
5554 lines
177 KiB

// clang-format off
#include <windows.h>
#include <process.h>
#include <psapi.h>
// clang-format on
#include <vector>
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <io.h>
#define F_OK 0
#define access _access
#include "util/search.h"
#include "minhook/hde32.h"
#include "minhook/include/MinHook.h"
#include "popnhax/config.h"
#include "util/log.h"
#include "util/patch.h"
#include "util/xmlprop.hpp"
#include "xmlhelper.h"
#include "translation.h"
#include "tableinfo.h"
#include "loader.h"
#include "SearchFile.h"
#define PROGRAM_VERSION "1.9c_rc2"
const char *g_game_dll_fn = NULL;
const char *g_config_fn = NULL;
FILE *g_log_fp = NULL;
#define DEBUG 0
#if DEBUG == 1
double g_multiplier = 1.;
DWORD (*real_timeGetTime)();
DWORD patch_timeGetTime()
static DWORD last_real = 0;
static DWORD cumul_offset = 0;
if (last_real == 0)
last_real = real_timeGetTime()*g_multiplier;
return last_real;
DWORD real = real_timeGetTime()*g_multiplier;
DWORD elapsed = real-last_real;
if (elapsed > 16) cumul_offset+= elapsed;
last_real = real;
return real - cumul_offset;
bool patch_get_time()
HMODULE hinstLib = GetModuleHandleA("winmm.dll");
MH_CreateHook((LPVOID)GetProcAddress(hinstLib, "timeGetTime"), (LPVOID)patch_timeGetTime,
(void **)&real_timeGetTime);
return true;
static void memdump(uint8_t* addr, uint8_t len)
for (int i=0; i<len; i++)
LOG("%02x ", *addr);
if ((i+1)%16 == 0)
uint8_t *add_string(uint8_t *input);
struct popnhax_config config = {};
PSMAP_BEGIN(config_psmap, static)
PSMAP_MEMBER_REQ(PSMAP_PROPERTY_TYPE_BOOL, struct popnhax_config, hidden_is_offset,
PSMAP_MEMBER_REQ(PSMAP_PROPERTY_TYPE_BOOL, struct popnhax_config, iidx_hard_gauge,
PSMAP_MEMBER_REQ(PSMAP_PROPERTY_TYPE_U8, struct popnhax_config, survival_gauge,
PSMAP_MEMBER_REQ(PSMAP_PROPERTY_TYPE_BOOL, struct popnhax_config, survival_iidx,
PSMAP_MEMBER_REQ(PSMAP_PROPERTY_TYPE_BOOL, struct popnhax_config, survival_spicy,
PSMAP_MEMBER_REQ(PSMAP_PROPERTY_TYPE_BOOL, struct popnhax_config, show_fast_slow,
PSMAP_MEMBER_REQ(PSMAP_PROPERTY_TYPE_BOOL, struct popnhax_config, show_details,
PSMAP_MEMBER_REQ(PSMAP_PROPERTY_TYPE_BOOL, struct popnhax_config, show_offset,
PSMAP_MEMBER_REQ(PSMAP_PROPERTY_TYPE_BOOL, struct popnhax_config, pfree,
PSMAP_MEMBER_REQ(PSMAP_PROPERTY_TYPE_BOOL, struct popnhax_config, quick_retire,
PSMAP_MEMBER_REQ(PSMAP_PROPERTY_TYPE_BOOL, struct popnhax_config, back_to_song_select,
PSMAP_MEMBER_REQ(PSMAP_PROPERTY_TYPE_BOOL, struct popnhax_config, score_challenge,
PSMAP_MEMBER_REQ(PSMAP_PROPERTY_TYPE_BOOL, struct popnhax_config, force_hd_timing,
PSMAP_MEMBER_REQ(PSMAP_PROPERTY_TYPE_U8, struct popnhax_config, force_hd_resolution,
PSMAP_MEMBER_REQ(PSMAP_PROPERTY_TYPE_BOOL, struct popnhax_config, force_unlocks,
PSMAP_MEMBER_REQ(PSMAP_PROPERTY_TYPE_BOOL, struct popnhax_config, audio_source_fix,
PSMAP_MEMBER_REQ(PSMAP_PROPERTY_TYPE_BOOL, struct popnhax_config, unset_volume,
PSMAP_MEMBER_REQ(PSMAP_PROPERTY_TYPE_BOOL, struct popnhax_config, event_mode,
PSMAP_MEMBER_REQ(PSMAP_PROPERTY_TYPE_BOOL, struct popnhax_config, remove_timer,
PSMAP_MEMBER_REQ(PSMAP_PROPERTY_TYPE_BOOL, struct popnhax_config, freeze_timer,
PSMAP_MEMBER_REQ(PSMAP_PROPERTY_TYPE_BOOL, struct popnhax_config, skip_tutorials,
PSMAP_MEMBER_REQ(PSMAP_PROPERTY_TYPE_BOOL, struct popnhax_config, force_full_opt,
PSMAP_MEMBER_REQ(PSMAP_PROPERTY_TYPE_BOOL, struct popnhax_config, netvs_off,
PSMAP_MEMBER_REQ(PSMAP_PROPERTY_TYPE_BOOL, struct popnhax_config, guidese_off,
PSMAP_MEMBER_REQ(PSMAP_PROPERTY_TYPE_BOOL, struct popnhax_config, patch_db,
PSMAP_MEMBER_REQ(PSMAP_PROPERTY_TYPE_BOOL, struct popnhax_config, disable_expansions,
PSMAP_MEMBER_REQ(PSMAP_PROPERTY_TYPE_BOOL, struct popnhax_config, disable_redirection,
PSMAP_MEMBER_REQ(PSMAP_PROPERTY_TYPE_BOOL, struct popnhax_config, disable_multiboot,
PSMAP_MEMBER_REQ(PSMAP_PROPERTY_TYPE_BOOL, struct popnhax_config, patch_xml_auto,
PSMAP_MEMBER_REQ(PSMAP_PROPERTY_TYPE_STR, struct popnhax_config, patch_xml_filename,
PSMAP_MEMBER_REQ(PSMAP_PROPERTY_TYPE_BOOL, struct popnhax_config, practice_mode,
PSMAP_MEMBER_REQ(PSMAP_PROPERTY_TYPE_STR, struct popnhax_config, force_datecode,
PSMAP_MEMBER_REQ(PSMAP_PROPERTY_TYPE_BOOL, struct popnhax_config, network_datecode,
PSMAP_MEMBER_REQ(PSMAP_PROPERTY_TYPE_BOOL, struct popnhax_config, disable_keysounds,
PSMAP_MEMBER_REQ(PSMAP_PROPERTY_TYPE_S8, struct popnhax_config, keysound_offset,
PSMAP_MEMBER_REQ(PSMAP_PROPERTY_TYPE_S8, struct popnhax_config, audio_offset,
PSMAP_MEMBER_REQ(PSMAP_PROPERTY_TYPE_S8, struct popnhax_config, beam_brightness,
PSMAP_MEMBER_REQ(PSMAP_PROPERTY_TYPE_BOOL, struct popnhax_config, fps_uncap,
PSMAP_MEMBER_REQ(PSMAP_PROPERTY_TYPE_BOOL, struct popnhax_config, disable_translation,
PSMAP_MEMBER_REQ(PSMAP_PROPERTY_TYPE_BOOL, struct popnhax_config, translation_debug,
PSMAP_MEMBER_REQ(PSMAP_PROPERTY_TYPE_BOOL, struct popnhax_config, enhanced_polling,
PSMAP_MEMBER_REQ(PSMAP_PROPERTY_TYPE_U8, struct popnhax_config, debounce,
PSMAP_MEMBER_REQ(PSMAP_PROPERTY_TYPE_BOOL, struct popnhax_config, enhanced_polling_stats,
PSMAP_MEMBER_REQ(PSMAP_PROPERTY_TYPE_S8, struct popnhax_config, enhanced_polling_priority,
PSMAP_MEMBER_REQ(PSMAP_PROPERTY_TYPE_U8, struct popnhax_config, hispeed_auto,
PSMAP_MEMBER_REQ(PSMAP_PROPERTY_TYPE_U16, struct popnhax_config, hispeed_default_bpm,
enum BufferIndexes {
typedef struct {
uint64_t type;
uint64_t method;
uint64_t offset;
uint64_t expectedValue;
uint64_t size;
} UpdateOtherEntry;
typedef struct {
uint64_t type;
uint64_t offset;
uint64_t size;
} UpdateBufferEntry;
typedef struct {
uint64_t method;
uint64_t offset;
} HookEntry;
const size_t LIMIT_TABLE_SIZE = 5;
uint64_t limit_table[LIMIT_TABLE_SIZE] = {0};
uint64_t new_limit_table[LIMIT_TABLE_SIZE] = {0};
uint64_t buffer_addrs[LIMIT_TABLE_SIZE] = {0};
uint8_t *new_buffer_addrs[LIMIT_TABLE_SIZE] = {NULL};
std::vector<UpdateBufferEntry*> buffer_offsets;
std::vector<UpdateOtherEntry*> other_offsets;
std::vector<HookEntry*> hook_offsets;
char *g_datecode_override = NULL;
void (*real_asm_patch_datecode)();
void asm_patch_datecode() {
__asm("push ecx\n");
__asm("push esi\n");
__asm("push edi\n");
__asm("mov ecx,10\n");
__asm("mov esi, %0\n": :"b"((int32_t)g_datecode_override));
__asm("add edi, 6\n");
__asm("rep movsb\n");
__asm("pop edi\n");
__asm("pop esi\n");
__asm("pop ecx\n");
/* retrieve destination address when it checks for "soft/ext", then wait next iteration to overwrite */
uint8_t g_libavs_datecode_patch_state = 0;
char *datecode_property_ptr;
void (*real_asm_patch_datecode_libavs)();
void asm_patch_datecode_libavs() {
if (g_libavs_datecode_patch_state == 2)
__asm("jmp leave_datecode_patch\n");
if (g_libavs_datecode_patch_state == 1)
__asm("push edx\n");
__asm("push eax\n");
__asm("push ecx\n");
/* memcpy(datecode_property_ptr, g_datecode_override, 10);*/
__asm("mov edx,_g_datecode_override\n");
__asm("mov eax,_datecode_property_ptr\n");
__asm("mov ecx,dword ptr ds:[edx] \n");
__asm("mov dword ptr ds:[eax],ecx \n");
__asm("mov ecx,dword ptr ds:[edx+4] \n");
__asm("mov dword ptr ds:[eax+4],ecx \n");
__asm("movzx edx,word ptr ds:[edx+8] \n");
__asm("mov word ptr ds:[eax+8],dx \n");
__asm("pop ecx\n");
__asm("pop eax\n");
__asm("pop edx\n");
__asm("jmp leave_datecode_patch\n");
__asm("mov %0, [esp+0x38]\n":"=a"(datecode_property_ptr):);
if ((uint32_t)datecode_property_ptr > 0x200000 && datecode_property_ptr[0] == 's'&& datecode_property_ptr[5] == 'e'&& datecode_property_ptr[7] == 't')
__asm("mov %0, ecx\n":"=c"(datecode_property_ptr):);
void (*real_omnimix_patch_jbx)();
void omnimix_patch_jbx() {
__asm("mov al, 'X'\n");
__asm("mov byte [edi+4], al\n");
* auto hi-speed
bool g_longest_bpm_old_chart = false;
bool g_bypass_hispeed = false; //bypass target update for mystery bpm and soflan songs
bool g_mystery_bpm = false;
bool g_soflan_retry = false;
uint32_t g_hispeed = 0;
uint32_t g_soflan_retry_hispeed = 0; //hispeed value that is temporary kept for quick retry on soflan songs
uint32_t g_hispeed_addr = 0;
uint32_t g_target_bpm = 0;
uint16_t *g_base_bpm_ptr = 0; //will point to g_low_bpm or g_hi_bpm according to mode
uint16_t g_low_bpm = 0;
uint16_t g_hi_bpm = 0;
uint16_t g_longest_bpm = 0;
uint16_t g_low_bpm_ebp_offset = 0;
unsigned char *g_chart_addr = 0;
typedef struct chart_chunk_s {
uint32_t timestamp;
uint16_t operation;
uint16_t data;
uint32_t duration;
} chart_chunk_t;
#define CHART_OP_BPM 0x0445
#define CHART_OP_END 0x0645
typedef struct bpm_list_s {
uint16_t bpm;
uint32_t duration;
struct bpm_list_s *next;
} bpm_list_t;
static uint32_t add_duration(bpm_list_t *list, uint16_t bpm, uint32_t duration)
if (list->bpm == 0)
list->bpm = bpm;
list->duration = duration;
return duration;
while (list->next != NULL)
if (list->bpm == bpm)
list->duration += duration;
return list->duration;
list = list->next;
//new entry
bpm_list_t *entry = (bpm_list_t *)malloc(sizeof(bpm_list_t));
entry->bpm = bpm;
entry->duration = duration;
entry->next = NULL;
list->next = entry;
return duration;
static void destroy_list(bpm_list_t *list)
while (list != NULL)
bpm_list_t *tmp = list;
list = list->next;
/* the goal is to set g_longest_bpm to the most used bpm from the chart present in memory at address g_chart_addr
void compute_longest_bpm(){
chart_chunk_t* chunk = NULL;
unsigned char *chart_ptr = g_chart_addr;
int chunk_size = g_longest_bpm_old_chart? 8 : 12;
uint32_t prev_timestamp = 0x64; //game adds 0x64 to every timestamp of a chart upon loading
uint16_t prev_bpm = 0;
bpm_list_t *list = (bpm_list_t *)malloc(sizeof(bpm_list_t));
list->bpm = 0;
list->duration = 0;
list->next = NULL;
uint32_t max_duration = 0;
uint16_t longest_bpm = 0;
do {
chunk = (chart_chunk_t*) chart_ptr;
if ( chunk->operation == CHART_OP_BPM || chunk->operation == CHART_OP_END )
if (prev_bpm)
uint32_t bpm_dur = add_duration(list, prev_bpm, chunk->timestamp - prev_timestamp); //will add to existing entry or create a new one if not present
if (bpm_dur > max_duration)
max_duration = bpm_dur;
longest_bpm = prev_bpm;
prev_bpm = chunk->data;
prev_timestamp = chunk->timestamp;
chart_ptr += chunk_size;
} while ( chunk->operation != CHART_OP_END );
g_longest_bpm = longest_bpm;
void (*real_set_hispeed)();
void hook_set_hispeed()
g_bypass_hispeed = false;
__asm("mov %0, eax\n":"=r"(g_hispeed_addr): :);
void (*real_retrieve_chart_addr)();
void hook_retrieve_chart_addr()
__asm("push eax\n");
__asm("push ecx\n");
__asm("push edx\n");
__asm("mov %0, esi\n":"=a"(g_chart_addr): :);
__asm("call %0\n"::"r"(compute_longest_bpm));
__asm("pop edx\n");
__asm("pop ecx\n");
__asm("pop eax\n");
void (*real_retrieve_chart_addr_old)();
void hook_retrieve_chart_addr_old()
__asm("push eax\n");
__asm("push ecx\n");
__asm("push edx\n");
__asm("mov %0, edi\n":"=a"(g_chart_addr): :);
__asm("call %0\n"::"r"(compute_longest_bpm));
__asm("pop edx\n");
__asm("pop ecx\n");
__asm("pop eax\n");
* This is called a lot of times: when arriving on option select, and when changing/navigating *any* option
* I'm hooking here to set hi-speed to the target BPM
double g_hispeed_double = 0;
void (*real_read_hispeed)();
void hook_read_hispeed()
__asm("push eax\n");
__asm("push ecx\n");
__asm("push edx\n");
__asm("mov ecx, ebp\n");
__asm("add cx, word ptr [%0]\n"::"a"(&g_low_bpm_ebp_offset));
__asm __volatile__("mov %0, word ptr [ecx]\n":"=a"(g_low_bpm): :);
__asm("add cx, 2\n");
__asm __volatile__("mov %0, word ptr [ecx]\n":"=a"(g_hi_bpm): :);
__asm("add cx, 2\n");
__asm __volatile__("mov %0, byte ptr [ecx]\n":"=a"(g_mystery_bpm): :);
if (g_soflan_retry)
g_hispeed = g_soflan_retry_hispeed;
__asm("jmp apply_hispeed\n");
if ( g_bypass_hispeed || g_target_bpm == 0 ) //bypass for mystery BPM and soflan songs (to avoid hi-speed being locked since target won't change)
__asm("jmp leave_read_hispeed\n");
g_hispeed_double = (double)g_target_bpm / (double)(*g_base_bpm_ptr/10.0);
g_hispeed = (uint32_t)(g_hispeed_double+0.5); //rounding to nearest
if (g_hispeed > 0x64) g_hispeed = 0x64;
if (g_hispeed < 0x0A) g_hispeed = 0x0A;
__asm("and edi, 0xFFFF0000\n"); //keep existing popkun and hidden status values
__asm("or edi, dword ptr[%0]\n"::"m"(g_hispeed)); //fix hispeed initial display on option screen
__asm("mov eax, dword ptr[%0]\n"::"m"(g_hispeed_addr));
__asm("mov dword ptr[eax], edi\n");
__asm("pop edx\n");
__asm("pop ecx\n");
__asm("pop eax\n");
void (*real_increase_hispeed)();
void hook_increase_hispeed()
__asm("push eax\n");
__asm("push edx\n");
__asm("push ecx\n");
//increase hispeed
__asm("movzx ecx, word ptr[edi]\n");
__asm("inc ecx\n");
__asm("cmp ecx, 0x65\n");
__asm("jb skip_hispeed_rollover_high\n");
__asm("mov ecx, 0x0A\n");
if ( g_mystery_bpm || g_low_bpm != g_hi_bpm )
__asm("mov %0, ecx\n":"=m"(g_soflan_retry_hispeed):);
g_soflan_retry = false;
g_bypass_hispeed = true;
__asm("jmp leave_increase_hispeed\n");
//compute resulting bpm using exact same formula as game (base bpm in eax, multiplier in ecx)
__asm("movsx eax, %0\n"::"m"(g_hi_bpm));
__asm("movsx ecx,cx\n");
__asm("imul ecx,eax\n");
__asm("mov eax, 0x66666667\n");
__asm("imul ecx\n");
__asm("sar edx,2\n");
__asm("mov eax,edx\n");
__asm("shr eax,0x1F\n");
__asm("add eax,edx\n");
__asm("mov %0, eax\n":"=m"(g_target_bpm): :);
__asm("pop ecx\n");
__asm("pop edx\n");
__asm("pop eax\n");
void (*real_decrease_hispeed)();
void hook_decrease_hispeed()
__asm("push eax\n");
__asm("push edx\n");
__asm("push ecx\n");
//decrease hispeed
