--debug') {
// Update graph
$query = prepare(sprintf("SELECT COUNT(*) AS `count` FROM `posts_%s` WHERE `time` >= :time", $board));
$query->bindValue(':time', time() - $this->interval, PDO::PARAM_INT);
$query->execute() or error(db_error($query));
$count = $query->fetch();
$count = $count['count'];
if(!rrd_update($file, Array(
'N:' . $count)))
error('RRDtool failed: ' . htmlentities(rrd_error()));
foreach($this->spans as &$span) {
// Graph graph
if(!rrd_graph($settings['images'] . '/' . $board . '-' . $span . '.png', Array(
'-s -1' . $span,
'-t Posts on ' . sprintf($config['board_abbreviation'], $board) .' this ' . $span,
'-l 0',
'-h', $this->height, '-w', $this->width,
'-a', 'PNG',
'-R', 'mono',
'-W', 'Powered by Tinyboard',
'-X', '0',
'-v posts/minute',
'DEF:posts=' . $file . ':posts:AVERAGE',
'GPRINT:posts:MAX:Max\\: %5.2lf',
'GPRINT:posts:AVERAGE:Average\\: %5.2lf',
'GPRINT:posts:LAST:Current\\: %5.2lf posts/min',
error('RRDtool failed: ' . htmlentities(rrd_error()));
// combined graph
foreach($this->spans as &$span) {
$options = Array(
'-s -1' . $span,
'-t Posts this ' . $span,
'-l 0',
'-h', $this->height, '-w', $this->width,
'-a', 'PNG',
'-R', 'mono',
'-W', 'Powered by Tinyboard',
'-X', '0',
'-v posts/minute');
$red = 0;
$green = 0;
$blue = 0;
$c = 0;
$cc = 0;
$c = 1;
$cc = 0;
$red = 2;
foreach($this->boards as &$board) {
if(in_array($board, $this->combined_exclude))
$color = str_pad(dechex($red*85), 2, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT) .
str_pad(dechex($green*85), 2, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT) .
str_pad(dechex($blue*85), 2, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT);
$options[] = 'DEF:posts' . $board . '=' . $settings['path'] . '/' . $board . '.rrd' . ':posts:AVERAGE';
$options[] = 'LINE2:posts' . $board . '#' . $color . ':' .
sprintf($config['board_abbreviation'], $board);
// Randomize colors using this horrible undocumented algorithm I threw together while debugging
if($c == 0)
elseif($c == 1)
elseif($c == 2)
elseif($c == 3)
elseif($c == 4)
if($cc > 2) {
$cc = 0;
if($c>4) $c = 0;
if($red>3) $red = 0;
if($green>3) $green = 0;
if($blue>3) $blue = 0;
$options[] = 'HRULE:0#000000';
if(!rrd_graph($settings['images'] . '/combined-' . $span . '.png', $options))
error('RRDtool failed: ' . htmlentities(rrd_error()));