forked from Popn_Tools/popnhax
Compare commits
No commits in common. "06957c834080a8f94862fce65f0c3a11abfd4204" and "a4a4e53da1bcca223f4a6cc37cba10aa3e893439" have entirely different histories.
@ -14,5 +14,4 @@ srcpp_popnhax := \
|||| \
|||| \
|||| \
|||| \
@ -1,673 +0,0 @@
#include <cstdio>
#include <cstring>
#include <io.h>
#include <windows.h>
#include "SearchFile.h"
#include "util/search.h"
#include "util/log.h"
#include "util/patch.h"
#include "tableinfo.h"
#include "loader.h"
#include "imports/avs.h"
#include "xmlhelper.h"
#include "minhook/hde32.h"
#include "minhook/include/MinHook.h"
uint8_t g_subcateg_count = 3;
uint32_t **subcategs;
char **subcateg_names;
typedef struct {
char *name;
uint32_t size;
uint32_t *songlist;
} subcategory_s;
subcategory_s* subcategories;
uint32_t subcateg_count = 0;
struct property *load_prop_file(const char *filename);
static bool subcateg_has_songid(uint32_t songid, subcategory_s* subcateg)
for ( uint32_t i = 0; i < subcateg->size; i++ )
if ( subcateg->songlist[i] == songid )
return true;
return false;
static void add_song_to_subcateg(uint32_t songid, subcategory_s* subcateg)
if ( songid >= 4000 && !subcateg_has_songid(songid, subcateg) )
subcateg->songlist = (uint32_t *) realloc(subcateg->songlist, sizeof(uint32_t)*(++subcateg->size));
subcateg->songlist[subcateg->size-1] = songid;
LOG("%s : %d (subcateg size %d)\n", subcateg->name, songid, subcateg->size);
static subcategory_s* get_subcateg(char *title)
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < subcateg_count; i++)
if (strcmp(title, subcategories[i].name) == 0)
return &(subcategories[i]);
return NULL;
bool g_subcategmode = false;
const char *g_categname = "Custom Tracks";
const char *g_categicon = "cate_13";
const char *g_categformat = "[ol:4][olc:d92f0d]%s";
char *g_string_addr;
uint8_t idx = 0;
uint32_t tmp_size = 0;
uint32_t tmp_categ_ptr = 0;
uint32_t tmp_songlist_ptr = 0;
uint32_t songlist[4096] = {0};
uint32_t songlist_addr = (uint32_t)&songlist;
uint32_t songlist_count = 0;
struct songlist_struct_s {
uint32_t dummy[3];
uint32_t array_start;
uint32_t array_end;
} songlist_struct;
uint32_t songlist_struct_addr = (uint32_t)&songlist_struct;
void (*add_song_in_list)();
void (*categ_inject_songlist)();
struct songlist_struct_s *new_song_list = NULL;
void get_subcateg_size_impl_old()
__asm("push edx\n");
__asm("mov _idx, eax\n");
tmp_size = subcategories[idx-2].size;
// tmp_categ_ptr = (uint32_t)&(subcategories[idx]);
// tmp_songlist_ptr = (uint32_t)&(subcategories[idx].songlist);
// new_song_list = (struct songlist_struct_s*) songlist_struct_addr;
new_song_list = (struct songlist_struct_s*) calloc(1, sizeof(struct songlist_struct_s));
new_song_list->array_start = (uint32_t)&(subcategories[idx-2].songlist[0]);
new_song_list->array_end = (uint32_t)&(subcategories[idx-2].songlist[tmp_size]);
__asm("mov eax, [_tmp_size]");
__asm("mov ecx, _new_song_list");
__asm("pop edx\n");
uint32_t tmp_array_begin;
uint32_t tmp_array_end;
uint32_t tmp_zone;
void get_subcateg_size_impl()
//on ecrit dans la zone d'où la fonction habituelle lit, p'tet ça marchera
__asm("push ebx\n");
__asm("push edx\n");
__asm("push eax\n");
__asm("push ecx\n");
__asm("mov _idx, eax\n");
__asm("lea eax, dword ptr [eax+eax*2]");
__asm("lea ecx, dword ptr [ecx+eax*8+0x1D8C]");
__asm("mov _tmp_zone, ecx");
__asm("pop ecx\n");
__asm("pop eax\n");
tmp_size = subcategories[idx-2].size;
