mirror of https://github.com/vichan-devel/vichan.git synced 2025-02-06 22:54:25 +01:00
Macil Tech 3b739ba722 Fix transforming links to mod links in OP posts.
Similar regexes are called for threads and posts, but they differed
needlessly, and the thread regex would drop anything between the `<a`
and `href="` parts. This makes them both the same and functional.
2013-01-19 00:39:30 -06:00

451 lines
16 KiB

* Copyright (c) 2010-2012 Tinyboard Development Group
if (realpath($_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME']) == str_replace('\\', '/', __FILE__)) {
// You cannot request this file directly.
function format_bytes($size) {
$units = array(' B', ' KB', ' MB', ' GB', ' TB');
for ($i = 0; $size >= 1024 && $i < 4; $i++) $size /= 1024;
return round($size, 2).$units[$i];
function doBoardListPart($list, $root) {
global $config;
$body = '';
foreach ($list as $board) {
if (is_array($board))
$body .= ' [' . doBoardListPart($board, $root) . '] ';
else {
if (($key = array_search($board, $list)) && gettype($key) == 'string') {
$body .= ' <a href="' . $board . '">' . $key . '</a> /';
} else {
$body .= ' <a href="' . $root . $board . '/' . $config['file_index'] . '">' . $board . '</a> /';
$body = preg_replace('/\/$/', '', $body);
return $body;
function createBoardlist($mod=false) {
global $config;
if (!isset($config['boards'])) return array('top'=>'','bottom'=>'');
$body = doBoardListPart($config['boards'], $mod?'?/':$config['root']);
if (!preg_match('/\] $/', $body))
$body = '[' . $body . ']';
$body = trim($body);
return array(
'top' => '<div class="boardlist">' . $body . '</div>',
'bottom' => '<div class="boardlist bottom">' . $body . '</div>'
function error($message, $priority = true) {
global $board, $mod, $config;
if ($config['syslog'] && $priority !== false) {
// Use LOG_NOTICE instead of LOG_ERR or LOG_WARNING because most error message are not significant.
_syslog($priority !== true ? $priority : LOG_NOTICE, $message);
if (defined('STDIN')) {
// Running from CLI
die('Error: ' . $message . "\n");
die(Element('page.html', array(
'subtitle'=>'An error has occured.',
'body'=>'<center>' .
'<h2>' . _($message) . '</h2>' .
(isset($board) ?
"<p><a href=\"" . $config['root'] .
($mod ? $config['file_mod'] . '?/' : '') .
$board['dir'] . $config['file_index'] . "\">Go back</a>.</p>" : '') .
function loginForm($error=false, $username=false, $redirect=false) {
global $config;
die(Element('page.html', array(
'index' => $config['root'],
'title' => _('Login'),
'config' => $config,
'body' => Element('login.html', array(
function pm_snippet($body, $len=null) {
global $config;
if (!isset($len))
$len = &$config['mod']['snippet_length'];
// Replace line breaks with some whitespace
$body = str_replace('<br/>', ' ', $body);
// Strip tags
$body = strip_tags($body);
// Unescape HTML characters, to avoid splitting them in half
$body = html_entity_decode($body, ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8');
// calculate strlen() so we can add "..." after if needed
$strlen = mb_strlen($body);
$body = substr($body, 0, $len);
// Re-escape the characters.
return '<em>' . utf8tohtml($body) . ($strlen > $len ? '&hellip;' : '') . '</em>';
function capcode($cap) {
global $config;
if (!$cap)
return false;
$capcode = array();
if (isset($config['custom_capcode'][$cap])) {
if (is_array($config['custom_capcode'][$cap])) {
$capcode['cap'] = sprintf($config['custom_capcode'][$cap][0], $cap);
if (isset($config['custom_capcode'][$cap][1]))
$capcode['name'] = $config['custom_capcode'][$cap][1];
if (isset($config['custom_capcode'][$cap][2]))
$capcode['trip'] = $config['custom_capcode'][$cap][2];
} else {
$capcode['cap'] = sprintf($config['custom_capcode'][$cap], $cap);
} else {
$capcode['cap'] = sprintf($config['capcode'], $cap);
return $capcode;
function truncate($body, $url, $max_lines = false, $max_chars = false) {
global $config;
if ($max_lines === false)
$max_lines = $config['body_truncate'];
if ($max_chars === false)
$max_chars = $config['body_truncate_char'];
// We don't want to risk truncating in the middle of an HTML comment.
