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synced 2025-02-26 13:21:55 +01:00
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/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
Nullsoft Database Engine
codename: Near Death Experience
--------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
Table Class Prototypes
Windows implementation
--------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
#ifndef __TABLE_H
#define __TABLE_H
#include <stdio.h>
//#include <io.h>
#include "../Scanner.h"
#include <map>
#include "../IndexRecord.h"
#include <assert.h>
class Table : private Scanner
// TODO: move these back to protected
VFILE *Handle = NULL;
using Scanner::index;
bool use_row_cache = false;
BOOL GLocateUpToDate = FALSE;
void Init();
void Reset();
LinkedList *Scanners;
wchar_t *Name;
wchar_t *IdxName;
VFILE *IdxHandle = NULL;
BOOL AutoCreate;
Record *FieldsRecord = NULL;
IndexRecord *IndexList = NULL;
Database *db;
BOOL Cached;
int numErrors = 0;
using Scanner::Edition;
bool columns_cached = false;
unsigned char column_ids[256];
typedef std::map<int, Record*> RowCache;
RowCache rowCache;
// Tables
static bool Compact_ColumnWalk(Record *record, Field *entry, void *context_in);
static bool Compact_ColumnWalk2(Record *record, Field *entry, void *context_in);
static bool Compact_IndexWalk(Table *table, IndexField *entry, void *context);
static bool IndexWriteWalker(IndexRecord *record, Field *entry, void *context);
static bool IndexWalkerThunk(IndexRecord *record, Field *entry, void *context);
static bool IndexNewWalker(IndexRecord *record, Field *entry, void *context);
static bool BuildColumnCache(Record *record, Field *entry, void *context);
typedef bool (*IndexWalker)(Table *table, IndexField *entry, void *context);
Table(const wchar_t *TableName, const wchar_t *IdxName, BOOL Create, Database *db, BOOL Cached);
BOOL Open(void);
void Close(void);
// Columns
ColumnField *NewColumn(unsigned char Id, const wchar_t *name, unsigned char type, BOOL indexUniques);
void DeleteColumn(ColumnField *field); // todo
void DeleteColumnByName(const wchar_t *name); // todo
void DeleteColumnById(unsigned char Id); // todo
void PostColumns(void);
NDE_API Record *GetColumns(void);
ColumnField *GetColumnByName(const wchar_t *FieldName);
ColumnField *GetColumnById(unsigned char Idx);
unsigned char GetColumnType(unsigned char Id);
// Fields
using Scanner::NewFieldByName;
using Scanner::NewFieldById;
using Scanner::GetFieldByName;
using Scanner::GetFieldById;
using Scanner::DeleteField;
using Scanner::DeleteFieldByName;
using Scanner::DeleteFieldById;
// Records
using Scanner::First;
using Scanner::Last;
using Scanner::Next;
using Scanner::Previous;
using Scanner::Eof;
using Scanner::Bof;
using Scanner::New;
using Scanner::Insert;
using Scanner::Edit;
using Scanner::Cancel;
using Scanner::Post;
using Scanner::Delete;
using Scanner::GetRecordsCount;
using Scanner::GetRecordById;
using Scanner::GetRecordId;
void Sync(void);
using Scanner::LocateByName;
using Scanner::LocateById;
BOOL LocateByIdEx(int Id, int From, Field *field, int comp_mode);
// Indexes
void AddIndexByName(const wchar_t *FieldName, const wchar_t *KeyName);
void AddIndexById(unsigned char Id, const wchar_t *KeyName);
void WalkIndices(IndexWalker callback, void *context);
IndexField *GetIndexByName(const wchar_t *name);
IndexField *GetIndexById(unsigned char Id);
using Scanner::SetWorkingIndexByName;
using Scanner::SetWorkingIndexById;
NDE_API BOOL CheckIndexing(void);
void DropIndexByName(const wchar_t *desc);
void DropIndexById(unsigned char Id);
void DropIndex(IndexField *Ptr);
void IndexModified(void);
// Filters
using Scanner::AddFilterByName;
using Scanner::AddFilterById;
using Scanner::AddFilterOp;
using Scanner::RemoveFilters;
// Scanners
Scanner *NewScanner();
Scanner *GetDefaultScanner();
void DeleteScanner(Scanner *scan);
// Misc
using Scanner::FragmentationLevel;
void Compact(int *progress = NULL);
void SetGlobalLocateUpToDate(BOOL is);
// Row Cache
void RowCache_Delete(int position);
void RowCache_Remove(int position);
void RowCache_Add(Record *record, int position);
Record *RowCache_Get(int position);
NDE_API void EnableRowCache();
// Searching
void SetFieldSearchableById(unsigned char field_id, bool searchable);
int HasErrors()
return numErrors > 0;
int NumErrors()
return numErrors;
void IncErrorCount()
#endif |