// tmp_categ_ptr = (uint32_t)&(subcategories[idx]);
// tmp_songlist_ptr = (uint32_t)&(subcategories[idx].songlist);
new_song_list = (struct songlist_struct_s*) songlist_struct_addr;
// new_song_list = (struct songlist_struct_s*) calloc(1, sizeof(struct songlist_struct_s));
tmp_array_begin = (uint32_t)&(subcategories[idx-2].songlist[0]);
new_song_list->array_start = tmp_array_begin;
tmp_array_end = (uint32_t)&(subcategories[idx-2].songlist[tmp_size]);
new_song_list->array_end = tmp_array_end;
__asm("push ecx");
__asm("push edx");
__asm("mov ecx, _tmp_zone");
__asm("mov edx, _tmp_array_end");
__asm("mov dword ptr ds:[ecx+0x10], edx");
__asm("mov edx, _tmp_array_begin");
__asm("mov dword ptr ds:[ecx+0xC], edx");
__asm("pop edx");
__asm("pop ecx");
__asm("mov eax, [_tmp_size]");
__asm("mov ecx, _new_song_list");
__asm("pop edx\n");
__asm("pop ebx\n");
void get_subcateg_name_impl()
__asm("push ecx\n");
__asm("push edx\n");
__asm("mov _idx, eax\n");
g_string_addr = subcategories[idx-2].name;
__asm("mov eax, _g_string_addr");
__asm("pop edx\n");
__asm("pop ecx\n");
uint32_t reimpl_value_1;
uint32_t reimpl_value_2;
void (*get_subcateg_size)() = &get_subcateg_size_impl;
void (*get_subcateg_name)() = &get_subcateg_name_impl;
void (*reimpl_func_1)();
void (*reimpl_func_2)();
void (*reimpl_func_3)();
void (*reimpl_func_4)();
//this is a reimplementation of the event category generation function, modded to use popnhax internal subcategories
void categ_inject_songlist_reimpl()
__asm("add esp, 0xC"); // cancel a sub esp 0xC that is added by this code for no reason
__asm("push 0xFFFFFFFF\n");
__asm("push [_reimpl_value_1]\n");
__asm("mov eax, dword ptr fs:[0]\n");
__asm("push eax\n");
__asm("sub esp, 0x10\n");
__asm("push ebx\n");
__asm("push ebp\n");
__asm("push esi\n");
__asm("push edi\n");
__asm("push ebx\n");
__asm("mov ebx, dword ptr ds:[_reimpl_value_2]\n");
__asm("mov eax, [ebx]\n");
__asm("pop ebx\n");
__asm("xor eax,esp\n");
__asm("push eax\n");
__asm("lea eax, dword ptr [esp+0x24]\n");
__asm("mov dword ptr fs:[0], eax\n");
__asm("mov ebp, dword ptr [esp+0x34]\n");
__asm("xor ebx, ebx\n");
__asm("mov ebx, 2\n");
__asm("mov dword ptr ss:[esp+0x34], ebx\n");
__asm("mov ecx, dword ptr ss:[ebp+0x08]\n");
__asm("mov eax, ebx\n");
__asm("test eax, eax\n");
__asm("je next_iter\n");
__asm("push 0xD8\n");
__asm("mov ecx, eax\n");
__asm("add esp, 0x04\n");
__asm("mov dword ptr ss:[esp+0x14], ecx\n");
__asm("xor eax, eax\n");
__asm("mov dword ptr ss:[esp+0x2C], eax\n");
__asm("cmp ecx, eax\n");
__asm("je jump_point_1\n");
__asm("mov eax, ebx\n");
__asm("mov edi, dword ptr ss:[ebp+0x04]\n");
__asm("mov edx, dword ptr ss:[ebp+0x0C]\n");
__asm("push eax\n");
__asm("push ecx\n");
__asm("mov ecx, dword ptr ss:[ebp+0x44]\n");
__asm("mov dword ptr ss:[esp+0x2C], 0xFFFFFFFF\n");
__asm("mov ecx, dword ptr ss:[ebp+0xB4]\n");
__asm("lea esi, dword ptr [ebp+0xA8]\n");
__asm("mov dword ptr ss:[esp+0x14], eax\n");
__asm("test ecx, ecx\n");
__asm("jne jump_point_2\n");
__asm("xor edx, edx\n");
__asm("jmp jump_point_3\n");
__asm("mov edx, dword ptr ds:[esi+0x14]\n");
__asm("sub edx, ecx\n");
__asm("sar edx, 0x02\n");
__asm("mov edi, dword ptr ds:[esi+0x10]\n");
__asm("mov ebx, edi\n");
__asm("sub ebx, ecx\n");
__asm("sar ebx, 0x02\n");
__asm("cmp ebx, edx\n");
__asm("jae jump_point_4\n");
__asm("mov