mirror of
synced 2025-03-03 00:43:17 +01:00
123 lines
3.5 KiB
123 lines
3.5 KiB
$theme = Array();
// Theme name
$theme['name'] = 'RRDtool';
// Description (you can use Tinyboard markup here)
$theme['description'] = 'Graph basic statistics using the PHP RRDtool extension.';
$theme['version'] = 'v0.2';
// Theme configuration
$theme['config'] = Array();
$theme['config'][] = Array(
'title' => 'Path',
'name' => 'path',
'type' => 'text',
'default' => str_replace('\\', '/', dirname(__FILE__)) . '/data',
'size' => '50'
$theme['config'][] = Array(
'title' => 'Images path',
'name' => 'images',
'type' => 'text',
'default' => str_replace('\\', '/', dirname(__FILE__)) . '/images',
'size' => '50'
$__boards = listBoards();
$__default_boards = Array();
foreach ($__boards as $__board)
$__default_boards[] = $__board['uri'];
$theme['config'][] = Array(
'title' => 'Boards',
'name' => 'boards',
'type' => 'text',
'comment' => '(boards to graph; space seperated)',
'size' => 24,
'default' => implode(' ', $__default_boards)
$theme['config'][] = Array(
'title' => 'Excluded Boards',
'name' => 'boards_exclude',
'type' => 'text',
'comment' => '(above boards to exclude from the "combined" graph)',
'size' => 24
$theme['config'][] = Array(
'title' => 'Interval',
'name' => 'interval',
'type' => 'text',
'comment' => '(minutes between updates; max: 86400)',
'size' => 3,
'default' => '2'
$theme['config'][] = Array(
'title' => 'Graph Width',
'name' => 'width',
'type' => 'text',
'size' => 3,
'default' => '700'
$theme['config'][] = Array(
'title' => 'Graph Height',
'name' => 'height',
'type' => 'text',
'size' => 3,
'default' => '150'
$theme['config'][] = Array(
'title' => 'Graph Rate',
'name' => 'rate',
'type' => 'text',
'comment' => 'Graph posts per X? ("minute", "day", "year", etc.)',
'size' => 3,
'default' => 'hour'
$theme['install_callback'] = 'rrdtool_install';
if (!function_exists('rrdtool_install')) {
function rrdtool_install($settings) {
global $config;
if (!is_numeric($settings['interval']) || $settings['interval'] < 1 || $settings['interval'] > 86400)
return Array(false, 'Invalid interval: <strong>' . $settings['interval'] . '</strong>. Must be an integer greater than 1 and less than 86400.');
if (!is_numeric($settings['width']) || $settings['width'] < 1)
return Array(false, 'Invalid width: <strong>' . $settings['width'] . '</strong>!');
if (!is_numeric($settings['height']) || $settings['height'] < 1)
return Array(false, 'Invalid height: <strong>' . $settings['height'] . '</strong>!');
if (!in_array($settings['rate'], Array('second', 'minute', 'day', 'hour', 'week', 'month', 'year')))
return Array(false, 'Invalid rate: <strong>' . $settings['rate'] . '</strong>!');
$job = '*/' . $settings['interval'] . ' * * * * php -q ' . str_replace('\\', '/', dirname(__FILE__)) . '/cron.php' . PHP_EOL;
if (function_exists('system')) {
$crontab = tempnam($config['tmp'], 'tinyboard-rrdtool');
file_write($crontab, $job);
@system('crontab ' . escapeshellarg($crontab), $ret);
if ($ret === 0)
return ''; // it seems to install okay?
return Array(true, '<h2>I couldn\'t install the crontab!</h2>' .
'In order to use this plugin, you must add the following crontab entry (`crontab -e`):' .
'<pre>' . $job . '</pre>');
// Unique function name for building everything
$theme['build_function'] = 'rrdtool_build';