__asm("movzx ecx, word ptr[edi]\n");
__asm("dec ecx\n");
__asm("cmp ecx, 0x0A\n");
__asm("jge skip_hispeed_rollover_low\n");
__asm("mov ecx, 0x64\n");
if ( g_mystery_bpm || g_low_bpm != g_hi_bpm )
__asm("mov %0, ecx\n":"=m"(g_soflan_retry_hispeed):);
g_bypass_hispeed = true;
g_soflan_retry = false;
__asm("jmp leave_decrease_hispeed\n");
//compute resulting bpm using exact same formula as game (base bpm in eax, multiplier in ecx)
__asm("movsx eax, %0\n"::"m"(g_hi_bpm));
__asm("movsx ecx,cx\n");
__asm("imul ecx,eax\n");
__asm("mov eax, 0x66666667\n");
__asm("imul ecx\n");
__asm("sar edx,2\n");
__asm("mov eax,edx\n");
__asm("shr eax,0x1F\n");
__asm("add eax,edx\n");
__asm("mov %0, eax\n":"=m"(g_target_bpm): :);
__asm("pop ecx\n");
__asm("pop edx\n");
__asm("pop eax\n");
bool patch_hispeed_auto(uint8_t mode, uint16_t default_bpm)
DWORD dllSize = 0;
char *data = getDllData(g_game_dll_fn, &dllSize);
g_base_bpm_ptr = &g_hi_bpm;
if (mode == 2)
g_base_bpm_ptr = &g_low_bpm;
else if (mode == 3)
g_base_bpm_ptr = &g_longest_bpm;
g_target_bpm = default_bpm;
/* retrieve hi-speed address */
int64_t pattern_offset = search(data, dllSize, "\x66\x89\x0C\x07\x0F\xB6\x45\x04", 8, 0);
if (pattern_offset == -1) {
LOG("popnhax: auto hi-speed: cannot find hi-speed address\n");
return false;
uint64_t patch_addr = (int64_t)data + pattern_offset + 0x04;
MH_CreateHook((LPVOID)(patch_addr), (LPVOID)hook_set_hispeed,
(void **)&real_set_hispeed);
/* write new hispeed according to target bpm */
/* improve compatibility with newer games */
int64_t pattern_offset = search(data, dllSize, "\xEB\x57\x8B\xBC\x24\x50\x01\x00\x00\x66\x8B\x85", 12, 0);
if (pattern_offset == -1) {
LOG("popnhax: auto hi-speed: cannot find chart BPM address offset\n");
return false;
uint64_t patch_addr = (int64_t)data + pattern_offset + 0x1C;
g_low_bpm_ebp_offset = *((uint16_t *)(patch_addr));
if (g_low_bpm_ebp_offset != 0x0A1A && g_low_bpm_ebp_offset != 0x0A1E)
LOG("popnhax: auto hi-speed: WARNING: unexpected BPM address offset (%hu), might not work\n", g_low_bpm_ebp_offset);
pattern_offset = search(data, dllSize, "\x98\x50\x66\x8B\x85", 5, 0);
if (pattern_offset == -1) {
LOG("popnhax: auto hi-speed: cannot find hi-speed apply address\n");
return false;
patch_addr = (int64_t)data + pattern_offset - 0x07;
MH_CreateHook((LPVOID)(patch_addr), (LPVOID)hook_read_hispeed,
(void **)&real_read_hispeed);
/* update target bpm on hispeed increase */
int64_t pattern_offset = search(data, dllSize, "\x66\xFF\x07\x0F\xB7\x07\x66\x83\xF8\x64", 10, 0);
if (pattern_offset == -1) {
LOG("popnhax: auto hi-speed: cannot find hi-speed increase\n");
return false;
uint64_t patch_addr = (int64_t)data + pattern_offset;
MH_CreateHook((LPVOID)(patch_addr), (LPVOID)hook_increase_hispeed,
(void **)&real_increase_hispeed);
/* update target bpm on hispeed decrease */
int64_t pattern_offset = search(data, dllSize, "\x66\xFF\x0F\x0F\xB7\x07\x66\x83\xF8\x0A", 10, 0);
if (pattern_offset == -1) {
LOG("popnhax: auto hi-speed: cannot find hi-speed decrease\n");
return false;
uint64_t patch_addr = (int64_t)data + pattern_offset;
MH_CreateHook((LPVOID)(patch_addr), (LPVOID)hook_decrease_hispeed,
(void **)&real_decrease_hispeed);
/* compute longest bpm for mode 3 */
if (mode == 3)
int64_t pattern_offset = search(data, dllSize, "\x00\x00\x72\x05\xB9\xFF", 6, 0);
if (pattern_offset == -1) {
LOG("popnhax: auto hi-speed: cannot find chart address\n");
return false;
/* detect if usaneko+ */
uint64_t patch_addr = (int64_t)data + pattern_offset + 0x0F;
uint8_t check_byte = *((uint8_t *)(patch_addr + 1));
if (check_byte == 0x04)
patch_addr += 9;
g_longest_bpm_old_chart = true;
LOG("popnhax: auto hi-speed: old game version\n");
MH_CreateHook((LPVOID)(patch_addr), (LPVOID)hook_retrieve_chart_addr_old,
(void **)&real_retrieve_chart_addr_old);
patch_addr += 11;
MH_CreateHook((LPVOID)(patch_addr), (LPVOID)hook_retrieve_chart_addr,
(void **)&real_retrieve_chart_addr);
LOG("popnhax: auto hi-speed enabled");
if (g_target_bpm != 0)
LOG(" with default %hubpm", g_target_bpm);
if (mode == 2)
LOG(" (lower bpm target)");
else if (mode == 3)
LOG(" (longest bpm target)");
LOG(" (higher bpm target)");
return true;
/* dummy function to replace real one when not found */
bool is_normal_mode_best_effort(){
return true;
bool (*popn22_is_normal_mode)() = is_normal_mode_best_effort;
uint32_t g_startsong_addr = 0;
uint32_t g_transition_addr = 0;
uint32_t g_stage_addr = 0;
uint32_t g_score_addr = 0;
bool g_pfree_mode = false;
bool g_end_session = false;
bool g_return_to_options = false;
bool g_return_to_song_select = false;
bool g_return_to_song_select_num9 = false;
void (*real_screen_transition)();
void quickexit_screen_transition()
if (g_return_to_options)
__asm("mov dword ptr [edi+0x30], 0x1C\n");
//flag is set back to false in the option select screen after score cleanup
else if (g_return_to_song_select)
__asm("mov dword ptr [edi+0x30], 0x17\n");
__asm("push eax");
__asm("call %0"::"a"(popn22_is_normal_mode));
__asm("test al,al");
__asm("pop eax");
__asm("je skip_change_flag");
if ( g_pfree_mode )
g_return_to_song_select = false;
//flag is set back to false in hook_stage_increment otherwise
g_end_session = false;
void (*real_retrieve_score)();
void quickretry_retrieve_score()
__asm("mov %0, esi\n":"=S"(g_score_addr): :);
/* let's force E and fail medal for quick exit
* (regular retire or end of song will overwrite)
uint8_t *clear_type = (uint8_t*)(g_score_addr+0x24);
uint8_t *clear_rank = (uint8_t*)(g_score_addr+0x25);
if (*clear_type == 0)
*clear_type = 1;
*clear_rank = 1;
void quickexit_option_screen_cleanup()
if (g_return_to_options)
/* we got here from quickretry, cleanup score */
__asm("push ecx\n");
__asm("push esi\n");
__asm("push edi\n");
__asm("mov edi, %0\n": :"D"(g_score_addr));
__asm("mov esi, edi\n");
__asm("add esi, 0x560\n");
__asm("mov ecx, 0x98\n");
__asm("rep movsd\n");
__asm("pop edi\n");
__asm("pop esi\n");
__asm("pop ecx\n");
g_return_to_options = false;
uint32_t g_addr_icca;
void (*real_option_screen)();
void quickexit_option_screen()
__asm("push ebx\n");
__asm("push ecx\n");
__asm("mov ecx, %0\n": :"m"(g_addr_icca));
__asm("mov ebx, [ecx]\n");
__asm("pop ecx\n");
__asm("add ebx, 0xAC\n");
__asm("mov ebx, [ebx]\n");
__asm("shr ebx, 28\n"); // numpad8: 80 00 00 00
__asm("cmp bl, 8\n");
__asm("pop ebx\n");
__asm("jne real_option_screen\n");
/* numpad 8 is held, rewrite transition pointer */
__asm("pop edi\n");
__asm("pop ecx\n");
__asm("pop edx\n");
__asm("xor edx, edx\n");
__asm("mov ecx, %0\n": :"c"(g_startsong_addr));
__asm("push edx\n");
__asm("push ecx\n");
__asm("push edi\n");
void (*real_option_screen_later)();
void backtosongselect_option_screen()
__asm("push ecx\n");
__asm("mov ecx, %0\n": :"m"(g_addr_icca));
__asm("mov ebx, [ecx]\n");
__asm("pop ecx\n");
__asm("add ebx, 0xAC\n");
__asm("mov ebx, [ebx]\n");
__asm("shr ebx, 16\n"); // numpad9: 00 08 00 00
__asm("cmp bl, 8\n");
__asm("jne exit_back_select\n");
g_return_to_song_select = true;
g_return_to_song_select_num9 = true;
void (*real_backtosongselect_option_screen_auto_leave)();
void backtosongselect_option_screen_auto_leave()
if ( g_return_to_song_select_num9 )
g_return_to_song_select_num9 = false;
__asm("mov al, 1\n");
void (*real_option_screen_yellow)();
void backtosongselect_option_yellow()
__asm("push ecx\n");
__asm("mov ecx, %0\n": :"m"(g_addr_icca));
__asm("mov ebx, [ecx]\n");
__asm("pop ecx\n");
__asm("add ebx, 0xAC\n");
__asm("mov ebx, [ebx]\n");
__asm("shr ebx, 16\n"); // numpad9: 00 08 00 00
__asm("cmp bl, 8\n");
__asm("jne exit_back_select_yellow\n");
g_return_to_song_select = true;
g_return_to_song_select_num9 = true;
uint32_t g_option_yellow_leave_addr = 0;
void (*real_backtosongselect_option_screen_yellow_auto_leave)();
void backtosongselect_option_screen_yellow_auto_leave()
if ( g_return_to_song_select_num9 )
g_return_to_song_select_num9 = false;
__asm("push %0\n": :"m"(g_option_yellow_leave_addr));
static bool r_ran;
static bool regul_flg;
//static bool dj_auto;
static bool ex_res_flg;
static bool disp = 0;
static bool use_sp_flg;
uint32_t ori_plop = 0;
uint32_t *g_plop_addr;
uint32_t add_stage_addr;
void (*restore_op)();
void restore_plop()
__asm("push esi\n");
__asm("push ebx\n");
__asm("mov eax, [%0]\n"::"a"(*g_plop_addr));
__asm("mov ebx, %0\n"::"b"(ori_plop));
__asm("mov byte ptr [eax+0x34], bl\n");
__asm("pop ebx\n");
__asm("pop esi\n");
numpad values:
| <<24 <<28 <<16
8 | 7 8 9
4 | 4 5 6
2 | 1 2 3
1 | 0 00
e.g. numpad 9 = 8<<16 = 00 08 00 00
numpad 2 = 2<<28 = 20 00 00 00
void (*real_game_loop)();
void quickexit_game_loop()
__asm("push ebx\n");
__asm("push ecx\n");
__asm("mov ecx, %0\n": :"m"(g_addr_icca));
__asm("mov ebx, [ecx]\n");
__asm("pop ecx\n");
__asm("add ebx, 0xAC\n");
__asm("mov ebx, [ebx]\n");
__asm("shr ebx, 16\n"); // numpad9: 00 08 00 00
__asm("cmp bl, 8\n");
__asm("je leave_song\n");
__asm("shr ebx, 12\n"); // (adds to the previous shr 16) numpad8: 08 00 00 00
__asm("cmp bl, 8\n");
__asm("jne call_real\n");
/* numpad 8 is pressed: quick retry if pfree is active */
use_sp_flg = 0;
__asm("push eax");
__asm("call %0"::"a"(popn22_is_normal_mode));
__asm("test al,al");
__asm("pop eax");
__asm("je skip_pfree_check");
if ( !g_pfree_mode )
__asm("jmp call_real\n");
if (g_mystery_bpm || g_low_bpm != g_hi_bpm)
g_soflan_retry = true;
g_return_to_options = true;
/* numpad 7 or 9 is pressed */
__asm("mov eax, 1\n");
__asm("pop ebx\n");
/* no quick exit */
__asm("pop ebx\n");
/* r2nk226 ついかテスト */
if (regul_flg|r_ran){
use_sp_flg = 1;
ex_res_flg = 0;
disp = 1;
int16_t g_keysound_offset = 0;
void (*real_eval_timing)();
void patch_eval_timing() {
__asm("mov esi, %0\n": :"b"((int32_t)g_keysound_offset));
void (*real_result_loop)();
void quickexit_result_loop()
__asm("push ecx\n");
__asm("mov ecx, %0\n": :"m"(g_addr_icca));
__asm("mov ebx, [ecx]\n");
__asm("pop ecx\n");
__asm("add ebx, 0xAC\n");
__asm("mov ebx, [ebx]\n");
__asm("shr ebx, 16\n"); // numpad9: 00 08 00 00
__asm("cmp bl, 8\n");
__asm("je quit_session\n");
__asm("shr ebx, 12\n"); // (adds to the previous shr 16) numpad8: 08 00 00 00
__asm("cmp bl, 8\n");
__asm("jne call_real_result\n");
__asm("push eax");
__asm("call %0"::"a"(popn22_is_normal_mode));
__asm("test al,al");
__asm("pop eax");
__asm("je skip_quickexit_pfree_check");
if ( !g_pfree_mode )
__asm("jmp call_real_result\n");
if (g_mystery_bpm || g_low_bpm != g_hi_bpm)
g_soflan_retry = true;
g_return_to_options = true; //transition screen hook will catch it
__asm("jmp call_real_result\n");
g_end_session = true;
g_return_to_options = false;
/* set value 5 in g_stage_addr and -4 in g_transition_addr (to get fade to black transition) */
__asm("mov ebx, %0\n": :"b"(g_stage_addr));
__asm("mov dword ptr[ebx], 5\n");
__asm("mov ebx, %0\n": :"b"(g_transition_addr));
__asm("mov dword ptr[ebx], 0xFFFFFFFC\n"); //quit session
disp = 0;// 7.9 message off
// r2nk226#1109 ついかテスト
ex_res_flg = 1;
void (*real_result_button_loop)();
void quickexit_result_button_loop()
if ( g_end_session || g_return_to_options )
//g_return_to_options is reset in quickexit_option_screen_cleanup(), g_end_session is reset in quickexit_screen_transition()
__asm("mov al, 1\n");
uint32_t g_timing_addr = 0;
bool g_timing_require_update = false;
void (*real_set_timing_func)();
void modded_set_timing_func()
if (!g_timing_require_update)
/* timing contains offset, add to it instead of replace */
__asm("push ebx\n");
__asm("mov ebx, %0\n"::"m"(g_timing_addr));
__asm("add [ebx], eax\n");
__asm("pop ebx\n");
g_timing_require_update = false;
volatile uint32_t g_masked_hidden = 0;
uint32_t g_show_hidden_addr = 0; /* offset from ESP at which hidden setting value is */
void (*real_show_hidden_result)();
void asm_show_hidden_result()
if (g_masked_hidden)
__asm("push edx\n");
__asm("mov edx, esp\n");
__asm("add edx, %0\n"::""(g_show_hidden_addr):);
__asm("add edx, 4\n"); /* to account for the "push edx" */
__asm("or dword ptr [edx], 0x00000001\n");
g_masked_hidden = 0;
__asm("pop edx\n");
void (*real_stage_update)();
void hook_stage_update()
__asm("mov ebx, dword ptr [esi+0x14]\n");
__asm("lea ebx, [ebx+0xC]\n");
__asm("mov %0, ebx\n":"=b"(g_transition_addr): :);
__asm("push eax");
__asm("call %0"::"a"(popn22_is_normal_mode));
__asm("test al,al");
__asm("pop eax");
__asm("je skip_stage_update_pfree_check");
if ( !g_pfree_mode )
/* this hook is installed only when back_to_song_select is enabled and pfree is not */
void (*real_stage_increment)();
void hook_stage_increment()
if ( !g_return_to_song_select )
g_return_to_song_select = false;
void (*real_check_music_idx)();
extern "C" void check_music_idx();
extern "C" int8_t check_music_idx_handler(int32_t music_idx, int32_t chart_idx, int32_t result) {
int8_t override_flag = get_chart_type_override(new_buffer_addrs[MUSIC_TABLE_IDX], music_idx & 0xffff, chart_idx & 0x0f);
LOG("music_idx: %d, result: %d, override_flag: %d\n", music_idx & 0xffff, result, override_flag);
if (override_flag != -1) {
return override_flag;
return (music_idx & 0xffff) > limit_table[CHART_TABLE_IDX] ? 1 : result;
".global _check_music_idx\n"
" call [_real_check_music_idx]\n"
" movzx eax, al\n"
" push eax\n"
" push ebx\n"
" push esi\n"
" call _check_music_idx_handler\n"
" add esp, 12\n"
" ret\n"
void (*real_check_music_idx_usaneko)();
extern "C" void check_music_idx_usaneko();
extern "C" int8_t check_music_idx_handler_usaneko(int32_t result, int32_t chart_idx, int32_t music_idx) {
