2024-09-24 14:54:57 +02:00

1638 lines
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' -------------
' Purpose: libopenmpt public interface for FreeBASIC
' Notes : (currently none)
' Authors: Johannes Schultz
' OpenMPT Devs
' The OpenMPT source code is released under the BSD license. Read LICENSE for more details.
#Include Once "crt/"
#Include Once ""
#Inclib "openmpt"
\page libopenmpt_freebasic_overview FreeBASIC API
\section libopenmpt_freebasic_error Error Handling
- Functions with no return value in the corresponding C++ API return 0 on
failure and 1 on success.
- Functions that return integer values signal error condition by returning
an invalid value (-1 in most cases, 0 in some cases).
- All functions that work on an openmpt_module object will call an
openmpt_error_func and depending on the value returned by this function log
the error code and/xor/or store it inside the openmpt_module object. Stored
error codes can be accessed with the openmpt_module_error_get_last() and
openmpt_module_error_get_last_message(). Stored errors will not get cleared
automatically and should be reset with openmpt_module_error_clear().
- Some functions not directly related to an openmpt_module object take an
explicit openmpt_error_func error function callback and a pointer to an int
and behave analog to the functions working on an openmpt_module object.
\section libopenmpt_freebasic_strings Strings
- All strings returned from libopenmpt are encoded in UTF-8.
- All strings passed to libopenmpt should also be encoded in UTF-8.
Behaviour in case of invalid UTF-8 is unspecified.
- libopenmpt does not enforce or expect any particular Unicode
normalization form.
- Some libopenmpt functions return strings and are provided in two flavours:
The raw libopenmpt function (with a trailing underscore) and a FreeBASIC
wrapper function that completely takes care of memory handling (recommended).
All strings returned from raw libopenmpt functions are dynamically
allocated and must be freed with openmpt_free_string().
When using the FreeBASIC wrappers (which is the recommended way), FreeBASIC
automatically takes care of this.
- All strings passed to libopenmpt are copied. No ownership is assumed or
\section libopenmpt_freebasic_outputformat Output Format
libopenmpt supports a wide range of PCM output formats:
Unless you have some very specific requirements demanding a particular aspect
of the output format, you should always prefer 48000/stereo/f32 as the
libopenmpt PCM format.
- Please prefer 48000Hz unless the user explicitly demands something else.
Practically all audio equipment and file formats use 48000Hz nowadays.
- Practically all module formats are made for stereo output. Mono will not
give you any measurable speed improvements and can trivially be obtained from
the stereo output anyway. Quad is not expected by almost all modules and even
if they do use surround effects, they expect the effects to be mixed to
- Floating point output provides headroom instead of hard clipping if the
module is louder than 0dBFs, will give you a better signal-to-noise ratio
than int16 output, and avoid the need to apply an additional dithering to the
output by libopenmpt. Unless your platform has no floating point unit at all,
floating point will thus also be slightly faster.
\section libopenmpt_freebasic_threads libopenmpt in multi-threaded environments
- libopenmpt is thread-aware.
- Individual libopenmpt objects are not thread-safe.
- libopenmpt itself does not spawn any user-visible threads but may spawn
threads for internal use.
- You must ensure to only ever access a particular libopenmpt object from a
single thread at a time.
- Consecutive accesses can happen from different threads.
- Different objects can be accessed concurrently from different threads.
\section libopenmpt_freebasic_detailed Detailed documentation
\ref libopenmpt_freebasic
Extern "C"
'* API version of this header file
/'* \brief Get the libopenmpt version number
Returns the libopenmpt version number.
\return The value represents (major Shl 24 + minor Shl 16 + patch Shl 0).
\remarks libopenmpt < 0.3.0-pre used the following scheme: (major Shl 24 + minor Shl 16 + revision).
\remarks Check the HiWord of the return value against OPENMPT_API_VERSION to ensure that the correct library version is loaded.
Declare Function openmpt_get_library_version() As ULong
/'* \brief Get the core version number
Return the OpenMPT core version number.
\return The value represents (majormajor << 24 + major << 16 + minor << 8 + minorminor).
Declare Function openmpt_get_core_version() As ULong
'* Return a verbose library version string from openmpt_get_string(). \deprecated Please use \code "library_version" \endcode directly.
#Define OPENMPT_STRING_LIBRARY_VERSION "library_version"
'* Return a verbose library features string from openmpt_get_string(). \deprecated Please use \code "library_features" \endcode directly.
#Define OPENMPT_STRING_LIBRARY_FEATURES "library_features"
'* Return a verbose OpenMPT core version string from openmpt_get_string(). \deprecated Please use \code "core_version" \endcode directly.
#Define OPENMPT_STRING_CORE_VERSION "core_version"
'* Return information about the current build (e.g. the build date or compiler used) from openmpt_get_string(). \deprecated Please use \code "build" \endcode directly.
'* Return all contributors from openmpt_get_string(). \deprecated Please use \code "credits" \endcode directly.
'* Return contact information about libopenmpt from openmpt_get_string(). \deprecated Please use \code "contact" \endcode directly.
'* Return the libopenmpt license from openmpt_get_string(). \deprecated Please use \code "license" \endcode directly.
/'* \brief Free a string returned by libopenmpt
Frees any string that got returned by libopenmpt.
Declare Sub openmpt_free_string(ByVal Str As Const ZString Ptr)
/'* \brief Get library related metadata.
\param key Key to query.
Possible keys are:
- "library_version": verbose library version string
- "library_version_is_release": "1" if the version is an officially released version
- "library_features": verbose library features string
- "core_version": verbose OpenMPT core version string
- "source_url": original source code URL
- "source_date": original source code date
- "source_revision": original source code revision
- "source_is_modified": "1" if the original source has been modified
- "source_has_mixed_revisions": "1" if the original source has been compiled from different various revision
- "source_is_package": "1" if the original source has been obtained from a source pacakge instead of source code version control
- "build": information about the current build (e.g. the build date or compiler used)
- "build_compiler": information about the compiler used to build libopenmpt
- "credits": all contributors
- "contact": contact information about libopenmpt
- "license": the libopenmpt license
- "url": libopenmpt website URL
- "support_forum_url": libopenmpt support and discussions forum URL
- "bugtracker_url": libopenmpt bug and issue tracker URL
\return A (possibly multi-line) string containing the queried information. If no information is available, the string is empty.
\remarks Use openmpt_get_string to automatically handle the lifetime of the returned pointer.
Declare Function openmpt_get_string_ Alias "openmpt_get_string" (ByVal key As Const ZString Ptr) As Const ZString Ptr
/'* \brief Get a list of supported file extensions
\return The semicolon-separated list of extensions supported by this libopenmpt build. The extensions are returned lower-case without a leading dot.
\remarks Use openmpt_get_supported_extensions to automatically handle the lifetime of the returned pointer.
Declare Function openmpt_get_supported_extensions() As Const ZString Ptr
/'* \brief Query whether a file extension is supported
\param extension file extension to query without a leading dot. The case is ignored.
\return 1 if the extension is supported by libopenmpt, 0 otherwise.
Declare Function openmpt_is_extension_supported(ByVal extension As Const ZString Ptr) As Long
'* Seek to the given offset relative to the beginning of the file.
'* Seek to the given offset relative to the current position in the file.
'* Seek to the given offset relative to the end of the file.
/'* \brief Read bytes from stream
Read bytes data from stream to dst.
\param stream Stream to read data from
\param dst Target where to copy data.
\param bytes Number of bytes to read.
\return Number of bytes actually read and written to dst.
\retval 0 End of stream or error.
\remarks Short reads are allowed as long as they return at least 1 byte if EOF is not reached.
Type openmpt_stream_read_func As Function(ByVal stream As Any Ptr, ByVal dst As Any Ptr, ByVal bytes As UInteger) As UInteger
/'* \brief Seek stream position
Seek to stream position offset at whence.
\param stream Stream to operate on.
\param offset Offset to seek to.
\return Returns 0 on success.
\retval 0 Success.
\retval -1 Failure. Position does not get updated.
\remarks libopenmpt will not try to seek beyond the file size, thus it is not important whether you allow for virtual positioning after the file end, or return an error in that case. The position equal to the file size needs to be seekable to.
Type openmpt_stream_seek_func As Function(ByVal stream As Any Ptr, ByVal offset As LongInt, ByVal whence As Long) As Long
/'* \brief Tell stream position
Tell position of stream.
\param stream Stream to operate on.
\return Current position in stream.
\retval -1 Failure.
Type openmpt_stream_tell_func As Function(ByVal stream As Any Ptr) As LongInt
/'* \brief Stream callbacks
Stream callbacks used by libopenmpt for stream operations.
Type openmpt_stream_callbacks
/'* \brief Read callback.
\sa openmpt_stream_read_func
read_func As openmpt_stream_read_func
/'* \brief Seek callback.
Seek callback can be NULL if seeking is not supported.
\sa openmpt_stream_seek_func
seek_func As openmpt_stream_seek_func
/'* \brief Tell callback.
Tell callback can be NULL if seeking is not supported.
\sa openmpt_stream_tell_func
tell_func As openmpt_stream_tell_func
End Type
/'* \brief Logging function
\param message UTF-8 encoded log message.
\param user User context that was passed to openmpt_module_create2(), openmpt_module_create_from_memory2() or openmpt_could_open_probability2().
Type openmpt_log_func As Sub(ByVal message As Const ZString Ptr, ByVal user As Any Ptr)
/'* \brief Default logging function
Default logging function that logs anything to stderr.
Declare Sub openmpt_log_func_default(ByVal message As Const ZString Ptr, ByVal user As Any Ptr)
/'* \brief Silent logging function
Silent logging function that throws any log message away.
