mirror of
synced 2025-02-26 13:11:38 +01:00
1088 lines
26 KiB
1088 lines
26 KiB
#include "ID3v2Metadata.h"
#include "metadata/MetadataKeys.h"
#include "nswasabi/ReferenceCounted.h"
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
api_metadata *ID3v2Metadata::metadata_api=0;
static inline bool TestFlag(int flags, int flag_to_check)
if (flags & flag_to_check)
return true;
return false;
#ifdef __APPLE__
number_formatter = NULL;
#ifdef __APPLE__
if (NULL != number_formatter)
int ID3v2Metadata::Initialize(api_metadata *metadata_api)
ID3v2Metadata::metadata_api = metadata_api;
return NErr_Success;
int ID3v2Metadata::Initialize(nsid3v2_tag_t tag)
id3v2_tag = tag;
return NErr_Success;
int ID3v2Metadata::GetGenre(int index, nx_string_t *value)
nx_string_t genre=0;
int ret = NSID3v2_Tag_Text_Get(id3v2_tag, NSID3V2_FRAME_CONTENTTYPE, &genre, 0);
if (ret != NErr_Success)
return ret;
if (index > 0)
return NErr_EndOfEnumeration;
if (genre)
*value = genre;
#ifdef _WIN32
// parse the (##) out of it
wchar_t *tmp = genre->string;
while (*tmp == ' ') tmp++;
if (!wcsncmp(tmp, L"(RX)", 4))
*value = NXStringCreateFromUTF8("Remix");
if (*value)
return NErr_Success;
return NErr_OutOfMemory;
else if (!wcsncmp(tmp, L"(CR)", 4))
*value = NXStringCreateFromUTF8("Cover");
if (*value)
return NErr_Success;
return NErr_OutOfMemory;
if (*tmp == '(' || (*tmp >= '0' && *tmp <= '9')) // both (%d) and %d forms
int noparam = 0;
if (*tmp == '(') tmp++;
else noparam = 1;
size_t genre_index = _wtoi(tmp);
int cnt = 0;
while (*tmp >= '0' && *tmp <= '9') cnt++, tmp++;
while (*tmp == ' ') tmp++;
if (((!*tmp && noparam) || (!noparam && *tmp == ')')) && cnt > 0)
if (genre_index < 256 && metadata_api)
int ret = metadata_api->GetGenre(genre_index, value);
if (ret == NErr_Success)
return ret;
#elif defined(__APPLE__)
int ret = NErr_Success;
CFMutableStringRef mutable_genre = CFStringCreateMutableCopy(NULL, 0, genre);
CFIndex mutable_genre_length = CFStringGetLength(mutable_genre);
if (kCFCompareEqualTo == CFStringCompareWithOptionsAndLocale(mutable_genre,
CFRangeMake(0, mutable_genre_length),
*value = CFSTR("Remix");
ret = NErr_Success;
else if (kCFCompareEqualTo == CFStringCompareWithOptionsAndLocale(mutable_genre,
CFRangeMake(0, mutable_genre_length),
*value = CFSTR("Cover");
ret = NErr_Success;
CFStringTrim(mutable_genre, CFSTR("("));
CFStringTrim(mutable_genre, CFSTR(")"));
mutable_genre_length = CFStringGetLength(mutable_genre);
if (mutable_genre_length > 0
&& mutable_genre_length < 4)
if (NULL == number_formatter)
CFLocaleRef locale = CFLocaleCreate(NULL, CFSTR("en_US_POSIX"));
number_formatter = CFNumberFormatterCreate(NULL, locale, kCFNumberFormatterDecimalStyle);
SInt8 genre_index;
CFRange number_range = CFRangeMake(0, mutable_genre_length);
if (NULL != number_formatter
&& false != CFNumberFormatterGetValueFromString(number_formatter,
&& number_range.length == mutable_genre_length
&& number_range.location == 0)
if (genre_index >= 0
&& genre_index < 256
&& metadata_api)
int ret = metadata_api->GetGenre(genre_index, value);
if (ret == NErr_Success)
ret = NErr_Success;
return ret;
#elif defined(__linux__)
char *tmp = genre->string;
while (*tmp == ' ') tmp++;
if (!strncmp(tmp, "(RX)", 4))
return NXStringCreateWithUTF8(value, "Remix");
else if (!strncmp(tmp, "(CR)", 4))
return NXStringCreateWithUTF8(value, "Cover");
if (*tmp == '(' || (*tmp >= '0' && *tmp <= '9')) // both (%d) and %d forms
int noparam = 0;
if (*tmp == '(') tmp++;
else noparam = 1;
size_t genre_index = atoi(tmp);
int cnt = 0;
while (*tmp >= '0' && *tmp <= '9') cnt++, tmp++;
while (*tmp == ' ') tmp++;
if (((!*tmp && noparam) || (!noparam && *tmp == ')')) && cnt > 0)
if (genre_index < 256 && metadata_api)
int ret = metadata_api->GetGenre(genre_index, value);
if (ret == NErr_Success)
return ret;
#error port me!