return check_music_idx_handler(music_idx, chart_idx, result);
".global _check_music_idx_usaneko\n"
" push edi\n"
" push ebx\n"
" cmp eax, 0x18\n"
" setl al\n"
" movzx eax, al\n"
" push eax\n"
" call _check_music_idx_handler_usaneko\n"
" add esp, 12\n"
" jmp [_real_check_music_idx_usaneko]\n"
char *parse_patchdb(const char *input_filename, char *base_data) {
const char *folder = "data_mods\\";
char *input_filepath = (char*)calloc(strlen(input_filename) + strlen(folder) + 1, sizeof(char));
sprintf(input_filepath, "%s%s", folder, input_filename);
property* config_xml = load_prop_file(input_filepath);
char *target = (char*)calloc(64, sizeof(char));
property_node_refer(config_xml, property_search(config_xml, NULL, "/patches"), "target@", PROPERTY_TYPE_ATTR, target, 64);
READ_U32(config_xml, NULL, "/patches/limits/music", limit_music)
READ_U32(config_xml, NULL, "/patches/limits/chart", limit_chart)
READ_U32(config_xml, NULL, "/patches/limits/style", limit_style)
READ_U32(config_xml, NULL, "/patches/limits/flavor", limit_flavor)
READ_U32(config_xml, NULL, "/patches/limits/chara", limit_chara)
limit_table[MUSIC_TABLE_IDX] = limit_music;
limit_table[CHART_TABLE_IDX] = limit_chart;
limit_table[STYLE_TABLE_IDX] = limit_style;
limit_table[FLAVOR_TABLE_IDX] = limit_flavor;
limit_table[CHARA_TABLE_IDX] = limit_chara;
READ_HEX(config_xml, NULL, "/patches/buffer_base_addrs/music", buffer_addrs[MUSIC_TABLE_IDX])
buffer_addrs[MUSIC_TABLE_IDX] = buffer_addrs[MUSIC_TABLE_IDX] > 0 ? (uint64_t)base_data + (buffer_addrs[MUSIC_TABLE_IDX] - 0x10000000) : buffer_addrs[MUSIC_TABLE_IDX];
READ_HEX(config_xml, NULL, "/patches/buffer_base_addrs/chart", buffer_addrs[CHART_TABLE_IDX])
buffer_addrs[CHART_TABLE_IDX] = buffer_addrs[CHART_TABLE_IDX] > 0 ? (uint64_t)base_data + (buffer_addrs[CHART_TABLE_IDX] - 0x10000000) : buffer_addrs[CHART_TABLE_IDX];
READ_HEX(config_xml, NULL, "/patches/buffer_base_addrs/style", buffer_addrs[STYLE_TABLE_IDX])
buffer_addrs[STYLE_TABLE_IDX] = buffer_addrs[STYLE_TABLE_IDX] > 0 ? (uint64_t)base_data + (buffer_addrs[STYLE_TABLE_IDX] - 0x10000000) : buffer_addrs[STYLE_TABLE_IDX];
READ_HEX(config_xml, NULL, "/patches/buffer_base_addrs/flavor", buffer_addrs[FLAVOR_TABLE_IDX])
buffer_addrs[FLAVOR_TABLE_IDX] = buffer_addrs[FLAVOR_TABLE_IDX] > 0 ? (uint64_t)base_data + (buffer_addrs[FLAVOR_TABLE_IDX] - 0x10000000) : buffer_addrs[FLAVOR_TABLE_IDX];
READ_HEX(config_xml, NULL, "/patches/buffer_base_addrs/chara", buffer_addrs[CHARA_TABLE_IDX])
buffer_addrs[CHARA_TABLE_IDX] = buffer_addrs[CHARA_TABLE_IDX] > 0 ? (uint64_t)base_data + (buffer_addrs[CHARA_TABLE_IDX] - 0x10000000) : buffer_addrs[CHARA_TABLE_IDX];
printf("limit music: %lld\n", limit_table[MUSIC_TABLE_IDX]);
printf("limit chart: %lld\n", limit_table[CHART_TABLE_IDX]);
printf("limit style: %lld\n", limit_table[STYLE_TABLE_IDX]);
printf("limit flavor: %lld\n", limit_table[FLAVOR_TABLE_IDX]);
printf("limit chara: %lld\n", limit_table[CHARA_TABLE_IDX]);
printf("buffer music: %llx\n", buffer_addrs[MUSIC_TABLE_IDX]);
printf("buffer chart: %llx\n", buffer_addrs[CHART_TABLE_IDX]);
printf("buffer style: %llx\n", buffer_addrs[STYLE_TABLE_IDX]);
printf("buffer flavor: %llx\n", buffer_addrs[FLAVOR_TABLE_IDX]);
printf("buffer chara: %llx\n", buffer_addrs[CHARA_TABLE_IDX]);
const char *types[LIMIT_TABLE_SIZE] = {"music", "chart", "style", "flavor", "chara"};
// Read buffers_patch_addrs
for (size_t i = 0; i < LIMIT_TABLE_SIZE; i++) {
const char strbase[] = "/patches/buffers_patch_addrs";
size_t search_str_len = strlen(strbase) + 1 + strlen(types[i]) + 1;
char *search_str = (char*)calloc(search_str_len, sizeof(char));
if (!search_str) {
printf("Couldn't create buffer of size %d\n", search_str_len);
sprintf(search_str, "%s/%s", strbase, types[i]);
printf("search_str: %s\n", search_str);
property_node* prop = NULL;
if ((prop = property_search(config_xml, NULL, search_str))) {
for (; prop != NULL; prop = property_node_traversal(prop, TRAVERSE_NEXT_SEARCH_RESULT)) {
uint64_t offset = 0;
READ_HEX(config_xml, prop, "", offset)
printf("offset ptr: %llx\n", offset);
UpdateBufferEntry *buffer_offset = new UpdateBufferEntry();
buffer_offset->type = i;
buffer_offset->offset = offset;
// Read other_patches
for (size_t i = 0; i < LIMIT_TABLE_SIZE; i++) {
const char strbase[] = "/patches/other_patches";
size_t search_str_len = strlen(strbase) + 1 + strlen(types[i]) + 1;
char *search_str = (char*)calloc(search_str_len, sizeof(char));
if (!search_str) {
printf("Couldn't create buffer of size %d\n", search_str_len);
sprintf(search_str, "%s/%s", strbase, types[i]);
printf("search_str: %s\n", search_str);
property_node* prop = NULL;
if ((prop = property_search(config_xml, NULL, search_str))) {
for (; prop != NULL; prop = property_node_traversal(prop, TRAVERSE_NEXT_SEARCH_RESULT)) {
char methodStr[256] = {};
property_node_refer(config_xml, prop, "method@", PROPERTY_TYPE_ATTR, methodStr, sizeof(methodStr));
uint32_t method = atoi(methodStr);
char expectedStr[256] = {};
property_node_refer(config_xml, prop, "expected@", PROPERTY_TYPE_ATTR, expectedStr, sizeof(expectedStr));
uint64_t expected = strtol((const char*)expectedStr, NULL, 16);
char sizeStr[256] = {};
property_node_refer(config_xml, prop, "size@", PROPERTY_TYPE_ATTR, sizeStr, sizeof(sizeStr));
uint64_t size = strtol((const char*)sizeStr, NULL, 16);
if (size == 0) {
// I can't think of any patches that require a different size than 4 bytes
size = 4;
uint64_t offset = 0;
READ_HEX(config_xml, prop, "", offset)
printf("offset ptr: %llx, method = %d, expected = %llx, size = %lld\n", offset, method, expected, size);
UpdateOtherEntry *other_offset = new UpdateOtherEntry();
other_offset->type = i;
other_offset->method = method;
other_offset->offset = offset;
other_offset->expectedValue = expected;
other_offset->size = size;
// Read hook_addrs
property_node* prop = NULL;
if ((prop = property_search(config_xml, NULL, "/patches/hook_addrs/offset"))) {
for (; prop != NULL; prop = property_node_traversal(prop, TRAVERSE_NEXT_SEARCH_RESULT)) {
char methodStr[256] = {};
property_node_refer(config_xml, prop, "method@", PROPERTY_TYPE_ATTR, methodStr, sizeof(methodStr));
uint32_t method = atoi(methodStr);
uint64_t offset = 0;
READ_HEX(config_xml, prop, "", offset)
printf("offset ptr: %llx\n", offset);
HookEntry *hook_offset = new HookEntry();
hook_offset->offset = offset;
hook_offset->method = method;
return target;
static bool patch_purelong()
DWORD dllSize = 0;
char *data = getDllData(g_game_dll_fn, &dllSize);
int64_t pattern_offset = search(data, dllSize, "\x80\x1A\x06\x00\x83\xFA\x08\x77\x08", 9, 0);
if (pattern_offset == -1) {
LOG("popnhax: Couldn't find score increment function\n");
return false;
uint64_t patch_addr = (int64_t)data + pattern_offset + 24;
uint8_t *patch_str = (uint8_t *) patch_addr;
DWORD old_prot;
VirtualProtect((LPVOID)patch_str, 20, PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE, &old_prot);
/* replace cdq/idiv by xor/div in score increment computation to avoid score overflow */
for (int i=12; i>=0; i--)
patch_str[i+1] = patch_str[i];
patch_str[0] = 0x33;
patch_str[1] = 0xD2;
patch_str[3] = 0x34;
VirtualProtect((LPVOID)patch_str, 20, old_prot, &old_prot);
return true;
static bool patch_datecode(char *datecode) {
DWORD dllSize = 0;
char *data = getDllData(g_game_dll_fn, &dllSize);
g_datecode_override = strdup(datecode);
int64_t pattern_offset = search(data, dllSize, "\x8D\x44\x24\x10\x88\x4C\x24\x10\x88\x5C\x24\x11\x8D\x50\x01", 15, 0);
if (pattern_offset != -1) {
uint64_t patch_addr = (int64_t)data + pattern_offset + 0x08;
MH_CreateHook((LPVOID)patch_addr, (LPVOID)asm_patch_datecode,
(void **)&real_asm_patch_datecode);
LOG("popnhax: datecode set to %s",g_datecode_override);
} else {
LOG("popnhax: Couldn't patch datecode\n");
return false;
if (!config.network_datecode)
return true;
/* network_datecode is on: also patch libavs so that forced datecode shows in network packets */
DWORD avsdllSize = 0;
char *avsdata = getDllData("libavs-win32.dll", &avsdllSize);
int64_t pattern_offset = search(avsdata, avsdllSize, "\x57\x56\x89\x34\x24\x8B\xF2\x8B\xD0\x0F\xB6\x46\x2E", 13, 0);
if (pattern_offset != -1) {
uint64_t patch_addr = (int64_t)avsdata + pattern_offset;
MH_CreateHook((LPVOID)patch_addr, (LPVOID)asm_patch_datecode_libavs,
(void **)&real_asm_patch_datecode_libavs);
LOG(" (including network)\n");
} else {
LOG(" (WARNING: failed to apply to network)\n");
return false;
return true;
static bool patch_database(uint8_t force_unlocks) {
DWORD dllSize = 0;
char *data = getDllData(g_game_dll_fn, &dllSize);
int64_t pattern_offset = search(data, dllSize, "\x8D\x44\x24\x10\x88\x4C\x24\x10\x88\x5C\x24\x11\x8D\x50\x01", 15, 0);
if (pattern_offset != -1) {
uint64_t patch_addr = (int64_t)data + pattern_offset;
MH_CreateHook((LPVOID)patch_addr, (LPVOID)omnimix_patch_jbx,
(void **)&real_omnimix_patch_jbx);
LOG("popnhax: Patched X rev for omnimix\n");
} else {
LOG("popnhax: Couldn't find rev patch\n");
char *target;
if (config.patch_xml_auto) {
const char *filename = NULL;
SearchFile s;
uint8_t *datecode = NULL;
bool found = false;
if (config.force_datecode[0] != '\0')
LOG("popnhax: auto detect patch file with datecode override %s\n",config.force_datecode);
datecode = (uint8_t*) strdup(config.force_datecode);
LOG("popnhax: auto detect patch file from ea3-config\n");
property *config_xml = load_prop_file("prop/ea3-config.xml");
READ_STR_OPT(config_xml, property_search(config_xml, NULL, "/ea3/soft"), "ext", datecode)
if (datecode == NULL) {
LOG("popnhax: patch_db: failed to retrieve datecode from ea3-config. Please disable patch_xml_auto option and use patch_xml_filename to specify which file should be used.\n");
return false;
LOG("popnhax: patch_db: datecode : %s\n", datecode);
LOG("popnhax: patch_db: XML patch files search...\n");
s.search("data_mods", "xml", false);
auto result = s.getResult();
LOG("popnhax: patch_db: found %d xml files in data_mods\n",result.size());
for (uint16_t i=0; i<result.size(); i++) {
filename = result[i].c_str()+10; // strip "data_mods\" since parsedb will prepend it...
LOG("%d : %s\n",i,filename);
if (strstr(result[i].c_str(), (const char *)datecode) != NULL) {
found = true;
LOG("popnhax: patch_db: found matching datecode, end search\n");
if (!found) {
LOG("popnhax: patch_db: matching datecode not found, defaulting to latest patch file.\n");
LOG("popnhax: patch_db: using %s\n",filename);
target = parse_patchdb(filename, data);
} else {
target = parse_patchdb(config.patch_xml_filename, data);
if (config.disable_redirection) {
config.disable_expansions = true;
limit_table[STYLE_TABLE_IDX] = new_limit_table[STYLE_TABLE_IDX];
if (config.disable_redirection) {
LOG("Redirection-related code is disabled, buffer address, buffer size and related patches will not be applied");
printf("Redirection-related code is disabled, buffer address, buffer size and related patches will not be applied");
return true;
// Patch buffers
for (size_t i = 0; i < buffer_offsets.size(); i++) {
if (buffer_offsets[i]->offset == 0 || buffer_addrs[buffer_offsets[i]->type] == 0) {
// buffer_base_offsets is required because it will point to the beginning of all of the buffers to calculate offsets
uint64_t patch_addr = (int64_t)data + (buffer_offsets[i]->offset - 0x10000000);
uint64_t cur_addr = *(int32_t*)patch_addr;
uint64_t mem_addr = (uint64_t)new_buffer_addrs[buffer_offsets[i]->type] + (cur_addr - buffer_addrs[buffer_offsets[i]->type]);
printf("Patching %llx -> %llx @ %llx (%llx - %llx = %llx)\n", cur_addr, mem_addr, buffer_offsets[i]->offset, cur_addr, buffer_addrs[buffer_offsets[i]->type], cur_addr - buffer_addrs[buffer_offsets[i]->type]);
patch_memory(patch_addr, (char*)&mem_addr, 4);
LOG("popnhax: patched memory db locations\n");
if (config.disable_expansions) {
printf("Expansion-related code is disabled, buffer size and related patches will not be applied");
LOG("Expansion-related code is disabled, buffer size and related patches will not be applied");
return true;
for (size_t i = 0; i < other_offsets.size(); i++) {
// Get current limit so it can be used for later calculations
uint32_t cur_limit = limit_table[other_offsets[i]->type];
uint32_t limit_diff = cur_limit < new_limit_table[other_offsets[i]->type]
? new_limit_table[other_offsets[i]->type] - cur_limit
: 0;
if (limit_diff != 0)
uint64_t cur_value = 0;
if (other_offsets[i]->size == 1) {
cur_value = *(uint8_t*)(data + (other_offsets[i]->offset - 0x10000000));
} else if (other_offsets[i]->size == 2) {
cur_value = *(uint16_t*)(data + (other_offsets[i]->offset - 0x10000000));
} else if (other_offsets[i]->size == 4) {
cur_value = *(uint32_t*)(data + (other_offsets[i]->offset - 0x10000000));
} else if (other_offsets[i]->size == 8) {
cur_value = *(uint64_t*)(data + (other_offsets[i]->offset - 0x10000000));
if (other_offsets[i]->method != 12 && cur_value != other_offsets[i]->expectedValue) {
printf("ERROR! Expected %llx, found %llx @ %llx!\n", other_offsets[i]->expectedValue, cur_value, other_offsets[i]->offset);
LOG("ERROR! Expected %llx, found %llx @ %llx!\n", other_offsets[i]->expectedValue, cur_value, other_offsets[i]->offset);
uint64_t value = cur_value;
uint32_t patch_size = 4;
switch (other_offsets[i]->method) {
// Add limit_diff to value
case 0:
value = cur_value + limit_diff;
// Add limit_diff * 4 to value
case 1:
value = cur_value + (limit_diff * 4);
// Add limit diff * 6 * 4 (number of charts * 4?)