dword ptr ds:[edi], eax\n");
__asm("add edi, 0x04\n");
__asm("mov dword ptr ds:[esi+0x10], edi\n");
__asm("jmp jump_point_5\n");
__asm("cmp ecx, edi\n");
__asm("jbe jump_point_6\n");
__asm("mov eax, dword ptr ds:[esi]\n");
__asm("push edi\n");
__asm("push eax\n");
__asm("lea eax, dword ptr [esp+0x1C]\n");
__asm("push eax\n");
__asm("lea ecx, dword ptr [esp+0x24]\n");
__asm("push ecx\n");
__asm("mov eax, esi\n");
__asm("mov ebx, dword ptr ss:[esp+0x34]\n");
__asm("inc ebx\n");
__asm("mov dword ptr ss:[esp+0x34], ebx\n");
__asm("push ecx");
__asm("mov ecx, [_subcateg_count]\n");
__asm("add ecx, 2\n");
__asm("cmp ebx, ecx\n");
__asm("pop ecx");
__asm("jb subcateg_loop\n");
__asm("mov ecx, dword ptr ss:[esp+0x24]\n");
__asm("mov dword ptr fs:[0], ecx\n");
__asm("pop ecx\n");
__asm("pop edi\n");
__asm("pop esi\n");
__asm("pop ebp\n");
__asm("pop ebx\n");
__asm("add esp, 0x1C\n");
__asm("ret 4\n");
//this replaces the category handling function ( add_song_in_list is a subroutine called by the game )
void categ_inject_songlist_impl()
__asm("push edx\n");
songlist_struct.array_start = (uint32_t)&songlist;
songlist_struct.array_end = (uint32_t)&(songlist[songlist_count]);
__asm("pop edx\n");
__asm("push ecx\n");
__asm("push _songlist_struct_addr\n");
__asm("lea eax, dword ptr [ecx+0x24]\n");
__asm("call [_add_song_in_list]\n");
__asm("pop ecx\n");
bool mask_applied = false;
void (*real_categ_reinit_songlist)();
void hook_categ_reinit_songlist()
songlist_count = 0;
mask_applied = false;
void (*real_categ_build_songlist)();
void hook_categ_build_songlist()
__asm("cmp eax, 0xFA0\n");
__asm("jb categ_skip_add\n");
__asm("push eax\n");
__asm("push ebx\n");
__asm("mov eax, [_songlist_count]\n");
__asm("sal eax, 2\n");
__asm("add eax, _songlist_addr\n");
__asm("mov ebx, [edx]\n");
__asm("mov dword ptr [eax], ebx\n");
__asm("pop ebx\n");
__asm("pop eax\n");
uint32_t songid_mask = 0;
void apply_mask_to_all()
__asm("push eax");
__asm("mov eax, [ebx]");
__asm("mov _songid_mask, eax");
__asm("pop eax");
songid_mask &= 0xFFFF0000;
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < subcateg_count; i++)
for (uint32_t j = 0; j < subcategories[i].size; j++)
subcategories[i].songlist[j] |= songid_mask;
//cherche dans toutes mes categ où est la song que je veux
//et renvoie un pointeur dessus dans eax
uint32_t *return_value;
void put_song_addr_in_eax()
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < subcateg_count; i++)
for (uint32_t j = 0; j < subcategories[i].size; j++)
if (subcategories[i].songlist[j] == (songid_mask&0xFFFF))
return_value = &(subcategories[i].songlist[j]);
__asm("mov eax, [_return_value]");
void hook_subcateg_adjust_songlist()
#if 1
__asm("cmp eax, 0xFA0\n");
__asm("jb skip_mask\n");
__asm("push eax");
__asm("push ebx");
__asm("push ecx");
__asm("push edx");
__asm("push eax");
__asm("mov eax, [ebx]");
__asm("mov _songid_mask, eax");
__asm("pop eax");
//songid_mask contient le uint32_t complet
__asm("mov ebx, _songid_mask");
__asm("mov [eax], ebx");
__asm("pop edx");
__asm("pop ecx");
__asm("pop ebx");
__asm("pop eax");
__asm("cmp byte ptr [_mask_applied], 0\n");
__asm("jne skip_mask\n");
mask_applied = true;
void (*real_categ_printf_call)();
void (*real_categ_title_printf)();
void hook_categ_title_printf()
__asm("cmp edi, 0x10\n");
__asm("jle categ_title_printf_ok\n");
__asm("mov eax, _g_categformat\n");
__asm("push eax\n");
__asm("jmp [_real_categ_printf_call]\n");
void (*categ_listing_event)();
