mirror of
synced 2025-02-21 04:59:49 +01:00
For country flags, a "?" will now show if the flag is unknown (for example, if the user is using Tor or just has an IP that is not in the GeoIP database) For board owner-defined flags, "None" option disappears and posting is impossible without choosing a valid flag. This commit is for /fringe/.
383 lines
13 KiB
383 lines
13 KiB
{% raw %}
* main.js - This file is compiled and contains code from the following scripts, concatenated together in order:
* {% endraw %}{{ config.additional_javascript|join(', ') }}{% raw %}
* Please see those files for licensing and authorship information.
* Compiled on {% endraw %}{{ time()|date("%c") }}{% raw %}
/* gettext-compatible _ function, example of usage:
* > // Loading pl_PL.json here (containing polish translation strings generated by tools/i18n_compile.php)
* > alert(_("Hello!"));
* Witaj!
function _(s) {
return (typeof l10n != 'undefined' && typeof l10n[s] != 'undefined') ? l10n[s] : s;
/* printf-like formatting function, example of usage:
* > alert(fmt("There are {0} birds on {1} trees", [3,4]));
* There are 3 birds on 4 trees
* > // Loading pl_PL.json here (containing polish translation strings generated by tools/locale_compile.php)
* > alert(fmt(_("{0} users"), [3]));
* 3 uzytkownikow
function fmt(s,a) {
return s.replace(/\{([0-9]+)\}/g, function(x) { return a[x[1]]; });
function until($timestamp) {
var $difference = $timestamp - Date.now()/1000|0, $num;
case ($difference < 60):
return "" + $difference + ' ' + _('second(s)');
case ($difference < 3600): //60*60 = 3600
return "" + ($num = Math.round($difference/(60))) + ' ' + _('minute(s)');
case ($difference < 86400): //60*60*24 = 86400
return "" + ($num = Math.round($difference/(3600))) + ' ' + _('hour(s)');
case ($difference < 604800): //60*60*24*7 = 604800
return "" + ($num = Math.round($difference/(86400))) + ' ' + _('day(s)');
case ($difference < 31536000): //60*60*24*365 = 31536000
return "" + ($num = Math.round($difference/(604800))) + ' ' + _('week(s)');
return "" + ($num = Math.round($difference/(31536000))) + ' ' + _('year(s)');
function ago($timestamp) {
var $difference = (Date.now()/1000|0) - $timestamp, $num;
case ($difference < 60) :
return "" + $difference + ' ' + _('second(s)');
case ($difference < 3600): //60*60 = 3600
return "" + ($num = Math.round($difference/(60))) + ' ' + _('minute(s)');
case ($difference < 86400): //60*60*24 = 86400
return "" + ($num = Math.round($difference/(3600))) + ' ' + _('hour(s)');
case ($difference < 604800): //60*60*24*7 = 604800
return "" + ($num = Math.round($difference/(86400))) + ' ' + _('day(s)');
case ($difference < 31536000): //60*60*24*365 = 31536000
return "" + ($num = Math.round($difference/(604800))) + ' ' + _('week(s)');
return "" + ($num = Math.round($difference/(31536000))) + ' ' + _('year(s)');
var datelocale =
{ days: [_('Sunday'), _('Monday'), _('Tuesday'), _('Wednesday'), _('Thursday'), _('Friday'), _('Saturday')]
, shortDays: [_("Sun"), _("Mon"), _("Tue"), _("Wed"), _("Thu"), _("Fri"), _("Sat")]
, months: [_('January'), _('February'), _('March'), _('April'), _('May'), _('June'), _('July'), _('August'), _('September'), _('October'), _('November'), _('December')]
, shortMonths: [_('Jan'), _('Feb'), _('Mar'), _('Apr'), _('May'), _('Jun'), _('Jul'), _('Aug'), _('Sep'), _('Oct'), _('Nov'), _('Dec')]
, AM: _('AM')
, PM: _('PM')
, am: _('am')
, pm: _('pm')
function alert(a, do_confirm, confirm_ok_action, confirm_cancel_action) {
var handler, div, bg, closebtn, okbtn;
var close = function() {
handler.fadeOut(400, function() { handler.remove(); });
return false;
handler = $("<div id='alert_handler'></div>").hide().appendTo('body');
bg = $("<div id='alert_background'></div>").appendTo(handler);
div = $("<div id='alert_div'></div>").appendTo(handler);
closebtn = $("<a id='alert_close' href='javascript:void(0)'><i class='fa fa-times'></i></div>")
$("<div id='alert_message'></div>").html(a).appendTo(div);
okbtn = $("<button class='button alert_button'>"+_("OK")+"</button>").appendTo(div);
if (do_confirm) {
