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synced 2024-12-12 07:41:12 +01:00
Highly incomplete. Barely functional. Just lays groundwork. Signed-off-by: 8n-tech <8n-tech@users.noreply.github.com>
192 lines
5.5 KiB
192 lines
5.5 KiB
// ============================================================
// Purpose : Board directory handling
// Contributors : 8n-tech
// ============================================================
;( function( window, $, undefined ) {
var boardlist = {
options : {
$boardlist : false,
// Selectors for finding and binding elements.
selector : {
'boardlist' : "#boardlist",
'board-head' : ".board-list-head",
'board-body' : ".board-list-tbody",
'board-loading' : ".board-list-loading",
'search' : "#search-form",
'search-lang' : "#search-lang-input",
'search-sfw' : "#search-sfw-input",
'search-tag' : "#search-tag-input",
'search-title' : "#search-title-input",
'search-submit' : "#search-submit",
// HTML Templates for dynamic construction
template : {
// Board row item
'board-row' : "<tr></tr>",
// Individual cell definitions
'board-cell-meta' : "<td class=\"board-meta\"></td>",
'board-cell-uri' : "<td class=\"board-uri\"></td>",
'board-cell-title' : "<td class=\"board-title\"></td>",
'board-cell-pph' : "<td class=\"board-pph\"></td>",
'board-cell-max' : "<td class=\"board-max\"></td>",
'board-cell-unique' : "<td class=\"board-unique\"></td>",
'board-cell-tags' : "<td class=\"board-tags\"></td>",
// Content wrapper
// Used to help constrain contents to their <td>.
'board-content-wrap' : "<div class=\"board-cell\"></div>",
// Tagging
'board-datum-tags' : "<a class=\"tag-link\" href=\"#\"></a>"
bind : {
form : function() {
var selectors = boardlist.options.selector;
var $search = $( selectors['search'] ),
$searchLang = $( selectors['search-lang'] ),
$searchSfw = $( selectors['search-sfw'] ),
$searchTag = $( selectors['search-tag'] ),
$searchTitle = $( selectors['search-title'] ),
$searchSubmit = $( selectors['search-submit'] );
var searchForms = {
'boardlist' : boardlist.$boardlist,
'search' : $search,
'searchLang' : $searchLang,
'searchSfw' : $searchSfw,
'searchTag' : $searchTag,
'searchTitle' : $searchTitle,
'searchSubmit' : $searchSubmit
if ($search.length > 0) {
// Bind form events.
$search.on( 'submit', searchForms, boardlist.events.searchSubmit );
$searchSubmit.on( 'click', searchForms, boardlist.events.searchSubmit );
build : {
boardlist : function(data) {
boards : function(data) {
// Find our head, columns, and body.
var $head = $( boardlist.options.selector['board-head'], boardlist.$boardlist ),
$cols = $("[data-column]", $head ),
$body = $( boardlist.options.selector['board-body'], boardlist.$boardlist );
$.each( data, function( index, row ) {
var $row = $( boardlist.options.template['board-row'] );
$cols.each( function( index, col ) {
var $col = $(col),
column = $col.attr('data-column'),
value = row[column]
$cell = $( boardlist.options.template['board-cell-' + column] ),
$wrap = $( boardlist.options.template['board-content-wrap'] );
if (value instanceof Array) {
if (typeof boardlist.options.template['board-datum-' + column] !== "undefined") {
$.each( value, function( index, singleValue ) {
$( boardlist.options.template['board-datum-' + column] )
.text( singleValue )
.appendTo( $wrap );
} );
else {
$wrap.text( value.join(" ") );
else {
$wrap.text( value );
$wrap.appendTo( $cell );
$cell.appendTo( $row );
} );
if( index >= 100 ) return false;
$row.appendTo( $body );
} );
tags : function(data) {
events : {
searchSubmit : function(event) {
var $boardlist = event.data.boardlist,
$boardbody = $( boardlist.options.selector['board-body'], $boardlist ),
$boardload = $( boardlist.options.selector['board-loading'], $boardlist );
'lang' : event.data.searchLang.val(),
'tags' : event.data.searchTag.val(),
//'time' : event.data.searchTag.val(),
'title' : event.data.searchTitle.val(),
'sfw' : event.data.searchSfw.prop('checked') ? 1 : 0
function(data) {
boardlist.build.boardlist( $.parseJSON(data) );
return false;
init : function( target ) {
if (typeof target !== "string") {
target = boardlist.options.selector.boardlist;
var $target = $(target);
if ($target.length > 0 ) {
boardlist.$boardlist = $target;
// Tie to the vichan object.
if (typeof window.vichan === "undefined") {
window.vichan = {};
window.vichan.boardlist = boardlist;
// Initialize the boardlist when the document is ready.
$( document ).on( 'ready', window.vichan.boardlist.init );
// Run it now if we're already ready.
if (document.readyState === 'complete') {
} )( window, jQuery ); |