return NErr_Success;
static int ID3v2_GetText(nsid3v2_tag_t id3v2_tag, int frame_enum, unsigned int index, nx_string_t *value)
if (!id3v2_tag)
return NErr_Empty;
nsid3v2_frame_t frame;
int ret = NSID3v2_Tag_GetFrame(id3v2_tag, frame_enum, &frame);
if (ret != NErr_Success)
return ret;
if (index > 0)
return NErr_EndOfEnumeration;
return NSID3v2_Frame_Text_Get(frame, value, 0);
static int ID3v2_GetTXXX(nsid3v2_tag_t id3v2_tag, const char *description, unsigned int index, nx_string_t *value)
if (!id3v2_tag)
return NErr_Empty;
nsid3v2_frame_t frame;
int ret = NSID3v2_Tag_TXXX_Find(id3v2_tag, description, &frame, 0);
if (ret != NErr_Success)
return ret;
if (index > 0)
return NErr_EndOfEnumeration;
return NSID3v2_Frame_UserText_Get(frame, 0, value, 0);
static int ID3v2_GetComments(nsid3v2_tag_t id3v2_tag, const char *description, unsigned int index, nx_string_t *value)
if (!id3v2_tag)
return NErr_Empty;
nsid3v2_frame_t frame;
int ret = NSID3v2_Tag_Comments_Find(id3v2_tag, description, &frame, 0);
if (ret != NErr_Success)
return ret;
if (index > 0)
return NErr_EndOfEnumeration;
return NSID3v2_Frame_Comments_Get(frame, 0, 0, value, 0);
// only one of value1 or value2 should be non-NULL
static int SplitSlash(nx_string_t track, nx_string_t *value1, nx_string_t *value2)
char track_utf8[64];
size_t bytes_copied;
int ret;
ret = NXStringGetBytes(&bytes_copied, track, track_utf8, 64, nx_charset_utf8, nx_string_get_bytes_size_null_terminate);
if (ret == NErr_Success)
size_t len = strcspn(track_utf8, "/");
if (value2)
const char *second = &track_utf8[len];
if (*second)
if (!*second)
return NErr_Empty;
return NXStringCreateWithUTF8(value2, second);
if (len == 0)
return NErr_Empty;
return NXStringCreateWithBytes(value1, track_utf8, len, nx_charset_utf8);
return NErr_Success;
return ret;
/* ifc_metadata implementation */
int ID3v2Metadata::Metadata_GetField(int field, unsigned int index, nx_string_t *value)
if (!id3v2_tag)
return NErr_Unknown;
int ret;
switch (field)
case MetadataKeys::ARTIST:
return ID3v2_GetText(id3v2_tag, NSID3V2_FRAME_LEADARTIST, index, value);
case MetadataKeys::ALBUM_ARTIST:
ret = ID3v2_GetText(id3v2_tag, NSID3V2_FRAME_BAND, index, value); /* Windows Media Player style */
if (ret == NErr_Success || ret == NErr_EndOfEnumeration)
return ret;
ret = ID3v2_GetTXXX(id3v2_tag, "ALBUM ARTIST", index, value); /* foobar 2000 style */
if (ret == NErr_Success || ret == NErr_EndOfEnumeration)
return ret;
ret = ID3v2_GetTXXX(id3v2_tag, "ALBUMARTIST", index, value); /* mp3tag style */
if (ret == NErr_Success || ret == NErr_EndOfEnumeration)
return ret;
return ID3v2_GetTXXX(id3v2_tag, "Band", index, value); /* audacity style */
case MetadataKeys::ALBUM:
return ID3v2_GetText(id3v2_tag, NSID3V2_FRAME_ALBUM, index, value);
case MetadataKeys::TITLE:
return ID3v2_GetText(id3v2_tag, NSID3V2_FRAME_TITLE, index, value);
case MetadataKeys::GENRE:
return GetGenre(index, value);
case MetadataKeys::TRACK:
ReferenceCountedNXString track;
ret = ID3v2_GetText(id3v2_tag, NSID3V2_FRAME_TRACK, index, &track);
if (ret == NErr_Success)
