2024-09-24 14:54:57 +02:00

321 lines
18 KiB

#ifndef __PMP_H_
#define __PMP_H_
#include <windows.h> // needed for HDC and stuff
#include <stddef.h>
#include "..\..\General\gen_ml/ml.h" // for itemRecordW
// make sure you include ml.h before you include this, wherever you include it.
#ifdef __cplusplus
class api_service;
typedef intptr_t songid_t;
typedef intptr_t pmpart_t;
// What metadata the device supports
#define SUPPORTS_ARTIST 0x00000001
#define SUPPORTS_ALBUM 0x00000002
#define SUPPORTS_TITLE 0x00000004
#define SUPPORTS_TRACKNUM 0x00000008
#define SUPPORTS_DISCNUM 0x00000010
#define SUPPORTS_GENRE 0x00000020
#define SUPPORTS_YEAR 0x00000040
#define SUPPORTS_SIZE 0x00000080
#define SUPPORTS_LENGTH 0x00000100
#define SUPPORTS_BITRATE 0x00000200
#define SUPPORTS_PLAYCOUNT 0x00000400
#define SUPPORTS_RATING 0x00000800
#define SUPPORTS_LASTPLAYED 0x00001000
#define SUPPORTS_LASTUPDATED 0x00002000
#define SUPPORTS_ALBUMARTIST 0x00004000
#define SUPPORTS_COMPOSER 0x00008000
#define SUPPORTS_PUBLISHER 0x00010000
#define SUPPORTS_ALBUMART 0x00020000
#define SUPPORTS_MIMETYPE 0x00040000
#define SUPPORTS_DATEADDED 0x00080000
// constants for sorting playlists
#define SORTBY_ALBUM 1
#define SORTBY_TITLE 2
#define SORTBY_GENRE 5
// for get/setTrackExtraInfo, FIELD_* will be passed in as the "field" parameter. check using "if(!wcscmp(field,FIELD_*))" or similar
#define FIELD_EXTENSION L"ext" // return the file extention, eg L"mp3". Only needed for indirect playback, will never be set.
// firstly a little clarification between what a playlistnumber is and a songid is.
// playlist numbers are always 0,1,2,...,getPlaylistCount() (thus, if playlist 1 is deleted,
// the number of all playlists except 0 change)
// songids are unique identifiers which persist even when other songs are removed.
// Feel free to use a pointer OR an integer as a songid.
// NOTE: wherever stated, len means number of characters NOT bytes available in the buffer
/* benski> All calls will be made on the 'main thread', with the following exceptions
transferTrackToDevice() on the transfer thread
trackRemovedFromTransferQueue() on the transfer thread
copyToHardDrive() on the transfer thread
class Device {
Device() {}
~Device() {}
virtual __int64 getDeviceCapacityAvailable()=0; // in bytes
virtual __int64 getDeviceCapacityTotal()=0; // in bytes
virtual void Eject()=0; // if you ejected successfully, you MUST call PMP_IPC_DEVICEDISCONNECTED and delete this;
virtual void Close()=0; // save any changes, and call PMP_IPC_DEVICEDISCONNECTED AND delete this;
// return 0 for success, -1 for failed or cancelled
virtual int transferTrackToDevice(const itemRecordW * track, // the track to transfer
void * callbackContext, //pass this to the callback
void (*callback)(void *callbackContext, wchar_t *status), // call this every so often so the GUI can be updated. Including when finished!
songid_t * songid, // fill in the songid when you are finished
int * killswitch // if this gets set to anything other than zero, the transfer has been cancelled by the user
virtual int trackAddedToTransferQueue(const itemRecordW *track)=0; // return 0 to accept, -1 for "not enough space", -2 for "incorrect format"
virtual void trackRemovedFromTransferQueue(const itemRecordW *track)=0;
// return the amount of space that will be taken up on the device by the track (once it has been tranferred)
// or 0 for incompatable. This is usually the filesize, unless you are transcoding. An estimate is acceptable.
virtual __int64 getTrackSizeOnDevice(const itemRecordW *track)=0;
virtual void deleteTrack(songid_t songid)=0; // physically remove from device. Be sure to remove it from all the playlists!
virtual void commitChanges(){} // optional. Will be called at a good time to save changes
virtual int getPlaylistCount()=0; // always at least 1. playlistnumber 0 is the Master Playlist containing all tracks.
