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460 lines
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#ifndef _LISTWND_H
#define _LISTWND_H
#include <api/wnd/wndclass/scbkgwnd.h>
#include <bfc/common.h>
#include <bfc/freelist.h>
#include "SelItemList.h"
#define POS_LAST -1
#define LISTWND_PARENT ScrlBkgWnd
#define LW_HT_DONTKNOW (-1)
#define LW_HT_ABOVE (-10)
#define LW_HT_BELOW (-20)
class listItem;
class ListWnd;
class CompareListItem;
class ListColumn : public NamedW
friend class ListWnd;
ListColumn(const wchar_t *name=NULL, int isdynamic=FALSE);
virtual ~ListColumn() { }
int getWidth();
void setWidth(int newwidth);
const wchar_t *getLabel();
void setLabel(const wchar_t *newlabel);
virtual int customDrawHeader(Canvas *c, RECT *cr, const Wasabi::FontInfo *fontInfo);
virtual int onHeaderClick() { return 0; }//return 1 if you override
virtual int onColumnLeftClick(int pos) { return 0; }//return 1 if you override
int getNumeric() { return numeric; }
void setDynamic(int isdynamic);
int isDynamic() { return dynamic; }
void setAlignment(int _align) { align = _align; }
int getAlignment() { return align; }
void setIndex(int i);
int getIndex();
void setList(ListWnd *list);
ListWnd *getList();
void setNumeric(int n) { numeric=n; }
int width;
int index;
int numeric;
int dynamic;
ListWnd *list;
int align;
//class SelItemList;
class ListWnd : public ScrlBkgWnd
friend class ListColumn;
friend class SelItemList;
virtual ~ListWnd();
virtual int onInit();
virtual int onPostOnInit();
virtual int onPaint(Canvas *canvas);
virtual int onResize();
virtual int onLeftButtonDown(int x, int y);
virtual int onLeftButtonUp(int x, int y);
virtual int onRightButtonDown(int x, int y);
virtual int onRightButtonUp(int x, int y);
virtual int onMouseMove(int x, int y);
virtual int onLeftButtonDblClk(int x, int y);
virtual int onChar(unsigned int c);
virtual int onKeyDown(int keyCode);
virtual int onContextMenu (int x, int y);
virtual int wantAutoContextMenu();
virtual int onMouseWheelUp(int click, int lines);
virtual int onMouseWheelDown(int click, int lines);
virtual int wantAutoDeselect() { return wantautodeselect; }
virtual void setWantAutoDeselect(int want) { wantautodeselect = want; }
void onSetVisible(int show);
void setAutoSort(bool dosort);
void setOwnerDraw(bool doownerdraw);
virtual void timerCallback(int id);
void next(int wantcb=1);
void selectCurrent();
void selectFirstEntry(int wantcb=1);
void previous(int wantcb=1);
void pagedown(int wantcb=1);
void pageup(int wantcb=1);
void home(int wantcb=1);
void end(int wantcb=1);
void setItemCount(int c);
void reset();
void setShowColumnsHeaders(int show);
int addColumn(const wchar_t *name, int width, int numeric=0, int align=COL_LEFTALIGN); // adds to end
ListColumn *getColumn(int n);
int getNumColumns();
int getColumnWidth(int col);
bool setRedraw(bool redraw); // returns prev state
bool getRedraw();
void setMinimumSize(int size);
virtual int addItem(const wchar_t *label, LPARAM lParam);
virtual int insertItem(int pos, const wchar_t *label, LPARAM lParam);
virtual int getLastAddedItemPos();
virtual void setSubItem(int pos, int subpos, const wchar_t *txt);
virtual void deleteAllItems();
virtual int deleteByPos(int pos);
int getNumItems(void);
virtual int getItemLabel(int pos, int subpos, wchar_t *text, int textmax);
virtual void setItemLabel(int pos, const wchar_t *text);
virtual LPARAM getItemData(int pos);
virtual int getItemRect(int pos, RECT *r);
virtual int getItemSelected(int pos); // returns 1 if selected
virtual int getItemFocused(int pos); // returns 1 if focused
virtual int getItemFocused(); // returns focused item
void setItemFocused(int pos, int ensure_visible=TRUE);
void ensureItemVisible(int pos);
void invalidateColumns();