// It's easiest just to remove them all first.
$body = preg_replace('/<!--.*?-->/s', '', $body);
$original_body = $body;
$lines = substr_count($body, '<br/>');
// Limit line count
if ($lines > $max_lines) {
if (preg_match('/(((.*?)<br\/>){' . $max_lines . '})/', $body, $m))
$body = $m[0];
$body = mb_substr($body, 0, $max_chars);
if ($body != $original_body) {
// Remove any corrupt tags at the end
$body = preg_replace('/<([\w]+)?([^>]*)?$/', '', $body);
// Open tags
if (preg_match_all('/<([\w]+)[^>]*>/', $body, $open_tags)) {
$tags = array();
for ($x=0;$x<count($open_tags[0]);$x++) {
if (!preg_match('/\/(\s+)?>$/', $open_tags[0][$x]))
$tags[] = $open_tags[1][$x];
// List successfully closed tags
if (preg_match_all('/(<\/([\w]+))>/', $body, $closed_tags)) {
for ($x=0;$x<count($closed_tags[0]);$x++) {
unset($tags[array_search($closed_tags[2][$x], $tags)]);
// remove broken HTML entity at the end (if existent)
$body = preg_replace('/&[^;]+$/', '', $body);
$tags_no_close_needed = array("colgroup", "dd", "dt", "li", "optgroup", "option", "p", "tbody", "td", "tfoot", "th", "thead", "tr", "br", "img");
// Close any open tags
foreach ($tags as &$tag) {
if (!in_array($tag, $tags_no_close_needed))
$body .= "</{$tag}>";
} else {
// remove broken HTML entity at the end (if existent)
$body = preg_replace('/&[^;]+$/', '', $body);
$body .= '<span class="toolong">Post too long. Click <a href="' . $url . '">here</a> to view the full text.</span>';
return $body;
function secure_link_confirm($text, $title, $confirm_message, $href) {
global $config;
return '<a onclick="if (event.which==2) return true;if (confirm(\'' . htmlentities(addslashes($confirm_message)) . '\')) document.location=\'?/' . htmlentities(addslashes($href . '/' . make_secure_link_token($href))) . '\';return false;" title="' . htmlentities($title) . '" href="?/' . $href . '">' . $text . '</a>';
function secure_link($href) {
return $href . '/' . make_secure_link_token($href);
class Post {
public function __construct($id, $thread, $subject, $email, $name, $trip, $capcode, $body, $time, $thumb, $thumbx, $thumby, $file, $filex, $filey, $filesize, $filename, $ip, $embed, $root=null, $mod=false) {
global $config;
if (!isset($root))
$root = &$config['root'];
$this->id = $id;
$this->thread = $thread;
$this->subject = utf8tohtml($subject);
$this->email = $email;
$this->name = utf8tohtml($name);
$this->trip = $trip;
$this->capcode = $capcode;
$this->body = $body;
$this->time = $time;
$this->thumb = $thumb;
$this->thumbx = $thumbx;
$this->thumby = $thumby;
$this->file = $file;
$this->filex = $filex;
$this->filey = $filey;
$this->filesize = $filesize;
$this->filename = $filename;
$this->ip = $ip;
$this->embed = $embed;
$this->root = $root;
$this->mod = $mod;
if ($this->mod)
// Fix internal links
// Very complicated regex
$this->body = preg_replace(
'/<a((([a-zA-Z]+="[^"]+")|[a-zA-Z]+=[a-zA-Z]+|\s)*)href="' . preg_quote($config['root'], '/') . '(' . sprintf(preg_quote($config['board_path'], '/'), '\w+') . ')/',
'<a $1href="?/$4',
public function link($pre = '') {
global $config, $board;
return $this->root . $board['dir'] . $config['dir']['res'] . sprintf($config['file_page'], $this->thread) . '#' . $pre . $this->id;
public function postControls() {
global $board, $config;
$built = '';
if ($this->mod) {
// Mod controls (on posts)
// Delete
if (hasPermission($config['mod']['delete'], $board['uri'], $this->mod))
$built .= ' ' . secure_link_confirm($config['mod']['link_delete'], 'Delete', 'Are you sure you want to delete this?', $board['uri'] . '/delete/' . $this->id);
// Delete all posts by IP
if (hasPermission($config['mod']['deletebyip'], $board['uri'], $this->mod))