// PlaylistName(0) should return the name of the device.
virtual void getPlaylistName(int playlistnumber, wchar_t *buf, int len)=0;
virtual int getPlaylistLength(int playlistnumber)=0;
virtual songid_t getPlaylistTrack(int playlistnumber,int songnum)=0; // returns a songid
virtual void setPlaylistName(int playlistnumber, const wchar_t *buf)=0; // with playlistnumber==0, set the name of the device.
virtual void playlistSwapItems(int playlistnumber, int posA, int posB)=0; // swap the songs at position posA and posB
virtual void sortPlaylist(int playlistnumber, int sortBy)=0;
virtual void addTrackToPlaylist(int playlistnumber, songid_t songid)=0; // adds songid to the end of the playlist
virtual void removeTrackFromPlaylist(int playlistnumber, int songnum)=0; //where songnum is the position of the track in the playlist
virtual void deletePlaylist(int playlistnumber)=0;
virtual int newPlaylist(const wchar_t *name)=0; // create empty playlist, returns playlistnumber. -1 for failed.
virtual void getTrackArtist(songid_t songid, wchar_t *buf, int len)=0;
virtual void getTrackAlbum(songid_t songid, wchar_t *buf, int len)=0;
virtual void getTrackTitle(songid_t songid, wchar_t *buf, int len)=0;
virtual int getTrackTrackNum(songid_t songid)=0;
virtual int getTrackDiscNum(songid_t songid)=0;
virtual void getTrackGenre(songid_t songid, wchar_t * buf, int len)=0;
virtual int getTrackYear(songid_t songid)=0;
virtual __int64 getTrackSize(songid_t songid)=0; // in bytes
virtual int getTrackLength(songid_t songid)=0; // in millisecs
virtual int getTrackBitrate(songid_t songid)=0; // in kbps
virtual int getTrackPlayCount(songid_t songid)=0;
virtual int getTrackRating(songid_t songid)=0; //0-5
virtual __time64_t getTrackLastPlayed(songid_t songid)=0; // in unix time format
virtual __time64_t getTrackLastUpdated(songid_t songid)=0; // in unix time format
virtual void getTrackAlbumArtist(songid_t songid, wchar_t *buf, int len){};
virtual void getTrackPublisher(songid_t songid, wchar_t *buf, int len){};
virtual void getTrackComposer(songid_t songid, wchar_t *buf, int len){};
virtual void getTrackMimeType(songid_t songid, wchar_t *buf, int len){};
virtual __time64_t getTrackDateAdded(songid_t songid){ return -1; }; // in unix time format
virtual int getTrackType(songid_t songid) { return 0; }
virtual void getTrackExtraInfo(songid_t songid, const wchar_t *field, wchar_t *buf, int len) {}; //optional
// feel free to ignore any you don't support
virtual void setTrackArtist(songid_t songid, const wchar_t *value)=0;
virtual void setTrackAlbum(songid_t songid, const wchar_t *value)=0;
virtual void setTrackTitle(songid_t songid, const wchar_t *value)=0;
virtual void setTrackTrackNum(songid_t songid, int value)=0;
virtual void setTrackDiscNum(songid_t songid, int value)=0;
virtual void setTrackGenre(songid_t songid, const wchar_t *value)=0;
virtual void setTrackYear(songid_t songid, int year)=0;
virtual void setTrackPlayCount(songid_t songid, int value)=0;
virtual void setTrackRating(songid_t songid, int value)=0;
virtual void setTrackLastPlayed(songid_t songid, __time64_t value)=0; // in unix time format
virtual void setTrackLastUpdated(songid_t songid, __time64_t value)=0; // in unix time format
virtual void setTrackAlbumArtist(songid_t songid, const wchar_t *value){};
virtual void setTrackPublisher(songid_t songid, const wchar_t *value){};
virtual void setTrackComposer(songid_t songid, const wchar_t *value){};
virtual void setTrackExtraInfo(songid_t songid, const wchar_t *field, const wchar_t *value) {}; //optional
virtual bool playTracks(songid_t * songidList, int listLength, int startPlaybackAt, bool enqueue)=0; // return false if unsupported
virtual intptr_t extraActions(intptr_t param1, intptr_t param2, intptr_t param3,intptr_t param4){return 0;}
virtual bool copyToHardDriveSupported() {return false;}
virtual __int64 songSizeOnHardDrive(songid_t song) {return -1;} // how big a song will be when copied back. Return -1 for not supported.