Declare Sub openmpt_log_func_silent(ByVal message As Const ZString Ptr, ByVal user As Any Ptr)
'* No error. \since 0.3.0
'* Lowest value libopenmpt will use for any of its own error codes. \since 0.3.0
'* Unknown internal error. \since 0.3.0
'* Unknown internal C++ exception. \since 0.3.0
'* Out of memory. \since 0.3.0
'* Runtime error. \since 0.3.0
'* Range error. \since 0.3.0
'* Arithmetic overflow. \since 0.3.0
'* Arithmetic underflow. \since 0.3.0
'* Logic error. \since 0.3.0
'* Value domain error. \since 0.3.0
'* Maximum supported size exceeded. \since 0.3.0
'* Argument out of range. \since 0.3.0
'* Invalid argument. \since 0.3.0
'* General libopenmpt error. \since 0.3.0
'* openmpt_module Ptr is invalid. \since 0.3.0
'* NULL pointer argument. \since 0.3.0
/'* \brief Check whether the error is transient
Checks whether an error code represents a transient error which may not occur again in a later try if for example memory has been freed up after an out-of-memory error.
\param errorcode Error code.
\retval 0 Error is not transient.
\retval 1 Error is transient.
\since 0.3.0
Declare Function openmpt_error_is_transient(ByVal errorcode As Long) As Long
/'* \brief Convert error code to text
Converts an error code into a text string describing the error.
\param errorcode Error code.
\return Allocated string describing the error.
\retval NULL Not enough memory to allocate the string.
\since 0.3.0
\remarks Use openmpt_error_string to automatically handle the lifetime of the returned pointer.
Declare Function openmpt_error_string_ Alias "openmpt_error_string" (ByVal errorcode As Long) As Const ZString Ptr
'* Do not log or store the error. \since 0.3.0
'* Log the error. \since 0.3.0
'* Store the error. \since 0.3.0
'* Log and store the error. \since 0.3.0
/'* \brief Error function
\param errorcode Error code.
\param user User context that was passed to openmpt_module_create2(), openmpt_module_create_from_memory2() or openmpt_could_open_probability2().
\retval OPENMPT_ERROR_FUNC_RESULT_NONE Do not log or store the error.
\retval OPENMPT_ERROR_FUNC_RESULT_LOG Log the error.
\retval OPENMPT_ERROR_FUNC_RESULT_STORE Store the error.
\retval OPENMPT_ERROR_FUNC_RESULT_DEFAULT Log and store the error.
\sa openmpt_error_func_default
\sa openmpt_error_func_log
\sa openmpt_error_func_store
\sa openmpt_error_func_ignore
\sa openmpt_error_func_errno
\since 0.3.0
Type openmpt_error_func As Function(ByVal errorcode As Long, ByVal user As Any Ptr) As Long
/'* \brief Default error function
Causes all errors to be logged and stored.
\param errorcode Error code.
\param user Ignored.
\since 0.3.0
Declare Function openmpt_error_func_default(ByVal errorcode As Long, ByVal User As Any Ptr) As Long
/'* \brief Log error function
Causes all errors to be logged.
\param errorcode Error code.
\param user Ignored.
\since 0.3.0
Declare Function openmpt_error_func_log(ByVal errorcode As Long, ByVal user As Any Ptr) As Long
/'* \brief Store error function
Causes all errors to be stored.
\param errorcode Error code.
\param user Ignored.
\since 0.3.0
Declare Function openmpt_error_func_store(ByVal errorcode As Long, ByVal user As Any Ptr) As Long
/'* \brief Ignore error function
Causes all errors to be neither logged nor stored.
\param errorcode Error code.
\param user Ignored.
\since 0.3.0
Declare Function openmpt_error_func_ignore(ByVal errorcode As Long, ByVal user As Any Ptr) As Long
/'* \brief Errno error function
Causes all errors to be stored in the pointer passed in as user.
\param errorcode Error code.
\param user Pointer to an int as generated by openmpt_error_func_errno_userdata.
\since 0.3.0
Declare Function openmpt_error_func_errno(ByVal errorcode As Long, ByVal user As Any Ptr) As Long
/'* \brief User pointer for openmpt_error_func_errno
Provides a suitable user pointer argument for openmpt_error_func_errno.
\param errorcode Pointer to an integer value to be used as output by openmpt_error_func_errno.
\retval Cast(Any Ptr, errorcode).
\since 0.3.0
Declare Function openmpt_error_func_errno_userdata(ByVal errorcode As Long Ptr) As Any Ptr
/'* \brief Roughly scan the input stream to find out whether libopenmpt might be able to open it
\param stream_callbacks Input stream callback operations.
\param stream Input stream to scan.
\param effort Effort to make when validating stream. Effort 0.0 does not even look at stream at all and effort 1.0 completely loads the file from stream. A lower effort requires less data to be loaded but only gives a rough estimate answer. Use an effort of 0.25 to only verify the header data of the module file.
\param logfunc Logging function where warning and errors are written. May be NULL.
\param user Logging function user context.
\return Probability between 0.0 and 1.0.
\remarks openmpt_could_open_probability() can return any value between 0.0 and 1.0. Only 0.0 and 1.0 are definitive answers, all values in between are just estimates. In general, any return value >0.0 means that you should try loading the file, and any value below 1.0 means that loading may fail. If you want a threshold above which you can be reasonably sure that libopenmpt will be able to load the file, use >=0.5. If you see the need for a threshold below which you could reasonably outright reject a file, use <0.25 (Note: Such a threshold for rejecting on the lower end is not recommended, but may be required for better integration into some other framework's probe scoring.).
\remarks openmpt_could_open_probability() expects the complete file data to be eventually available to it, even if it is asked to just parse the header. Verification will be unreliable (both false positives and false negatives), if you pretend that the file is just some few bytes of initial data threshold in size. In order to really just access the first bytes of a file, check in your callback functions whether data or seeking is requested beyond your initial data threshold, and in that case, return an error. openmpt_could_open_probability() will treat this as any other I/O error and return 0.0. You must not expect the correct result in this case. You instead must remember that it asked for more data than you currently want to provide to it and treat this situation as if openmpt_could_open_probability() returned 0.5.
\sa openmpt_stream_callbacks
\deprecated Please use openmpt_module_could_open_probability2().
\since 0.3.0
Declare Function openmpt_could_open_probability(ByVal stream_callbacks As openmpt_stream_callbacks, ByVal stream As Any Ptr, ByVal effort As Double, ByVal logfunc As openmpt_log_func, ByVal user As Any Ptr) As Double
/'* \brief Roughly scan the input stream to find out whether libopenmpt might be able to open it
\param stream_callbacks Input stream callback operations.
\param stream Input stream to scan.
\param effort Effort to make when validating stream. Effort 0.0 does not even look at stream at all and effort 1.0 completely loads the file from stream. A lower effort requires less data to be loaded but only gives a rough estimate answer. Use an effort of 0.25 to only verify the header data of the module file.
\param logfunc Logging function where warning and errors are written. May be NULL.
\param loguser Logging function user context.
\param errfunc Error function to define error behaviour. May be NULL.
\param erruser Error function user context.
\param errorcode Pointer to an integer where an error may get stored. May be NULL.
\param error_message Pointer to a string pointer where an error message may get stored. May be NULL.
\return Probability between 0.0 and 1.0.
\remarks openmpt_probe_file_header() or openmpt_probe_file_header_without_filesize() provide a simpler and faster interface that fits almost all use cases better. It is recommended to use openmpt_probe_file_header() or openmpt_probe_file_header_without_filesize() instead of openmpt_could_open_probability().
\remarks openmpt_could_open_probability2() can return any value between 0.0 and 1.0. Only 0.0 and 1.0 are definitive answers, all values in between are just estimates. In general, any return value >0.0 means that you should try loading the file, and any value below 1.0 means that loading may fail. If you want a threshold above which you can be reasonably sure that libopenmpt will be able to load the file, use >=0.5. If you see the need for a threshold below which you could reasonably outright reject a file, use <0.25 (Note: Such a threshold for rejecting on the lower end is not recommended, but may be required for better integration into some other framework's probe scoring.).
\remarks openmpt_could_open_probability2() expects the complete file data to be eventually available to it, even if it is asked to just parse the header. Verification will be unreliable (both false positives and false negatives), if you pretend that the file is just some few bytes of initial data threshold in size. In order to really just access the first bytes of a file, check in your callback functions whether data or seeking is requested beyond your initial data threshold, and in that case, return an error. openmpt_could_open_probability() will treat this as any other I/O error and return 0.0. You must not expect the correct result in this case. You instead must remember that it asked for more data than you currently want to provide to it and treat this situation as if openmpt_could_open_probability() returned 0.5.
\sa openmpt_stream_callbacks
\sa openmpt_probe_file_header
\sa openmpt_probe_file_header_without_filesize
\since 0.3.0
Declare Function openmpt_could_open_probability2(ByVal stream_callbacks As openmpt_stream_callbacks, ByVal stream As Any Ptr, ByVal effort As Double, ByVal logfunc As openmpt_log_func, ByVal loguser As Any Ptr, ByVal errfunc As openmpt_error_func, ByVal erruser As Any Ptr, ByVal errorcode As Long Ptr, ByVal error_message As Const ZString Ptr Ptr) As Double
/'* \brief Get recommended header size for successfull format probing
\sa openmpt_probe_file_header()
\sa openmpt_probe_file_header_without_filesize()
\since 0.3.0
Declare Function openmpt_probe_file_header_get_recommended_size() As UInteger
'* Probe for module formats in openmpt_probe_file_header() or openmpt_probe_file_header_without_filesize(). \since 0.3.0
'* Probe for module-specific container formats in openmpt_probe_file_header() or openmpt_probe_file_header_without_filesize(). \since 0.3.0
'* Probe for the default set of formats in openmpt_probe_file_header() or openmpt_probe_file_header_without_filesize(). \since 0.3.0
'* Probe for no formats in openmpt_probe_file_header() or openmpt_probe_file_header_without_filesize(). \since 0.3.0
'* Possible return values fo openmpt_probe_file_header() and openmpt_probe_file_header_without_filesize(). \since 0.3.0
'* Possible return values fo openmpt_probe_file_header() and openmpt_probe_file_header_without_filesize(). \since 0.3.0
'* Possible return values fo openmpt_probe_file_header() and openmpt_probe_file_header_without_filesize(). \since 0.3.0
'* Possible return values fo openmpt_probe_file_header() and openmpt_probe_file_header_without_filesize(). \since 0.3.0
/'* \brief Probe the provided bytes from the beginning of a file for supported file format headers to find out whether libopenmpt might be able to open it
\param data Beginning of the file data.
