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2015-09-27 00:40:24 +09:00

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<!doctype html>
<meta charset="utf-8">
<script type="text/javascript">
var active_page = "thread";
var board_name="{{ board.uri }}";
{% include 'header.html' %}
{% set meta_subject %}{% if config.thread_subject_in_title and thread.subject %}{{ thread.subject|e }}{% else %}{{ thread.body_nomarkup[:256]|remove_modifiers|e }}{% endif %}{% endset %}
<meta name="description" content="8chan /{{ board.uri }}/ - {{ board.title|e }} - {{ meta_subject }}" />
<meta name="twitter:card" value="summary">
<meta property="og:title" content="{{ meta_subject }}" />
<meta property="og:type" content="article" />
<meta property="og:url" content="https://8ch.net/{{ board.uri }}/{{ config.dir.res }}{{ thread.id }}.html" />
{% if thread.files.0.thumb %}<meta property="og:image" content="https://8ch.net/{{ board.uri }}/{{ config.dir.thumb }}{{ thread.files.0.thumb }}" />{% endif %}
<meta property="og:description" content="{{ thread.body_nomarkup|e }}" />
<title>{{ board.url }} - {{ meta_subject }}</title>
<body class="8chan {% if mod %}is-moderator{% else %}is-not-moderator{% endif %} active-thread" data-stylesheet="{% if config.default_stylesheet.1 != '' and not mod %}{{ config.default_stylesheet.1 }}{% else %}default{% endif %}">
{{ boardlist.top }}
{% if pm %}<div class="top_notice">You have <a href="?/PM/{{ pm.id }}">an unread PM</a>{% if pm.waiting > 0 %}, plus {{ pm.waiting }} more waiting{% endif %}.</div><hr />{% endif %}
{% if config.url_banner %}<img class="board_image" src="{{ config.url_banner }}/random/{{ board.uri|url_encode }}" {% if config.banner_width or config.banner_height %}style="{% if config.banner_width %}width:{{ config.banner_width }}px{% endif %};{% if config.banner_width %}height:{{ config.banner_height }}px{% endif %}" {% endif %}alt="" />{% endif %}
<h1>{{ board.url }} - {{ board.title|e }}</h1>
<div class="subtitle">
{% if board.subtitle %}
{% if config.allow_subtitle_html %}
{{ board.subtitle }}
{% else %}
{{ board.subtitle|e }}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% if mod %}<p><a href="?/">{% trans %}Return to dashboard{% endtrans %}</a></p>{% endif %}
<p><a href="{{ config.root }}{{ board.dir }}{{ config.catalog_link }}">Catalog</a></p>
{% include 'attention_bar.html' %}
{% if config.announcement %}
{{ config.announcement }}
{% endif %}
<div class="banner">{% trans %}Posting mode: Reply{% endtrans %} <a class="unimportant" href="{{ return }}">[{% trans %}Return{% endtrans %}]</a> <a class="unimportant" href="javascript:window.scrollTo(0,document.body.scrollHeight);
">[{% trans %}Go to bottom {% endtrans %}]</a></div>
{% include 'ad_top.html' %}
{% include 'post_form.html' %}
{% if config.global_message %}<hr /><div class="blotter">{{ config.global_message }}</div>{% endif %}
<hr />
<form name="postcontrols" action="{{ config.post_url }}" method="post">
<input type="hidden" name="board" value="{{ board.uri }}" />
{% if mod %}<input type="hidden" name="mod" value="1" />{% endif %}
{{ body }}
<div id="thread-interactions">
<span id="thread-links">
<a id="thread-return" href="{{ return }}">[{% trans %}Return{% endtrans %}]</a>
<a id="thread-top" href="#top">[{% trans %}Go to top{% endtrans %}]</a>
<a id="thread-catalog" href="{{ config.root }}{{ board.dir }}{{ config.catalog_link }}">[{% trans %}Catalog{% endtrans %}]</a>
<span id="thread-quick-reply">
<a id="link-quick-reply" href="#">[{% trans %}Post a Reply{% endtrans %}]</a>
{% include 'report_delete.html' %}
<div class="clearfix"></div>
{{ boardlist.bottom }}
{% if board.uri not in config.banned_ad_boards %}
{% include 'ad_bottom.html' %}
{% endif %}
{% if board.uri %}
<div id="8ch-bottom"></div>
{% endif %}
<p class="unimportant" style="margin-top:20px;text-align:center;">- <a href="http://tinyboard.org/">Tinyboard</a> +
<a href='https://int.vichan.net/devel/'>vichan</a> {{ config.version }} -
<br><a href="http://tinyboard.org/">Tinyboard</a> Copyright &copy; 2010-2014 Tinyboard Development Group
<br><a href="https://int.vichan.net/devel/">vichan</a> Copyright &copy; 2012-2014 vichan-devel
<br><a href="https://8ch.net/8code/">infinity</a> Copyright &copy; 2013-2015 Fredrick Brennan &amp; Infinity Development Group</p>
{% for footer in config.footer %}<p class="unimportant" style="text-align:center;">{{ footer }}</p>{% endfor %}
<script type="text/javascript">{% raw %}
onready(init); ready();
{% endraw %}</script>