case 2:
value = cur_value + ((limit_diff * 6) * 4);
// Add limit_diff * 6
case 3:
value = cur_value + (limit_diff * 6);
// Add limit_diff * 0x90
case 4:
value = cur_value + (limit_diff * 0x90);
// Add limit_diff * 0x48
case 5:
value = cur_value + (limit_diff * 0x48);
// Add limit_diff * 0x120
case 6:
value = cur_value + (limit_diff * 0x120);
// Add limit_diff * 0x440
case 7:
value = cur_value + (limit_diff * 0x440);
// Add limit_diff * 0x0c
case 8:
value = cur_value + (limit_diff * 0x0c);
// Add limit_diff * 0x3d0
case 9:
value = cur_value + (limit_diff * 0x3d0);
// Add (limit_diff * 0x3d0) + (limit_diff * 0x9c)
case 10:
value = cur_value + (limit_diff * 0x3d0) + (limit_diff * 0x9c);
// Add (limit_diff * 0x3d0) + (limit_diff * 0x9c) + (limit_diff * 0x2a0)
case 11:
value = cur_value + (limit_diff * 0x3d0) + (limit_diff * 0x9c) + (limit_diff * 0x2a0);
// NOP
case 12:
value = 0x9090909090909090;
patch_size = other_offsets[i]->size;
printf("Unknown command: %lld\n", other_offsets[i]->method);
if (value != cur_value) {
uint64_t patch_addr = (int64_t)data + (other_offsets[i]->offset - 0x10000000);
patch_memory(patch_addr, (char*)&value, patch_size);
printf("Patched %llx: %llx -> %llx\n", other_offsets[i]->offset, cur_value, value);
HMODULE _moduleBase = GetModuleHandle(g_game_dll_fn);
for (size_t i = 0; i < hook_offsets.size(); i++) {
switch (hook_offsets[i]->method) {
case 0: {
// Peace hook
printf("Hooking %llx %p\n", hook_offsets[i]->offset, _moduleBase);
MH_CreateHook((void*)((uint8_t*)_moduleBase + (hook_offsets[i]->offset - 0x10000000)), (void *)&check_music_idx, (void **)&real_check_music_idx);
case 1: {
// Usaneko hook
printf("Hooking %llx %p\n", hook_offsets[i]->offset, _moduleBase);
uint8_t nops[] = { 0x90, 0x90, 0x90, 0x90, 0x90, 0x90 };
patch_memory((uint64_t)((uint8_t*)_moduleBase + (hook_offsets[i]->offset - 0x10000000) - 6), (char *)&nops, 6);
MH_CreateHook((void*)((uint8_t*)_moduleBase + (hook_offsets[i]->offset - 0x10000000)), (void *)&check_music_idx_usaneko, (void **)&real_check_music_idx_usaneko);
printf("Unknown hook command: %lld\n", hook_offsets[i]->method);
LOG("popnhax: patched limit-related code\n");
return true;
static bool patch_audio_source_fix() {
if (!find_and_patch_hex(g_game_dll_fn, "\x85\xC0\x75\x96\x8D\x70\x7F\xE8\xF8\x2B\x00\x00", 12, 0, "\x90\x90\x90\x90", 4))
return false;
LOG("popnhax: audio source fixed\n");
return true;
static bool patch_unset_volume() {
DWORD dllSize = 0;
char *data = getDllData(g_game_dll_fn, &dllSize);
int64_t first_loc = search(data, dllSize, "\x04\x00\x81\xC4\x00\x01\x00\x00\xC3\xCC", 10, 0);
if (first_loc == -1) {
return false;
int64_t pattern_offset = search(data, 0x10, "\x83", 1, first_loc);
if (pattern_offset == -1) {
return false;
uint64_t patch_addr = (int64_t)data + pattern_offset;
patch_memory(patch_addr, (char *)"\xC3", 1);
LOG("popnhax: windows volume untouched\n");
return true;
static bool patch_event_mode() {
if (!find_and_patch_hex(g_game_dll_fn, "\x8B\x00\xC3\xCC\xCC\xCC\xCC\xCC\xCC\xCC\xCC\xCC\xCC\xCC"
"\xCC\xCC\xC7", 17, 0, "\x31\xC0\x40\xC3", 4))
return false;
LOG("popnhax: event mode forced\n");
return true;
static bool patch_remove_timer() {
DWORD dllSize = 0;
char *data = getDllData(g_game_dll_fn, &dllSize);
int64_t first_loc = search(data, dllSize, "\x8B\xAC\x24\x68\x01", 5, 0);
if (first_loc == -1) {
return false;
int64_t pattern_offset = search(data, 0x15, "\x0F", 1, first_loc);
if (pattern_offset == -1) {
return false;
uint64_t patch_addr = (int64_t)data + pattern_offset;
patch_memory(patch_addr, (char *)"\x90\xE9", 2);
LOG("popnhax: timer removed\n");
return true;
static bool patch_freeze_timer() {
if (!find_and_patch_hex(g_game_dll_fn, "\xC7\x45\x38\x09\x00\x00\x00", 7, 0, "\x90\x90\x90\x90\x90\x90\x90", 7))
return false;
LOG("popnhax: timer frozen at 10 seconds remaining\n");
return true;
static bool patch_skip_tutorials() {
DWORD dllSize = 0;
char *data = getDllData(g_game_dll_fn, &dllSize);
int64_t first_loc = search(data, dllSize, "\xFD\xFF\x5E\xC2\x04\x00\xE8", 7, 0);
if (first_loc == -1) {
return false;
int64_t pattern_offset = search(data, 0x10, "\x74", 1, first_loc);
if (pattern_offset == -1) {
return false;
uint64_t patch_addr = (int64_t)data + pattern_offset;
patch_memory(patch_addr, (char *)"\xEB", 1);
int64_t pattern_offset = search(data, dllSize, "\x66\x85\xC0\x75\x5E\x6A", 6, 0);
if (pattern_offset == -1) {
return false;
uint64_t patch_addr = (int64_t)data + pattern_offset;
patch_memory(patch_addr, (char *)"\x66\x85\xC0\xEB\x5E\x6A", 6);
int64_t pattern_offset = search(data, dllSize, "\x00\x5F\x5E\x66\x83\xF8\x01\x75", 8, 0);
if (pattern_offset == -1) {
return false;
uint64_t patch_addr = (int64_t)data + pattern_offset;
patch_memory(patch_addr, (char *)"\x00\x5F\x5E\x66\x83\xF8\x01\xEB", 8);
LOG("popnhax: menu and long note tutorials skipped\n");
return true;
bool force_unlock_deco_parts() {
if (!find_and_patch_hex(g_game_dll_fn, "\x83\xC4\x04\x83\x38\x00\x75\x22", 8, 6, "\x90\x90", 2))
LOG("popnhax: no deco parts to unlock\n");
return false;
LOG("popnhax: unlocked deco parts\n");
return true;
bool force_unlock_songs() {
DWORD dllSize = 0;
char *data = getDllData(g_game_dll_fn, &dllSize);
int music_unlocks = 0, chart_unlocks = 0;
// 0xac here is the size of music_entry. May change in the future
int64_t pattern_offset = search(data, dllSize, "\x69\xC0\xAC\x00\x00\x00\x8B\x80", 8, 0);
if (pattern_offset == -1) {
LOG("popnhax: couldn't unlock songs and charts\n");
return false;
uint32_t buffer_offset = *(uint32_t*)((int64_t)data + pattern_offset + 8);
buffer_offset -= 0x1c; // The difference between music_entry.mask and music_entry.fw_genre_ptr to put it at the beginning of the entry
music_entry *entry = (music_entry*)buffer_offset;
for (int32_t i = 0; ; i++) {
// Detect end of table
// Kind of iffy but I think it should work
if (entry->charts[6] != 0 && entry->hold_flags[7] != 0) {
// These should *probably* always be 0 but won't be after the table ends
if ((entry->mask & 0x08000000) != 0) {
LOG("[%04d] Unlocking %s\n", i, entry->title_ptr);
if ((entry->mask & 0x00000080) != 0) {
LOG("[%04d] Unlocking charts for %s\n", i, entry->title_ptr);
if ((entry->mask & 0x08000080) != 0) {
uint32_t new_mask = entry->mask & ~0x08000080;
patch_memory((uint64_t)&entry->mask, (char *)&new_mask, 4);
entry++; // Move to the next music entry
LOG("popnhax: unlocked %d songs and %d charts\n", music_unlocks, chart_unlocks);
return true;
bool force_unlock_charas() {
DWORD dllSize = 0;
char *data = getDllData(g_game_dll_fn, &dllSize);
int chara_unlocks = 0;
// 0x4c here is the size of character_entry. May change in the future
int64_t pattern_offset = search(data, dllSize, "\x98\x6B\xC0\x4C\x8B\x80", 6, 0);
if (pattern_offset == -1) {
LOG("popnhax: couldn't unlock characters\n");
return false;
uint32_t buffer_offset = *(uint32_t*)((int64_t)data + pattern_offset + 6);
buffer_offset -= 0x48; // The difference between character_entry.game_version and character_entry.chara_id_ptr to put it at the beginning of the entry
character_entry *entry = (character_entry*)buffer_offset;
for (int32_t i = 0; ; i++) {
// Detect end of table
// Kind of iffy but I think it should work
if (entry->_pad1[0] != 0 || entry->_pad2[0] != 0 || entry->_pad2[1] != 0 || entry->_pad2[2] != 0) {
// These should *probably* always be 0 but won't be after the table ends
uint32_t new_flags = entry->flags & ~3;
if (new_flags != entry->flags && entry->disp_name_ptr != NULL && strlen((char*)entry->disp_name_ptr) > 0) {
LOG("Unlocking [%04d] %s... %08x -> %08x\n", i, entry->disp_name_ptr, entry->flags, new_flags);
patch_memory((uint64_t)&entry->flags, (char *)&new_flags, sizeof(uint32_t));
if ((entry->flavor_idx == 0 || entry->flavor_idx == -1)) {
int flavor_idx = 1;
patch_memory((uint64_t)&entry->flavor_idx, (char *)&flavor_idx, sizeof(uint32_t));
LOG("Setting default flavor for chara id %d\n", i);
entry++; // Move to the next character entry
LOG("popnhax: unlocked %d characters\n", chara_unlocks);
return true;
static bool patch_unlocks_offline() {
DWORD dllSize = 0;
char *data = getDllData(g_game_dll_fn, &dllSize);
int64_t pattern_offset = search(data, dllSize-0xE0000, "\xB8\x49\x06\x00\x00\x66\x3B", 7, 0xE0000);
if (pattern_offset == -1) {
LOG("Couldn't find first song unlock\n");
return false;
uint64_t patch_addr = (int64_t)data + pattern_offset - 2;
patch_memory(patch_addr, (char *)"\x90\x90", 2);
if (!find_and_patch_hex(g_game_dll_fn, "\xA9\x06\x00\x00\x68\x74", 6, 5, "\xEB", 1))
LOG("Couldn't find second song unlock\n");
return false;
LOG("popnhax: songs unlocked for offline\n");
if (!find_and_patch_hex(g_game_dll_fn, "\xA9\x10\x01\x00\x00\x74", 6, 5, "\xEB", 1) /* unilab */
&& !find_and_patch_hex(g_game_dll_fn, "\xA9\x50\x01\x00\x00\x74", 6, 5, "\xEB", 1))
LOG("Couldn't find character unlock\n");
return false;
LOG("popnhax: characters unlocked for offline\n");
return true;
/* helper function to retrieve numpad status address */
static bool get_addr_icca(uint32_t *res)
static uint32_t addr = 0;
if (addr != 0)
*res = addr;
return true;
DWORD dllSize = 0;
char *data = getDllData(g_game_dll_fn, &dllSize);
int64_t pattern_offset = search(data, dllSize, "\xE8\x4B\x14\x00\x00\x84\xC0\x74\x03\x33\xC0\xC3\x8B\x0D", 14, 0);
if (pattern_offset == -1) {
return false;
addr = *(uint32_t *) ((int64_t)data + pattern_offset + 14);
#if DEBUG == 1
LOG("ICCA MEMORYZONE %x\n", addr);
*res = addr;
return true;
/* helper function to retrieve timing offset global var address */
static bool get_addr_timing_offset(uint32_t *res)
static uint32_t addr = 0;
if (addr != 0)
*res = addr;
return true;
DWORD dllSize = 0;
char *data = getDllData(g_game_dll_fn, &dllSize);
int64_t pattern_offset = search(data, dllSize, "\xB8\xB4\xFF\xFF\xFF", 5, 0);
if (pattern_offset == -1) {
return false;
uint32_t offset_delta = *(uint32_t *) ((int64_t)data + pattern_offset + 6);
addr = *(uint32_t *) (((int64_t)data + pattern_offset + 10) + offset_delta + 1);
#if DEBUG == 1
*res = addr;
return true;
/* helper function to retrieve beam brightness address */
static bool get_addr_beam_brightness(uint32_t *res)
static uint32_t addr = 0;
if (addr != 0)
*res = addr;
return true;
DWORD dllSize = 0;
char *data = getDllData(g_game_dll_fn, &dllSize);
int64_t pattern_offset = search(data, dllSize, "\xB8\x64\x00\x00\x00\xD9", 6, 0);
if (pattern_offset == -1) {
return false;
addr = (uint32_t) ((int64_t)data + pattern_offset + 1);
#if DEBUG == 1
*res = addr;
return true;
/* helper function to retrieve SD timing address */
static bool get_addr_sd_timing(uint32_t *res)
static uint32_t addr = 0;
if (addr != 0)
*res = addr;
return true;
DWORD dllSize = 0;
char *data = getDllData(g_game_dll_fn, &dllSize);
int64_t pattern_offset = search(data, dllSize, "\xB8\xC4\xFF\xFF\xFF", 5, 0);
if (pattern_offset == -1) {
return false;
addr = (uint32_t) ((int64_t)data + pattern_offset + 1);
#if DEBUG == 1
*res = addr;
return true;
/* helper function to retrieve HD timing address */
static bool get_addr_hd_timing(uint32_t *res)
static uint32_t addr = 0;
if (addr != 0)
*res = addr;
return true;
DWORD dllSize = 0;
char *data = getDllData(g_game_dll_fn, &dllSize);
int64_t pattern_offset = search(data, dllSize, "\xB8\xB4\xFF\xFF\xFF", 5, 0);
if (pattern_offset == -1) {
return false;
addr = (uint32_t) ((int64_t)data + pattern_offset + 1);
#if DEBUG == 1
*res = addr;
return true;
void (*real_commit_options)();
void hidden_is_offset_commit_options()
__asm("push eax\n");
/* check if hidden active */
__asm("xor eax, eax\n");
__asm("mov eax, [esi]\n");
__asm("shr eax, 0x18\n");
__asm("or %0, eax\n":"=m"(g_masked_hidden):); /* save to restore display when using result_screen_show_offset patch */
__asm("cmp eax, 1\n");
__asm("jne call_real_commit\n");
/* disable hidden ingame */
__asm("and ecx, 0x00FFFFFF\n"); // -kaimei
__asm("and edx, 0x00FFFFFF\n"); // unilab
/* flag timing for update */
__asm("mov %0, 1\n":"=m"(g_timing_require_update):);
//g_timing_require_update = true;
/* write into timing offset */
__asm("push ebx\n");
__asm("movsx eax, word ptr [esi+4]\n");
__asm("neg eax\n");
__asm("mov ebx, %0\n"::"m"(g_timing_addr));
__asm("mov [ebx], eax\n");
__asm("pop ebx\n");
/* quit */
__asm("pop eax\n");
static bool patch_hidden_is_offset()
DWORD dllSize = 0;
char *data = getDllData(g_game_dll_fn, &dllSize);
if (!get_addr_timing_offset(&g_timing_addr))
LOG("popnhax: hidden is offset: cannot find timing offset address\n");
return false;
/* patch option commit to store hidden value directly as offset */
/* find option commit function (unilab) */
uint8_t shift = 6;
int64_t pattern_offset = search(data, dllSize, "\x03\xC7\x8D\x44\x01\x2A\x89\x10", 8, 0);
if (pattern_offset == -1) {
/* wasn't found, look for older function */
pattern_offset = search(data, dllSize, "\x0F\xB6\xC3\x03\xCF\x8D", 6, 0);
shift = 14;
if (pattern_offset == -1) {
LOG("popnhax: hidden is offset: cannot find address\n");
return false;
#if DEBUG == 1
LOG("popnhax: hidden is offset: appears to be kaimei or less\n");
uint64_t patch_addr = (int64_t)data + pattern_offset + shift;
MH_CreateHook((LPVOID)(patch_addr), (LPVOID)hidden_is_offset_commit_options,
(void **)&real_commit_options);
/* turn "set offset" into an elaborate "sometimes add to offset" to use our hidden+ value as adjust */
char set_offset_fun[6] = "\xA3\x00\x00\x00\x00";
uint32_t *cast_code = (uint32_t*) &set_offset_fun[1];
*cast_code = g_timing_addr;
int64_t pattern_offset = search(data, dllSize, set_offset_fun, 5, 0);
if (pattern_offset == -1) {
LOG("popnhax: hidden is offset: cannot find offset update function\n");
return false;
uint64_t patch_addr = (int64_t)data + pattern_offset;
MH_CreateHook((LPVOID)(patch_addr), (LPVOID)modded_set_timing_func,
(void **)&real_set_timing_func);
LOG("popnhax: hidden is offset: hidden is now an offset adjust\n");
return true;
static bool patch_show_hidden_adjust_result_screen() {
DWORD dllSize = 0;
char *data = getDllData(g_game_dll_fn, &dllSize);
int64_t first_loc = search(data, dllSize, "\x6A\x00\x0F\xBE\xCB", 5, 0);
if (first_loc == -1)
return false;
int64_t pattern_offset = search(data, 0x200, "\x80\xBC\x24", 3, first_loc);
if (pattern_offset == -1) {
return false;
g_show_hidden_addr = *((uint32_t *)((int64_t)data + pattern_offset + 0x03));
uint64_t hook_addr = (int64_t)data + pattern_offset;
MH_CreateHook((LPVOID)(hook_addr), (LPVOID)asm_show_hidden_result,
(void **)&real_show_hidden_result);
LOG("popnhax: show hidden/adjust value on result screen\n");
return true;
static bool force_show_fast_slow() {
DWORD dllSize = 0;
char *data = getDllData(g_game_dll_fn, &dllSize);
int64_t first_loc = search(data, dllSize, "\x6A\x00\x0F\xBE\xCB", 5, 0);
if (first_loc == -1) {
return false;
int64_t pattern_offset = search(data, 0x50, "\x0F\x85", 2, first_loc);
if (pattern_offset == -1) {
return false;
uint64_t patch_addr = (int64_t)data + pattern_offset;
patch_memory(patch_addr, (char *)"\x90\x90\x90\x90\x90\x90", 6);
LOG("popnhax: always show fast/slow on result screen\n");
return true;
void (*real_show_detail_result)();
void hook_show_detail_result(){
static uint32_t last_call = 0;
__asm("push eax\n");
__asm("push edx\n");
uint32_t curr_time = timeGetTime(); //will clobber eax
if ( curr_time - last_call > 10000 ) //will clobber edx
last_call = curr_time;
__asm("pop edx\n");
__asm("pop eax\n");
//force press yellow button
__asm("mov al, 1\n");
last_call = curr_time;
__asm("pop edx\n");
__asm("pop eax\n");
static bool force_show_details_result() {
DWORD dllSize = 0;
char *data = getDllData(g_game_dll_fn, &dllSize);
int64_t first_loc = search(data, dllSize, "\x8B\x45\x48\x8B\x58\x0C\x6A\x09\x68\x80\x00\x00\x00", 13, 0);
if (first_loc == -1) {
LOG("popnhax: show details: cannot find result screen button check (1)\n");
return false;
int64_t pattern_offset = search(data, 0x50, "\x84\xC0", 2, first_loc);
if (pattern_offset == -1) {
LOG("popnhax: show details: cannot find result screen button check (2)\n");