return SplitSlash(track, value, 0);
return ret;
case MetadataKeys::TRACKS:
ReferenceCountedNXString track;
ret = ID3v2_GetText(id3v2_tag, NSID3V2_FRAME_TRACK, index, &track);
if (ret == NErr_Success)
return SplitSlash(track, 0, value);
return ret;
case MetadataKeys::YEAR:
ret = ID3v2_GetText(id3v2_tag, NSID3V2_FRAME_RECORDINGTIME, index, value);
if (ret == NErr_Success || ret == NErr_EndOfEnumeration)
return ret;
return ID3v2_GetText(id3v2_tag, NSID3V2_FRAME_YEAR, index, value);
case MetadataKeys::DISC:
ReferenceCountedNXString track;
ret = ID3v2_GetText(id3v2_tag, NSID3V2_FRAME_PARTOFSET, index, &track);
if (ret == NErr_Success)
return SplitSlash(track, value, 0);
return ret;
case MetadataKeys::DISCS:
ReferenceCountedNXString track;
ret = ID3v2_GetText(id3v2_tag, NSID3V2_FRAME_PARTOFSET, index, &track);
if (ret == NErr_Success)
return SplitSlash(track, 0, value);
return ret;
case MetadataKeys::COMPOSER:
return ID3v2_GetText(id3v2_tag, NSID3V2_FRAME_COMPOSER, index, value);
case MetadataKeys::PUBLISHER:
return ID3v2_GetText(id3v2_tag, NSID3V2_FRAME_PUBLISHER, index, value);
case MetadataKeys::BPM:
return ID3v2_GetText(id3v2_tag, NSID3V2_FRAME_BPM, index, value);
case MetadataKeys::COMMENT:
return ID3v2_GetComments(id3v2_tag, "", index, value);
// TODO case MetadataKeys::PLAY_COUNT:
// TODO case MetadataKeys::RATING:
case MetadataKeys::TRACK_GAIN:
return ID3v2_GetTXXX(id3v2_tag, "replaygain_track_gain", index, value);
case MetadataKeys::TRACK_PEAK:
return ID3v2_GetTXXX(id3v2_tag, "replaygain_track_peak", index, value);
case MetadataKeys::ALBUM_GAIN:
return ID3v2_GetTXXX(id3v2_tag, "replaygain_album_gain", index, value);
case MetadataKeys::ALBUM_PEAK:
return ID3v2_GetTXXX(id3v2_tag, "replaygain_album_peak", index, value);
return NErr_Unknown;
static int IncSafe(const char *&value, size_t &value_length, size_t increment_length)
/* eat leading spaces */
while (*value == ' ' && value_length)
if (increment_length > value_length)
return NErr_NeedMoreData;
value += increment_length;
value_length -= increment_length;
/* eat trailing spaces */
while (*value == ' ' && value_length)
return NErr_Success;
static int SplitSlashInteger(nx_string_t track, unsigned int *value1, unsigned int *value2)
char track_utf8[64];
size_t bytes_copied;
int ret;
ret = NXStringGetBytes(&bytes_copied, track, track_utf8, 64, nx_charset_utf8, nx_string_get_bytes_size_null_terminate);
if (ret == NErr_Success)
size_t len = strcspn(track_utf8, "/");
if (track_utf8[len])
*value2 = strtoul(&track_utf8[len+1], 0, 10);
*value2 = 0;
*value1 = strtoul(track_utf8, 0, 10);
return NErr_Success;
return ret;
int ID3v2Metadata::Metadata_GetInteger(int field, unsigned int index, int64_t *value)
if (!id3v2_tag)
return NErr_Unknown;
case MetadataKeys::TRACK:
ReferenceCountedNXString track;
int ret;
ret = ID3v2_GetText(id3v2_tag, NSID3V2_FRAME_TRACK, index, &track);
if (ret == NErr_Success)
unsigned int itrack, itracks;
ret = SplitSlashInteger(track, &itrack, &itracks);
if (ret == NErr_Success)
if (itrack == 0)
return NErr_Empty;
*value = itrack;
return NErr_Success;
