mirror of
synced 2025-02-22 23:39:55 +01:00
323 lines
7.8 KiB
323 lines
7.8 KiB
#include "main.h"
#include "adts.h"
#include <memory.h>
#include <malloc.h>
#include <xutility>
#include <assert.h>
#include <shlwapi.h>
#include <foundation/error.h>
#include "../nu/RingBuffer.h"
#include <api/service/waservicefactory.h>
// {19450308-90D7-4E45-8A9D-DC71E67123E2}
static const GUID adts_aac_guid =
{ 0x19450308, 0x90d7, 0x4e45, { 0x8a, 0x9d, 0xdc, 0x71, 0xe6, 0x71, 0x23, 0xe2 } };
// {4192FE3F-E843-445c-8D62-51BE5EE5E68C}
static const GUID adts_mp2_guid =
{ 0x4192fe3f, 0xe843, 0x445c, { 0x8d, 0x62, 0x51, 0xbe, 0x5e, 0xe5, 0xe6, 0x8c } };
class GapCutter
GapCutter() {}
void SetEndSize( int postSize );
void SetSize( int preSize, int postSize );
void Flush( int time_in_ms );
int Write( void *dest, void *input, size_t inputBytes );
RingBuffer ringBuffer;
int preCut = 0;
int preCutSize = 0;
void GapCutter::SetEndSize(int postSize)
if (postSize < 0)
postSize = 0;
if (postSize)
void GapCutter::SetSize( int preSize, int postSize )
if ( preSize < 0 )
preSize = 0;
if ( postSize < 0 )
postSize = 0;
SetEndSize( postSize );
preCutSize = preSize;
preCut = preSize;
void GapCutter::Flush( int time_in_ms )
// if (time_in_ms == 0) // TODO: calculate actual delay if we seek within the encoder delay area
preCut = preCutSize; // reset precut size if we seek to the start
int GapCutter::Write( void *dest, void *input, size_t inputBytes ) // returns # of bytes written
int bytesWritten = 0;
unsigned __int8 *in = (unsigned __int8 *)input;
unsigned __int8 *out = (unsigned __int8 *)dest;
// cut pre samples, if necessary
intptr_t pre = min( preCut, (intptr_t)inputBytes );
in += pre;
inputBytes -= pre;
preCut -= (int)pre;
if ( !inputBytes )
return bytesWritten;
size_t remainingFill = ringBuffer.avail();
intptr_t fillWrite = min( (intptr_t)( inputBytes - remainingFill ), (intptr_t)ringBuffer.size() ); // only write fill buffer if we've got enough left to fill it up
if ( fillWrite > 0 )
size_t written = ringBuffer.read( out, fillWrite );
bytesWritten += (int)written;
out += written;
remainingFill = ringBuffer.avail();
int outWrite = (int)max( 0, (intptr_t)( inputBytes - remainingFill ) );
if ( outWrite )
memcpy( out, in, outWrite );
bytesWritten += outWrite;
in += outWrite;
inputBytes -= outWrite;
if ( inputBytes )
ringBuffer.write( in, inputBytes );
return bytesWritten;
struct ExtendedRead
ExtendedRead() { memset(&data, 0, sizeof(data)); }
if ( decoder )
bool Open( const wchar_t *fn, int *size, int *bps, int *nch, int *srate, bool useFloat );
adts *decoder = NULL;
int bits = 0;
size_t initialData = 0;
int frameSize = 0;
GapCutter cutter;
CGioFile file;
#define DATA_SIZE (6*4*2*2*1152)
unsigned char data[DATA_SIZE];
bool ExtendedRead::Open(const wchar_t *fn, int *size, int *bps, int *nch, int *srate, bool useFloat)
if (file.Open(fn, config_max_bufsize_k) != NErr_Success)
return false;
int downmix = 0;
bool allowsurround = 1;
if (*nch == 1)
downmix = 1;
allowsurround = 0;
else if (*nch == 2)
allowsurround = 0;
if (useFloat)
else if (*bps == 24)
bits = 24;
bits = 16;
*bps = 16;
wchar_t *ext = PathFindExtensionW(fn);
if (!_wcsicmp(ext, L".vlb"))
return false;
else if (!_wcsicmp(ext, L".aac") || !_wcsicmp(ext, L".apl"))
waServiceFactory *factory = mod.service->service_getServiceByGuid(adts_aac_guid);
if (factory)
decoder = (adts *)factory->getInterface();
waServiceFactory *factory = mod.service->service_getServiceByGuid(adts_mp2_guid);
if (factory)