return false;
uint64_t patch_addr = (int64_t)data + pattern_offset;
MH_CreateHook((LPVOID)patch_addr, (LPVOID)hook_show_detail_result,
(void **)&real_show_detail_result);
LOG("popnhax: force show details on result screen\n");
return true;
uint8_t g_pfree_song_offset = 0x54;
uint16_t g_pfree_song_offset_2 = 0x558;
void (*popn22_get_powerpoints)();
void (*popn22_get_chart_level)();
uint8_t g_pplist_idx = 0; // also serves as elem count
int32_t g_pplist[20] = {0}; // 20 elements for power_point_list (always ordered)
int32_t g_power_point_value = -1; // latest value (hook uses update_pplist() to add to g_pplist array)
int32_t *g_real_pplist; // list that the game retrieves from server
uint32_t *allocated_pplist_copy; // pointer to the location where the game's pp_list modified copy resides
void pplist_reset()
for (int i=0; i<20; i++)
g_pplist[i] = -1;
g_pplist_idx = 0;
/* add new value (stored in g_power_point_value) to g_pp_list */
void pplist_update(){
if ( g_power_point_value == -1 )
if ( g_pplist_idx == 20 )
for (int i = 0; i < 19; i++)
g_pplist[i] = g_pplist[i+1];
g_pplist_idx = 19;
g_pplist[g_pplist_idx++] = g_power_point_value;
g_power_point_value = -1;
/* copy real pp_list to our local copy and check length */
void pplist_retrieve(){
for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++)
g_pplist[i] = g_real_pplist[i];
/* in the general case your pplist will be full from the start so this is optimal */
g_pplist_idx = 19;
while ( g_pplist[g_pplist_idx] == -1 )
if ( g_pplist_idx == 0 )
void (*real_pfree_pplist_init)();
void hook_pfree_pplist_init(){
__asm("push eax");
__asm("push ebx");
__asm("lea ebx, [eax+0x1C4]\n");
__asm("mov %0, ebx\n":"=m"(g_real_pplist));
__asm("call %0\n"::"a"(pplist_retrieve));
__asm("pop ebx");
__asm("pop eax");
void (*real_pfree_pplist_inject)();
void hook_pfree_pplist_inject(){
__asm("lea esi, %0\n"::"m"(g_pplist[g_pplist_idx]));
__asm("mov dword ptr [esp+0x40], esi\n");
__asm("lea esi, %0\n"::"m"(g_pplist));
__asm("mov eax, dword ptr [esp+0x3C]\n");
__asm("mov %0, eax\n":"=m"(allocated_pplist_copy));
__asm("mov dword ptr [esp+0x3C], esi\n");
__asm("movzx eax, %0\n"::"m"(g_pplist_idx));
/* restore original pointer so that it can be freed */
void (*real_pfree_pplist_inject_cleanup)();
void hook_pfree_pplist_inject_cleanup()
__asm("mov esi, %0\n"::"m"(allocated_pplist_copy));
__asm("call %0\n"::"a"(pplist_reset));
/* hook is installed in stage increment function */
void (*real_pfree_cleanup)();
void hook_pfree_cleanup()
__asm("push eax");
__asm("call %0"::"a"(popn22_is_normal_mode));
__asm("test al,al");
__asm("pop eax");
__asm("je skip_pfree_cleanup");
__asm("push esi\n");
__asm("push edi\n");
__asm("push eax\n");
__asm("push edx\n");
__asm("movzx eax, byte ptr [%0]\n"::"m"(g_pfree_song_offset));
__asm("movzx ebx, word ptr [%0]\n"::"m"(g_pfree_song_offset_2));
__asm("lea edi, dword ptr [esi+eax]\n");
__asm("lea esi, dword ptr [esi+ebx]\n");
__asm("push esi\n");
__asm("push edi\n");
/* compute powerpoints before cleanup */
__asm("sub eax, 0x20\n"); // eax still contains g_pfree_song_offset
__asm("neg eax\n");
__asm("lea eax, dword ptr [edi+eax]\n");
__asm("mov eax, dword ptr [eax]\n"); // music id (edi-0x38 or edi-0x34 depending on game)
__asm("cmp ax, 0xBB8\n"); // skip if music id is >= 3000 (cs_omni and user customs)
__asm("jae cleanup_score\n");
__asm("push 0\n");
__asm("push eax\n");
__asm("shr eax, 0x10\n"); //sheet id in al
__asm("call %0\n"::"b"(popn22_get_chart_level));
__asm("add esp, 8\n");
__asm("mov bl, byte ptr [edi+0x24]\n"); // medal
/* push "is full combo" param */
__asm("cmp bl, 8\n");
__asm("setae dl\n");
__asm("movzx ecx, dl\n");
__asm("push ecx\n");
/* push "is clear" param */
__asm("cmp bl, 4\n");
__asm("setae dl\n");
__asm("movzx ecx, dl\n");
__asm("push ecx\n");
__asm("mov ecx, eax\n"); // diff level
__asm("mov eax, dword ptr [edi]\n"); // score
__asm("call %0\n"::"b"(popn22_get_powerpoints));
__asm("mov %0, eax\n":"=a"(g_power_point_value):);
__asm("call %0\n"::"a"(pplist_update));
/* can finally cleanup score */
__asm("pop edi\n");
__asm("pop esi\n");
__asm("mov ecx, 0x98");
__asm("rep movsd");
__asm("pop edx");
__asm("pop eax");
__asm("pop edi");
__asm("pop esi");
__asm("jmp cleanup_end");
/* hook without the power point fixes (eclale best effort) */
void hook_pfree_cleanup_simple()
__asm("push eax");
__asm("call %0"::"a"(popn22_is_normal_mode));
__asm("test al,al");
__asm("pop eax");
__asm("je skip_pfree_cleanup_simple");
__asm("push esi\n");
__asm("push edi\n");
__asm("push eax\n");
__asm("push ebx\n");
__asm("push edx\n");
__asm("movsx eax, byte ptr [%0]\n"::"m"(g_pfree_song_offset));
__asm("movsx ebx, word ptr [%0]\n"::"m"(g_pfree_song_offset_2));
__asm("lea edi, dword ptr [esi+eax]\n");
__asm("lea esi, dword ptr [esi+ebx]\n");
__asm("mov ecx, 0x98");
__asm("rep movsd");
__asm("pop edx");
__asm("pop ebx");
__asm("pop eax");
__asm("pop edi");
__asm("pop esi");
static bool patch_pfree() {
DWORD dllSize = 0;
char *data = getDllData(g_game_dll_fn, &dllSize);
bool simple = false;
/* retrieve is_normal_mode function */
int64_t pattern_offset = search(data, dllSize, "\x83\xC4\x0C\x33\xC0\xC3\xCC\xCC\xCC\xCC\xE8", 11, 0);
if (pattern_offset == -1) {
LOG("popnhax: pfree: cannot find is_normal_mode function, fallback to best effort (active in all modes)\n");
popn22_is_normal_mode = (bool(*)()) (data + pattern_offset + 0x0A);
/* stop stage counter (2 matches, 1st one is the good one) */
int64_t pattern_offset = search(data, dllSize, "\x83\xF8\x04\x77\x3E", 5, 0);
if (pattern_offset == -1) {
LOG("couldn't find stop stage counter\n");
return false;
uint64_t patch_addr = (int64_t)data + pattern_offset - 0x05;
g_stage_addr = *(uint32_t*)(patch_addr+1);
/* hook to retrieve address for exit to thank you for playing screen */
MH_CreateHook((LPVOID)patch_addr, (LPVOID)hook_stage_update,
(void **)&real_stage_update);
/* retrieve memory zone parameters to prepare for cleanup */
char offset_from_base = 0x00;
char offset_from_stage1[2] = {0x00, 0x00};
int64_t child_fun_loc = 0;
int64_t offset = search(data, dllSize, "\x8D\x46\xFF\x83\xF8\x0A\x0F", 7, 0);
if (offset == -1) {
#if DEBUG == 1
LOG("popnhax: pfree: failed to retrieve struct size and offset\n");
/* best effort for older games compatibility (works with eclale) */
offset_from_base = 0x54;
offset_from_stage1[0] = 0x04;
offset_from_stage1[1] = 0x05;
simple = true;
goto pfree_apply;
uint32_t child_fun_rel = *(uint32_t *) ((int64_t)data + offset - 0x04);
child_fun_loc = offset + child_fun_rel;
int64_t pattern_offset = search(data, 0x40, "\xCB\x69", 2, child_fun_loc);
if (pattern_offset == -1) {
LOG("popnhax: pfree: failed to retrieve offset from stage1 (child_fun_loc = %llx\n",child_fun_loc);
return false;
offset_from_stage1[0] = *(uint8_t *) ((int64_t)data + pattern_offset + 0x03);
offset_from_stage1[1] = *(uint8_t *) ((int64_t)data + pattern_offset + 0x04);
#if DEBUG == 1
LOG("popnhax: pfree: offset_from_stage1 is %02x %02x\n",offset_from_stage1[0],offset_from_stage1[1]);
int64_t pattern_offset = search(data, 0x40, "\x8d\x74\x01", 3, child_fun_loc);
if (pattern_offset == -1) {
LOG("popnhax: pfree: failed to retrieve offset from base\n");
return false;
offset_from_base = *(uint8_t *) ((int64_t)data + pattern_offset + 0x03);
#if DEBUG == 1
LOG("popnhax: pfree: offset_from_base is %02x\n",offset_from_base);
g_pfree_song_offset = offset_from_base;
g_pfree_song_offset_2 = *((uint16_t*)offset_from_stage1);
g_pfree_song_offset_2 += offset_from_base;
/* cleanup score and stats */
int64_t pattern_offset = search(data, dllSize, "\xFE\x46\x0E\x80", 4, 0);
if (pattern_offset == -1) {
LOG("popnhax: pfree: cannot find stage update function\n");
return false;
uint64_t patch_addr = (int64_t)data + pattern_offset;
/* replace stage number increment with a score cleanup function */
if ( simple )
MH_CreateHook((LPVOID)patch_addr, (LPVOID)hook_pfree_cleanup_simple,
(void **)&real_pfree_cleanup);
LOG("popnhax: premium free enabled (WARN: no power points fix)\n");
return true;
/* compute and save power points to g_pplist before cleaning up memory zone */
MH_CreateHook((LPVOID)patch_addr, (LPVOID)hook_pfree_cleanup,
(void **)&real_pfree_cleanup);
/* fix power points */
int64_t pattern_offset = search(data, dllSize, "\x8A\xD8\x8B\x44\x24\x0C\xE8", 7, 0);
if (pattern_offset == -1) {
LOG("popnhax: pfree: cannot find get_power_points function\n");
return false;
popn22_get_chart_level = (void(*)()) (data + pattern_offset - 0x07);
int64_t pattern_offset = search(data, dllSize, "\x3D\x50\xC3\x00\x00\x7D\x05", 7, 0);
if (pattern_offset == -1) {
LOG("popnhax: pfree: cannot find get_power_points function\n");
return false;
popn22_get_powerpoints = (void(*)()) (data + pattern_offset);
/* init pp_list */
int64_t pattern_offset = search(data, dllSize, "\x6B\xD2\x64\x2B\xCA\x51\x50\x68", 8, 0);
if (pattern_offset == -1) {
LOG("popnhax: pfree: cannot find power point load function\n");
return false;
uint64_t patch_addr = (int64_t)data + pattern_offset - 0x1A;
/* copy power point list to g_pplist on profile load and init g_pplist_idx */
MH_CreateHook((LPVOID)patch_addr, (LPVOID)hook_pfree_pplist_init,
(void **)&real_pfree_pplist_init);
/* inject pp_list at end of credit */
int64_t pattern_offset = search(data, dllSize, "\x8B\x74\x24\x3C\x66\x8B\x04\x9E", 8, 0);
if (pattern_offset == -1) {
LOG("popnhax: pfree: cannot find end of credit power point handling function (1)\n");
return false;
uint64_t patch_addr = (int64_t)data + pattern_offset - 0x07;
/* make power point list pointers point to g_pplist at the end of processing */
MH_CreateHook((LPVOID)patch_addr, (LPVOID)hook_pfree_pplist_inject,
(void **)&real_pfree_pplist_inject);
/* prevent crash when playing only customs in a credit */
if (!find_and_patch_hex(g_game_dll_fn, "\x0F\x8E\x5C\xFF\xFF\xFF\xEB\x04", 8, 6, "\x90\x90", 2))
LOG("popnhax: pfree: cannot patch end list pointer\n");
/* restore pp_list pointer so that it is freed at end of credit */
int64_t pattern_offset = search(data, dllSize, "\x7E\x04\x2B\xC1\x8B\xF8\x3B\xF5", 8, 0);
if (pattern_offset == -1) {
LOG("popnhax: pfree: cannot find end of credit power point handling function (2)\n");
return false;
uint64_t patch_addr = (int64_t)data + pattern_offset + 0x06;
/* make power point list pointers point to g_pplist at the end of processing */
MH_CreateHook((LPVOID)patch_addr, (LPVOID)hook_pfree_pplist_inject_cleanup,
(void **)&real_pfree_pplist_inject_cleanup);
LOG("popnhax: premium free enabled\n");
return true;
static bool patch_quick_retire(bool pfree)
DWORD dllSize = 0;
char *data = getDllData(g_game_dll_fn, &dllSize);
if ( !pfree )
/* pfree already installs this hook
int64_t pattern_offset = search(data, dllSize, "\x83\xF8\x04\x77\x3E", 5, 0);
if (pattern_offset == -1) {
LOG("couldn't find stop stage counter\n");
return false;
uint64_t patch_addr = (int64_t)data + pattern_offset - 0x05;
g_stage_addr = *(uint32_t*)(patch_addr+1);
/* hook to retrieve address for exit to thank you for playing screen */
MH_CreateHook((LPVOID)patch_addr, (LPVOID)hook_stage_update,
(void **)&real_stage_update);
/* prevent stage number increment when going back to song select without pfree */
if (config.back_to_song_select)
int64_t pattern_offset = search(data, dllSize, "\xFE\x46\x0E\x80", 4, 0);
if (pattern_offset == -1) {
LOG("popnhax: quick retire: cannot find stage update function\n");
return false;
uint64_t patch_addr = (int64_t)data + pattern_offset;
/* hook to retrieve address for exit to thank you for playing screen */
MH_CreateHook((LPVOID)patch_addr, (LPVOID)hook_stage_increment,
(void **)&real_stage_increment);
/* instant retire with numpad 9 in song */
int64_t pattern_offset = search(data, dllSize, "\x55\x8B\xEC\x83\xE4\xF8\x83\xEC\x08\x0F\xBF\x05", 12, 0);
if (pattern_offset == -1) {
LOG("popnhax: cannot retrieve song loop\n");
return false;
if (!get_addr_icca(&g_addr_icca))
LOG("popnhax: cannot retrieve ICCA address for numpad hook\n");
return false;
uint64_t patch_addr = (int64_t)data + pattern_offset;
MH_CreateHook((LPVOID)patch_addr, (LPVOID)quickexit_game_loop,
(void **)&real_game_loop);
/* instant exit with numpad 9 on result screen */
int64_t first_loc = search(data, dllSize, "\xBF\x03\x00\x00\x00\x81\xC6", 7, 0);
if (first_loc == -1) {
LOG("popnhax: cannot retrieve result screen loop first loc\n");
return false;
int64_t pattern_offset = search(data, 0x50, "\x55\x8B\xEC\x83\xE4", 5, first_loc-0x50);
if (pattern_offset == -1) {
LOG("popnhax: cannot retrieve result screen loop\n");
return false;
if (!get_addr_icca(&g_addr_icca))
LOG("popnhax: cannot retrieve ICCA address for numpad hook\n");
return false;
uint64_t patch_addr = (int64_t)data + pattern_offset;
MH_CreateHook((LPVOID)patch_addr, (LPVOID)quickexit_result_loop,
(void **)&real_result_loop);
/* no need to press red button when numpad 8 or 9 is pressed on result screen */
int64_t pattern_offset = search(data, dllSize, "\x84\xC0\x75\x0F\x8B\x8D\x1C\x0A\x00\x00\xE8", 11, 0);
int adjust = 0;
if (pattern_offset == -1) {
/* fallback */
pattern_offset = search(data, dllSize, "\x09\x00\x84\xC0\x75\x0F\x8B\x8D", 8, 0);
adjust = 2;
if (pattern_offset == -1) {
LOG("popnhax: cannot retrieve result screen button check\n");
return false;
uint64_t patch_addr = (int64_t)data + pattern_offset + 0x1A + adjust;
MH_CreateHook((LPVOID)patch_addr, (LPVOID)quickexit_result_button_loop,
(void **)&real_result_button_loop);
LOG("popnhax: quick retire enabled\n");
/* retrieve songstart function pointer for quick retry */
int64_t pattern_offset = search(data, dllSize, "\xE9\x0C\x01\x00\x00\x8B\x85", 7, 0);
if (pattern_offset == -1) {
LOG("popnhax: quick retry: cannot retrieve song start function\n");
return false;
uint64_t patch_addr = (int64_t)data + pattern_offset - 4;
g_startsong_addr = *(uint32_t*)(patch_addr);
/* instant retry (go back to option select) with numpad 8 */
/* retrieve current stage score addr for cleanup (also used to fix quick retire medal) */
int64_t pattern_offset = search(data, dllSize, "\xF3\xA5\x5F\x5E\x5B\xC2\x04\x00", 8, 0);
if (pattern_offset == -1) {
LOG("popnhax: quick retry: cannot retrieve score addr\n");
return false;
uint64_t patch_addr = (int64_t)data + pattern_offset - 5;
MH_CreateHook((LPVOID)patch_addr, (LPVOID)quickretry_retrieve_score,
(void **)&real_retrieve_score);
/* hook quick retire transition to go back to option select instead */
int64_t pattern_offset = search(data, dllSize, "\x8B\xE8\x8B\x47\x30\x83\xF8\x17", 8, 0);
if (pattern_offset == -1) {
LOG("popnhax: quick retry: cannot retrieve screen transition function\n");
return false;
uint64_t patch_addr = (int64_t)data + pattern_offset;
MH_CreateHook((LPVOID)patch_addr, (LPVOID)quickexit_screen_transition,
(void **)&real_screen_transition);
/* instant launch song with numpad 8 on option select (hold 8 during song for quick retry) */
int64_t pattern_offset = search(data, dllSize, "\x8B\xF0\x83\x7E\x0C\x00\x0F\x84", 8, 0);
if (pattern_offset == -1) {
LOG("popnhax: quick retry: cannot retrieve option screen loop\n");
return false;
if (!get_addr_icca(&g_addr_icca))
LOG("popnhax: quick retry: cannot retrieve ICCA address for numpad hook\n");
return false;
uint64_t patch_addr = (int64_t)data + pattern_offset - 0x0F;
MH_CreateHook((LPVOID)patch_addr, (LPVOID)quickexit_option_screen,
(void **)&real_option_screen);
if (config.back_to_song_select)
/* go back to song select with numpad 9 on song option screen (before pressing yellow) */
int64_t pattern_offset = search(data, dllSize, "\x0A\x00\x00\x83\x78\x34\x00\x75\x3D\xB8", 10, 0); //unilab
uint8_t adjust = 3;
if (pattern_offset == -1) {
/* fallback */
pattern_offset = search(data, dllSize, "\x8B\x85\x0C\x0A\x00\x00\x83\x78\x34\x00\x75", 11, 0);
adjust = 0;
if (pattern_offset == -1) {
LOG("popnhax: back to song select: cannot retrieve option screen loop function\n");
return false;
uint64_t patch_addr = (int64_t)data + pattern_offset - adjust;