confirm_ok_action = (typeof confirm_ok_action !== "function") ? function(){} : confirm_ok_action;
confirm_cancel_action = (typeof confirm_cancel_action !== "function") ? function(){} : confirm_cancel_action;
$("<button class='button alert_button'>"+_("Cancel")+"</button>").click(confirm_cancel_action).click(close).appendTo(div);
var saved = {};
if (typeof board_name === "undefined") {
var matches = document.URL.match({% endraw %}/\/([0-9a-zA-Z\+$_\u0080-\uFFFF]{1,58})\/($|{{ config.dir.res|replace({'/': '\\/'}) }}{{ config.file_page|replace({'%d': '\\d+', '.': '\\.'}) }}|{{ config.file_index|replace({'.': '\\.'}) }}|{{ config.dir.res|replace({'/': '\\/'}) }}{{ config.file_page50|replace({'+': '\\+', '%d': '\\d+', '.': '\\.'}) }}|{{ config.file_page|replace({'%d': '\\d+', '.': '\\.'}) }}|{{ config.catalog_link|replace({'.': '\\.'}) }})/{% raw %});
var board_name = (matches ? matches[1] : false);
function get_cookie(cookie_name) {
var results = document.cookie.match ( '(^|;) ?' + cookie_name + '=([^;]*)(;|$)');
if (results) {
return (unescape(results[2]));
else {
return null;
function highlightReply(id, event) {
// check if external post
var post_list, arr, i;
id = id.toString();
post_list = document.querySelectorAll('a.post_no');
for (i = 0, arr = []; i<post_list.length; i++) {
arr = arr.filter(function (ele) {
if (ele.hasAttribute('id') || ((' '+ ele.parentElement.parentElement.className +' ').indexOf(' hidden ') > -1)) {
return false;
} else {
return true;
for (i = 0, post_list = []; i < arr.length; i++) {
if (post_list.indexOf(id) == -1)
return true;
// don't highlight on middle click
var e = event || window.event;
if (typeof e != "undefined") {
if (e.which == 2) return true;
if (active_page == 'thread' && typeof e.preventDefault != "undefined") e.preventDefault();
var divs = document.getElementsByTagName('div');
for (var i = 0; i < divs.length; i++)
if (divs[i].className.indexOf('post') != -1)
divs[i].className = divs[i].className.replace(/highlighted/, '');
if (id) {
var post = document.getElementById('reply_'+id);
if (post) {
post.className += ' highlighted';
if (history.pushState) {
history.pushState(null, null, window.document.location.origin + window.document.location.pathname + window.document.location.search + '#' + id);
} else {
window.location.hash = id;
// Better offset to keep in mind new hovering boardlist
var post_top = post.getBoundingClientRect().top;
var body_top = document.body.getBoundingClientRect().top;
var boardlist_height = document.getElementsByClassName('boardlist')[0].getBoundingClientRect().height;
var offset = (post_top - body_top) - boardlist_height;
window.scrollTo(0, offset);
return true;
function generatePassword() {
var pass = '';
var chars = '{% endraw %}{{ config.genpassword_chars }}{% raw %}';
for (var i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
var rnd = Math.floor(Math.random() * chars.length);
pass += chars.substring(rnd, rnd + 1);
return pass;
function dopost(form) {
if (form.elements['name']) {
localStorage.name = form.elements['name'].value.replace(/( |^)## .+$/, '');
if (form.elements['password']) {
localStorage.password = form.elements['password'].value;
if (form.elements['email'] && form.elements['email'].value != 'sage') {
localStorage.email = form.elements['email'].value;
saved[document.location] = form.elements['body'].value;
sessionStorage.body = JSON.stringify(saved);
return form.elements['body'].value != "" || form.elements['file'].value != "" || (form.elements.file_url && form.elements['file_url'].value != "");
function citeReply(id, with_link) {
var textarea = document.getElementById('body');
if (!textarea) return false;
if (document.selection) {
// IE
var sel = document.selection.createRange();
sel.text = '>>' + id + '\n';
} else if (textarea.selectionStart || textarea.selectionStart == '0') {
var start = textarea.selectionStart;
var end = textarea.selectionEnd;
textarea.value = textarea.value.substring(0, start) + '>>' + id + '\n' + textarea.value.substring(end, textarea.value.length);
textarea.selectionStart += ('>>' + id).length + 1;
textarea.selectionEnd = textarea.selectionStart;
} else {
// ???