virtual int copyToHardDrive(songid_t song, // the song to copy
wchar_t * path, // path to copy to, in the form "c:\directory\song". The directory will already be created, you must append ".mp3" or whatever to this string! (there is space for at least 10 new characters).
void * callbackContext, //pass this to the callback
void (*callback)(void * callbackContext, wchar_t * status), // call this every so often so the GUI can be updated. Including when finished!
int * killswitch // if this gets set to anything other than zero, the transfer has been cancelled by the user
) {return -1;} // -1 for failed/not supported. 0 for success.
// art functions
virtual void setArt(songid_t songid, void *buf, int w, int h){} //buf is in format ARGB32*
virtual pmpart_t getArt(songid_t songid){return NULL;}
virtual void releaseArt(pmpart_t art){}
virtual int drawArt(pmpart_t art, HDC dc, int x, int y, int w, int h) {return 0;}
virtual void getArtNaturalSize(pmpart_t art, int *w, int *h){*w=*h=0;}
virtual void setArtNaturalSize(pmpart_t art, int w, int h){}
virtual void getArtData(pmpart_t art, void* data){} // data ARGB32* is at natural size
virtual bool artIsEqual(pmpart_t a, pmpart_t b){return false;}
#define PMPHDR_VER 0x10
0x10 is for Winamp 5.66+
- it adds passing a api_service *service
0x9 is for Winamp 5.63+
- it now requires that plugins handle addTrackToPlaylist(0, ...)
so plugins that don't want to directly add to their database via transferTrackToDevice() [which happens off-thread]
can do it during addTrackToPlaylist(0, ...) [which happens on the main thread]
- changes description from char* to wchar_t* (as there's no 3rd party pmp_* we can make such a breaking change)
// The MessageProc could recieve any of the following..
#define PMP_DEVICECHANGE 0x100 // param1=WPARAM, param2=LPARAM. See
#define PMP_CONFIG 0x101 // param1 will be the parent HWND. return 1 if you implement this
#define PMP_NO_CONFIG 0x102 // return TRUE to allow the plug-in config button to be disabled as applicable
// use SendMessage(hwndPortablesParent,WM_PMP_IPC,param,PMP_IPC_*); on any of the following
#define WM_PMP_IPC WM_USER+10
#define PMP_IPC_DEVICECONNECTED 0x100 // pass a Device *
#define PMP_IPC_DEVICEDISCONNECTED 0x101 // pass a Device *
#define PMP_IPC_DEVICELOADING 0x102 // pass a pmpDeviceLoading *.
// This is optional, call PMP_IPC_DEVICECONNECTED when loading is finished
// while a device is being loaded, DEVICE_SET_ICON will be called, nothing else.