MH_CreateHook((LPVOID)patch_addr, (LPVOID)backtosongselect_option_screen,
(void **)&real_option_screen_later);
/* automatically leave option screen after numpad 9 press */
int64_t pattern_offset = search(data, dllSize, "\x0A\x00\x00\x83\xC0\x04\xBF\x0C\x00\x00\x00\xE8", 12, 0);
if (pattern_offset == -1) {
LOG("popnhax: back to song select: cannot retrieve option screen loop function\n");
return false;
uint64_t patch_addr = (int64_t)data + pattern_offset - 0x07;
MH_CreateHook((LPVOID)patch_addr, (LPVOID)backtosongselect_option_screen_auto_leave,
(void **)&real_backtosongselect_option_screen_auto_leave);
/* go back to song select with numpad 9 on song option screen (after pressing yellow) */
int64_t pattern_offset = search(data, dllSize, "\x0A\x00\x00\x83\x78\x38\x00\x75\x3D\x68", 10, 0); //unilab
uint8_t adjust = 3;
if (pattern_offset == -1) {
/* fallback */
pattern_offset = search(data, dllSize, "\x8B\x85\x0C\x0A\x00\x00\x83\x78\x38\x00\x75", 11, 0);
adjust = 0;
if (pattern_offset == -1) {
LOG("popnhax: quick retry: cannot retrieve yellow option screen loop function\n");
return false;
uint64_t patch_addr = (int64_t)data + pattern_offset - adjust;
MH_CreateHook((LPVOID)patch_addr, (LPVOID)backtosongselect_option_yellow,
(void **)&real_option_screen_yellow);
/* automatically leave after numpad 9 press */
int64_t pattern_offset = search(data, dllSize, "\x8B\x55\x00\x8B\x82\x9C\x00\x00\x00\x6A\x01\x8B\xCD\xFF\xD0\x80\xBD", 17, 0);
if (pattern_offset == -1) {
LOG("popnhax: back to song select: cannot retrieve option screen yellow leave addr\n");
return false;
g_option_yellow_leave_addr = (int32_t)data + pattern_offset - 0x05;
pattern_offset = search(data, dllSize, "\x84\xC0\x0F\x84\xF1\x00\x00\x00\x8B\xC5", 10, 0);
if (pattern_offset == -1) {
LOG("popnhax: back to song select: cannot retrieve option screen yellow button check function\n");
return false;
uint64_t patch_addr = (int64_t)data + pattern_offset;
MH_CreateHook((LPVOID)patch_addr, (LPVOID)backtosongselect_option_screen_yellow_auto_leave,
(void **)&real_backtosongselect_option_screen_yellow_auto_leave);
LOG("popnhax: quick retire: return to song select enabled\n");
if (pfree)
LOG("popnhax: quick retry enabled\n");
return true;
static bool patch_add_to_base_offset(int8_t delta) {
int32_t new_value = delta;
char *as_hex = (char *) &new_value;
LOG("popnhax: base offset: adding %d to base offset.\n",delta);
/* call get_addr_timing_offset() so that it can still work after timing value is overwritten */
uint32_t original_timing;
uint32_t sd_timing_addr;
if (!get_addr_sd_timing(&sd_timing_addr))
LOG("popnhax: base offset: cannot find base SD timing\n");
return false;
int32_t current_value = *(int32_t *) sd_timing_addr;
new_value = current_value+delta;
patch_memory(sd_timing_addr, as_hex, 4);
LOG("popnhax: base offset: SD offset is now %d.\n",new_value);
uint32_t hd_timing_addr;
if (!get_addr_hd_timing(&hd_timing_addr))
LOG("popnhax: base offset: cannot find base HD timing\n");
return false;
current_value = *(int32_t *) hd_timing_addr;
new_value = current_value+delta;
patch_memory(hd_timing_addr, as_hex, 4);
LOG("popnhax: base offset: HD offset is now %d.\n",new_value);
return true;
bool g_enhanced_poll_ready = false;
int (*usbPadRead)(uint32_t*);
uint32_t g_poll_rate_avg = 0;
uint32_t g_last_button_state = 0;
uint8_t g_debounce = 0;
int32_t g_button_state[9] = {0};
static unsigned int __stdcall enhanced_polling_stats_proc(void *ctx)
HMODULE hinstLib = GetModuleHandleA("ezusb.dll");
usbPadRead = (int(*)(uint32_t*))GetProcAddress(hinstLib, "?usbPadRead@@YAHPAK@Z");
static uint8_t button_debounce[9] = {0};
for (int i=0; i<9; i++)
g_button_state[i] = -1;
while (!g_enhanced_poll_ready)
if (config.enhanced_polling_priority)
SetThreadPriority(GetCurrentThread(), config.enhanced_polling_priority);
fprintf(stderr, "[Enhanced polling] Thread priority set to %d\n", GetThreadPriority(GetCurrentThread()));
uint32_t count = 0;
uint32_t count_time = 0;
uint32_t curr_poll_time = 0;
uint32_t prev_poll_time = 0;
while (g_enhanced_poll_ready)
uint32_t pad_bits;
/* ensure at least 1ms has elapsed between polls
* (beware of SD cab hardware compatibility)
curr_poll_time = timeGetTime();
if (curr_poll_time == prev_poll_time)
prev_poll_time = curr_poll_time;
if (count == 0)
count_time = curr_poll_time;
g_last_button_state = pad_bits;
unsigned int buttonState = (g_last_button_state >> 8) & 0x1FF;
for (int i = 0; i < 9; i++)
if ( ((buttonState >> i)&1) )
if (g_button_state[i] == -1)
g_button_state[i] = curr_poll_time;
//debounce on release (since we're forced to stub usbPadReadLast)
button_debounce[i] = g_debounce;
if (button_debounce[i]>0)
if (button_debounce[i] == 0)
g_button_state[i] = -1;
//debounce ongoing: flag button as still pressed
g_last_button_state |= 1<<(8+i);
if (count == 100)
g_poll_rate_avg = timeGetTime() - count_time;
count = 0;
return 0;
static unsigned int __stdcall enhanced_polling_proc(void *ctx)
HMODULE hinstLib = GetModuleHandleA("ezusb.dll");
usbPadRead = (int(*)(uint32_t*))GetProcAddress(hinstLib, "?usbPadRead@@YAHPAK@Z");
static uint8_t button_debounce[9] = {0};
for (int i=0; i<9; i++)
g_button_state[i] = -1;
while (!g_enhanced_poll_ready)
if (config.enhanced_polling_priority)
SetThreadPriority(GetCurrentThread(), config.enhanced_polling_priority);
fprintf(stderr, "[Enhanced polling] Thread priority set to %d\n", GetThreadPriority(GetCurrentThread()));
uint32_t curr_poll_time = 0;
uint32_t prev_poll_time = 0;
while (g_enhanced_poll_ready)
uint32_t pad_bits;
/* ensure at least 1ms has elapsed between polls
* (beware of SD cab hardware compatibility)
curr_poll_time = timeGetTime();
if (curr_poll_time == prev_poll_time)
prev_poll_time = curr_poll_time;
g_last_button_state = pad_bits;
unsigned int buttonState = (g_last_button_state >> 8) & 0x1FF;
for (int i = 0; i < 9; i++)
if ( ((buttonState >> i)&1) )
if (g_button_state[i] == -1)
g_button_state[i] = curr_poll_time;
//debounce on release (since we're forced to stub usbPadReadLast)
button_debounce[i] = g_debounce;
if (button_debounce[i]>0)
if (button_debounce[i] == 0)
g_button_state[i] = -1;
//debounce ongoing: flag button as still pressed
g_last_button_state |= 1<<(8+i);
return 0;
uint32_t buttonGetMillis(uint8_t button)
if (g_button_state[button] == -1)
return 0;
uint32_t but = g_button_state[button];
uint32_t curr = timeGetTime();
if (but <= curr)
uint32_t res = curr - but;
return res;
return 0;
uint32_t usbPadReadHook_addr = 0;
int usbPadReadHook(uint32_t *pad_bits)
// if we're here then ioboard is ready
g_enhanced_poll_ready = true;
// return last known input
*pad_bits = g_last_button_state;
return 0;
uint32_t g_offset_fix[9] = {0};
uint8_t g_poll_index = 0;
uint32_t g_poll_offset = 0;
void (*real_enhanced_poll)();
void patch_enhanced_poll() {
/* eax contains button being checked [0-8]
* esi contains delta about to be evaluated
* we need to do esi -= buttonGetMillis([%eax]); to fix the offset accurately */
__asm("mov %0, al\n":"=m"(g_poll_index): :);
g_poll_offset = buttonGetMillis(g_poll_index);
__asm("sub esi, %0\n": :"b"(g_poll_offset));
g_offset_fix[g_poll_index] = g_poll_offset;
static HANDLE enhanced_polling_thread;
static bool patch_enhanced_polling(uint8_t debounce, bool stats)
g_debounce = debounce;
if (enhanced_polling_thread == NULL) {
if (stats)
enhanced_polling_thread = (HANDLE) _beginthreadex(
enhanced_polling_thread = (HANDLE) _beginthreadex(
} // thread will remain dormant while g_enhanced_poll_ready == false
/* patch eval timing function to fix offset depending on how long ago the button was pressed */
DWORD dllSize = 0;
char *data = getDllData(g_game_dll_fn, &dllSize);
int64_t pattern_offset = search(data, dllSize, "\xC6\x44\x24\x0C\x00\xE8", 6, 0);
if (pattern_offset == -1) {
LOG("popnhax: enhanced polling: cannot find eval timing function\n");
return false;
uint64_t patch_addr = (int64_t)data + pattern_offset + 0x05;
MH_CreateHook((LPVOID)(patch_addr), (LPVOID)patch_enhanced_poll,
(void **)&real_enhanced_poll); // substract
/* patch calls to usbPadRead and usbPadReadLast */
int64_t pattern_offset = search(data, dllSize, "\x83\xC4\x04\x5D\xC3\xCC\xCC", 7, 0);
if (pattern_offset == -1) {
LOG("popnhax: enhanced polling: cannot find usbPadRead call (1)\n");
return false;
pattern_offset = search(data, dllSize-pattern_offset-1, "\x83\xC4\x04\x5D\xC3\xCC\xCC", 7, pattern_offset+1);
if (pattern_offset == -1) {
LOG("popnhax: enhanced polling: cannot find usbPadRead call (2)\n");
return false;
usbPadReadHook_addr = (uint32_t)&usbPadReadHook;
void *addr = (void *)&usbPadReadHook_addr;
uint32_t as_int = (uint32_t)addr;
// game will call usbPadReadHook instead of real usbPadRead (function call hook in order not to interfere with tools)
uint64_t patch_addr = (int64_t)data + pattern_offset - 0x04; // usbPadRead function address
patch_memory(patch_addr, (char*)&as_int, 4);
// don't call usbPadReadLast as it messes with the 1000Hz polling, we'll be running our own debouncing instead
patch_addr = (int64_t)data + pattern_offset - 20;
patch_memory(patch_addr, (char*)"\x90\x90\x90\x90\x90\x90", 6);
LOG("popnhax: enhanced polling enabled");
if (g_debounce != 0)
LOG(" (%u ms debounce)", g_debounce);
return true;
void (*real_chart_load)();
void patch_chart_load_old() {
/* This is mostly the same patch as the new version, except :
* - eax and ecx have a different interpretation
* - a chart chunk is only 2 dwords
__asm("cmp word ptr [edi+eax*8+4], 0x245\n");
__asm("jne old_patch_chart_load_end\n");
/* keysound event has been found, we need to convert timestamp */
__asm("mov word ptr [edi+eax*8+4], 0x745\n"); // we'll undo it if we cannot apply it
__asm("push eax\n"); // we'll convert to store chunk pointer (keysound timestamp at beginning)
__asm("push ebx\n"); // we'll store a copy of our chunk pointer there
__asm("push edx\n"); // we'll store the button info there
__asm("push esi\n"); // we'll store chart growth for part2 subroutine there
__asm("push ecx\n"); // we'll convert to store remaining chunks
/* Convert eax,ecx registers to same format as later games so the rest of the patch is similar
* TODO: factorize
__asm("sub ecx, eax\n"); // ecx is now remaining chunks rather than chart size
__asm("imul eax, 8\n");
__asm("add eax, edi\n"); //now eax is chunk pointer
/* PART1: check button associated with keysound, then look for next note event for this button */
__asm("xor dx, dx\n");
__asm("mov dl, byte ptr [eax+7]\n");
__asm("shr edx, 4\n"); //dl now contains button value ( 00-08 )
__asm("mov ebx, eax\n"); //save chunk pointer into ebx for our rep movsd when a match is found
__asm("add eax, 0x8\n"); // +0x08 in old chart format
__asm("sub ecx, 1\n");
__asm("jz old_end_of_chart\n");
/* check where the keysound is used */
__asm("cmp word ptr [eax+4], 0x245\n");
__asm("jne old_check_first_note_event\n"); //still need to check 0x145..
__asm("push ecx\n");
__asm("xor cx, cx\n");
__asm("mov cl, byte ptr [eax+7]\n");
__asm("shr ecx, 4\n"); //cl now contains button value ( 00-08 )
__asm("cmp cl, dl\n");
__asm("pop ecx");
__asm("jne old_check_first_note_event\n"); // 0x245 but not our button, still need to check 0x145..
//keysound change for this button before we found a key using it :(
__asm("pop ecx\n");
__asm("pop esi\n");
__asm("pop edx\n");
__asm("pop ebx\n");
__asm("pop eax\n");
__asm("mov word ptr [edi+eax*8+4], 0x0\n"); // disable operation, cannot be converted to a 0x745, and should not apply
__asm("jmp old_patch_chart_load_end\n");
__asm("cmp word ptr [eax+4], 0x145\n");
__asm("jne old_next_chart_chunk\n");
/* found note event */
__asm("cmp dl, byte ptr [eax+6]\n");
__asm("jne old_next_chart_chunk\n");
/* found MATCHING note event */
__asm("mov edx, dword ptr [ebx+4]\n"); //save operation (we need to shift the whole block first)
/* move the whole block just before the note event to preserve timestamp ordering */
__asm("push ecx\n");
__asm("push esi\n");
__asm("push edi\n");
__asm("mov edi, ebx\n");
__asm("mov esi, ebx\n");
__asm("add esi, 0x08\n");
__asm("mov ecx, eax\n");
__asm("sub ecx, 0x08\n");
__asm("sub ecx, ebx\n");
__asm("shr ecx, 2\n"); //div by 4 (sizeof dword)
__asm("rep movsd\n");
__asm("pop edi\n");
__asm("pop esi\n");
__asm("pop ecx\n");
/* write the 0x745 event just before our matching 0x145 which eax points to */
__asm("mov dword ptr [eax-0x08+0x04], edx\n"); // operation
__asm("mov edx, dword ptr [eax]\n");
__asm("mov dword ptr [eax-0x08], edx\n"); // timestamp
/* PART2: Look for other instances of same button key events (0x0145) before the keysound is detached */
__asm("xor esi, esi\n"); //init chart growth counter
/* look for next note event for same button */
__asm("mov ebx, dword ptr [eax-0x08+0x04]\n"); //operation copy
__asm("mov dl, byte ptr [eax+6]\n"); //dl now contains button value ( 00-08 )
__asm("add eax, 0x8\n");
__asm("sub ecx, 1\n");
__asm("jz old_end_of_same_note_search\n"); //end of chart reached
__asm("cmp word ptr [eax+4], 0x245\n");
__asm("jne old_check_if_note_event\n"); //still need to check 0x145..
__asm("push ecx\n");
__asm("xor cx, cx\n");
__asm("mov cl, byte ptr [eax+7]\n");
__asm("shr ecx, 4\n"); //cl now contains button value ( 00-08 )
__asm("cmp cl, dl\n");
__asm("pop ecx");
__asm("jne old_check_if_note_event\n"); // 0x245 but not our button, still need to check 0x145..
__asm("jmp old_end_of_same_note_search\n"); // found matching 0x245 (keysound change for this button), we can stop search
__asm("cmp word ptr [eax+4], 0x145\n");
__asm("jne old_next_same_note_chunk\n");
__asm("cmp dl, byte ptr [eax+6]\n");
__asm("jne old_next_same_note_chunk\n");
//found a match! time to grow the chart..
__asm("push ecx\n");
__asm("push esi\n");
__asm("push edi\n");
__asm("mov esi, eax\n");
__asm("mov edi, eax\n");
__asm("add edi, 0x08\n");
__asm("imul ecx, 0x08\n"); //ecx is number of chunks left, we want number of bytes for now, dword later
__asm("add esi, ecx\n");
__asm("sub esi, 0x04\n"); //must be on very last dword from chart
__asm("add edi, ecx\n");
__asm("sub edi, 0x04\n");
__asm("shr ecx, 2\n"); //div by 4 (sizeof dword)
__asm("rep movsd\n");
__asm("pop edi\n");
__asm("pop esi\n");
__asm("pop ecx\n");
/* write the 0x745 event copy */
// timestamp is already correct as it's leftover from the 0x145
__asm("mov dword ptr [eax+0x04], ebx\n"); // operation
__asm("add esi, 1\n"); //increase growth counter
/* ebx still contains the 0x745 operation, dl still contains button, but eax points to 0x745 rather than the 0x145 so let's fix */
/* note that remaining chunks is still correct due to growth, so no need to decrement ecx */
__asm("add eax, 0x8\n");
__asm("jmp old_next_same_note_chunk\n"); //look for next occurrence
/* restore before next timestamp */
__asm("pop ecx\n");
__asm("add ecx, esi\n"); // take chart growth into account
__asm("pop esi\n");
__asm("pop edx\n");
__asm("pop ebx\n");
__asm("pop eax\n");
/* next iteration should revisit the same block since we shifted... anticipate the +0xC/-1/+0x64 that will be done by real_chart_load() */
__asm("sub eax, 1\n");
__asm("sub dword ptr [edi+eax*8], 0x64\n");
__asm("jmp old_patch_chart_load_end\n");
__asm("pop ecx\n");
__asm("pop esi\n");
__asm("pop edx\n");
__asm("pop ebx\n");
__asm("pop eax\n");
__asm("mov word ptr [edi+eax*8+4], 0x245\n"); // no match found (ad-lib keysound?), restore opcode
void patch_chart_load() {
__asm("cmp word ptr [eax+4], 0x245\n");
__asm("jne patch_chart_load_end\n");
/* keysound event has been found, we need to convert timestamp */
__asm("mov word ptr [eax+4], 0x745\n"); // we'll undo it if we cannot apply it
__asm("push eax\n"); // chunk pointer (keysound timestamp at beginning)
__asm("push ebx\n"); // we'll store a copy of our chunk pointer there
__asm("push edx\n"); // we'll store the button info there
__asm("push esi\n"); // we'll store chart growth for part2 subroutine there
__asm("push ecx\n"); // remaining chunks
/* PART1: check button associated with keysound, then look for next note event for this button */