\param size Size of the beginning of the file data.
\param filesize Full size of the file data on disk.
\param logfunc Logging function where warning and errors are written. May be NULL.
\param loguser Logging function user context. Used to pass any user-defined data associated with this module to the logging function.
\param errfunc Error function to define error behaviour. May be NULL.
\param erruser Error function user context. Used to pass any user-defined data associated with this module to the logging function.
\param error Pointer to an integer where an error may get stored. May be NULL.
\param error_message Pointer to a string pointer where an error message may get stored. May be NULL.
\remarks It is recommended to provide openmpt_probe_file_header_get_recommended_size() bytes of data for data and size. If the file is smaller, only provide the filesize amount and set size and filesize to the file's size.
\remarks openmpt_could_open_probability2() provides a more elaborate interface that might be required for special use cases. It is recommended to use openmpt_probe_file_header() though, if possible.
\retval OPENMPT_PROBE_FILE_HEADER_RESULT_SUCCESS The file will most likely be supported by libopenmpt.
\retval OPENMPT_PROBE_FILE_HEADER_RESULT_FAILURE The file is not supported by libopenmpt.
\retval OPENMPT_PROBE_FILE_HEADER_RESULT_WANTMOREDATA An answer could not be determined with the amount of data provided.
\retval OPENMPT_PROBE_FILE_HEADER_RESULT_ERROR An internal error occurred.
\sa openmpt_probe_file_header_get_recommended_size()
\sa openmpt_probe_file_header_without_filesize()
\sa openmpt_probe_file_header_from_stream()
\sa openmpt_could_open_probability2()
\since 0.3.0
Declare Function openmpt_probe_file_header(ByVal flags As ULongInt, ByVal Data As Const Any Ptr, ByVal size As UInteger, ByVal filesize As ULongInt, ByVal logfunc As openmpt_log_func, ByVal loguser As Any Ptr, ByVal errfunc As openmpt_error_func, ByVal erruser As Any Ptr, ByVal Error As Long Ptr, ByVal error_message As Const ZString Ptr Ptr) As Long
/'* \brief Probe the provided bytes from the beginning of a file for supported file format headers to find out whether libopenmpt might be able to open it
\param data Beginning of the file data.
\param size Size of the beginning of the file data.
\param logfunc Logging function where warning and errors are written. May be NULL.
\param loguser Logging function user context. Used to pass any user-defined data associated with this module to the logging function.
\param errfunc Error function to define error behaviour. May be NULL.
\param erruser Error function user context. Used to pass any user-defined data associated with this module to the logging function.
\param error Pointer to an integer where an error may get stored. May be NULL.
\param error_message Pointer to a string pointer where an error message may get stored. May be NULL.
\remarks It is recommended to use openmpt_probe_file_header() and provide the acutal file's size as a parameter if at all possible. libopenmpt can provide more accurate answers if the filesize is known.
\remarks It is recommended to provide openmpt_probe_file_header_get_recommended_size() bytes of data for data and size. If the file is smaller, only provide the filesize amount and set size to the file's size.
\remarks openmpt_could_open_probability2() provides a more elaborate interface that might be required for special use cases. It is recommended to use openmpt_probe_file_header() though, if possible.
\retval OPENMPT_PROBE_FILE_HEADER_RESULT_SUCCESS The file will most likely be supported by libopenmpt.
\retval OPENMPT_PROBE_FILE_HEADER_RESULT_FAILURE The file is not supported by libopenmpt.
\retval OPENMPT_PROBE_FILE_HEADER_RESULT_WANTMOREDATA An answer could not be determined with the amount of data provided.
\retval OPENMPT_PROBE_FILE_HEADER_RESULT_ERROR An internal error occurred.
\sa openmpt_probe_file_header_get_recommended_size()
\sa openmpt_probe_file_header()
\sa openmpt_probe_file_header_from_stream()
\sa openmpt_could_open_probability2()
\since 0.3.0
Declare Function openmpt_probe_file_header_without_filesize(ByVal flags As ULongInt, ByVal Data As Const Any Ptr, ByVal size As UInteger, ByVal logfunc As openmpt_log_func, ByVal loguser As Any Ptr, ByVal errfunc As openmpt_error_func, ByVal erruser As Any Ptr, ByVal Error As Long Ptr, ByVal error_message As Const ZString Ptr Ptr) As Long
/'* \brief Probe the provided bytes from the beginning of a file for supported file format headers to find out whether libopenmpt might be able to open it
\param stream_callbacks Input stream callback operations.
\param stream Input stream to scan.
\param logfunc Logging function where warning and errors are written. May be NULL.
\param loguser Logging function user context. Used to pass any user-defined data associated with this module to the logging function.
\param errfunc Error function to define error behaviour. May be NULL.
\param erruser Error function user context. Used to pass any user-defined data associated with this module to the logging function.
\param error Pointer to an integer where an error may get stored. May be NULL.
\param error_message Pointer to a string pointer where an error message may get stored. May be NULL.
\remarks The stream is left in an unspecified state when this function returns.
\remarks It is recommended to provide openmpt_probe_file_header_get_recommended_size() bytes of data for data and size. If the file is smaller, only provide the filesize amount and set size and filesize to the file's size.
\remarks openmpt_could_open_probability2() provides a more elaborate interface that might be required for special use cases. It is recommended to use openmpt_probe_file_header() though, if possible.
\retval OPENMPT_PROBE_FILE_HEADER_RESULT_SUCCESS The file will most likely be supported by libopenmpt.
\retval OPENMPT_PROBE_FILE_HEADER_RESULT_FAILURE The file is not supported by libopenmpt.
\retval OPENMPT_PROBE_FILE_HEADER_RESULT_WANTMOREDATA An answer could not be determined with the amount of data provided.
\retval OPENMPT_PROBE_FILE_HEADER_RESULT_ERROR An internal error occurred.
\sa openmpt_probe_file_header_get_recommended_size()
\sa openmpt_probe_file_header()
\sa openmpt_probe_file_header_without_filesize()
\sa openmpt_could_open_probability2()
\since 0.3.0
Declare Function openmpt_probe_file_header_from_stream(ByVal flags As ULongInt, ByVal stream_callbacks As openmpt_stream_callbacks, ByVal stream As Any Ptr, ByVal logfunc As openmpt_log_func, ByVal loguser As Any Ptr, ByVal errfunc As openmpt_error_func, ByVal erruser As Any Ptr, ByVal Error As Long Ptr, ByVal error_message As Const ZString Ptr Ptr) As Long
'* \brief Opaque type representing a libopenmpt module
Type openmpt_module
opaque As Any Ptr
End Type
Type openmpt_module_initial_ctl
ctl As Const ZString Ptr
value As Const ZString Ptr
End Type
/'* \brief Construct an openmpt_module
\param stream_callbacks Input stream callback operations.
\param stream Input stream to load the module from.
\param logfunc Logging function where warning and errors are written. The logging function may be called throughout the lifetime of openmpt_module.
\param user User-defined data associated with this module. This value will be passed to the logging callback function (logfunc)
\param ctls A map of initial ctl values. See openmpt_module_get_ctls().
\return A pointer to the constructed openmpt_module, or NULL on failure.
\remarks The input data can be discarded after an openmpt_module has been constructed successfully.
\sa openmpt_stream_callbacks
Declare Function openmpt_module_create(ByVal stream_callbacks As openmpt_stream_callbacks, ByVal stream As Any Ptr, ByVal logfunc As openmpt_log_func = 0, ByVal user As Any Ptr = 0, ByVal ctls As Const openmpt_module_initial_ctl Ptr = 0) As openmpt_module Ptr
/'* \brief Construct an openmpt_module
\param stream_callbacks Input stream callback operations.
\param stream Input stream to load the module from.
\param logfunc Logging function where warning and errors are written. The logging function may be called throughout the lifetime of openmpt_module. May be NULL.
\param loguser User-defined data associated with this module. This value will be passed to the logging callback function (logfunc)
\param errfunc Error function to define error behaviour. May be NULL.
\param erruser Error function user context.
\param errorcode Pointer to an integer where an error may get stored. May be NULL.
\param error_message Pointer to a string pointer where an error message may get stored. May be NULL.
\param ctls A map of initial ctl values. See openmpt_module_get_ctls().
\return A pointer to the constructed openmpt_module, or NULL on failure.
\remarks The input data can be discarded after an openmpt_module has been constructed successfully.
\sa openmpt_stream_callbacks
\since 0.3.0
Declare Function openmpt_module_create2(ByVal stream_callbacks As openmpt_stream_callbacks, ByVal stream As Any Ptr, ByVal logfunc As openmpt_log_func = 0, ByVal loguser As Any Ptr = 0, ByVal errfunc As openmpt_error_func = 0, ByVal erruser As Any Ptr = 0, ByVal errorcode As Long Ptr = 0, ByVal error_message As Const ZString Ptr Ptr = 0, ByVal ctls As Const openmpt_module_initial_ctl Ptr = 0) As openmpt_module Ptr
/'* \brief Construct an openmpt_module
\param filedata Data to load the module from.
\param filesize Amount of data available.
\param logfunc Logging function where warning and errors are written. The logging function may be called throughout the lifetime of openmpt_module.
\param user User-defined data associated with this module. This value will be passed to the logging callback function (logfunc)
\param ctls A map of initial ctl values. See openmpt_module_get_ctls().
\return A pointer to the constructed openmpt_module, or NULL on failure.
\remarks The input data can be discarded after an openmpt_module has been constructed successfully.
Declare Function openmpt_module_create_from_memory(ByVal filedata As Const Any Ptr, ByVal filesize As UInteger, ByVal logfunc As openmpt_log_func = 0, ByVal user As Any Ptr = 0, ByVal ctls As Const openmpt_module_initial_ctl Ptr = 0) As openmpt_module Ptr
/'* \brief Construct an openmpt_module
\param filedata Data to load the module from.
\param filesize Amount of data available.
\param logfunc Logging function where warning and errors are written. The logging function may be called throughout the lifetime of openmpt_module.
\param loguser User-defined data associated with this module. This value will be passed to the logging callback function (logfunc)
\param errfunc Error function to define error behaviour. May be NULL.