return ret;
case MetadataKeys::TRACKS:
ReferenceCountedNXString track;
int ret;
ret = ID3v2_GetText(id3v2_tag, NSID3V2_FRAME_TRACK, index, &track);
if (ret == NErr_Success)
unsigned int itrack, itracks;
ret = SplitSlashInteger(track, &itrack, &itracks);
if (ret == NErr_Success)
if (itracks == 0)
return NErr_Empty;
*value = itracks;
return NErr_Success;
return ret;
case MetadataKeys::DISC:
ReferenceCountedNXString track;
int ret;
ret = ID3v2_GetText(id3v2_tag, NSID3V2_FRAME_PARTOFSET, index, &track);
if (ret == NErr_Success)
unsigned int idisc, idiscs;
ret = SplitSlashInteger(track, &idisc, &idiscs);
if (ret == NErr_Success)
if (idisc == 0)
return NErr_Empty;
*value = idisc;
return NErr_Success;
return ret;
case MetadataKeys::DISCS:
ReferenceCountedNXString track;
int ret;
ret = ID3v2_GetText(id3v2_tag, NSID3V2_FRAME_PARTOFSET, index, &track);
if (ret == NErr_Success)
unsigned int idisc, idiscs;
ret = SplitSlashInteger(track, &idisc, &idiscs);
if (ret == NErr_Success)
if (idiscs == 0)
return NErr_Empty;
*value = idiscs;
return NErr_Success;
return ret;
case MetadataKeys::BPM:
ReferenceCountedNXString bpm;
int ret;
ret = ID3v2_GetText(id3v2_tag, NSID3V2_FRAME_BPM, index, &bpm);
if (ret == NErr_Success)
/* TODO: benski> implement NXStringGetInt64Value */
int value32;
ret = NXStringGetIntegerValue(bpm, &value32);
if (ret != NErr_Success)
return ret;
*value = value32;
return NErr_Success;
return ret;
case MetadataKeys::PREGAP:
ReferenceCountedNXString str;
char language[3];
int ret = NSID3v2_Tag_Comments_Get(id3v2_tag, "iTunSMPB", language, &str, 0);
if (ret == NErr_Success)
if (index > 0)
return NErr_EndOfEnumeration;
const char *itunsmpb;
size_t itunsmpb_length;
char temp[64] = {0};
if (NXStringGetCString(str, temp, sizeof(temp)/sizeof(*temp), &itunsmpb, &itunsmpb_length) == NErr_Success)
/* skip first set of meaningless values */
if (IncSafe(itunsmpb, itunsmpb_length, 8) == NErr_Success && itunsmpb_length >= 8)
/* read pre-gap */
*value = strtoul(itunsmpb, 0, 16);
return NErr_Success;
return NErr_Error;
return ret;
case MetadataKeys::POSTGAP:
ReferenceCountedNXString str;
char language[3];
int ret = NSID3v2_Tag_Comments_Get(id3v2_tag, "iTunSMPB", language, &str, 0);
if (ret == NErr_Success)
if (index > 0)
return NErr_EndOfEnumeration;
const char *itunsmpb;
size_t itunsmpb_length;
char temp[64] = {0};
if (NXStringGetCString(str, temp, sizeof(temp)/sizeof(*temp), &itunsmpb, &itunsmpb_length) == NErr_Success)
/* two separate calls so we can skip spaces properly */
if (IncSafe(itunsmpb, itunsmpb_length, 8) == NErr_Success && itunsmpb_length >= 8
&& IncSafe(itunsmpb, itunsmpb_length, 8) == NErr_Success && itunsmpb_length >= 8)
*value = strtoul(itunsmpb, 0, 16);
return NErr_Success;
return NErr_Error;
return ret;
return NErr_Unknown;
int ID3v2Metadata::Metadata_GetReal(int field, unsigned int index, double *value)
if (!id3v2_tag)
return NErr_Unknown;
int ret;
nx_string_t str;
switch (field)
case MetadataKeys::TRACK_GAIN:
ret = ID3v2_GetTXXX(id3v2_tag, "replaygain_track_gain", index, &str);