__asm("xor dx, dx\n");
__asm("mov dl, byte ptr [eax+7]\n");
__asm("shr edx, 4\n"); //dl now contains button value ( 00-08 )
__asm("mov ebx, eax\n"); //save chunk pointer into ebx for our rep movsd when a match is found
__asm("add eax, 0xC\n");
__asm("sub ecx, 1\n");
__asm("jz end_of_chart\n");
/* check where the keysound is used */
__asm("cmp word ptr [eax+4], 0x245\n");
__asm("jne check_first_note_event\n"); //still need to check 0x145..
__asm("push ecx\n");
__asm("xor cx, cx\n");
__asm("mov cl, byte ptr [eax+7]\n");
__asm("shr ecx, 4\n"); //cl now contains button value ( 00-08 )
__asm("cmp cl, dl\n");
__asm("pop ecx");
__asm("jne check_first_note_event\n"); // 0x245 but not our button, still need to check 0x145..
//keysound change for this button before we found a key using it :(
__asm("pop ecx\n");
__asm("pop esi\n");
__asm("pop edx\n");
__asm("pop ebx\n");
__asm("pop eax\n");
__asm("mov word ptr [eax+4], 0x0\n"); // disable operation, cannot be converted to a 0x745, and should not apply
__asm("jmp patch_chart_load_end\n");
__asm("cmp word ptr [eax+4], 0x145\n");
__asm("jne next_chart_chunk\n");
/* found note event */
__asm("cmp dl, byte ptr [eax+6]\n");
__asm("jne next_chart_chunk\n");
/* found MATCHING note event */
__asm("mov edx, dword ptr [ebx+4]\n"); //save operation (we need to shift the whole block first)
/* move the whole block just before the note event to preserve timestamp ordering */
__asm("push ecx\n");
__asm("push esi\n");
__asm("push edi\n");
__asm("mov edi, ebx\n");
__asm("mov esi, ebx\n");
__asm("add esi, 0x0C\n");
__asm("mov ecx, eax\n");
__asm("sub ecx, 0x0C\n");
__asm("sub ecx, ebx\n");
__asm("shr ecx, 2\n"); //div by 4 (sizeof dword)
__asm("rep movsd\n");
__asm("pop edi\n");
__asm("pop esi\n");
__asm("pop ecx\n");
/* write the 0x745 event just before our matching 0x145 which eax points to */
__asm("mov dword ptr [eax-0x0C+0x04], edx\n"); // operation
__asm("mov edx, dword ptr [eax]\n");
__asm("mov dword ptr [eax-0x0C], edx\n"); // timestamp
__asm("mov dword ptr [eax-0x0C+0x08], 0x0\n"); // cleanup possible longnote duration leftover
/* PART2: Look for other instances of same button key events (0x0145) before the keysound is detached */
__asm("xor esi, esi\n"); //init chart growth counter
/* look for next note event for same button */
__asm("mov ebx, dword ptr [eax-0x0C+0x04]\n"); //operation copy
__asm("mov dl, byte ptr [eax+6]\n"); //dl now contains button value ( 00-08 )
__asm("add eax, 0xC\n");
__asm("sub ecx, 1\n");
__asm("jz end_of_same_note_search\n"); //end of chart reached
__asm("cmp word ptr [eax+4], 0x245\n");
__asm("jne check_if_note_event\n"); //still need to check 0x145..
__asm("push ecx\n");
__asm("xor cx, cx\n");
__asm("mov cl, byte ptr [eax+7]\n");
__asm("shr ecx, 4\n"); //cl now contains button value ( 00-08 )
__asm("cmp cl, dl\n");
__asm("pop ecx");
__asm("jne check_if_note_event\n"); // 0x245 but not our button, still need to check 0x145..
__asm("jmp end_of_same_note_search\n"); // found matching 0x245 (keysound change for this button), we can stop search
__asm("cmp word ptr [eax+4], 0x145\n");
__asm("jne next_same_note_chunk\n");
__asm("cmp dl, byte ptr [eax+6]\n");
__asm("jne next_same_note_chunk\n");
//found a match! time to grow the chart..
__asm("push ecx\n");
__asm("push esi\n");
__asm("push edi\n");
__asm("mov esi, eax\n");
__asm("mov edi, eax\n");
__asm("add edi, 0x0C\n");
__asm("imul ecx, 0x0C\n"); //ecx is number of chunks left, we want number of bytes for now, dword later
__asm("add esi, ecx\n");
__asm("sub esi, 0x04\n"); //must be on very last dword from chart
__asm("add edi, ecx\n");
__asm("sub edi, 0x04\n");
__asm("shr ecx, 2\n"); //div by 4 (sizeof dword)
__asm("rep movsd\n");
__asm("pop edi\n");
__asm("pop esi\n");
__asm("pop ecx\n");
/* write the 0x745 event copy */
// timestamp is already correct as it's leftover from the 0x145
__asm("mov dword ptr [eax+0x04], ebx\n"); // operation
__asm("mov dword ptr [eax+0x08], 0x0\n"); // cleanup possible longnote duration leftover
__asm("add esi, 1\n"); //increase growth counter
/* ebx still contains the 0x745 operation, dl still contains button, but eax points to 0x745 rather than the 0x145 so let's fix */
/* note that remaining chunks is still correct due to growth, so no need to decrement ecx */
__asm("add eax, 0xC\n");
__asm("jmp next_same_note_chunk\n"); //look for next occurrence
/* restore before next timestamp */
__asm("pop ecx\n");
__asm("add ecx, esi\n"); // take chart growth into account
__asm("pop esi\n");
__asm("pop edx\n");
__asm("pop ebx\n");
__asm("pop eax\n");
/* next iteration should revisit the same block since we shifted... anticipate the +0xC/-1/+0x64 that will be done by real_chart_load() */
__asm("sub eax, 0xC\n");
__asm("add ecx, 1\n");
__asm("sub dword ptr [eax], 0x64\n");
__asm("jmp patch_chart_load_end\n");
__asm("pop ecx\n");
__asm("pop esi\n");
__asm("pop edx\n");
__asm("pop ebx\n");
__asm("pop eax\n");
__asm("mov word ptr [eax+4], 0x245\n"); // no match found (ad-lib keysound?), restore opcode
static bool patch_disable_keysound()
DWORD dllSize = 0;
char *data = getDllData(g_game_dll_fn, &dllSize);
int64_t pattern_offset = search(data, dllSize, "\x00\x00\x72\x05\xB9\xFF", 6, 0);
if (pattern_offset == -1) {
LOG("popnhax: keysound disable: cannot find offset\n");
return false;
/* detect if usaneko+ */
uint64_t patch_addr = (int64_t)data + pattern_offset + 0x0F;
uint8_t check_byte = *((uint8_t *)(patch_addr + 1));
if (check_byte == 0x04)
LOG("popnhax: keysound disable: old game version\n");
//return false;
MH_CreateHook((LPVOID)(patch_addr), (LPVOID)patch_chart_load_old,
(void **)&real_chart_load);
MH_CreateHook((LPVOID)(patch_addr), (LPVOID)patch_chart_load,
(void **)&real_chart_load); //rewrite chart to get rid of keysounds
LOG("popnhax: no more keysounds\n");
return true;
static bool patch_keysound_offset(int8_t value)
DWORD dllSize = 0;
char *data = getDllData(g_game_dll_fn, &dllSize);
g_keysound_offset = -1*value;
int64_t pattern_offset = search(data, dllSize, "\xC6\x44\x24\x0C\x00\xE8", 6, 0);
if (pattern_offset == -1) {
LOG("popnhax: keysound offset: cannot prepatch\n");
return false;
uint64_t patch_addr = (int64_t)data + pattern_offset - 0x07;
patch_memory(patch_addr, (char *)"\x03", 1); // change "mov esi" into "add esi"
MH_CreateHook((LPVOID)(patch_addr-0x03), (LPVOID)patch_eval_timing,
(void **)&real_eval_timing); // preload esi with g_keysound_offset
if (!config.audio_offset)
LOG("popnhax: keysound offset: timing offset by %d ms\n", value);
LOG("popnhax: audio offset: audio offset by %d ms\n", -1*value);
return true;
static bool patch_add_to_beam_brightness(int8_t delta) {
int32_t new_value = delta;
char *as_hex = (char *) &new_value;
LOG("popnhax: beam brightness: adding %d to beam brightness.\n",delta);
uint32_t beam_brightness_addr;
if (!get_addr_beam_brightness(&beam_brightness_addr))
LOG("popnhax: beam brightness: cannot find base address\n");
return false;
int32_t current_value = *(int32_t *) beam_brightness_addr;
new_value = current_value+delta;
if (new_value < 0)
LOG("popnhax: beam brightness: fix invalid value (%d -> 0)\n",new_value);
new_value = 0;
if (new_value > 255)
LOG("popnhax: beam brightness: fix invalid value (%d -> 255)\n",new_value);
new_value = 255;
patch_memory(beam_brightness_addr, as_hex, 4);
patch_memory(beam_brightness_addr+0x39, as_hex, 4);
LOG("popnhax: beam brightness is now %d.\n",new_value);
return true;
static bool patch_beam_brightness(uint8_t value) {
uint32_t newvalue = value;
char *as_hex = (char *) &newvalue;
bool res = true;
/* call get_addr_beam_brightness() so that it can still work after base value is overwritten */
uint32_t beam_brightness_addr;
if (!find_and_patch_hex(g_game_dll_fn, "\xB8\x64\x00\x00\x00\xD9", 6, 0x3A, as_hex, 4))
LOG("popnhax: base offset: cannot patch HD beam brightness\n");
res = false;
if (!find_and_patch_hex(g_game_dll_fn, "\xB8\x64\x00\x00\x00\xD9", 6, 1, as_hex, 4))
LOG("popnhax: base offset: cannot patch SD beam brightness\n");
res = false;
return res;
uint16_t *g_course_id_ptr;
uint16_t *g_course_song_id_ptr;
void (*real_parse_ranking_info)();
void score_challenge_retrieve_addr()
/* only set pointer if g_course_id_ptr is not set yet,
* to avoid overwriting with past challenge data which
* is sent afterwards
__asm("mov ebx, %0\n": :"b"(g_course_id_ptr));
__asm("test ebx, ebx\n");
__asm("jne parse_ranking_info\n");
__asm("lea %0, [esi]\n":"=S"(g_course_id_ptr): :);
__asm("lea %0, [esi+0x8D4]\n":"=S"(g_course_song_id_ptr): :);
void (*score_challenge_prep_songdata)();
void (*score_challenge_song_inject)();
void (*score_challenge_test_if_logged1)();
void (*score_challenge_test_if_normal_mode)();
void (*real_make_score_challenge_category)();
void make_score_challenge_category()
__asm("push ecx\n");
__asm("push ebx\n");
__asm("push edi\n");
if (g_course_id_ptr && *g_course_id_ptr != 0)
__asm("mov al, byte ptr ds:[eax+0x1A5]\n"); /* or look for this function 8A 80 A5 01 00 00 C3 CC */
__asm("test al, al\n");
__asm("je leave_score_challenge\n");
__asm("test al, al\n");
__asm("jne leave_score_challenge\n");
__asm("mov cx, %0\n": :"r"(*g_course_song_id_ptr));
__asm("mov dl,6\n");
__asm("lea eax,[esp+0x8]\n");
__asm("lea edi,[esi+0x24]\n");
__asm("mov ebx,eax\n");
__asm("mov byte ptr ds:[esi+0xA4],1\n");
__asm("pop edi\n");
__asm("pop ebx\n");
__asm("pop ecx\n");
/* all code handling score challenge is still in the game but the
* function responsible for building and adding the score challenge
* category to song selection has been stubbed. let's rewrite it
static bool patch_score_challenge()
DWORD dllSize = 0;
char *data = getDllData(g_game_dll_fn, &dllSize);
/* Part1: retrieve course id and song id, useful and will simplify a little */
int64_t pattern_offset = search(data, dllSize, "\x81\xC6\xCC\x08\x00\x00\xC7\x44\x24", 9, 0);
if (pattern_offset == -1) {
LOG("popnhax: score challenge: cannot find course/song address\n");
return false;
uint64_t patch_addr = (int64_t)data + pattern_offset;
MH_CreateHook((LPVOID)(patch_addr), (LPVOID)score_challenge_retrieve_addr,
(void **)&real_parse_ranking_info);
/* Part2: retrieve subfunctions which used to be called by the now stubbed function */
int64_t pattern_offset = search(data, dllSize, "\x66\x89\x08\x88\x50\x02", 6, 0);
if (pattern_offset == -1) {
LOG("popnhax: score challenge: cannot find song data prep function\n");
return false;
uint64_t patch_addr = (int64_t)data + pattern_offset;
score_challenge_prep_songdata = (void(*)())patch_addr;
int64_t pattern_offset = search(data, dllSize-0x60000, "\x8B\x4F\x0C\x83\xEC\x10\x56\x85\xC9\x75\x04\x33\xC0\xEB\x08\x8B\x47\x14\x2B\xC1\xC1\xF8\x02\x8B\x77\x10\x8B\xD6\x2B\xD1\xC1\xFA\x02\x3B\xD0\x73\x2B", 37, 0x60000);
if (pattern_offset == -1) {
LOG("popnhax: score challenge: cannot find category song inject function\n");
return false;
uint64_t patch_addr = (int64_t)data + pattern_offset;
score_challenge_song_inject = (void(*)())patch_addr;
int64_t pattern_offset = search(data, dllSize, "\x8B\x01\x8B\x50\x14\xFF\xE2\xC3\xCC\xCC\xCC\xCC", 12, 0);
if (pattern_offset == -1) {
LOG("popnhax: score challenge: cannot find check if logged function\n");
return false;
uint64_t patch_addr = (int64_t)data + pattern_offset + 0x24;
score_challenge_test_if_logged1 = (void(*)())patch_addr;
int64_t pattern_offset = search(data, dllSize, "\xF7\xD8\x1B\xC0\x40\xC3\xE8", 7, 0);
if (pattern_offset == -1) {
LOG("popnhax: score challenge: cannot find check if logged function\n");
return false;
uint64_t patch_addr = (int64_t)data + pattern_offset + 0x6;
score_challenge_test_if_normal_mode = (void(*)())patch_addr;
/* Part3: "unstub" the score challenge category creation */
int64_t pattern_offset = search(data, dllSize, "\x83\xF8\x10\x77\x75\xFF\x24\x85", 8, 0);
if (pattern_offset == -1) {
LOG("popnhax: score challenge: cannot find category building loop\n");
return false;
uint64_t patch_addr = (int64_t)data + pattern_offset + 0x66;
uint32_t function_offset = *((uint32_t*)(patch_addr+0x01));
uint64_t function_addr = patch_addr+5+function_offset;
MH_CreateHook((LPVOID)(function_addr), (LPVOID)make_score_challenge_category,
(void **)&real_make_score_challenge_category);
LOG("popnhax: score challenge reactivated (requires server support)\n");
return true;
static bool patch_base_offset(int32_t value) {
char *as_hex = (char *) &value;
bool res = true;
/* call get_addr_timing_offset() so that it can still work after timing value is overwritten */
uint32_t original_timing;
uint32_t sd_timing_addr;
uint32_t hd_timing_addr;
if (!find_and_patch_hex(g_game_dll_fn, "\xB8\xC4\xFF\xFF\xFF", 5, 1, as_hex, 4))
LOG("popnhax: base offset: cannot patch base SD timing\n");
res = false;
if (!find_and_patch_hex(g_game_dll_fn, "\xB8\xB4\xFF\xFF\xFF", 5, 1, as_hex, 4))
LOG("popnhax: base offset: cannot patch base HD timing\n");
res = false;
return res;
static bool patch_hd_timing() {
if (!patch_base_offset(-76))
LOG("popnhax: HD timing: cannot set HD offset\n");
return false;
LOG("popnhax: HD timing forced\n");
return true;
static bool patch_hd_resolution(uint8_t mode) {
if (mode > 2)
LOG("ponhax: HD resolution invalid value %d\n",mode);
return false;
/* set popkun and beam brightness to 85 instead of 100, like HD mode does */
if (!patch_beam_brightness(85))
LOG("popnhax: HD resolution: cannot set beam brightness\n");
return false;
/* set window to 1360*768 */
if (!find_and_patch_hex(g_game_dll_fn, "\x0F\xB6\xC0\xF7\xD8\x1B\xC0\x25\xD0\x02", 10, -5, "\xB8\x50\x05\x00\x00\xC3\xCC\xCC\xCC", 9)
&& !find_and_patch_hex(g_game_dll_fn, "\x84\xc0\x74\x14\x0f\xb6\x05", 7, -5, "\xB8\x50\x05\x00\x00\xC3\xCC\xCC\xCC", 9))
LOG("popnhax: HD resolution: cannot find screen width function\n");
return false;
if (!find_and_patch_hex(g_game_dll_fn, "\x0f\xb6\xc0\xf7\xd8\x1b\xc0\x25\x20\x01", 10, -5, "\xB8\x00\x03\x00\x00\xC3\xCC\xCC\xCC", 9))
LOG("popnhax: HD resolution: cannot find screen height function\n");
if (!find_and_patch_hex(g_game_dll_fn, "\x8B\x54\x24\x20\x53\x51\x52\xEB\x0C", 9, -6, "\x90\x90", 2))
LOG("popnhax: HD resolution: cannot find screen aspect ratio function\n");
if ( mode == 1 )
/* move texts (by forcing HD behavior) */
if (!find_and_patch_hex(g_game_dll_fn, "\x1B\xC9\x83\xE1\x95\x81\xC1\x86", 8, -5, "\xB9\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF\x90\x90", 7))
LOG("popnhax: HD resolution: cannot move gamecode position\n");