void (*real_categ_listing)();
void hook_categ_listing()
__asm("cmp eax, 0x11\n");
__asm("jne categ_listing_ok\n");
__asm("cmp byte ptr ds:[_g_subcategmode], 1\n");
__asm("jne skip_push\n");
__asm("push esi\n"); //push esi to prepare for subcategory mode (categ_inject_songlist always points to the correct function)
__asm("call [_categ_inject_songlist]\n"); //
static bool patch_custom_categ_simple(const char *game_dll_fn) {
DWORD dllSize = 0;
char *data = getDllData(game_dll_fn, &dllSize);
//patch format string for any category above 16 (prevent crash)
int64_t pattern_offset = search(data, dllSize, "\x6A\xFF\x8B\xCB\xFF\xD2\x50", 7, 0);
if (pattern_offset == -1) {
LOG("popnhax: custom_categ: cannot find category title format string function\n");
return false;
uint64_t patch_addr = (int64_t)data + pattern_offset + 0x07;
real_categ_printf_call = (void (*)())(patch_addr + 0x08);
MH_CreateHook((LPVOID)patch_addr, (LPVOID)hook_categ_title_printf,
(void **)&real_categ_title_printf);
int64_t pattern_offset = search(data, dllSize, "\x83\xF8\x10\x77\x75\xFF\x24\x85", 8, 0);
if (pattern_offset == -1) {
LOG("popnhax: custom_categ: cannot find category jump table\n");
return false;
uint64_t patch_addr = (int64_t)data + pattern_offset + 0x05 + 0x75;
uint64_t function_call_addr = (int64_t)(data + pattern_offset + 0x05 + 69);
uint32_t function_offset = *((uint32_t*)(function_call_addr +0x01));
uint64_t function_addr = function_call_addr+5+function_offset;
categ_listing_event = (void (*)())(function_addr);
/* retrieve useful values from this function */
reimpl_value_1 = *((uint32_t*)(function_addr +0x03));
reimpl_value_2 = *((uint32_t*)(function_addr +0x16));
reimpl_func_1 = (void (*)())( *((uint32_t*)(function_addr +0x49)) + (uint32_t)(function_addr +0x04 +0x49) );
reimpl_func_2 = (void (*)())( *((uint32_t*)(function_addr +0x73)) + (uint32_t)(function_addr +0x04 +0x73) );
reimpl_func_3 = (void (*)())( *((uint32_t*)(function_addr +0xBC)) + (uint32_t)(function_addr +0x04 +0xBC) );
reimpl_func_4 = (void (*)())( *((uint32_t*)(function_addr +0xD1)) + (uint32_t)(function_addr +0x04 +0xD1) );
//get_subcateg_size = (void (*)())( *((uint32_t*)(function_addr +0x37)) + (uint32_t)(function_addr +0x04 +0x37) );
//get_subcateg_name = (void (*)())( *((uint32_t*)(function_addr +0x63)) + (uint32_t)(function_addr +0x04 +0x63) );
MH_CreateHook((LPVOID)patch_addr, (LPVOID)hook_categ_listing,
(void **)&real_categ_listing);
//add new category processing in jump table
int64_t pattern_offset = search(data, dllSize, "\x8B\x4D\x10\x8B\x5D\x0C\x8B\xF1", 8, 0);
if (pattern_offset == -1) {
LOG("popnhax: custom_categ: cannot find add_song_in_list function\n");
return false;
add_song_in_list = (void (*)())(data + pattern_offset - 0x12);
if (g_subcategmode)
categ_inject_songlist = &categ_inject_songlist_reimpl;
//categ_inject_songlist = categ_listing_event;
//create a copy of event categ handling function then mod it
categ_inject_songlist = (void(*)())malloc(256);
DWORD old_prot;
VirtualProtect((LPVOID)categ_inject_songlist, 256, PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE, &old_prot);
memcpy((LPVOID)categ_inject_songlist, (uint64_t*)categ_listing_event, 256);
VirtualProtect((LPVOID)categ_inject_songlist, 256, old_prot, &old_prot);