if (ret == NErr_Success)
ret = NXStringGetDoubleValue(str, value);
return ret;
case MetadataKeys::TRACK_PEAK:
ret = ID3v2_GetTXXX(id3v2_tag, "replaygain_track_peak", index, &str);
if (ret == NErr_Success)
ret = NXStringGetDoubleValue(str, value);
return ret;
case MetadataKeys::ALBUM_GAIN:
ret = ID3v2_GetTXXX(id3v2_tag, "replaygain_album_gain", index, &str);
if (ret == NErr_Success)
ret = NXStringGetDoubleValue(str, value);
return ret;
case MetadataKeys::ALBUM_PEAK:
ret = ID3v2_GetTXXX(id3v2_tag, "replaygain_album_peak", index, &str);
if (ret == NErr_Success)
ret = NXStringGetDoubleValue(str, value);
return ret;
return NErr_Unknown;
static int ArtLookupType(uint8_t *id3v2_type, int metadata_key)
case MetadataKeys::ALBUM:
*id3v2_type = 3;
return NErr_Success;
return NErr_Unknown;
static int NXStringCreateWithMIME(nx_string_t *mime_type, nx_string_t in)
if (!mime_type)
return NErr_Success;
char temp[128];
size_t copied;
int ret = NXStringGetBytes(&copied, in, temp, 128, nx_charset_ascii, nx_string_get_bytes_size_null_terminate);
if (ret != NErr_Success)
return ret;
if (strstr(temp, "/") != 0)
*mime_type = NXStringRetain(in);
return NErr_Success;
char temp2[128];
#ifdef _WIN32
_snprintf(temp2, 127, "image/%s", temp);
snprintf(temp2, 127, "image/%s", temp);
return NXStringCreateWithUTF8(mime_type, temp2);
int ID3v2Metadata::Metadata_GetArtwork(int field, unsigned int index, artwork_t *artwork, data_flags_t flags)
if (!id3v2_tag)
return NErr_Unknown;
uint8_t id3v2_picture_type;
int ret = ArtLookupType(&id3v2_picture_type, field);
if (ret != NErr_Success)
return ret;
if (!id3v2_tag)
return NErr_Empty;
bool found_one=false;
nsid3v2_frame_t frame=0;
ret = NSID3v2_Tag_GetFrame(id3v2_tag, NSID3V2_FRAME_PICTURE, &frame);
if (ret != NErr_Success)
return ret;
for (;;)
uint8_t this_type;
if (NSID3v2_Frame_Picture_Get(frame, 0, &this_type, 0, 0, 0, 0) == NErr_Success && (this_type == id3v2_picture_type || (id3v2_picture_type == 3 && this_type == 0)))
if (index == 0)
if (artwork)
nx_data_t data=0;
if (flags != DATA_FLAG_NONE)
const void *picture_data;
size_t picture_length;
ReferenceCountedNXString mime_local, description;
ret = NSID3v2_Frame_Picture_Get(frame, TestFlag(flags, DATA_FLAG_MIME)?(&mime_local):0, &this_type, TestFlag(flags, DATA_FLAG_DESCRIPTION)?(&description):0, &picture_data, &picture_length, 0);
if (ret != NErr_Success)
return ret;
if (TestFlag(flags, DATA_FLAG_DATA))
ret = NXDataCreate(&data, picture_data, picture_length);
if (ret != NErr_Success)
return ret;
ret = NXDataCreateEmpty(&data);
if (ret != NErr_Success)
return ret;
if (mime_local)
ReferenceCountedNXString mime_type;
ret = NXStringCreateWithMIME(&mime_type, mime_local);
if (ret != NErr_Success)
return ret;
NXDataSetMIME(data, mime_type);
if (description)
NXDataSetDescription(data, description);
artwork->data = data;
/* id3v2 doesn't store height and width, so zero these */
return NErr_Success;
index--; // keep looking
if (NSID3v2_Tag_GetNextFrame(id3v2_tag, frame, &frame) != NErr_Success)
if (found_one)
return NErr_EndOfEnumeration;
return NErr_Empty;