$built .= ' ' . secure_link_confirm($config['mod']['link_deletebyip'], 'Delete all posts by IP', 'Are you sure you want to delete all posts by this IP address?', $board['uri'] . '/deletebyip/' . $this->id);
// Delete all posts by IP (global)
if (hasPermission($config['mod']['deletebyip_global'], $board['uri'], $this->mod))
$built .= ' ' . secure_link_confirm($config['mod']['link_deletebyip_global'], 'Delete all posts by IP across all boards', 'Are you sure you want to delete all posts by this IP address, across all boards?', $board['uri'] . '/deletebyip/' . $this->id . '/global');
// Ban
if (hasPermission($config['mod']['ban'], $board['uri'], $this->mod))
$built .= ' <a title="Ban" href="?/' . $board['uri'] . '/ban/' . $this->id . '">' . $config['mod']['link_ban'] . '</a>';
// Ban & Delete
if (hasPermission($config['mod']['bandelete'], $board['uri'], $this->mod))
$built .= ' <a title="Ban & Delete" href="?/' . $board['uri'] . '/ban&amp;delete/' . $this->id . '">' . $config['mod']['link_bandelete'] . '</a>';
// Delete file (keep post)
if (!empty($this->file) && hasPermission($config['mod']['deletefile'], $board['uri'], $this->mod))
$built .= ' ' . secure_link_confirm($config['mod']['link_deletefile'], 'Delete file', 'Are you sure you want to delete this file?', $board['uri'] . '/deletefile/' . $this->id);
// Edit post
if (hasPermission($config['mod']['editpost'], $board['uri'], $this->mod))
$built .= ' <a title="Edit post" href="?/' . $board['uri'] . '/edit/' . $this->id . '">' . $config['mod']['link_editpost'] . '</a>';
if (!empty($built))
$built = '<span class="controls">' . $built . '</span>';
return $built;
public function build($index=false) {
global $board, $config;
return Element('post_reply.html', array('config' => $config, 'board' => $board, 'post' => &$this, 'index' => $index));
class Thread {
public function __construct($id, $subject, $email, $name, $trip, $capcode, $body, $time, $thumb, $thumbx, $thumby, $file, $filex, $filey, $filesize, $filename, $ip, $sticky, $locked, $bumplocked, $embed, $root=null, $mod=false, $hr=true) {
global $config;
if (!isset($root))
$root = &$config['root'];
$this->id = $id;
$this->subject = utf8tohtml($subject);
$this->email = $email;
$this->name = utf8tohtml($name);
$this->trip = $trip;
$this->capcode = $capcode;
$this->body = $body;
$this->time = $time;
$this->thumb = $thumb;
$this->thumbx = $thumbx;
$this->thumby = $thumby;
$this->file = $file;
$this->filex = $filex;
$this->filey = $filey;
$this->filesize = $filesize;
$this->filename = $filename;
$this->omitted = 0;
$this->omitted_images = 0;
$this->posts = array();
$this->ip = $ip;
$this->sticky = $sticky;
$this->locked = $locked;
$this->bumplocked = $bumplocked;
$this->embed = $embed;
$this->root = $root;
$this->mod = $mod;
$this->hr = $hr;
if ($this->mod)
// Fix internal links
// Very complicated regex
$this->body = preg_replace(
'/<a((([a-zA-Z]+="[^"]+")|[a-zA-Z]+=[a-zA-Z]+|\s)*)href="' . preg_quote($config['root'], '/') . '(' . sprintf(preg_quote($config['board_path'], '/'), '\w+') . ')/',
'<a $1href="?/$4',
public function link($pre = '') {
global $config, $board;
return $this->root . $board['dir'] . $config['dir']['res'] . sprintf($config['file_page'], $this->id) . '#' . $pre . $this->id;
public function add(Post $post) {
$this->posts[] = $post;
public function postControls() {
global $board, $config;
$built = '';
if ($this->mod) {
// Mod controls (on posts)
// Delete
if (hasPermission($config['mod']['delete'], $board['uri'], $this->mod))
$built .= ' ' . secure_link_confirm($config['mod']['link_delete'], 'Delete', 'Are you sure you want to delete this?', $board['uri'] . '/delete/' . $this->id);
// Delete all posts by IP