uint32_t call_offset = (uint32_t*)categ_inject_songlist - (uint32_t*)categ_listing_event;
LOG("popnhax: call offset is %x\n",call_offset);
categ_inject_songlist = &categ_inject_songlist_impl;
//create new song list
int64_t pattern_offset = search(data, dllSize, "\x00\x8B\x56\x04\x0F\xB7\x02\xE8", 8, 0);
if (pattern_offset == -1) {
LOG("popnhax: custom_categ: cannot find songlist processing table\n");
return false;
uint64_t patch_addr = (int64_t)data + pattern_offset + 0x07;
if (g_subcategmode)
MH_CreateHook((LPVOID)patch_addr, (LPVOID)hook_subcateg_adjust_songlist,
(void **)&real_categ_build_songlist);
MH_CreateHook((LPVOID)patch_addr, (LPVOID)hook_categ_build_songlist,
(void **)&real_categ_build_songlist);
//create new song list
int64_t pattern_offset = search(data, dllSize, "\x33\xC9\xB8\x12\x00\x00\x00\xBA", 8, 0);
if (pattern_offset == -1) {
LOG("popnhax: custom_categ: cannot find category generation function\n");
return false;
uint64_t patch_addr = (int64_t)data + pattern_offset;
MH_CreateHook((LPVOID)patch_addr, (LPVOID)hook_categ_reinit_songlist,
(void **)&real_categ_reinit_songlist);
//bump category number from 16 to 17
if (!find_and_patch_hex(game_dll_fn, "\x83\xFE\x11\x0F\x82\x59\xFE\xFF\xFF", 9, 2, "\x12", 1))
return false;
//patch getCategName for a 17th entry
//make array one cell larger
if (!find_and_patch_hex(game_dll_fn, "\x83\xEC\x44\x98\xC7\x04\x24", 7, 2, "\x48", 1))
return false;
uint32_t categname_str_addr = (uint32_t)g_categname;
char categname_patch_string[] = "\xC7\x44\x24\x44\x20\x00\x28\x10\x8B\x04\x84\x83\xC4\x48\xC3";
memcpy(categname_patch_string+4, &categname_str_addr, 4);
if (!find_and_patch_hex(game_dll_fn, "\x8B\x04\x84\x83\xC4\x44\xC3\xCC", 8, 0, categname_patch_string, 15))
return false;
//patch getIconName for a 17th entry
if (!find_and_patch_hex(game_dll_fn, "\x83\xEC\x44\x98\xC7\x04\x24", 7, 2, "\x48", 1)) //2nd occurrence since first one just got patched
return false;
uint32_t categicon_str_addr = (uint32_t)g_categicon;
char categicon_patch_string[] = "\xC7\x44\x24\x44\xDC\x00\x28\x10\x8B\x04\x84\x83\xC4\x48\xC3";
memcpy(categicon_patch_string+4, &categicon_str_addr, 4);
if (!find_and_patch_hex(game_dll_fn, "\x8B\x04\x84\x83\xC4\x44\xC3\xCC", 8, 0, categicon_patch_string, 15))
return false;
LOG("popnhax: custom category injected\n");
return true;
//extract folder name (cut "data_mods")
static char *get_folder_name(const char* path) {
size_t len = (size_t)(strchr(path+10, '\\')-(path+10));
char *categ_name = (char*) malloc(len+1);
strncpy(categ_name, path+10, len);
categ_name[len] = '\0';
return categ_name;
static void parse_musicdb(const char *input_filename) {
char *title = get_folder_name(input_filename);
subcategory_s *subcateg = get_subcateg(title);
if ( subcateg == NULL )
subcategories = (subcategory_s*)realloc(subcategories, sizeof(subcategory_s)*(++subcateg_count));
subcateg = &(subcategories[subcateg_count-1]);
subcateg->name = strdup(title);
subcateg->songlist = NULL;
subcateg->size = 0;
property* musicdb = load_prop_file(input_filename);
//iterate over all music id
property_node *prop = NULL;
if ((prop = property_search(musicdb, NULL, "/database/music"))) {
for (; prop != NULL; prop = property_node_traversal(prop, TRAVERSE_NEXT_SEARCH_RESULT)) {
char idxStr[256] = {};
property_node_refer(musicdb, prop, "id@", PROPERTY_TYPE_ATTR, idxStr,
uint32_t songid = atoi(idxStr);