virtual int scrollAbsolute(int x);
virtual int scrollRelative(int x);
virtual void scrollLeft(int lines=1);
virtual void scrollRight(int lines=1);
virtual void scrollUp(int lines=1);
virtual void scrollDown(int lines=1);
virtual const wchar_t *getSubitemText(int pos, int subpos);
int getFirstItemSelected();
int getNextItemSelected(int lastpos); // next item AFTER given pos
virtual int selectAll(int cb=1); // force all items selected
virtual int deselectAll(int cb=1); // force all items to be deselected
virtual int invertSelection(int cb=1); // invert all selections
virtual int hitTest(POINT pos, int drag=0);
virtual int hitTest(int x, int y, int drag=0);
virtual int invalidateItem(int pos);
virtual int locateData(LPARAM data);
// -1 if we've never been drawn yet
int getFirstItemVisible() const { return firstItemVisible; }
int getLastItemVisible() const { return lastItemVisible; }
virtual int setFontSize(int size);
virtual int getFontSize();
virtual void jumpToNext(wchar_t c);
int wantFocus() { return 1; }
void scrollToItem(int pos);
virtual void resort();
int getSortDirection();
int getSortColumn();
void setSortColumn(int col);
void setSortDirection(int dir);
int findItemByParam(LPARAM param);
void setItemParam(int pos, LPARAM param);
int getItemCount() { return getNumItems(); }
void setSelectionStart(int pos, int wantcb=1);
virtual void setSelectionEnd(int pos);
void setSelected(int pos, int selected, int cb=1);
void toggleSelection(int pos, int setfocus=TRUE, int cb=1);
virtual int getHeaderHeight();
// this sort function just provides string/numeric comparison
// if you need more types, just override and provide your own
virtual int sortCompareItem(listItem *p1, listItem *p2);
int getPreventMultipleSelection() { return preventMultipleSelection; }
int setPreventMultipleSelection(int val) { return preventMultipleSelection = val; }
void moveItem(int from, int to);
virtual int onAcceleratorEvent(const wchar_t *name);
// override this to turn the LPARAM into a text
virtual const wchar_t *convertlParam(LPARAM lParam) { return NULL; }
virtual void convertlParamColumn(int col, int pos, LPARAM param, wchar_t *str, int maxlen) { };
/*static */void CreateXMLParameters(int master_handle);
// return 1 if you override this
virtual int ownerDraw(Canvas *canvas, int pos, RECT *r, LPARAM lParam, int selected, int focused) { return 0; };
virtual void onPreItemDraw(Canvas *canvas, int pos, RECT *r, LPARAM lParam, int selected, int focused) { }
virtual void onPostItemDraw(Canvas *canvas, int pos, RECT *r, LPARAM lParam, int selected, int focused) { };
virtual ARGB32 getTextColor(LPARAM lParam);
int getTextAntialias(LPARAM lParam) { return antialias; }
virtual int getTextBold(LPARAM lParam) { return 0; }
virtual int getTextItalic(LPARAM lParam) { return 0; }
virtual ARGB32 getSelBgColor(LPARAM lParam);
virtual ARGB32 getSelFgColor(LPARAM lParam);
virtual ARGB32 getBgColor();
virtual ARGB32 getFocusColor(LPARAM lParam);
virtual ARGB32 getFocusRectColor(LPARAM lParam);
virtual int needFocusRect(LPARAM lParam) { return 0; }
virtual ARGB32 getColumnSepColor();
virtual int wantColSepOnItems();
virtual int getXShift();
int insertColumn(ListColumn *col, int pos=-1, int alignment=COL_LEFTALIGN);// -1 is add to end
// void deleteColumn(int pos);
void deleteAllColumns();
void setHoverSelect(int a) { hoverselect = a; }
int getHoverSelect() { return hoverselect; }
void setSelectOnUpDown(int i) { selectonupdown = i; }
int getSelectOnUpDown() { return selectonupdown; }
virtual int onAction(const wchar_t *action, const wchar_t *param=NULL, int x=-1, int y=-1, intptr_t p1=0, intptr_t p2=0, void *data=NULL, size_t datalen=0, ifc_window *source=NULL);
Will only work with simple text lists, be forwarned!!!