static int SetText(nsid3v2_tag_t id3v2_tag, int frame_id, unsigned int index, nx_string_t value)
if (index > 0)
return NErr_Success;
if (!value)
nsid3v2_frame_t frame;
if (NSID3v2_Tag_GetFrame(id3v2_tag, frame_id, &frame) == NErr_Success)
nsid3v2_frame_t next;
int ret = NSID3v2_Tag_GetNextFrame(id3v2_tag, frame, &next);
NSID3v2_Tag_RemoveFrame(id3v2_tag, frame);
if (ret != NErr_Success)
return NErr_Success;
return NSID3v2_Tag_Text_Set(id3v2_tag, frame_id, value, 0);
static int SetTXXX(nsid3v2_tag_t id3v2_tag, const char *description, unsigned int index, nx_string_t value, int text_flags)
if (index > 0)
return NErr_EndOfEnumeration;
if (!value)
nsid3v2_frame_t frame;
if (NSID3v2_Tag_TXXX_Find(id3v2_tag, description, &frame, text_flags) == NErr_Success)
NSID3v2_Tag_RemoveFrame(id3v2_tag, frame);
return NErr_Success;
return NSID3v2_Tag_TXXX_Set(id3v2_tag, description, value, 0);
static int SetComments(nsid3v2_tag_t id3v2_tag, const char *description, unsigned int index, nx_string_t value, int text_flags)
if (index > 0)
return NErr_EndOfEnumeration;
if (!value)
nsid3v2_frame_t frame;
if (NSID3v2_Tag_Comments_Find(id3v2_tag, description, &frame, text_flags) == NErr_Success)
NSID3v2_Tag_RemoveFrame(id3v2_tag, frame);
return NErr_Success;
return NSID3v2_Tag_Comments_Set(id3v2_tag, description, "\0\0\0", value, 0);
int ID3v2Metadata::MetadataEditor_SetField(int field, unsigned int index, nx_string_t value)
int ret;
switch (field)
case MetadataKeys::ARTIST:
return SetText(id3v2_tag, NSID3V2_FRAME_LEADARTIST, index, value);
case MetadataKeys::ALBUM_ARTIST:
ret = SetText(id3v2_tag, NSID3V2_FRAME_BAND, index, value);
/* delete some of the alternates */
SetTXXX(id3v2_tag, "ALBUM ARTIST", index, 0, 0); /* foobar 2000 style */
SetTXXX(id3v2_tag, "ALBUMARTIST", index, 0, 0); /* mp3tag style */
if (!value) /* this might be a valid field, so only delete it if we're specifically deleting album artist (because otherwise, if it's here it's going to get picked up by GetField */
SetTXXX(id3v2_tag, "Band", index, 0, 0); /* audacity style */
return ret;
case MetadataKeys::ALBUM:
return SetText(id3v2_tag, NSID3V2_FRAME_ALBUM, index, value);
case MetadataKeys::TITLE:
return SetText(id3v2_tag, NSID3V2_FRAME_TITLE, index, value);
case MetadataKeys::GENRE:
return SetText(id3v2_tag, NSID3V2_FRAME_CONTENTTYPE, index, value);
case MetadataKeys::YEAR:
/* try to set "newer" style TDRC, first */
ret = SetText(id3v2_tag, NSID3V2_FRAME_RECORDINGTIME, index, value);
if (ret == NErr_Success)
/* if it succeeded, remove the older TYER tag */
SetText(id3v2_tag, NSID3V2_FRAME_RECORDINGTIME, index, 0);
return ret;
/* fall back to using TYER */
return SetText(id3v2_tag, NSID3V2_FRAME_RECORDINGTIME, index, 0);
case MetadataKeys::TRACK:
return SetText(id3v2_tag, NSID3V2_FRAME_TRACK, index, value);
case MetadataKeys::DISC:
return SetText(id3v2_tag, NSID3V2_FRAME_PARTOFSET, index, value);
case MetadataKeys::COMPOSER:
return SetText(id3v2_tag, NSID3V2_FRAME_COMPOSER, index, value);
case MetadataKeys::PUBLISHER:
return SetText(id3v2_tag, NSID3V2_FRAME_PUBLISHER, index, value);