decoder = (adts *)factory->getInterface();
if (!decoder)
return false;
decoder->Initialize(!!downmix, 0, allowsurround, bits, false, useFloat);
size_t bitrate;
bool done=false;
while (!done)
switch (decoder->Sync(&file, data, sizeof(data), &initialData, &bitrate))
case adts::SUCCESS:
case adts::FAILURE:
case adts::ENDOFFILE:
return false;
case adts::NEEDMOREDATA:
size_t numBits = 0;
decoder->GetOutputParameters(&numBits, nch, srate);
*bps = bits = (int)numBits;
frameSize = bits / 8 * *nch;
if (config_gapless)
cutter.SetSize((file.prepad + (int)decoder->GetDecoderDelay())*frameSize, (file.postpad - (int)decoder->GetDecoderDelay())*frameSize);
if (file.m_vbr_samples) // exact number of samples in the LAME header, how nice :)
*size = (int)file.m_vbr_samples*frameSize;
else if (file.m_vbr_ms) // if we know the milliseconds accurately
*size = MulDiv(*srate * frameSize, file.m_vbr_ms, 1000); // our size should be mostly accurate
else // no helpful info to go on
// just guess based on bitrate and content length
int len_ms = MulDiv(file.GetContentLength(), 8, (int)bitrate);
*size = MulDiv(*srate * frameSize, len_ms, 1000);
return true;
extern "C"
//returns handle!=0 if successful, 0 if error
//size will return the final nb of bytes written to the output, -1 if unknown
__declspec(dllexport) intptr_t winampGetExtendedRead_openW(const wchar_t *fn, int *size, int *bps, int *nch, int *srate)
ExtendedRead *ext = new ExtendedRead;
if (ext)
if (ext->Open(fn, size, bps, nch, srate, false))
return reinterpret_cast<intptr_t>(ext);
delete ext;
return 0;
__declspec(dllexport) intptr_t winampGetExtendedRead_openW_float(const wchar_t *fn, int *size, int *bps, int *nch, int *srate)
ExtendedRead *ext = new ExtendedRead;
if (ext)
if (ext->Open(fn, size, bps, nch, srate, true))
return reinterpret_cast<intptr_t>(ext);
delete ext;
return 0;
//returns nb of bytes read. -1 if read error (like CD ejected). if (ret==0), EOF is assumed
__declspec(dllexport) size_t winampGetExtendedRead_getData(intptr_t handle, char *dest, size_t len, int *killswitch)
ExtendedRead *ext = (ExtendedRead *)handle;
int copied = 0;
if (ext)
len -= (len % ext->frameSize); // only do whole frames
while (len)
size_t toMove = min(len, ext->initialData);
int toCopy = ext->cutter.Write(dest, ext->data, toMove);
if (ext->initialData != toMove)
memmove(ext->data, ext->data + toMove, ext->initialData - toMove);
ext->initialData -= toMove;
len -= toCopy;
copied += toCopy;
dest += toCopy;
if (!ext->initialData)
size_t written = 0, bitrate, endCut = 0;
int ret = ext->decoder->Decode(&ext->file, ext->data, DATA_SIZE, &written, &bitrate, &endCut);
if (config_gapless && endCut)
ext->cutter.SetEndSize((int)(endCut - ext->decoder->GetDecoderDelay())*ext->frameSize);
ext->initialData = written;
if (/*ret != adts::SUCCESS && */!ext->initialData && (copied || ret == adts::ENDOFFILE))
return copied;
if (ret == adts::FAILURE)
return -1;
return copied;
// return nonzero on success, zero on failure.
__declspec(dllexport) int winampGetExtendedRead_setTime(intptr_t handle, int millisecs)
ExtendedRead *ext = (ExtendedRead *)handle;
if (ext)
if (!ext->file.IsSeekable()) return 0; // not seekable
int br = ext->file.GetAvgVBRBitrate();
if (!br) br = (int)ext->decoder->GetCurrentBitrate();
if (!br) return 0; // can't find a valid bitrate
ext->cutter.Flush(millisecs); // fucko?
return 1;
return 0;
__declspec(dllexport) void winampGetExtendedRead_close(intptr_t handle)
ExtendedRead *ext = (ExtendedRead *)handle;
if (ext) delete ext;