\param erruser Error function user context.
\param errorcode Pointer to an integer where an error may get stored. May be NULL.
\param error_message Pointer to a string pointer where an error message may get stored. May be NULL.
\param ctls A map of initial ctl values. See openmpt_module_get_ctls().
\return A pointer to the constructed openmpt_module, or NULL on failure.
\remarks The input data can be discarded after an openmpt_module has been constructed successfully.
\since 0.3.0
Declare Function openmpt_module_create_from_memory2(ByVal filedata As Const Any Ptr, ByVal filesize As UInteger, ByVal logfunc As openmpt_log_func, ByVal loguser As Any Ptr, ByVal errfunc As openmpt_error_func, ByVal erruser As Any Ptr, ByVal errorcode As Long Ptr, ByVal error_message As Const ZString Ptr Ptr, ByVal ctls As Const openmpt_module_initial_ctl Ptr) As openmpt_module Ptr
/'* \brief Unload a previously created openmpt_module from memory.
\param module The module to unload.
Declare Sub openmpt_module_destroy(ByVal module As openmpt_module Ptr)
/'* \brief Set logging function.
Set the logging function of an already constructed openmpt_module.
\param module The module handle to work on.
\param logfunc Logging function where warning and errors are written. The logging function may be called throughout the lifetime of openmpt_module.
\param loguser User-defined data associated with this module. This value will be passed to the logging callback function (logfunc)
\since 0.3.0
Declare Sub openmpt_module_set_log_func(ByVal module As openmpt_module Ptr, ByVal logfunc As openmpt_log_func, ByVal loguser As Any Ptr)
/'* \brief Set error function.
Set the error function of an already constructed openmpt_module.
\param module The module handle to work on.
\param errfunc Error function to define error behaviour. May be NULL.
\param erruser Error function user context.
\since 0.3.0
Declare Sub openmpt_module_set_error_func(ByVal module As openmpt_module Ptr, ByVal errfunc As openmpt_error_func, ByVal erruser As Any Ptr)
/'* \brief Get last error.
Return the error currently stored in an openmpt_module. The stored error is not cleared.
\param module The module handle to work on.
\return The error currently stored.
\sa openmpt_module_error_get_last_message
\sa openmpt_module_error_set_last
\sa openmpt_module_error_clear
\since 0.3.0
Declare Function openmpt_module_error_get_last(ByVal module As openmpt_module Ptr) As Long
/'* \brief Get last error message.
Return the error message currently stored in an openmpt_module. The stored error is not cleared.
\param module The module handle to work on.
\return The error message currently stored.
\sa openmpt_module_error_set_last
\sa openmpt_module_error_clear
\since 0.3.0
\remarks Use openmpt_module_error_get_last_message to automatically handle the lifetime of the returned pointer.
Declare Function openmpt_module_error_get_last_message_ Alias "openmpt_module_error_get_last_message" (ByVal module As openmpt_module Ptr) As Const ZString Ptr
/'* \brief Set last error.
Set the error currently stored in an openmpt_module.
\param module The module handle to work on.
\param errorcode Error to be stored.
\sa openmpt_module_error_get_last
\sa openmpt_module_error_clear
\since 0.3.0
Declare Sub openmpt_module_error_set_last(ByVal module As openmpt_module Ptr, ByVal errorcode As Long)
/'* \brief Clear last error.
Set the error currently stored in an openmpt_module to OPPENMPT_ERROR_OK.
\param module The module handle to work on.
\sa openmpt_module_error_get_last
\sa openmpt_module_error_set_last
\since 0.3.0
Declare Sub openmpt_module_error_clear(ByVal module As openmpt_module Ptr)
\defgroup openmpt_module_render_param Render param indices
\brief Parameter index to use with openmpt_module_get_render_param() and openmpt_module_set_render_param()
/'* \brief Master Gain
The related value represents a relative gain in milliBel.\n
The default value is 0.\n
The supported value range is unlimited.\n
/'* \brief Stereo Separation
The related value represents the stereo separation generated by the libopenmpt mixer in percent.\n
The default value is 100.\n
The supported value range is [0,200].\n
/'* \brief Interpolation Filter
The related value represents the interpolation filter length used by the libopenmpt mixer.\n
The default value is 0, which indicates a recommended default value.\n
The supported value range is [0,inf). Values greater than the implementation limit are clamped to the maximum supported value.\n
Currently supported values:
- 0: internal default
- 1: no interpolation (zero order hold)
- 2: linear interpolation
- 4: cubic interpolation
- 8: windowed sinc with 8 taps
/'* \brief Volume Ramping Strength
The related value represents the amount of volume ramping done by the libopenmpt mixer.\n
The default value is -1, which indicates a recommended default value.\n
The meaningful value range is [-1..10].\n
A value of 0 completely disables volume ramping. This might cause clicks in sound output.\n
Higher values imply slower/softer volume ramps.
'* @}
\defgroup openmpt_module_command_index Pattern cell indices
\brief Parameter index to use with openmpt_module_get_pattern_row_channel_command(), openmpt_module_format_pattern_row_channel_command() and openmpt_module_highlight_pattern_row_channel_command()
'* @}
/'* \brief Select a sub-song from a multi-song module
\param module The module handle to work on.
\param subsong Index of the sub-song. -1 plays all sub-songs consecutively.
\return 1 on success, 0 on failure.
\sa openmpt_module_get_num_subsongs, openmpt_module_get_selected_subsong, openmpt_module_get_subsong_name
\remarks Whether subsong -1 (all subsongs consecutively), subsong 0 or some other subsong is selected by default, is an implementation detail and subject to change. If you do not want to care about subsongs, it is recommended to just not call openmpt_module_select_subsong() at all.
Declare Function openmpt_module_select_subsong(ByVal module As openmpt_module Ptr, ByVal subsong As Long) As Long
/'* \brief Get currently selected sub-song from a multi-song module
\param module The module handle to work on.
\return Currently selected sub-song. -1 for all subsongs consecutively, 0 or greater for the current sub-song index.
\sa openmpt_module_get_num_subsongs, openmpt_module_select_subsong, openmpt_module_get_subsong_name
\since 0.3.0
Declare Function openmpt_module_get_selected_subsong(ByVal module As openmpt_module Ptr) As Long
/'* \brief Set Repeat Count
\param module The module handle to work on.
\param repeat_count Repeat Count
- -1: repeat forever
- 0: play once, repeat zero times (the default)
- n>0: play once and repeat n times after that
\return 1 on success, 0 on failure.
\sa openmpt_module_get_repeat_count
Declare Function openmpt_module_set_repeat_count(ByVal module As openmpt_module Ptr, ByVal repeat_count As Long) As Long
/'* \brief Get Repeat Count
\param module The module handle to work on.
\return Repeat Count
- -1: repeat forever
- 0: play once, repeat zero times (the default)
- n>0: play once and repeat n times after that
\sa openmpt_module_set_repeat_count
Declare Function openmpt_module_get_repeat_count(ByVal module As openmpt_module Ptr) As Long
/'* \brief approximate song duration
\param module The module handle to work on.
\return Approximate duration of current sub-song in seconds.
\remarks The function may return infinity if the pattern data is too complex to evaluate.
Declare Function openmpt_module_get_duration_seconds(ByVal module As openmpt_module Ptr) As Double
/'* \brief Set approximate current song position
\param module The module handle to work on.
\param seconds Seconds to seek to. If seconds is out of range, the position gets set to song start or end respectively.
\return Approximate new song position in seconds.
\sa openmpt_module_get_position_seconds
Declare Function openmpt_module_set_position_seconds(ByVal module As openmpt_module Ptr, ByVal seconds As Double) As Double
/'* \brief Get current song position
\param module The module handle to work on.
\return Current song position in seconds.
\sa openmpt_module_set_position_seconds
Declare Function openmpt_module_get_position_seconds(ByVal module As openmpt_module Ptr) As Double
/'* \brief Set approximate current song position
If order or row are out of range, to position is not modified and the current position is returned.
\param module The module handle to work on.
\param order Pattern order number to seek to.
\param row Pattern row number to seek to.
\return Approximate new song position in seconds.
\sa openmpt_module_set_position_seconds
\sa openmpt_module_get_position_seconds
Declare Function openmpt_module_set_position_order_row(ByVal module As openmpt_module Ptr, ByVal order As Long, ByVal row As Long) As Double
/'* \brief Get render parameter
\param module The module handle to work on.
\param param Parameter to query. See \ref openmpt_module_render_param
\param value Pointer to the variable that receives the current value of the parameter.
\return 1 on success, 0 on failure (invalid param or value is NULL).
\sa openmpt_module_set_render_param
Declare Function openmpt_module_get_render_param(ByVal module As openmpt_module Ptr, ByVal param As Long, ByVal value As Long Ptr) As Long
/'* \brief Set render parameter
\param module The module handle to work on.
\param param Parameter to set. See \ref openmpt_module_render_param
\param value The value to set param to.
\return 1 on success, 0 on failure (invalid param).
\sa openmpt_module_get_render_param
Declare Function openmpt_module_set_render_param(ByVal module As openmpt_module Ptr, ByVal param As Long, ByVal value As Long) As Long
/'* \brief Render audio data
\param module The module handle to work on.
\param samplerate Sample rate to render output. Should be in [8000,192000], but this is not enforced.
\param count Number of audio frames to render per channel.
\param mono Pointer to a buffer of at least count elements that receives the mono/center output.
\return The number of frames actually rendered.
\retval 0 The end of song has been reached.
\remarks The output buffers are only written to up to the returned number of elements.
\remarks You can freely switch between any of the "openmpt_module_read*" variants if you see a need to do so. libopenmpt tries to introduce as little switching annoyances as possible. Normally, you would only use a single one of these functions for rendering a particular module.
\remarks It is recommended to use the floating point API because of the greater dynamic range and no implied clipping.
\sa \ref libopenmpt_freebasic_outputformat
Declare Function openmpt_module_read_mono(ByVal module As openmpt_module Ptr, ByVal samplerate As Long, ByVal count As UInteger, ByVal mono As Short Ptr) As UInteger
/'* \brief Render audio data
\param module The module handle to work on.