#define PMP_IPC_DEVICENAMECHANGED 0x103 // pass a Device *
// added 5.64+
#define PMP_IPC_DEVICECLOUDTRANSFER 0x104 // pass a cloudDeviceTransfer *
// added 5.64+
#define PMP_IPC_GETCLOUDTRANSFERS 0x105 // pass a Cloudfiles * (defined as typedef nu::PtrList<wchar_t>)
// added 5.64+
typedef struct {
wchar_t filenames[MAX_PATH + 1]; // list of filename(s) to transfer to the cloud device
void * device_token; // token identifier of the cloud device to transfer to
} cloudDeviceTransfer; // added 5.64+
typedef struct {
Device * dev;
// filled in by ml_pmp
void (*UpdateCaption)(wchar_t * caption, void * context); // call this with the context to update the caption
void * context;
} pmpDeviceLoading;
typedef struct {
HWND parent;
const char * dev_name;
} pmpDevicePrefsView;
#define PMP_IPC_GET_TRANSCODER 0x200 // returns a Transcoder*, pass your Device* (you must have previously called PMP_IPC_DEVICECONNECTED)
#define PMP_IPC_RELEASE_TRANSCODER 0x201 // pass your Transcoder*, no return value
#define PMP_IPC_ENUM_ACTIVE_DRIVES 0x300 // pass your function in wParam, or if you pass wParam = 0, it will return a function pointer (type ENUMDRIVES) you can call directly
typedef void (*ENUM_DRIVES_CALLBACK)(wchar_t, UINT);
typedef void (*ENUMDRIVES)(ENUM_DRIVES_CALLBACK callback);
#define PMP_IPC_GET_INI_FILE 0x301 // pass a Device*, returns a wchar_t*
#define PMP_IPC_GET_PREFS_VIEW 0x302 // pass a pmpDevicePrefsView*, returns a HWND
// The following may be recieved by Device::extraActions (as param1)
#define DEVICE_SET_ICON 0x0 // param2 is of type MLTREEIMAGE *, modify it to use your own icon for the device in the ML tree
#define DEVICE_SUPPORTED_METADATA 0x1 // return a load of SUPPORTS_* ORed together. If you return 0, all is assumed.
#define DEVICE_DOES_NOT_SUPPORT_EDITING_METADATA 0x3 // return 1 if metadata cannot be edited, 0 otherwise.
#define DEVICE_CAN_RENAME_DEVICE 0x4 // return 1 if the device can be renamed. setPlaylistName(0,name) will be used to rename the device
#define DEVICE_GET_INI_FILE 0x5 // param2 is wchar_t * of length MAX_PATH. Fill it with the location of the inifile that should be used.
#define DEVICE_GET_PREFS_DIALOG 0x6 // param2 is a pref_tab*, fill it in if you want to put your own config in. On WM_INITDIALOG lParam will be a prefsParam *
#define DEVICE_REFRESH 0x7 // F5 was pressed. return 1 to do an in-place update
#define DEVICE_ADDPODCASTGROUP 0x8 // for ipod. param2=int playlistid, param3=int position, param4=wchar_t* channelname
#define DEVICE_ADDPODCASTGROUP_FINISH 0x9 // for ipod. param2=int playlistid
#define DEVICE_SUPPORTS_VIDEO 0xA // return 1 if you support video
#define DEVICE_DONE_SETTING 0xB // param2=songid_t, tells your plugin that a series of setTrack*() functions are done being called for a particular track
#define DEVICE_VETO_ENCODER 0xC // param2==fourcc. return 1 to remove the encoder from the transcoding preferences
#define DEVICE_GET_ICON 0xD // param2=width, param3=height, param4 = wchar_t[260] to put your path into (possibly res:// protocol)
#define DEVICE_SUPPORTS_PODCASTS 0xE // return 0 if you support podcasts. return 1 if you don't want them transferred
#define DEVICE_GET_CONNECTION_TYPE 0xF // return 1 if you support. param2 is a const char ** that you should set to a static connect type string.
#define DEVICE_GET_UNIQUE_ID 0x10 // return 1 if you support. copy a unique name into param2 (char *), param3 will be the allocated size (# of characters)
#define DEVICE_GET_MODEL 0x11 // return 1 if you support, param2 = (wchar_t*)buffer - model name; param3 = (unsigned int)bufferSize - buffer size; param4 - not used.