add_song_to_subcateg(songid, subcateg);
static void load_databases() {
SearchFile s;
printf("musicdb search...\n");
||||"data_mods", "xml", true);
auto result = s.getResult();
for(uint16_t i=0;i<result.size();i++)
if ( strstr(result[i].c_str(), "musicdb") == NULL )
printf("(musicdb) Loading %s...\n", result[i].c_str());
bool patch_custom_categs(const char *dllFilename, uint8_t mode)
if (mode == 1)
g_subcategmode = true;
subcateg_count = 0;
return patch_custom_categ_simple(dllFilename);
if (mode == 2)
g_subcategmode = true;
subcateg_count = 0;
LOG("Subcateg list :\n");
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < subcateg_count; i++)
if (subcategories[i].size != 0)
LOG(" %s (%d songs)", subcategories[i].name, subcategories[i].size);
LOG("HELLO OK :\n");
return true;
@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
#ifndef __CUSTOM_CATEGS_H__
#define __CUSTOM_CATEGS_H__
#include <stdint.h>
bool patch_custom_categs(const char *dllFilename, uint8_t mode);
@ -24,7 +24,6 @@
#include "util/xmlprop.hpp"
#include "xmlhelper.h"
#include "translation.h"
#include "custom_categs.h"
#include "tableinfo.h"
#include "loader.h"
@ -5285,6 +5284,204 @@ static bool option_net_ojama_off(){
return true;
const char *g_categname = "Custom Tracks";
const char *g_categicon = "cate_13";
const char *g_categformat = "[ol:4][olc:d92f0d]%s";
uint32_t songlist[4096] = {0};
uint32_t songlist_addr = (uint32_t)&songlist;
uint32_t songlist_count = 0;
struct songlist_struct_s {
uint32_t dummy[3];
uint32_t array_start;
uint32_t array_end;
} songlist_struct;
uint32_t songlist_struct_addr = (uint32_t)&songlist_struct;
void (*add_song_in_list)();
void (*categ_inject_songlist)();
void categ_inject_songlist_impl()
__asm("push edx\n");
songlist_struct.array_start = (uint32_t)&songlist;
songlist_struct.array_end = (uint32_t)&(songlist[songlist_count]);
__asm("pop edx\n");
__asm("push ecx\n");
__asm("push _songlist_struct_addr\n");
__asm("lea eax, dword ptr [ecx+0x24]\n");
__asm("call [_add_song_in_list]\n");
__asm("pop ecx\n");
void (*real_categ_reinit_songlist)();
void hook_categ_reinit_songlist()
songlist_count = 0;
void (*real_categ_build_songlist)();
void hook_categ_build_songlist()
__asm("cmp eax, 0xFA0\n");
__asm("jb categ_skip_add\n");
__asm("push eax\n");
__asm("push ebx\n");
__asm("mov eax, [_songlist_count]\n");
__asm("sal eax, 2\n");
__asm("add eax, _songlist_addr\n");
__asm("mov ebx, [edx]\n");
__asm("mov dword ptr [eax], ebx\n");
__asm("pop ebx\n");
__asm("pop eax\n");
void (*real_categ_printf_call)();
void (*real_categ_title_printf)();
void hook_categ_title_printf()
__asm("cmp edi, 0x10\n");
__asm("jle categ_title_printf_ok\n");
__asm("mov eax, _g_categformat\n");
__asm("push eax\n");
__asm("jmp [_real_categ_printf_call]\n");
void (*categ_listing_newsongs)();
void (*real_categ_listing)();
void hook_categ_listing()
__asm("cmp eax, 0x11\n");
__asm("jne categ_listing_ok\n");
__asm("call [_categ_inject_songlist]\n");
static bool patch_custom_categ() {
DWORD dllSize = 0;
char *data = getDllData(g_game_dll_fn, &dllSize);
//patch format string for any category above 16 (prevent crash)
int64_t pattern_offset = search(data, dllSize, "\x6A\xFF\x8B\xCB\xFF\xD2\x50", 7, 0);
if (pattern_offset == -1) {
LOG("popnhax: custom_categ: cannot find category title format string function\n");
return false;
uint64_t patch_addr = (int64_t)data + pattern_offset + 0x07;