\param samplerate Sample rate to render output. Should be in [8000,192000], but this is not enforced.
\param count Number of audio frames to render per channel.
\param left Pointer to a buffer of at least count elements that receives the left output.
\param right Pointer to a buffer of at least count elements that receives the right output.
\return The number of frames actually rendered.
\retval 0 The end of song has been reached.
\remarks The output buffers are only written to up to the returned number of elements.
\remarks You can freely switch between any of the "openmpt_module_read*" variants if you see a need to do so. libopenmpt tries to introduce as little switching annoyances as possible. Normally, you would only use a single one of these functions for rendering a particular module.
\remarks It is recommended to use the floating point API because of the greater dynamic range and no implied clipping.
\sa \ref libopenmpt_freebasic_outputformat
Declare Function openmpt_module_read_stereo(ByVal module As openmpt_module Ptr, ByVal samplerate As Long, ByVal count As UInteger, ByVal Left As Short Ptr, ByVal Right As Short Ptr) As UInteger
/'* \brief Render audio data
\param module The module handle to work on.
\param samplerate Sample rate to render output. Should be in [8000,192000], but this is not enforced.
\param count Number of audio frames to render per channel.
\param left Pointer to a buffer of at least count elements that receives the left output.
\param right Pointer to a buffer of at least count elements that receives the right output.
\param rear_left Pointer to a buffer of at least count elements that receives the rear left output.
\param rear_right Pointer to a buffer of at least count elements that receives the rear right output.
\return The number of frames actually rendered.
\retval 0 The end of song has been reached.
\remarks The output buffers are only written to up to the returned number of elements.
\remarks You can freely switch between any of the "openmpt_module_read*" variants if you see a need to do so. libopenmpt tries to introduce as little switching annoyances as possible. Normally, you would only use a single one of these functions for rendering a particular module.
\remarks It is recommended to use the floating point API because of the greater dynamic range and no implied clipping.
\sa \ref libopenmpt_freebasic_outputformat
Declare Function openmpt_module_read_quad(ByVal module As openmpt_module Ptr, ByVal samplerate As Long, ByVal count As UInteger, ByVal Left As Short Ptr, ByVal Right As Short Ptr, ByVal rear_left As Short Ptr, ByVal rear_right As Short Ptr) As UInteger
/'* \brief Render audio data
\param module The module handle to work on.
\param samplerate Sample rate to render output. Should be in [8000,192000], but this is not enforced.
\param count Number of audio frames to render per channel.
\param mono Pointer to a buffer of at least count elements that receives the mono/center output.
\return The number of frames actually rendered.
\retval 0 The end of song has been reached.
\remarks The output buffers are only written to up to the returned number of elements.
\remarks You can freely switch between any of the "openmpt_module_read*" variants if you see a need to do so. libopenmpt tries to introduce as little switching annoyances as possible. Normally, you would only use a single one of these functions for rendering a particular module.
\remarks Floating point samples are in the [-1.0..1.0] nominal range. They are not clipped to that range though and thus might overshoot.
\sa \ref libopenmpt_freebasic_outputformat
Declare Function openmpt_module_read_float_mono(ByVal module As openmpt_module Ptr, ByVal samplerate As Long, ByVal count As UInteger, ByVal mono As Single Ptr) As UInteger
/'* \brief Render audio data
\param module The module handle to work on.
\param samplerate Sample rate to render output. Should be in [8000,192000], but this is not enforced.
\param count Number of audio frames to render per channel.
\param left Pointer to a buffer of at least count elements that receives the left output.
\param right Pointer to a buffer of at least count elements that receives the right output.
\return The number of frames actually rendered.
\retval 0 The end of song has been reached.
\remarks The output buffers are only written to up to the returned number of elements.
\remarks You can freely switch between any of the "openmpt_module_read*" variants if you see a need to do so. libopenmpt tries to introduce as little switching annoyances as possible. Normally, you would only use a single one of these functions for rendering a particular module.
\remarks Floating point samples are in the [-1.0..1.0] nominal range. They are not clipped to that range though and thus might overshoot.
\sa \ref libopenmpt_freebasic_outputformat
Declare Function openmpt_module_read_float_stereo(ByVal module As openmpt_module Ptr, ByVal samplerate As Long, ByVal count As UInteger, ByVal Left As Single Ptr, ByVal Right As Single Ptr) As UInteger
/'* \brief Render audio data
\param module The module handle to work on.
\param samplerate Sample rate to render output. Should be in [8000,192000], but this is not enforced.
\param count Number of audio frames to render per channel.
\param left Pointer to a buffer of at least count elements that receives the left output.
\param right Pointer to a buffer of at least count elements that receives the right output.
\param rear_left Pointer to a buffer of at least count elements that receives the rear left output.
\param rear_right Pointer to a buffer of at least count elements that receives the rear right output.
\return The number of frames actually rendered.
\retval 0 The end of song has been reached.
\remarks The output buffers are only written to up to the returned number of elements.
\remarks You can freely switch between any of the "openmpt_module_read*" variants if you see a need to do so. libopenmpt tries to introduce as little switching annoyances as possible. Normally, you would only use a single one of these functions for rendering a particular module.
\remarks Floating point samples are in the [-1.0..1.0] nominal range. They are not clipped to that range though and thus might overshoot.
\sa \ref libopenmpt_freebasic_outputformat
Declare Function openmpt_module_read_float_quad(ByVal module As openmpt_module Ptr, ByVal samplerate As Long, ByVal count As UInteger, ByVal Left As Single Ptr, ByVal Right As Single Ptr, ByVal rear_left As Single Ptr, ByVal rear_right As Single Ptr) As UInteger
/'* \brief Render audio data
\param module The module handle to work on.
\param samplerate Sample rate to render output. Should be in [8000,192000], but this is not enforced.
\param count Number of audio frames to render per channel.
\param interleaved_stereo Pointer to a buffer of at least count*2 elements that receives the interleaved stereo output in the order (L,R).
\return The number of frames actually rendered.
\retval 0 The end of song has been reached.
\remarks The output buffers are only written to up to the returned number of elements.
\remarks You can freely switch between any of the "openmpt_module_read*" variants if you see a need to do so. libopenmpt tries to introduce as little switching annoyances as possible. Normally, you would only use a single one of these functions for rendering a particular module.
\remarks It is recommended to use the floating point API because of the greater dynamic range and no implied clipping.
\sa \ref libopenmpt_freebasic_outputformat
Declare Function openmpt_module_read_interleaved_stereo(ByVal module As openmpt_module Ptr, ByVal samplerate As Long, ByVal count As UInteger, ByVal interleaved_stereo As Short Ptr) As UInteger
/'* \brief Render audio data
\param module The module handle to work on.
\param samplerate Sample rate to render output. Should be in [8000,192000], but this is not enforced.
\param count Number of audio frames to render per channel.
\param interleaved_quad Pointer to a buffer of at least count*4 elements that receives the interleaved quad surround output in the order (L,R,RL,RR).
\return The number of frames actually rendered.
\retval 0 The end of song has been reached.
\remarks The output buffers are only written to up to the returned number of elements.
\remarks You can freely switch between any of the "openmpt_module_read*" variants if you see a need to do so. libopenmpt tries to introduce as little switching annoyances as possible. Normally, you would only use a single one of these functions for rendering a particular module.
\remarks It is recommended to use the floating point API because of the greater dynamic range and no implied clipping.
\sa \ref libopenmpt_freebasic_outputformat
Declare Function openmpt_module_read_interleaved_quad(ByVal module As openmpt_module Ptr, ByVal samplerate As Long, ByVal count As UInteger, ByVal interleaved_quad As Short Ptr) As UInteger
/'* \brief Render audio data
\param module The module handle to work on.
\param samplerate Sample rate to render output. Should be in [8000,192000], but this is not enforced.
\param count Number of audio frames to render per channel.
\param interleaved_stereo Pointer to a buffer of at least count*2 elements that receives the interleaved stereo output in the order (L,R).
\return The number of frames actually rendered.
\retval 0 The end of song has been reached.
\remarks The output buffers are only written to up to the returned number of elements.
\remarks You can freely switch between any of the "openmpt_module_read*" variants if you see a need to do so. libopenmpt tries to introduce as little switching annoyances as possible. Normally, you would only use a single one of these functions for rendering a particular module.
\remarks Floating point samples are in the [-1.0..1.0] nominal range. They are not clipped to that range though and thus might overshoot.
\sa \ref libopenmpt_freebasic_outputformat
Declare Function openmpt_module_read_interleaved_float_stereo(ByVal module As openmpt_module Ptr, ByVal samplerate As Long, ByVal count As UInteger, ByVal interleaved_stereo As Single Ptr) As UInteger
/'* \brief Render audio data
\param module The module handle to work on.
\param samplerate Sample rate to render output. Should be in [8000,192000], but this is not enforced.
\param count Number of audio frames to render per channel.
\param interleaved_quad Pointer to a buffer of at least count*4 elements that receives the interleaved quad surround output in the order (L,R,RL,RR).
\return The number of frames actually rendered.
\retval 0 The end of song has been reached.
\remarks The output buffers are only written to up to the returned number of elements.
\remarks You can freely switch between any of the "openmpt_module_read*" variants if you see a need to do so. libopenmpt tries to introduce as little switching annoyances as possible. Normally, you would only use a single one of these functions for rendering a particular module.
\remarks Floating point samples are in the [-1.0..1.0] nominal range. They are not clipped to that range though and thus might overshoot.
\sa \ref libopenmpt_freebasic_outputformat
Declare Function openmpt_module_read_interleaved_float_quad(ByVal module As openmpt_module Ptr, ByVal samplerate As Long, ByVal count As UInteger, ByVal interleaved_quad As Single Ptr) As UInteger
/'* \brief Get the list of supported metadata item keys
\param module The module handle to work on.
\return Metadata item keys supported by openmpt_module_get_metadata, as a semicolon-separated list.
\sa openmpt_module_get_metadata
\remarks Use openmpt_module_get_metadata_keys to automatically handle the lifetime of the returned pointer.