#define DEVICE_SENDTO_UNSUPPORTED 0x12 // return 1 if you don't support send-to
#define DEVICE_GET_DISPLAY_TYPE 0x13 // return 1 if you support, param2 = (wchar_t*)buffer - model name; param3 = (unsigned int)bufferSize - buffer size; param4 - not used.
#define DEVICE_VETO_TRANSCODING 0x14 // return 1 if you don't support transcoding and don't want to show the 'Transcoding' preference tab (also see DEVICE_VETO_ENCODER)
#define DEVICE_GET_PREFS_PARENT 0x15 // return prefsDlgRecW * of the parent preference page you want the device preference page to be a child off. return 0 for default placing
#define DEVICE_GET_CLOUD_SOURCES_MENU 0x16 // return HMENU if you support cloud source menus and have one to provide (only called as needed). param2=(int*)num_cloud_devices. param4=(int)songid i.e. clicked item or -1 for selection
#define DEVICE_DO_CLOUD_SOURCES_MENU 0x17 // a cloud sources menu item was clicked. param2=(int)menu_id from the menu provided via DEVICE_GET_CLOUD_SOURCES_MENU.
// param3=(int)mode where 0 is via submenu and 1 is the menu only i.e. single-selection.
// param4=(CItemList*) of songid_t so it is possible to do multiple selection handling
// return 1 if needing the item to be removed from the view
#define DEVICE_IS_CLOUD_TX_DEVICE 0x18 // param1=(nx_string_t) return 1 if device token matches ours
#define DEVICE_SYNC_UNSUPPORTED 0x19 // return 1 if you don't support sync
#define DEVICE_GET_CLOUD_DEVICE_ID 0x20 // return the device id
#define DEVICE_NOT_READY_TO_VIEW 0x21 // return 1 if view is not ready to be shown
#define DEVICE_GET_NODE_ICON_ID 0x22 // return the resource id of the node icon
#define DEVICE_PLAYLISTS_UNSUPPORTED 0x23 // return 1 if you don't support playlists
#define DEVICE_DOES_NOT_SUPPORT_REMOVE 0x24 // return 1 if you don't support remove / eject
#define CLOUD_SOURCE_MENUS 60000
#define CLOUD_SOURCE_MENUS_UPPER 60000 + 20
#define CLOUD_SOURCE_MENUS_PL_UPPER 60000 + 200
typedef struct {
wchar_t title[98];
int res_id;
DLGPROC dlg_proc;
} pref_tab;
typedef struct {
HWND parent;
Device * dev;
void (*config_tab_init)(HWND tab,HWND m_hwndDlg); // call this on WM_INITDIALOG
} prefsParam;
typedef struct {
int version; // should be PMPHDR_VER
wchar_t *description; // a textual desciption (including version info)
int ( __cdecl *init)(); // called when winamp is loaded, for any one-time init
void ( __cdecl *quit)(); // called when winamp is unloaded, for any one-time deinit
INT_PTR ( __cdecl *MessageProc)(int msg, INT_PTR param1, INT_PTR param2, INT_PTR param3);
// All the following data is filled in by ml_pmp
HWND hwndWinampParent; // send this any of the WM_WA_IPC messages
HWND hwndLibraryParent; // send this any of the WM_ML_IPC messages
HWND hwndPortablesParent; // send this any of the WM_PMP_IPC messages
HINSTANCE hDllInstance; // this plugins instance
// filled in by Winamp (added 5.66+ to replace need to call IPC_GET_API_SERVICE on loading)
#ifdef __cplusplus
api_service *service;
void * service;
} PMPDevicePlugin;
// return values from the init(..) which determines if Winamp will continue loading
// and handling the plugin or if it will disregard the load attempt. If PMP_INIT_FAILURE
// is returned then the plugin will be listed as [NOT LOADED] on the plug-in prefs page.
// return values from the winampUninstallPlugin(HINSTANCE hdll, HWND parent, int param)
// which determine if we can uninstall the plugin immediately or on winamp restart