real_categ_printf_call = (void (*)())(patch_addr + 0x08);
MH_CreateHook((LPVOID)patch_addr, (LPVOID)hook_categ_title_printf,
(void **)&real_categ_title_printf);
//add new category processing in jump table
int64_t pattern_offset = search(data, dllSize, "\x8B\x4D\x10\x8B\x5D\x0C\x8B\xF1", 8, 0);
if (pattern_offset == -1) {
LOG("popnhax: custom_categ: cannot find add_song_in_list function\n");
return false;
add_song_in_list = (void (*)())(data + pattern_offset - 0x12);
categ_inject_songlist = &categ_inject_songlist_impl;
int64_t pattern_offset = search(data, dllSize, "\x83\xF8\x10\x77\x75\xFF\x24\x85", 8, 0);
if (pattern_offset == -1) {
LOG("popnhax: custom_categ: cannot find category jump table\n");
return false;
uint64_t patch_addr = (int64_t)data + pattern_offset + 0x05 + 0x75;
//categ_listing_newsongs = (void (*)())(data + pattern_offset + 0x05 + 0x0E); //TODO: replace this with my own function
MH_CreateHook((LPVOID)patch_addr, (LPVOID)hook_categ_listing,
(void **)&real_categ_listing);
//create new song list
int64_t pattern_offset = search(data, dllSize, "\x00\x8B\x56\x04\x0F\xB7\x02\xE8", 8, 0);
if (pattern_offset == -1) {
LOG("popnhax: custom_categ: cannot find songlist processing table\n");
return false;
uint64_t patch_addr = (int64_t)data + pattern_offset + 0x07;
MH_CreateHook((LPVOID)patch_addr, (LPVOID)hook_categ_build_songlist,
(void **)&real_categ_build_songlist);
//create new song list
int64_t pattern_offset = search(data, dllSize, "\x33\xC9\xB8\x12\x00\x00\x00\xBA", 8, 0);
if (pattern_offset == -1) {
LOG("popnhax: custom_categ: cannot find category generation function\n");
return false;
uint64_t patch_addr = (int64_t)data + pattern_offset;
MH_CreateHook((LPVOID)patch_addr, (LPVOID)hook_categ_reinit_songlist,
(void **)&real_categ_reinit_songlist);
//bump category number from 16 to 17
if (!find_and_patch_hex(g_game_dll_fn, "\x83\xFE\x11\x0F\x82\x59\xFE\xFF\xFF", 9, 2, "\x12", 1))
return false;
//patch getCategName for a 17th entry
//make array one cell larger
if (!find_and_patch_hex(g_game_dll_fn, "\x83\xEC\x44\x98\xC7\x04\x24", 7, 2, "\x48", 1))
return false;
uint32_t categname_str_addr = (uint32_t)g_categname;
char categname_patch_string[] = "\xC7\x44\x24\x44\x20\x00\x28\x10\x8B\x04\x84\x83\xC4\x48\xC3";
memcpy(categname_patch_string+4, &categname_str_addr, 4);
if (!find_and_patch_hex(g_game_dll_fn, "\x8B\x04\x84\x83\xC4\x44\xC3\xCC", 8, 0, categname_patch_string, 15))
return false;
//patch getIconName for a 17th entry
if (!find_and_patch_hex(g_game_dll_fn, "\x83\xEC\x44\x98\xC7\x04\x24", 7, 2, "\x48", 1)) //2nd occurrence since first one just got patched
return false;
uint32_t categicon_str_addr = (uint32_t)g_categicon;
char categicon_patch_string[] = "\xC7\x44\x24\x44\xDC\x00\x28\x10\x8B\x04\x84\x83\xC4\x48\xC3";
memcpy(categicon_patch_string+4, &categicon_str_addr, 4);
if (!find_and_patch_hex(g_game_dll_fn, "\x8B\x04\x84\x83\xC4\x44\xC3\xCC", 8, 0, categicon_patch_string, 15))
return false;
LOG("popnhax: custom category injected\n");
return true;
BOOL APIENTRY DllMain(HMODULE hModule, DWORD ul_reason_for_call, LPVOID lpReserved) {
switch (ul_reason_for_call) {
@ -5580,7 +5777,7 @@ BOOL APIENTRY DllMain(HMODULE hModule, DWORD ul_reason_for_call, LPVOID lpReserv
/* must be called after force_datecode */
patch_custom_categs(g_game_dll_fn, 1);
Reference in New Issue
Block a user