Declare Function openmpt_module_get_metadata_keys_ Alias "openmpt_module_get_metadata_keys" (ByVal module As openmpt_module Ptr) As Const ZString Ptr
/'* \brief Get a metadata item value
\param module The module handle to work on.
\param key Metadata item key to query. Use openmpt_module_get_metadata_keys to check for available keys.
Possible keys are:
- type: Module format extension (e.g. it) or another similar identifier for modules formats that typically do not use a file extension
- type_long: Format name associated with the module format (e.g. Impulse Tracker)
- originaltype: Module format extension (e.g. it) of the original module in case the actual type is a converted format (e.g. mo3 or gdm)
- originaltype_long: Format name associated with the module format (e.g. Impulse Tracker) of the original module in case the actual type is a converted format (e.g. mo3 or gdm)
- container: Container format the module file is embedded in, if any (e.g. umx)
- container_long: Full container name if the module is embedded in a container (e.g. Unreal Music)
- tracker: Tracker that was (most likely) used to save the module file, if known
- artist: Author of the module
- title: Module title
- date: Date the module was last saved, in ISO-8601 format.
- message: Song message. If the song message is empty or the module format does not support song messages, a list of instrument and sample names is returned instead.
- message_raw: Song message. If the song message is empty or the module format does not support song messages, an empty string is returned.
- warnings: A list of warnings that were generated while loading the module.
\return The associated value for key.
\sa openmpt_module_get_metadata_keys
\remarks Use openmpt_module_get_metadata to automatically handle the lifetime of the returned pointer.
Declare Function openmpt_module_get_metadata_ Alias "openmpt_module_get_metadata" (ByVal module As openmpt_module Ptr, ByVal key As Const ZString Ptr) As Const ZString Ptr
/'* \brief Get the current estimated beats per minute (BPM).
\param module The module handle to work on.
\remarks Many module formats lack time signature metadata. It is common that this estimate is off by a factor of two, but other multipliers are also possible.
\remarks Due to the nature of how module tempo works, the estimate may change slightly after switching libopenmpt's output to a different sample rate.
\return The current estimated BPM.
Declare Function openmpt_module_get_current_estimated_bpm(ByVal module As openmpt_module Ptr) As Double
/'* \brief Get the current speed
\param module The module handle to work on.
\return The current speed in ticks per row.
Declare Function openmpt_module_get_current_speed(ByVal module As openmpt_module Ptr) As Long
/'* \brief Get the current tempo
\param module The module handle to work on.
\return The current tempo in tracker units. The exact meaning of this value depends on the tempo mode being used.
Declare Function openmpt_module_get_current_tempo(ByVal module As openmpt_module Ptr) As Long
/'* \brief Get the current order
\param module The module handle to work on.
\return The current order at which the module is being played back.
Declare Function openmpt_module_get_current_order(ByVal module As openmpt_module Ptr) As Long
/'* \brief Get the current pattern
\param module The module handle to work on.
\return The current pattern that is being played.
Declare Function openmpt_module_get_current_pattern(ByVal module As openmpt_module Ptr) As Long
/'* \brief Get the current row
\param module The module handle to work on.
\return The current row at which the current pattern is being played.
Declare Function openmpt_module_get_current_row(ByVal module As openmpt_module Ptr) As Long
/'* \brief Get the current amount of playing channels.
\param module The module handle to work on.
\return The amount of sample channels that are currently being rendered.
Declare Function openmpt_module_get_current_playing_channels(ByVal module As openmpt_module Ptr) As Long
/'* \brief Get an approximate indication of the channel volume.
\param module The module handle to work on.
\param channel The channel whose volume should be retrieved.
\return The approximate channel volume.
\remarks The returned value is solely based on the note velocity and does not take the actual waveform of the playing sample into account.
Declare Function openmpt_module_get_current_channel_vu_mono(ByVal module As openmpt_module Ptr, ByVal channel As Long) As Single
/'* \brief Get an approximate indication of the channel volume on the front-left speaker.
\param module The module handle to work on.
\param channel The channel whose volume should be retrieved.
\return The approximate channel volume.
\remarks The returned value is solely based on the note velocity and does not take the actual waveform of the playing sample into account.
Declare Function openmpt_module_get_current_channel_vu_left(ByVal module As openmpt_module Ptr, ByVal channel As Long) As Single
/'* \brief Get an approximate indication of the channel volume on the front-right speaker.
\param module The module handle to work on.
\param channel The channel whose volume should be retrieved.
\return The approximate channel volume.
\remarks The returned value is solely based on the note velocity and does not take the actual waveform of the playing sample into account.
Declare Function openmpt_module_get_current_channel_vu_right(ByVal module As openmpt_module Ptr, ByVal channel As Long) As Single
/'* \brief Get an approximate indication of the channel volume on the rear-left speaker.
\param module The module handle to work on.
\param channel The channel whose volume should be retrieved.
\return The approximate channel volume.
\remarks The returned value is solely based on the note velocity and does not take the actual waveform of the playing sample into account.
Declare Function openmpt_module_get_current_channel_vu_rear_left(ByVal module As openmpt_module Ptr, ByVal channel As Long) As Single
/'* \brief Get an approximate indication of the channel volume on the rear-right speaker.
\param module The module handle to work on.
\param channel The channel whose volume should be retrieved.
\return The approximate channel volume.
\remarks The returned value is solely based on the note velocity and does not take the actual waveform of the playing sample into account.
Declare Function openmpt_module_get_current_channel_vu_rear_right(ByVal module As openmpt_module Ptr, ByVal channel As Long) As Single
/'* \brief Get the number of sub-songs
\param module The module handle to work on.
\return The number of sub-songs in the module. This includes any "hidden" songs (songs that share the same sequence, but start at different order indices) and "normal" sub-songs or "sequences" (if the format supports them).
\sa openmpt_module_get_subsong_name, openmpt_module_select_subsong, openmpt_module_get_selected_subsong
Declare Function openmpt_module_get_num_subsongs(ByVal module As openmpt_module Ptr) As Long
/'* \brief Get the number of pattern channels
\param module The module handle to work on.
\return The number of pattern channels in the module. Not all channels do necessarily contain data.
\remarks The number of pattern channels is completely independent of the number of output channels. libopenmpt can render modules in mono, stereo or quad surround, but the choice of which of the three modes to use must not be made based on the return value of this function, which may be any positive integer amount. Only use this function for informational purposes.
Declare Function openmpt_module_get_num_channels(ByVal module As openmpt_module Ptr) As Long
/'* \brief Get the number of orders
\param module The module handle to work on.
\return The number of orders in the current sequence of the module.
Declare Function openmpt_module_get_num_orders(ByVal module As openmpt_module Ptr) As Long
/'* \brief Get the number of patterns
\param module The module handle to work on.
\return The number of distinct patterns in the module.
Declare Function openmpt_module_get_num_patterns(ByVal module As openmpt_module Ptr) As Long
/'* \brief Get the number of instruments
\param module The module handle to work on.
\return The number of instrument slots in the module. Instruments are a layer on top of samples, and are not supported by all module formats.
Declare Function openmpt_module_get_num_instruments(ByVal module As openmpt_module Ptr) As Long
/'* \brief Get the number of samples
\param module The module handle to work on.
\return The number of sample slots in the module.
Declare Function openmpt_module_get_num_samples(ByVal module As openmpt_module Ptr) As Long
/'* \brief Get a sub-song name
\param module The module handle to work on.
\param index The sub-song whose name should be retrieved
\return The sub-song name.
\sa openmpt_module_get_num_subsongs, openmpt_module_select_subsong, openmpt_module_get_selected_subsong
\remarks Use openmpt_module_get_subsong_name to automatically handle the lifetime of the returned pointer.
Declare Function openmpt_module_get_subsong_name_ Alias "openmpt_module_get_subsong_name" (ByVal module As openmpt_module Ptr, ByVal index As Long) As Const ZString Ptr
/'* \brief Get a channel name
\param module The module handle to work on.
\param index The channel whose name should be retrieved
\return The channel name.
\sa openmpt_module_get_num_channels
\remarks Use openmpt_module_get_channel_name to automatically handle the lifetime of the returned pointer.
Declare Function openmpt_module_get_channel_name_ Alias "openmpt_module_get_channel_name" (ByVal module As openmpt_module Ptr, ByVal index As Long) As Const ZString Ptr
/'* \brief Get an order name
\param module The module handle to work on.
\param index The order whose name should be retrieved
\return The order name.
\sa openmpt_module_get_num_orders
\remarks Use openmpt_module_get_order_name to automatically handle the lifetime of the returned pointer.
Declare Function openmpt_module_get_order_name_ Alias "openmpt_module_get_order_name" (ByVal module As openmpt_module Ptr, ByVal index As Long) As Const ZString Ptr
/'* \brief Get a pattern name
\param module The module handle to work on.
\param index The pattern whose name should be retrieved
\return The pattern name.
\sa openmpt_module_get_num_patterns
\remarks Use openmpt_module_get_pattern_name to automatically handle the lifetime of the returned pointer.
Declare Function openmpt_module_get_pattern_name_ Alias "openmpt_module_get_pattern_name" (ByVal module As openmpt_module Ptr, ByVal index As Long) As Const ZString Ptr
/'* \brief Get an instrument name
\param module The module handle to work on.
\param index The instrument whose name should be retrieved
\return The instrument name.
\sa openmpt_module_get_num_instruments
\remarks Use openmpt_module_get_instrument_name to automatically handle the lifetime of the returned pointer.
Declare Function openmpt_module_get_instrument_name_ Alias "openmpt_module_get_instrument_name" (ByVal module As openmpt_module Ptr, ByVal index As Long) As Const ZString Ptr
/'* \brief Get a sample name
\param module The module handle to work on.
\param index The sample whose name should be retrieved
\return The sample name.
\sa openmpt_module_get_num_samples
\remarks Use openmpt_module_get_sample_name to automatically handle the lifetime of the returned pointer.
Declare Function openmpt_module_get_sample_name_ Alias "openmpt_module_get_sample_name" (ByVal module As openmpt_module Ptr, ByVal index As Long) As Const ZString Ptr
/'* \brief Get pattern at order position
\param module The module handle to work on.
\param order The order item whose pattern index should be retrieved.
