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synced 2024-11-14 10:57:38 +01:00
183 lines
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183 lines
6.8 KiB
* WARNING: This is a project-wide configuration file shared by all Tinyboard users around the globe.
* If you would like to make instance-specific changes to your own setup, please use instance-config.php.
* This is the default configuration. You can copy values from here and use them in
* your instance-config.php
// Database stuff
define('MY_SERVER', 'localhost', true);
define('MY_USER', '', true);
define('MY_PASSWORD', '', true);
define('MY_DATABASE', '', true);
// The name of the session cookie (PHP's $_SESSION)
define('SESS_COOKIE', 'imgboard', true);
// Used to safely determine when the user was first seen, to prevent floods.
// time()
define('TIME_COOKIE', 'arrived', true);
// HASH_COOKIE contains an MD5 hash of TIME_COOKIE+SALT for verification.
define('HASH_COOKIE', 'hash', true);
// Used for moderation login
define('MOD_COOKIE', 'mod', true);
// Where to set the 'path' parameter to ROOT when creating cookies. Recommended.
define('JAIL_COOKIES', true, true);
// Whether or not to lock moderator sessions to the IP address that was logged in with.
define('MOD_LOCK_IP', true, true);
// How long should the cookies last (in seconds)
define('COOKIE_EXPIRE', 15778463, true); //6 months
define('SALT', 'wefaw98YHEWUFuo', true);
// How many seconds before you can post, after the first visit
define('LURKTIME', 30, true);
// Max body length
define('MAX_BODY', 1800, true);
define('THREADS_PER_PAGE', 10, true);
define('MAX_PAGES', 5, true);
define('THREADS_PREVIEW', 5, true);
// For development purposes. Turns 'display_errors' on. Not recommended for production.
define('VERBOSE_ERRORS', true, true);
// Error messages
define('ERROR_LURK', 'Lurk some more before posting.', true);
define('ERROR_BOT', 'You look like a bot.', true);
define('ERROR_TOOLONG', 'The %s field was too long.', true);
define('ERROR_TOOLONGBODY', 'The body was too long.', true);
define('ERROR_TOOSHORTBODY', 'The body was too short or empty.', true);
define('ERROR_NOIMAGE', 'You must upload an image.', true);
define('ERROR_NOMOVE', 'The server failed to handle your upload.', true);
define('ERROR_FILEEXT', 'Unsupported image format.', true);
define('ERROR_NOBOARD', 'Invalid board!', true);
define('ERROR_NONEXISTANT', 'Thread specified does not exist.', true);
define('ERROR_NOPOST', 'You didn\'t make a post.', true);
define('ERR_INVALIDIMG','Invalid image.', true);
define('ERR_FILESIZE', 'Maximum file size: %maxsz% bytes<br>Your file\'s size: %filesz% bytes', true);
define('ERR_MAXSIZE', 'The file was too big.', true);
define('ERR_INVALIDZIP','Invalid archive!', true);
// Moderator errors
define('ERROR_INVALID', 'Invalid username and/or password.', true);
define('ERROR_INVALIDAFTER', 'Invalid username and/or password. Your user may have been deleted or changed.');
define('ERROR_MALFORMED','Invalid/malformed cookies.', true);
// For resizing, max values
define('THUMB_WIDTH', 200, true);
define('THUMB_HEIGHT', 200, true);
// Maximum image upload size in bytes
define('MAX_FILESIZE', 10*1024*1024, true); // 10MB
// Maximum image dimensions
define('MAX_WIDTH', 10000, true);
define('MAX_HEIGHT', MAX_WIDTH, true);
/* When you upload a ZIP as a file, all the images inside the archive
* get dumped into the thread as replies.
* Extremely beta and not recommended yet.
define('ALLOW_ZIP', false, true);
define('ZIP_IMAGE', 'src/zip.png', true);
Redraw the image using GD functions to strip any excess data (commonly ZIP archives)
WARNING: Very beta. Currently strips animated GIFs too :(
define('REDRAW_IMAGE', false, true);
// Redrawing configuration
define('JPEG_QUALITY', 100, true);
define('REDRAW_GIF', false, true);
// Display the aspect ratio in a post's file info
define('SHOW_RATIO', true, true);
define('DIR_IMG', 'src/', true);
define('DIR_THUMB', 'thumb/', true);
define('DIR_RES', 'res/', true);
// Where to store the .html templates. This folder and templates must exist or fatal errors will be thrown.
define('DIR_TEMPLATE', getcwd() . '/templates', true);
// The root directory, including the trailing slash, for Tinyboard.
// examples: '/', 'http://boards.chan.org/', '/chan/'
define('ROOT', '/', true);
// If for some reason the folders and static HTML index files aren't in the current working direcotry,
// enter the directory path here. Otherwise, keep it false.
define('ROOT_FILE', false, true);
define('POST_URL', ROOT . 'post.php', true);
define('FILE_INDEX', 'index.html', true);
define('FILE_PAGE', '%d.html', true);
// Multi-board (%s is board abbreviation)
define('BOARD_PATH', '%s/', true);
// A small file in the main directory indicating that the script has been ran and the board(s) have been generated.
// This keeps the script from querying the database and causing strain when not needed.
define('HAS_INSTALLED', '.installed', true);
// Name of the boards. Typically '/%s/' (/b/, /mu/, etc)
define('BOARD_ABBREVIATION', '/%s/', true);
// Automatically convert things like "..." to Unicode characters ("…")
define('AUTO_UNICODE', true, true);
// Use some Wiki-like syntax (''em'', '''strong''', ==Heading==, etc)
define('WIKI_MARKUP', true, true);
// Whether to turn URLs into functional links
define('MARKUP_URLS', true, true);
// Complex regular expression to catch URLs
define('URL_REGEX', '/' . '(https?|ftp):\/\/' . '([\w\-]+\.)+[a-zA-Z]{2,6}' . '(\/([\w\-~\.#\/?=&;:+%]+))?' . '/', true);
// Allowed file extensions
$allowed_ext = Array('jpg', 'jpeg', 'bmp', 'gif', 'png', true);
define('BUTTON_NEWTOPIC', 'New Topic', true);
define('BUTTON_REPLY', 'New Reply', true);
define('ALWAYS_NOKO', false, true);
define('URL_MATCH', '/^' .
(@$_SERVER['HTTPS']?'https':'http').':\/\/'.$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] .
'(' .
preg_quote(ROOT, '/') .
str_replace('%s', '\w{1,8}', preg_quote(BOARD_PATH, '/')) .
'|' .
preg_quote(ROOT, '/') .
str_replace('%s', '\w{1,8}', preg_quote(BOARD_PATH, '/')) .
preg_quote(FILE_INDEX, '/') .
'|' .
preg_quote(ROOT, '/') .
str_replace('%s', '\w{1,8}', preg_quote(BOARD_PATH, '/')) .
str_replace('%d', '\d+', preg_quote(FILE_PAGE, '/')) .
')$/', true);
ini_set('display_errors', 1);
Multi-board support removes any use for this.
if(!defined('IS_INSTALLATION')) {
if(!file_exists(DIR_IMG)) @mkdir(DIR_IMG, 0777) or error("Couldn't create " . DIR_IMG . ". Install manually.", true);
if(!file_exists(DIR_THUMB)) @mkdir(DIR_THUMB, 0777) or error("Couldn't create " . DIR_IMG . ". Install manually.", true);
if(!file_exists(DIR_RES)) @mkdir(DIR_RES, 0777) or error("Couldn't create " . DIR_IMG . ". Install manually.", true);