if (hasPermission($config['mod']['deletebyip'], $board['uri'], $this->mod))
$built .= ' ' . secure_link_confirm($config['mod']['link_deletebyip'], 'Delete all posts by IP', 'Are you sure you want to delete all posts by this IP address?', $board['uri'] . '/deletebyip/' . $this->id);
// Delete all posts by IP (global)
if (hasPermission($config['mod']['deletebyip_global'], $board['uri'], $this->mod))
$built .= ' ' . secure_link_confirm($config['mod']['link_deletebyip_global'], 'Delete all posts by IP across all boards', 'Are you sure you want to delete all posts by this IP address, across all boards?', $board['uri'] . '/deletebyip/' . $this->id . '/global');
// Ban
if (hasPermission($config['mod']['ban'], $board['uri'], $this->mod))
$built .= ' <a title="Ban" href="?/' . $board['uri'] . '/ban/' . $this->id . '">' . $config['mod']['link_ban'] . '</a>';
// Ban & Delete
if (hasPermission($config['mod']['bandelete'], $board['uri'], $this->mod))
$built .= ' <a title="Ban & Delete" href="?/' . $board['uri'] . '/ban&amp;delete/' . $this->id . '">' . $config['mod']['link_bandelete'] . '</a>';
// Delete file (keep post)
if (!empty($this->file) && $this->file != 'deleted' && hasPermission($config['mod']['deletefile'], $board['uri'], $this->mod))
$built .= ' ' . secure_link_confirm($config['mod']['link_deletefile'], 'Delete file', 'Are you sure you want to delete this file?', $board['uri'] . '/deletefile/' . $this->id);
// Sticky
if (hasPermission($config['mod']['sticky'], $board['uri'], $this->mod))
if ($this->sticky)
$built .= ' <a title="Make thread not sticky" href="?/' . secure_link($board['uri'] . '/unsticky/' . $this->id) . '">' . $config['mod']['link_desticky'] . '</a>';
$built .= ' <a title="Make thread sticky" href="?/' . secure_link($board['uri'] . '/sticky/' . $this->id) . '">' . $config['mod']['link_sticky'] . '</a>';
if (hasPermission($config['mod']['bumplock'], $board['uri'], $this->mod))
if ($this->bumplocked)
$built .= ' <a title="Allow thread to be bumped" href="?/' . secure_link($board['uri'] . '/bumpunlock/' . $this->id) . '">' . $config['mod']['link_bumpunlock'] . '</a>';
$built .= ' <a title="Prevent thread from being bumped" href="?/' . secure_link($board['uri'] . '/bumplock/' . $this->id) . '">' . $config['mod']['link_bumplock'] . '</a>';
// Lock
if (hasPermission($config['mod']['lock'], $board['uri'], $this->mod))
if ($this->locked)
$built .= ' <a title="Unlock thread" href="?/' . secure_link($board['uri'] . '/unlock/' . $this->id) . '">' . $config['mod']['link_unlock'] . '</a>';
$built .= ' <a title="Lock thread" href="?/' . secure_link($board['uri'] . '/lock/' . $this->id) . '">' . $config['mod']['link_lock'] . '</a>';
if (hasPermission($config['mod']['move'], $board['uri'], $this->mod))
$built .= ' <a title="Move thread to another board" href="?/' . $board['uri'] . '/move/' . $this->id . '">' . $config['mod']['link_move'] . '</a>';
// Edit post
if (hasPermission($config['mod']['editpost'], $board['uri'], $this->mod))
$built .= ' <a title="Edit post" href="?/' . $board['uri'] . '/edit/' . $this->id . '">' . $config['mod']['link_editpost'] . '</a>';
if (!empty($built))
$built = '<span class="controls op">' . $built . '</span>';
return $built;
public function ratio() {
return fraction($this->filex, $this->filey, ':');
public function build($index=false) {
global $board, $config, $debug;
$built = Element('post_thread.html', array('config' => $config, 'board' => $board, 'post' => &$this, 'index' => $index));
if (!$this->mod && $index && $config['cache']['enabled']) {
cache::set($this->cache_key($index), $built);
return $built;
function cache_key($index) {
global $board;
return 'thread_' . ($index ? 'index_' : '') . $board['uri'] . '_' . $this->id;