case MetadataKeys::BPM:
return SetText(id3v2_tag, NSID3V2_FRAME_BPM, index, value);
case MetadataKeys::COMMENT:
return SetComments(id3v2_tag, "", index, value, 0);
case MetadataKeys::TRACK_GAIN:
return SetTXXX(id3v2_tag, "replaygain_track_gain", index, value, 0);
case MetadataKeys::TRACK_PEAK:
return SetTXXX(id3v2_tag, "replaygain_track_peak", index, value, 0);
case MetadataKeys::ALBUM_GAIN:
return SetTXXX(id3v2_tag, "replaygain_album_gain", index, value, 0);
case MetadataKeys::ALBUM_PEAK:
return SetTXXX(id3v2_tag, "replaygain_album_peak", index, value, 0);
return NErr_Unknown;
static int ID3v2_SetPicture(nsid3v2_frame_t frame, uint8_t id3v2_picture_type, artwork_t *artwork, data_flags_t flags)
int ret;
const void *picture_data;
size_t picture_length;
ret = NXDataGet(artwork->data, &picture_data, &picture_length);
if (ret != NErr_Success)
return ret;
ReferenceCountedNXString mime_type, description;
if (TestFlag(flags, DATA_FLAG_MIME))
NXDataGetMIME(artwork->data, &mime_type);
if (TestFlag(flags, DATA_FLAG_DESCRIPTION))
NXDataGetDescription(artwork->data, &description);
return NSID3v2_Frame_Picture_Set(frame, mime_type, id3v2_picture_type, description, picture_data, picture_length, 0);
int ID3v2Metadata::MetadataEditor_SetArtwork(int field, unsigned int index, artwork_t *artwork, data_flags_t flags)
uint8_t id3v2_picture_type;
int ret = ArtLookupType(&id3v2_picture_type, field);
if (ret != NErr_Success)
return ret;
nsid3v2_frame_t frame=0;
ret = NSID3v2_Tag_GetFrame(id3v2_tag, NSID3V2_FRAME_PICTURE, &frame);
if (ret != NErr_Success)
if (artwork && artwork->data)
/* create a new one and store */
int ret = NSID3v2_Tag_CreateFrame(id3v2_tag, NSID3V2_FRAME_PICTURE, 0, &frame);
if (ret == NErr_Success)
ret = ID3v2_SetPicture(frame, id3v2_picture_type, artwork, flags);
if (ret == NErr_Success)
ret = NSID3v2_Tag_AddFrame(id3v2_tag, frame);
if (ret != NErr_Success)
NSID3v2_Tag_RemoveFrame(id3v2_tag, frame);
return ret;
return NErr_Success;
for (;;)
/* iterate now, because we might delete the current frame */
nsid3v2_frame_t next_frame=0;
if (NSID3v2_Tag_GetNextFrame(id3v2_tag, frame, &next_frame) != NErr_Success)
next_frame=0; /* just in case */
uint8_t this_type;
if (NSID3v2_Frame_Picture_Get(frame, 0, &this_type, 0, 0, 0, 0) == NErr_Success && (this_type == id3v2_picture_type || (id3v2_picture_type == 3 && this_type == 0)))
if (index == 0)
if (artwork && artwork->data)
return ID3v2_SetPicture(frame, id3v2_picture_type, artwork, flags);
NSID3v2_Tag_RemoveFrame(id3v2_tag, frame);
index--; // keep looking
if (!next_frame)
if (!artwork || !artwork->data)
return NErr_Success;
/* create a new one and store */
int ret = NSID3v2_Tag_CreateFrame(id3v2_tag, NSID3V2_FRAME_PICTURE, 0, &frame);
if (ret != NErr_Success)
return ret;
ret = ID3v2_SetPicture(frame, id3v2_picture_type, artwork, flags);
if (ret != NErr_Success)
return ret;
ret = NSID3v2_Tag_AddFrame(id3v2_tag, frame);
if (ret != NErr_Success)
NSID3v2_Tag_RemoveFrame(id3v2_tag, frame);
return ret;
frame = next_frame;
return NErr_NotImplemented;