\return The pattern index found at the given order position of the current sequence.
Declare Function openmpt_module_get_order_pattern(ByVal module As openmpt_module Ptr, ByVal order As Long) As Long
/'* \brief Get the number of rows in a pattern
\param module The module handle to work on.
\param pattern The pattern whose row count should be retrieved.
\return The number of rows in the given pattern. If the pattern does not exist, 0 is returned.
Declare Function openmpt_module_get_pattern_num_rows(ByVal module As openmpt_module Ptr, ByVal pattern As Long) As Long
/'* \brief Get raw pattern content
\param module The module handle to work on.
\param pattern The pattern whose data should be retrieved.
\param row The row from which the data should be retrieved.
\param channel The channel from which the data should be retrieved.
\param command The cell index at which the data should be retrieved. See \ref openmpt_module_command_index
\return The internal, raw pattern data at the given pattern position.
Declare Function openmpt_module_get_pattern_row_channel_command_(ByVal module As openmpt_module Ptr, ByVal pattern As Long, ByVal row As Long, ByVal channel As Long, ByVal command_ As Long) As UByte
/'* \brief Get formatted (human-readable) pattern content
\param module The module handle to work on.
\param pattern The pattern whose data should be retrieved.
\param row The row from which the data should be retrieved.
\param channel The channel from which the data should be retrieved.
\param command The cell index at which the data should be retrieved.
\return The formatted pattern data at the given pattern position. See \ref openmpt_module_command_index
\sa openmpt_module_highlight_pattern_row_channel_command
\remarks Use openmpt_module_format_pattern_row_channel_command to automatically handle the lifetime of the returned pointer.
Declare Function openmpt_module_format_pattern_row_channel_command_ Alias "openmpt_module_format_pattern_row_channel_command" (ByVal module As openmpt_module Ptr, ByVal pattern As Long, ByVal row As Long, ByVal channel As Long, ByVal command_ As Long) As Const ZString Ptr
/'* \brief Get highlighting information for formatted pattern content
\param module The module handle to work on.
\param pattern The pattern whose data should be retrieved.
\param row The row from which the data should be retrieved.
\param channel The channel from which the data should be retrieved.
\param command The cell index at which the data should be retrieved. See \ref openmpt_module_command_index
\return The highlighting string for the formatted pattern data as retrieved by openmpt_module_get_pattern_row_channel_command at the given pattern position.
\remarks The returned string will map each character position of the string returned by openmpt_module_get_pattern_row_channel_command to a highlighting instruction.
Possible highlighting characters are:
- " " : empty/space
- "." : empty/dot
- "n" : generic note
- "m" : special note
- "i" : generic instrument
- "u" : generic volume column effect
- "v" : generic volume column parameter
- "e" : generic effect column effect
- "f" : generic effect column parameter
\sa openmpt_module_get_pattern_row_channel_command
\remarks Use openmpt_module_highlight_pattern_row_channel_command to automatically handle the lifetime of the returned pointer.
Declare Function openmpt_module_highlight_pattern_row_channel_command_ Alias "openmpt_module_highlight_pattern_row_channel_command" (ByVal module As openmpt_module Ptr, ByVal pattern As Long, ByVal row As Long, ByVal channel As Long, ByVal command_ As Long) As Const ZString Ptr
/'* \brief Get formatted (human-readable) pattern content
\param module The module handle to work on.
\param pattern The pattern whose data should be retrieved.
\param row The row from which the data should be retrieved.
\param channel The channel from which the data should be retrieved.
\param width The maximum number of characters the string should contain. 0 means no limit.
\param pad If true, the string will be resized to the exact length provided in the width parameter.
\return The formatted pattern data at the given pattern position.
\sa openmpt_module_highlight_pattern_row_channel
\remarks Use openmpt_module_format_pattern_row_channel to automatically handle the lifetime of the returned pointer.
Declare Function openmpt_module_format_pattern_row_channel_ Alias "openmpt_module_format_pattern_row_channel" (ByVal module As openmpt_module Ptr, ByVal pattern As Long, ByVal row As Long, ByVal channel As Long, ByVal width_ As UInteger, ByVal pad As Long) As Const ZString Ptr
/'* \brief Get highlighting information for formatted pattern content
\param module The module handle to work on.
\param pattern The pattern whose data should be retrieved.
\param row The row from which the data should be retrieved.
\param channel The channel from which the data should be retrieved.
\param width The maximum number of characters the string should contain. 0 means no limit.
\param pad If true, the string will be resized to the exact length provided in the width parameter.
\return The highlighting string for the formatted pattern data as retrieved by openmpt_module_format_pattern_row_channel at the given pattern position.
\sa openmpt_module_format_pattern_row_channel
\remarks Use openmpt_module_highlight_pattern_row_channel to automatically handle the lifetime of the returned pointer.
Declare Function openmpt_module_highlight_pattern_row_channel_ Alias "openmpt_module_highlight_pattern_row_channel" (ByVal module As openmpt_module Ptr, ByVal pattern As Long, ByVal row As Long, ByVal channel As Long, ByVal width_ As UInteger, ByVal pad As Long) As Const ZString Ptr
/'* \brief Retrieve supported ctl keys
\param module The module handle to work on.
\return A semicolon-separated list containing all supported ctl keys.
\remarks Currently supported ctl values are:
- load.skip_samples: Set to "1" to avoid loading samples into memory
- load.skip_patterns: Set to "1" to avoid loading patterns into memory
- load.skip_plugins: Set to "1" to avoid loading plugins
- load.skip_subsongs_init: Set to "1" to avoid pre-initializing sub-songs. Skipping results in faster module loading but slower seeking.
- seek.sync_samples: Set to "1" to sync sample playback when using openmpt_module_set_position_seconds or openmpt_module_set_position_order_row.
- subsong: The current subsong. Setting it has identical semantics as openmpt_module_select_subsong(), getting it returns the currently selected subsong.
- play.at_end: Chooses the behaviour when the end of song is reached:
- "fadeout": Fades the module out for a short while. Subsequent reads after the fadeout will return 0 rendered frames.
- "continue": Returns 0 rendered frames when the song end is reached. Subsequent reads will continue playing from the song start or loop start.
- "stop": Returns 0 rendered frames when the song end is reached. Subsequent reads will return 0 rendered frames.
- play.tempo_factor: Set a floating point tempo factor. "1.0" is the default tempo.
- play.pitch_factor: Set a floating point pitch factor. "1.0" is the default pitch.
- render.resampler.emulate_amiga: Set to "1" to enable the Amiga resampler for Amiga modules. This emulates the sound characteristics of the Paula chip and overrides the selected interpolation filter. Non-Amiga module formats are not affected by this setting.
- render.resampler.emulate_amiga_type: Configures the filter type to use for the Amiga resampler. Supported values are:
- "auto": Filter type is chosen by the library and might change. This is the default.
- "a500": Amiga A500 filter.
- "a1200": Amiga A1200 filter.
- "unfiltered": BLEP synthesis without model-specific filters. The LED filter is ignored by this setting. This filter mode is considered to be experimental and might change in the future.
- render.opl.volume_factor: Set volume factor applied to synthesized OPL sounds, relative to the default OPL volume.
- dither: Set the dither algorithm that is used for the 16 bit versions of openmpt_module_read. Supported values are:
- 0: No dithering.
- 1: Default mode. Chosen by OpenMPT code, might change.
- 2: Rectangular, 0.5 bit depth, no noise shaping (original ModPlug Tracker).
- 3: Rectangular, 1 bit depth, simple 1st order noise shaping
\remarks Use openmpt_module_get_ctls to automatically handle the lifetime of the returned pointer.
Declare Function openmpt_module_get_ctls_ Alias "openmpt_module_get_ctls" (ByVal module As openmpt_module Ptr) As Const ZString Ptr
/'* \brief Get current ctl value
\param module The module handle to work on.
\param ctl The ctl key whose value should be retrieved.
\return The associated ctl value, or NULL on failure.
\sa openmpt_module_get_ctls
\remarks Use openmpt_module_ctl_get to automatically handle the lifetime of the returned pointer.
Declare Function openmpt_module_ctl_get_ Alias "openmpt_module_ctl_get" (ByVal module As openmpt_module Ptr, ByVal ctl As Const ZString Ptr) As Const ZString Ptr
/'* \brief Set ctl value
\param module The module handle to work on.
\param ctl The ctl key whose value should be set.
\param value The value that should be set.
\return 1 if successful, 0 in case the value is not sensible (e.g. negative tempo factor) or the ctl is not recognized.
\sa openmpt_module_get_ctls
Declare Function openmpt_module_ctl_set(ByVal module As openmpt_module Ptr, ByVal ctl As Const ZString Ptr, ByVal value As Const ZString Ptr) As Long
'* Callbacks for CRT FILE* handling
Function openmpt_stream_read_func(ByVal stream As Any Ptr, ByVal dst As Any Ptr, ByVal bytes As UInteger) As UInteger
Dim retval As UInteger = 0
Var f = Cast( FILE Ptr, stream )
If ( f = 0 ) Then Return 0
retval = fread( dst, 1, bytes, f )
If ( retval <= 0 ) Then Return 0
Return retval
End Function
'* Callbacks for CRT FILE* handling
Function openmpt_stream_seek_func(ByVal stream As Any Ptr, ByVal offset As LongInt, ByVal whence As Long) As Long
Var f = Cast( FILE Ptr, stream )
If ( f = 0 ) Then Return -1
Dim fwhence As Long
Select Case whence
fwhence = SEEK_SET
fwhence = SEEK_CUR
fwhence = SEEK_END
Case Else
Return -1
End Select
Return IIf(fseek( f, offset, fwhence ) <> 0, -1, 0)
End Function
'* Callbacks for CRT FILE* handling
Function openmpt_stream_tell_func(ByVal stream As Any Ptr) As LongInt
Dim retval As LongInt = 0
Var f = Cast( FILE Ptr, stream )
If ( f = 0 ) Then
Return -1
retval = ftell( f )
If ( retval < 0 ) Then Return -1
Return retval
End Function
End Extern
'* Retrieve the set of stream callbacks for CRT FILE*
Function openmpt_stream_get_file_callbacks() As openmpt_stream_callbacks
Static callbacks As openmpt_stream_callbacks = (@openmpt_stream_read_func, @openmpt_stream_seek_func, @openmpt_stream_tell_func)
Return callbacks
End Function
/'* \brief Construct an openmpt_module
\param file The FreeBASIC file handle to load from.