int getItemHeight();
void setItemHeight(int height, bool forceInvalidate = true);
int getIconWidth();
void setIconWidth(int width);
int getIconHeight();
void setIconHeight(int height);
virtual int getColumnsHeight();
virtual int getColumnsWidth();
virtual int getContentsWidth();
virtual int getContentsHeight();
virtual void drawBackground(Canvas *canvas);
void drawColumnHeaders(Canvas *c);
void drawItems(Canvas *canvas);
void updateScrollX();
void updateScrollY();
int doJumpToNext(wchar_t c, bool fromTop);
int fullyVisible(int pos);
virtual int onBeginDrag(int iItem);
virtual int dragOver(int x, int y, ifc_window *sourceWnd);
virtual void onSelectAll(); // hit Control-A
virtual void onDelete(); // hit 'delete'
virtual void onItemDelete(LPARAM lparam) {}
virtual void onDoubleClick(int itemnum); // double-click on an item
// this is called with the selected item#
virtual void onLeftClick(int itemnum); // left-click
// the second time you click on an already-focused item
virtual void onSecondLeftClick(int itemnum);
// this is called once for the item under cursor on click
virtual int onRightClick(int itemnum); // right-click on item
virtual int onIconLeftClick(int itemnum, int x, int y); // Returns 1 if we should not invoke onLeftClick()
// override this to be notified of item selections & deselections
virtual void onItemSelection(int itemnum, int selected);
virtual int onColumnDblClick(int col, int x, int y) { return 0; }
virtual int onColumnLabelClick(int col, int x, int y);
void selectRect(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2);
void drawRect(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2);
// interface to Freelist
listItem *createListItem();
void deleteListItem(listItem *item);
ListColumn *enumListColumn(int pos);
int getColumnPosByName(const wchar_t *name);
int delColumnByPos(int pos);
public: // Martin> dunno why these were protected...
void setShowIcons(int icons);
int getShowIcons(); // Maybe useful or not
SkinBitmap *getItemIcon(int item);
void setItemIcon(int pos, const wchar_t *bitmapid);
int item_invalidate_border;
bool showColumnsHeaders;
void recalcHeaders();
void itemSelection(int itemnum, int selected);
int doAddItem(const wchar_t *label, LPARAM lParam, int pos);
int hitTestColumns(POINT p, int *origin=NULL);
int hitTestColumnClient(int x);
int hitTestColumnsLabel(POINT p);
void drawXorLine(int x);
void calcNewColWidth(int col, int x);
void calcBounds();
void onDragTimer();
void notifySelChanged(int item=-1, int sel=-1);
virtual int wantResizeCols() { return 1; }
int autosort, ownerdraw;
int textsize;
int itemHeight;
int iconWidth; // If it's still negative use itemHeight instead -- better user getIconWidth()
int iconHeight;
bool metrics_ok;
bool redraw;
int columnsHeight;
int dragtimeron;
int antialias;
PtrList<ListColumn> columnsList;
PtrListQuickSorted<listItem,CompareListItem> itemList;
int firstItemVisible;
int lastItemVisible;
listItem *lastItemFocused;
int lastItemFocusedPos;
listItem *lastAddedItem;
SelItemList selItemList;
int dragskip;
int dragskipcount;
int selectionStart;
int colresize;
POINT colresizept;
bool resizing_col;
int colresizeo;
bool processbup;
bool bdown;
bool nodrag;
int bdownx, bdowny;
bool firstComplete, lastComplete;
int rectselecting;
POINT selectStart;
POINT selectLast;
int sortdir, sortcol, lastcolsort;
int preventMultipleSelection;
Freelist<listItem> listItem_freelist;
int wantautodeselect;
int hoverselect;
int selectonupdown;
PtrList<ifc_window> tempselectnotifies;
StringW accessibleItemName;
int showicons;
/* XML Parameters */
static XMLParamPair params[];
int xuihandle;
bool hasUserBg;
int setXuiParam(int xuihandle, int xmlattributeid, const wchar_t *xmlattributename, const wchar_t *value);