textarea.value += '>>' + id + '\n';
// multiline quotes
var select = sessionStorage.quoteClipboard;
if (select) {
select = select.split('\n');
select.forEach(function (str) {
if (str !== '') {
str = '>' + str + '\n';
} else {
str = '\n';
textarea.value += str;
delete sessionStorage.quoteClipboard;
if (typeof $ != 'undefined') {
$(window).trigger('cite', [id, with_link]);
return false;
function rememberStuff() {
if (document.forms.post) {
if (document.forms.post.password) {
if (!localStorage.password)
localStorage.password = generatePassword();
document.forms.post.password.value = localStorage.password;
if (localStorage.name && document.forms.post.elements['name'])
document.forms.post.elements['name'].value = localStorage.name;
if (localStorage.email && document.forms.post.elements['email'])
document.forms.post.elements['email'].value = localStorage.email;
if (window.location.hash.indexOf('q') == 1)
citeReply(window.location.hash.substring(2), true);
if (sessionStorage.body) {
var saved = JSON.parse(sessionStorage.body);
if (get_cookie('{% endraw %}{{ config.cookies.js }}{% raw %}')) {
// Remove successful posts
var successful = JSON.parse(get_cookie('{% endraw %}{{ config.cookies.js }}{% raw %}'));
for (var url in successful) {
saved[url] = null;
sessionStorage.body = JSON.stringify(saved);
document.cookie = '{% endraw %}{{ config.cookies.js }}{% raw %}={};expires=0;path=/;';
if (saved[document.location]) {
document.forms.post.body.value = saved[document.location];
if (localStorage.body) {
document.forms.post.body.value = localStorage.body;
localStorage.body = '';
var script_settings = function(script_name) {
this.script_name = script_name;
this.get = function(var_name, default_val) {
if (typeof tb_settings == 'undefined' ||
typeof tb_settings[this.script_name] == 'undefined' ||
typeof tb_settings[this.script_name][var_name] == 'undefined')
return default_val;
return tb_settings[this.script_name][var_name];
function init() {
// store highlighted text for citeReply()
document.querySelector('form[name="postcontrols"]').addEventListener('mouseup', function (e) {
sessionStorage.quoteClipboard = window.getSelection().toString();
// just enable jquery, almost every script requires it by now. more and more main.js functions are going to start requiring it
$('.post-table-options').css('display', 'none');
window.optionsShowing = false;
$(document).on('click', '.show-post-table-options', function(e) {
if (!window.optionsShowing) {
$('.show-post-table-options').html('[▼ '+_('Hide post options & limits')+']');
$('.post-table-options').css('display', 'table');
window.optionsShowing = true;
} else {
$('.show-post-table-options').html('[▶ '+_('Show post options & limits')+']');
$('.post-table-options').css('display', 'none');
window.optionsShowing = false;
return false;
{% endraw %}
{% if config.allow_delete %}
if (document.forms.postcontrols) {
document.forms.postcontrols.password.value = localStorage.password;
{% endif %}
{% raw %}
if (window.location.hash.indexOf('q') != 1 && window.location.hash.substring(1))
var RecaptchaOptions = {
theme : 'clean'
onready_callbacks = [];
function onready(fnc) {
function ready() {
for (var i = 0; i < onready_callbacks.length; i++) {
{% endraw %}
var post_date = "{{ config.post_date }}";
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s.parentNode.insertBefore(sc, s);
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