\param logfunc Logging function where warning and errors are written. May be NULL.
\param loguser Logging function user context. Used to pass any user-defined data associated with this module to the logging function.
\param errfunc Error function to define error behaviour. May be NULL.
\param erruser Error function user context. Used to pass any user-defined data associated with this module to the error function.
\param errorcode Pointer to an integer where an error may get stored. May be NULL.
\param error_message Pointer to a string pointer where an error message may get stored. May be NULL.
\param ctls A map of initial ctl values. See openmpt_module_get_ctls().
\return A pointer to the constructed openmpt_module, or NULL on failure.
\remarks The file handle can be closed after an openmpt_module has been constructed successfully.
\sa openmpt_module_create2
Function openmpt_module_create_from_fbhandle2(_
ByVal file As Integer,_
ByVal logfunc As openmpt_log_func = 0,_
ByVal loguser As Any Ptr = 0,_
ByVal errfunc As openmpt_error_func = 0,_
ByVal erruser As Any Ptr = 0,_
ByVal errorcode As Long Ptr = 0,_
ByVal error_message As Const ZString Ptr Ptr = 0,_
ByVal ctls As Const openmpt_module_initial_ctl Ptr = 0) As openmpt_module Ptr
Return openmpt_module_create2(openmpt_stream_get_file_callbacks(), Cast(FILE Ptr, FileAttr(file, fbFileAttrHandle)), logfunc, loguser, errfunc, erruser, errorcode, error_message, ctls)
End Function
/'* \brief Construct an openmpt_module
\param file The FreeBASIC file handle to load from.
\param logfunc Logging function where warning and errors are written. May be NULL.
\param loguser Logging function user context. Used to pass any user-defined data associated with this module to the logging function.
\param ctls A map of initial ctl values. See openmpt_module_get_ctls().
\return A pointer to the constructed openmpt_module, or NULL on failure.
\remarks The file handle can be closed after an openmpt_module has been constructed successfully.
\deprecated Please use openmpt_module_create_from_fbhandle2().
\sa openmpt_module_create2
Function openmpt_module_create_from_fbhandle(_
ByVal file As Integer,_
ByVal logfunc As openmpt_log_func = 0,_
ByVal loguser As Any Ptr = 0,_
ByVal ctls As Const openmpt_module_initial_ctl Ptr = 0) As openmpt_module Ptr
Return openmpt_module_create_from_fbhandle2(file, logfunc, loguser, 0, 0, 0, 0, ctls)
End Function
/'* \brief Construct an openmpt_module
\param filename The file to load from.
\param logfunc Logging function where warning and errors are written. May be NULL.
\param loguser Logging function user context. Used to pass any user-defined data associated with this module to the logging function.
\param errfunc Error function to define error behaviour. May be NULL.
\param erruser Error function user context. Used to pass any user-defined data associated with this module to the error function.
\param errorcode Pointer to an integer where an error may get stored. May be NULL.
\param error_message Pointer to a string pointer where an error message may get stored. May be NULL.
\param ctls A map of initial ctl values. See openmpt_module_get_ctls().
\return A pointer to the constructed openmpt_module, or NULL on failure.
\sa openmpt_module_create2
Function openmpt_module_create_from_filename2(_
ByRef filename As String,_
ByVal logfunc As openmpt_log_func = 0,_
ByVal loguser As Any Ptr = 0,_
ByVal errfunc As openmpt_error_func = 0,_
ByVal erruser As Any Ptr = 0,_
ByVal errorcode As Long Ptr = 0,_
ByVal error_message As Const ZString Ptr Ptr = 0,_
ByVal ctls As Const openmpt_module_initial_ctl Ptr = 0) As openmpt_module Ptr
Var file = fopen(filename, "rb")
Var retval = CPtr(openmpt_module Ptr, 0)
If(file <> 0) Then
retval = openmpt_module_create2(openmpt_stream_get_file_callbacks(), file, logfunc, loguser, errfunc, erruser, errorcode, error_message, ctls)
Return retval
End Function
/'* \brief Construct an openmpt_module
\param filename The file to load from.
\param logfunc Logging function where warning and errors are written. May be NULL.
\param loguser Logging function user context. Used to pass any user-defined data associated with this module to the logging function.
\param ctls A map of initial ctl values. See openmpt_module_get_ctls().
\return A pointer to the constructed openmpt_module, or NULL on failure.
\deprecated Please use openmpt_module_create_from_filename2().
\sa openmpt_module_create2
Function openmpt_module_create_from_filename(_
ByRef filename As String,_
ByVal logfunc As openmpt_log_func = 0,_
ByVal loguser As Any Ptr = 0,_
ByVal ctls As Const openmpt_module_initial_ctl Ptr = 0) As openmpt_module Ptr
Return openmpt_module_create_from_filename2(filename, logfunc, loguser, 0, 0, 0, 0, ctls)
End Function
'* String handling for wrapping and freeing ZStrings returned by libopenmpt
Function openmpt_get_zstring(sz As Const ZString Ptr) As String
If(sz = 0) Then Return ""
Dim As String s = *sz
Return s
End Function
'* \sa openmpt_get_string_
Function openmpt_get_string(ByVal key As Const ZString Ptr) As String
Return openmpt_get_zstring(openmpt_get_string_(key))
End Function
'* \sa openmpt_error_string_
Function openmpt_error_string (ByVal errorcode As Long) As String
Return openmpt_get_zstring(openmpt_error_string_(errorcode))
End Function
'* \sa openmpt_module_error_get_last_message_
Function openmpt_module_error_get_last_message (ByVal module As openmpt_module Ptr) As String
Return openmpt_get_zstring(openmpt_module_error_get_last_message_(module))
End Function
'* \sa openmpt_module_get_metadata_keys_
Function openmpt_module_get_metadata_keys(ByVal module As openmpt_module Ptr) As String
Return openmpt_get_zstring(openmpt_module_get_metadata_keys_(module))
End Function
'* \sa openmpt_module_get_metadata_
Function openmpt_module_get_metadata(ByVal module As openmpt_module Ptr, ByVal key As Const ZString Ptr) As String
Return openmpt_get_zstring(openmpt_module_get_metadata_(module, key))
End Function
'* \sa openmpt_module_get_subsong_name_
Function openmpt_module_get_subsong_name(ByVal module As openmpt_module Ptr, ByVal index As Long) As String
Return openmpt_get_zstring(openmpt_module_get_subsong_name_(module, index))
End Function
'* \sa openmpt_module_get_channel_name_
Function openmpt_module_get_channel_name(ByVal module As openmpt_module Ptr, ByVal index As Long) As String
Return openmpt_get_zstring(openmpt_module_get_channel_name_(module, index))
End Function
'* \sa openmpt_module_get_order_name_
Function openmpt_module_get_order_name(ByVal module As openmpt_module Ptr, ByVal index As Long) As String
Return openmpt_get_zstring(openmpt_module_get_order_name_(module, index))
End Function
'* \sa openmpt_module_get_pattern_name_
Function openmpt_module_get_pattern_name(ByVal module As openmpt_module Ptr, ByVal index As Long) As String
Return openmpt_get_zstring(openmpt_module_get_pattern_name_(module, index))
End Function
'* \sa openmpt_module_get_instrument_name_
Function openmpt_module_get_instrument_name(ByVal module As openmpt_module Ptr, ByVal index As Long) As String
Return openmpt_get_zstring(openmpt_module_get_instrument_name_(module, index))
End Function
'* \sa openmpt_module_get_sample_name_
Function openmpt_module_get_sample_name(ByVal module As openmpt_module Ptr, ByVal index As Long) As String
Return openmpt_get_zstring(openmpt_module_get_sample_name_(module, index))
End Function
'* \sa openmpt_module_format_pattern_row_channel_command_
Function openmpt_module_format_pattern_row_channel_command(ByVal module As openmpt_module Ptr, ByVal pattern As Long, ByVal row As Long, ByVal channel As Long, ByVal command_ As Long) As String
Return openmpt_get_zstring(openmpt_module_format_pattern_row_channel_command_(module, pattern, row, channel, command_))
End Function
'* \sa openmpt_module_highlight_pattern_row_channel_command_
Function openmpt_module_highlight_pattern_row_channel_command(ByVal module As openmpt_module Ptr, ByVal pattern As Long, ByVal row As Long, ByVal channel As Long, ByVal command_ As Long) As String
Return openmpt_get_zstring(openmpt_module_highlight_pattern_row_channel_command_(module, pattern, row, channel, command_))
End Function
'* \sa openmpt_module_format_pattern_row_channel_
Function openmpt_module_format_pattern_row_channel(ByVal module As openmpt_module Ptr, ByVal pattern As Long, ByVal row As Long, ByVal channel As Long, ByVal width_ As UInteger, ByVal pad As Long) As String
Return openmpt_get_zstring(openmpt_module_format_pattern_row_channel_(module, pattern, row, channel, width_, pad))
End Function
'* \sa openmpt_module_highlight_pattern_row_channel_
Function openmpt_module_highlight_pattern_row_channel(ByVal module As openmpt_module Ptr, ByVal pattern As Long, ByVal row As Long, ByVal channel As Long, ByVal width_ As UInteger, ByVal pad As Long) As String
Return openmpt_get_zstring(openmpt_module_highlight_pattern_row_channel_(module, pattern, row, channel, width_, pad))
End Function
'* \sa openmpt_module_get_ctls_
Function openmpt_module_get_ctls(ByVal module As openmpt_module Ptr) As String
Return openmpt_get_zstring(openmpt_module_get_ctls_(module))
End Function
'* \sa openmpt_module_ctl_get_
Function openmpt_module_ctl_get(ByVal module As openmpt_module Ptr, ByVal ctl As Const ZString Ptr) As String
Return openmpt_get_zstring(openmpt_module_ctl_get_(module, ctl))
End Function