if (!find_and_patch_hex(g_game_dll_fn, "\x6a\x01\x6a\x00\x50\x8b\x06\x33\xff", 9, -7, "\xEB", 1))
LOG("popnhax: HD resolution: cannot move credit/network position\n");
LOG("popnhax: HD resolution forced%s\n",(mode==2)?" (centered texts)":"");
return true;
static bool patch_fps_uncap() {
if (!find_and_patch_hex(g_game_dll_fn, "\x7E\x07\xB9\x0C\x00\x00\x00\xEB\x09\x85\xC9", 11, 0, "\xEB\x1C", 2))
LOG("popnhax: fps uncap: cannot find frame limiter\n");
return false;
LOG("popnhax: fps uncapped\n");
return true;
void (*real_song_options)();
void patch_song_options() {
__asm("mov byte ptr[ecx+0xA15], 0\n");
void (*real_numpad0_options)();
void patch_numpad0_options() {
__asm("mov byte ptr[ebp+0xA15], 1\n");
/* r2nk226 */
/* playerdata */
static bool get_addr_pldata(uint32_t *res)
static uint32_t addr = 0;
if (addr != 0)
*res = addr;
return true;
DWORD dllSize = 0;
char *data = getDllData(g_game_dll_fn, &dllSize);
int64_t pattern_offset = search(data, dllSize, "\x14\xFF\xE2\xC3\xCC\xCC", 6, 0); // +10hからポインタ群がある
if (pattern_offset == -1) {
return false;
addr = *(uint32_t *) ((int64_t)data + pattern_offset + 0x31);// 取りたいのは+31hのとこ
g_plop_addr = (uint32_t *) ((int64_t)data + pattern_offset + 0x31);
#if DEBUG == 1
LOG("pldata is %x\n", addr);
*res = addr;
return true;
/* Unilab Check */
static bool unilab_check()
DWORD dllSize = 0;
char *data = getDllData(g_game_dll_fn, &dllSize);
int64_t pattern_offset = search(data, dllSize, "\x03\xC7\x8D\x44\x01\x2A\x89\x10", 8, 0);
if (pattern_offset == -1) {
return false;
LOG("popnhax: guidese : Unilabooooooo\n");
return true;
/* INPUT numkey */
uint32_t *input_func;
static bool get_addr_numkey()
DWORD dllSize = 0;
char *data = getDllData(g_game_dll_fn, &dllSize);
int64_t pattern_offset = search(data, dllSize, "\x85\xC9\x74\x08\x8B\x01\x8B\x40\x24\x52\xFF\xD0", 12, 0);
if (pattern_offset == -1) {
return false;
input_func = (uint32_t *) ((int64_t)data + pattern_offset + 26);
#if DEBUG == 1
LOG("INPUT num addr %p\n", input_func);
return true;
/* R-RANDOM address */
uint32_t *g_ran_addr;
uint32_t *btaddr;
uint32_t *ran_func;
static bool get_addr_random()
DWORD dllSize = 0;
char *data = getDllData(g_game_dll_fn, &dllSize); // hook \x83\xC4\x04\xB9\x02\x00\x00\x00 button \x03\xC5\x83\xF8\x09\x7C\xDE
int64_t pattern_offset = search(data, dllSize, "\x83\xC4\x04\xB9\x02\x00\x00\x00", 8, 0);
if (pattern_offset == -1) {
return false;
g_ran_addr = (uint32_t *) ((int64_t)data + pattern_offset -0x13);
int64_t pattern_offset = search(data, dllSize, "\x51\x55\x56\xC7\x44\x24\x08\x00\x00\x00", 10, 0);
if (pattern_offset == -1) {
return false;
ran_func = (uint32_t *) ((int64_t)data + pattern_offset);
int64_t pattern_offset = search(data, dllSize, "\x03\xC5\x83\xF8\x09\x7C\xDE", 7, 0);
if (pattern_offset == -1) {
return false;
btaddr = (uint32_t *) ((int64_t)data + pattern_offset -20);
#if DEBUG == 1
LOG("popnhax: get_addr_random: g_ran_addr is %p\n", g_ran_addr);
LOG("popnhax: get_addr_random: ran_func is %p\n", ran_func);
LOG("popnhax: get_addr_random: btaddr is %x\n", *btaddr);
return true;
/* R-RANDOM hook */
void (*real_get_random)();
void r_random()
if (r_ran){
__asm("mov eax, [%0]\n"::"a"(*g_plop_addr));
__asm("mov al, byte ptr [eax+0x34]\n"); //+34がプレイオプション0正規、1ミラー、2乱、3S乱
__asm("cmp al, 2\n");
__asm("jae call_rran_end\n"); /* jae=jnc 正規とミラーのみ処理 */
__asm("movzx eax, al\n");
__asm("nop\n":"=a"(ori_plop)::); //もとのオプション退避
__asm("push 0\n");
__asm("mov ebx, %0\n"::"b"(*btaddr)); //mov ebx,1093A124
__asm("call %0\n"::"a"(ran_func)); //call 100B3B80
__asm("add esp, 4\n");
/* 1093A124 にレーンNOランダム生成されるから
0の場合は1番目の数字を加算 */
__asm("lea ebx, dword ptr [%0]\n"::"b"(*btaddr));
__asm("cmp word ptr [ebx], 0\n");
__asm("jne lane_no\n");
__asm("add ebx, 2\n");
__asm("movzx ebx, word ptr [ebx]\n");
__asm("push ebx\n"); //加算数値を退避
__asm("lea eax, dword ptr [%0]\n"::"a"(*btaddr));
/* lane create base*/
if (ori_plop == 0){
__asm("mov edx, [%0]\n"::"d"(*g_plop_addr));
__asm("mov byte ptr [edx+0x34], 1\n"); // ここでプレイオプションに1を書き込む。正規だけミラー偽装あとで戻すこと
__asm("xor ecx, ecx\n");
//__asm("lea eax, dword ptr [%0]\n"::"a"(*btaddr));
__asm("mov word ptr [eax+ecx*2], cx\n"); //mov word ptr [0x1093A124 + eax*2], cx
__asm("inc ecx\n");
__asm("cmp ecx,9\n");
__asm("jl lane_seiki\n");
//__asm("jmp next_lane\n");
} else if (ori_plop == 1){
__asm("xor ecx, ecx\n");
__asm("mov edx, 8\n");
__asm("sub edx, ecx\n");
//__asm("lea eax, dword ptr [%0]\n"::"a"(*btaddr));
__asm("mov word ptr [eax+ecx*2], dx\n");//mov word ptr [0x1093A124 + eax*2], dx
__asm("inc ecx\n");
__asm("cmp ecx,9\n");
__asm("jl lane_mirror\n");
__asm("pop ebx\n"); //ebxに加算する数字が入ってる
__asm("lea ebp, [eax + edi*2]\n");
__asm("movzx edx, word ptr [ebp]\n");
__asm("add dx, bx\n");
__asm("cmp dx, 9\n");
__asm("jc no_in\n");
__asm("sub dx, 9\n");
__asm("mov word ptr [ebp], dx\n");
__asm("inc edi\n");
__asm("cmp edi,9\n");
__asm("jl next_lane\n");
/* Get address for Special Menu */
uint32_t *g_rend_addr;
uint32_t *font_color;
uint32_t *font_rend_func;
static bool get_rendaddr()
static uint32_t addr = 0;
if (addr != 0)
return true;
DWORD dllSize = 0;
char *data = getDllData(g_game_dll_fn, &dllSize);
int64_t pattern_offset = search(data, dllSize, "\x3b\xC3\x74\x13\xC7\x00\x02\x00\x00\x00\x89\x58\x04\x89\x58\x08", 16, 0);
if (pattern_offset == -1) {
return false;
g_rend_addr = (uint32_t *)((int64_t)data + pattern_offset -4);
font_color = (uint32_t *)((int64_t)data + pattern_offset +36);
int64_t pattern_offset = search(data, dllSize, "\xC3\xCC\xCC\xCC\xCC\xCC\xCC\xCC\xCC\xCC\xCC\xCC\xCC\xCC\xCC\xCC\x8B\x4C\x24\x0C\x8D\x44\x24\x10", 24, 0);
if (pattern_offset == -1) {
return false;
font_rend_func = (uint32_t *)((int64_t)data + pattern_offset +16);
#if DEBUG == 1
LOG("popnhax: get_rendaddr: g_rend_addr is %x\n", *g_rend_addr);
LOG("popnhax: get_rendaddr: font_color is %x\n", *font_color);
LOG("popnhax: get_rendaddr: font_rend_func is %p\n", font_rend_func);
return true;
/* speed change */
uint32_t *g_2dx_addr;
uint32_t *g_humen_addr;
uint32_t *g_soflan_addr;
static bool get_speedaddr()
static uint32_t addr = 0;
if (addr != 0)
return true;
DWORD dllSize = 0;
char *data = getDllData(g_game_dll_fn, &dllSize);
int64_t pattern_offset = search(data, dllSize, "\x83\xC4\x0C\x8B\xC3\x8D\x7C\x24", 8, 0);
if (pattern_offset == -1) {
return false;
g_2dx_addr = (uint32_t *)((int64_t)data + pattern_offset +16);
int64_t pattern_offset = search(data, dllSize, "\x8B\x74\x24\x18\x8D\x0C\x5B\x8B\x54\x8E\xF4", 11, 0);
if (pattern_offset == -1) {
return false;
g_humen_addr = (uint32_t *)((int64_t)data + pattern_offset);
int64_t pattern_offset = search(data, dllSize, "\x0F\xBF\xC5\x83\xC4\x0C\x66\x89\x6E\x08", 10, 0);
if (pattern_offset == -1) {
return false;
g_soflan_addr = (uint32_t *)((int64_t)data + pattern_offset +10);
#if DEBUG == 1
LOG("popnhax: get_speedaddr: g_2dx_addr is %p\n", g_2dx_addr);
LOG("popnhax: get_speedaddr: g_humen_addr is %p\n", g_humen_addr);
LOG("popnhax: get_speedaddr: g_soflan_addr is %p\n", g_soflan_addr);
return true;
void (*real_get_bpm)();
void regul_speed()
if (regul_flg){
__asm("mov bp, 0x64\n"); //BPM 100
__asm("mov [esi+8], bp\n");
__asm("movsx eax, bp\n");
static uint32_t speed;
void (*real_2dx_addr)();
void ex_2dx_speed()
if (speed == 1){
__asm("mov dword ptr [edi+0x30], 0x89D0\n");// 44100Hz -> 35280Hz
__asm("mov ecx, dword ptr [edi+0x34]\n");
__asm("shl ecx, 0x02\n");
__asm("mov eax, 0x33333334\n");
__asm("mul ecx\n");
__asm("mov eax, edx\n");
__asm("shr eax, 0x1F\n");
__asm("add eax, edx\n");
__asm("mov dword ptr [edi+0x34], eax\n");
} else if(speed == 2){
__asm("mov dword ptr [edi+0x30], 0x72D8\n");// 44100Hz -> 29400Hz
__asm("mov ecx, dword ptr [edi+0x34]\n");
__asm("shl ecx, 0x01\n");
__asm("mov eax, 0x55555556\n");
__asm("mul ecx\n");
__asm("mov eax, edx\n");
__asm("shr eax, 0x1F\n");
__asm("add eax, edx\n");
__asm("mov dword ptr [edi+0x34], eax\n");
void ex_chart()
use_sp_flg = 1;
__asm("mov al, byte ptr [esp+0x448]\n");
__asm("cmp al, 1\n");
__asm("mov ecx, dword ptr [esp+0x30]\n");
__asm("jne call_ex\n");
__asm("lea ecx, dword ptr [ecx+ecx*2]\n");
__asm("shr ecx, 1\n");
__asm("lea ecx, dword ptr [ecx-0x6C]\n");
__asm("mov eax, 0x15555556\n");
__asm("mul ecx\n");
__asm("mov eax, edx\n");
__asm("shr eax, 0x1F\n");
__asm("add eax, edx\n");
__asm("xor ecx, ecx\n");
__asm("mov ebp, dword ptr [esp+0x2C]\n");
__asm("lea ebx, dword ptr [ebp+0x6c]\n");
void (*real_humen_addr)();
void ex_humen_speed()
if (speed == 1){
__asm("push ebx\n");
__asm("lea ebx, dword ptr [ebx+0xC]\n");
__asm("mov edx, dword ptr [ebx]\n");
__asm("lea edx, dword ptr [edx+edx*4]\n");
__asm("shr edx, 2\n");
__asm("mov dword ptr [ebx], edx\n");
__asm("mov edx, dword ptr [ebx+8]\n");
__asm("cmp edx, 0\n");
__asm("je long_pop\n");
__asm("lea edx, dword ptr [edx+edx*4]\n");
__asm("shr edx, 2\n");
__asm("mov dword ptr [ebx+8], edx\n");
__asm("inc ecx\n");
__asm("cmp eax, ecx\n");
__asm("jnle call_loop\n");
__asm("pop ebx\n");
} else if (speed == 2){
__asm("push ebx\n");
__asm("lea ebx, dword ptr [ebx+0xC]\n");
__asm("mov edx, dword ptr [ebx]\n");
__asm("lea edx, dword ptr [edx+edx*2]\n");
__asm("shr edx, 1\n");
__asm("mov dword ptr [ebx], edx\n");
__asm("mov edx, dword ptr [ebx+8]\n");
__asm("cmp edx, 0\n");
__asm("je long_pop2\n");
__asm("lea edx, dword ptr [edx+edx*2]\n");
__asm("shr edx, 1\n");
__asm("mov dword ptr [ebx+8], edx\n");
__asm("inc ecx\n");
__asm("cmp eax, ecx\n");
__asm("jnle call_loop2\n");
__asm("pop ebx\n");
void (*add_stage_ext)();
void clear_flg(){
disp = 0;
use_sp_flg = 0;
#define COLOR_WHITE 0x00
#define COLOR_GREEN 0x10
#define COLOR_DARK_GREY 0x20
#define COLOR_YELLOW 0x30
#define COLOR_RED 0x40
#define COLOR_BLUE 0x50
#define COLOR_LIGHT_GREY 0x60
#define COLOR_BLACK 0xA0
#define COLOR_ORANGE 0xC0
void enhanced_polling_stats_disp_sub();
const char menu_1[] = "--- Practice Mode ---";
//const char menu_2[] = "DJAUTO (numpad5) >> %s";
const char menu_2[] = "Scores are not recorded."; //NO CONTEST 表現がわからん
const char menu_3[] = "REGUL SPEED (numpad4) >> %s";
const char menu_4[] = "R-RANDOM (numpad6) >> %s";
const char menu_5[] = "SPEED (numpad5) >> %s";
//const char menu_6[] = "menu display on/off (numpad9)";
const char menu_7[] = "quick retry (numpad8)";
const char menu_8[] = "quick retire (numpad9)";
const char menu_6[] = "quit pfree mode (numpad9)";
const char menu_on[] = "ON";
const char menu_off[] = "OFF";
const char sp100[] = "100%";
const char sp80[] = "80%"; //1.25倍
const char sp67[] = "66.6%";//1.5倍
const char *flg_1; //dj_auto
const char *flg_2; //regul speed
const char *flg_3; //r-random
void (*real_aging_loop)();
void new_menu()
__asm("mov ecx, 4\n");
__asm("call %0\n"::"a"(input_func));
__asm("test al, al\n");
__asm("je SW_4\n");
regul_flg ^= 1;
flg_2 = menu_off;
if (regul_flg){
flg_2 = menu_on;
__asm("mov ecx, 6\n");
__asm("call %0\n"::"a"(input_func));
__asm("test al, al\n");
__asm("je SW_6\n");
r_ran ^= 1;
flg_3 = menu_off;
if (r_ran){
flg_3 = menu_on;
__asm("mov ecx, 5\n");
__asm("call %0\n"::"a"(input_func));
__asm("test al, al\n");
__asm("je SW_5\n");
__asm("mov eax, [%0]\n"::"a"(*g_rend_addr));
__asm("cmp eax, 0\n");
__asm("je call_menu\n");
__asm("mov dword ptr [eax], 2\n");
__asm("mov dword ptr [eax+4], 1\n");
__asm("mov dword ptr [eax+8], 0\n");
__asm("mov dword ptr [eax+0x34], 1\n");
//Practice Mode--
__asm("push %0\n"::"a"(menu_1));
__asm("push 0x150\n");
__asm("push 0x2C0\n");
__asm("mov esi, %0\n"::"a"(*font_color+COLOR_BLUE));
__asm("call %0\n"::"a"(font_rend_func));
__asm("add esp, 0x0C\n");
if (use_sp_flg){
__asm("push %0\n"::"a"(menu_2));
__asm("push 0x164\n");
__asm("push 0x2C0\n");
__asm("mov esi, %0\n"::"a"(*font_color+COLOR_YELLOW));
__asm("call %0\n"::"a"(font_rend_func));
__asm("add esp, 0x0C\n");
//REGUL SPEED no-soflan
__asm("push %0\n"::"D"(flg_2));
__asm("push %0\n"::"a"(menu_3));
__asm("push 0x178\n");
__asm("push 0x2C0\n");
__asm("mov esi, %0\n"::"a"(*font_color+COLOR_RED));
__asm("call %0\n"::"a"(font_rend_func));
__asm("add esp, 0x10\n");
__asm("push %0\n"::"D"(flg_3));
__asm("push %0\n"::"a"(menu_4));
__asm("push 0x18C\n");
__asm("push 0x2C0\n");
//__asm("mov esi, %0\n"::"a"(*font_color+COLOR_RED));
__asm("call %0\n"::"a"(font_rend_func));
__asm("add esp, 0x10\n");
//SPEED 変更
if (speed == 1){
} else if (speed == 2){
} else if(speed >= 3){
speed = 0;
__asm("push eax\n");
__asm("push %0\n"::"a"(menu_5));
__asm("push 0x1A0\n");
__asm("push 0x2C0\n");
//__asm("mov esi, %0\n"::"a"(*font_color+COLOR_RED));
__asm("call %0\n"::"a"(font_rend_func));
__asm("add esp, 0x10\n");
/* quick menu on/off */
if (disp){
//quick retry
__asm("push %0\n"::"a"(menu_7));
__asm("push 0x1B4\n");
__asm("push 0x2C0\n");
__asm("mov esi, %0\n"::"a"(*font_color+COLOR_GREEN));
__asm("call %0\n"::"a"(font_rend_func));
__asm("add esp, 0x0C\n");
//quick retire & exit
if (ex_res_flg){
__asm("push eax\n");
__asm("push 0x1C8\n");
__asm("push 0x2C0\n");
// __asm("mov esi, %0\n"::"a"(*font_color+COLOR_GREEN));
__asm("call %0\n"::"a"(font_rend_func));
__asm("add esp, 0x0C\n");
if (config.enhanced_polling && config.enhanced_polling_stats)
static bool patch_practice_mode()
DWORD dllSize = 0;
char *data = getDllData(g_game_dll_fn, &dllSize);
/* AGING MODE to Practice Mode */
int64_t pattern_offset = search(data, dllSize-0x100000, "\x83\xEC\x40\x53\x56\x57", 6, 0x100000);
if (pattern_offset == -1) {
LOG("popnhax: cannot retrieve aging loop\n");
return false;
uint64_t patch_addr = (int64_t)data + pattern_offset + 6;
if (!get_rendaddr())
LOG("popnhax: Cannot find address for drawing\n");
return false;
if (!get_addr_numkey())
LOG("popnhax: Cannot find address for number pad\n");
return false;
MH_CreateHook((LPVOID)patch_addr, (LPVOID)new_menu,
(void **)&real_aging_loop);
uint32_t addr_pldata;
if (!get_addr_pldata(&addr_pldata))
LOG("popnhax: cannot retrieve pldata address for guidese\n");
return false;
if (!get_speedaddr())
LOG("popnhax: Cannot find address for speed change\n");
return false;
MH_CreateHook((LPVOID)g_2dx_addr, (LPVOID)ex_2dx_speed,
(void **)&real_2dx_addr);
MH_CreateHook((LPVOID)g_humen_addr, (LPVOID)ex_humen_speed,
(void **)&real_humen_addr);
MH_CreateHook((LPVOID)g_soflan_addr, (LPVOID)regul_speed,
(void **)&real_get_bpm);
LOG("popnhax: speed hook enabled\n");
if (!get_addr_random())
LOG("popnhax: Random LANE addr was not found\n");
return false;
MH_CreateHook((LPVOID)g_ran_addr, (LPVOID)r_random,
(void **)&real_get_random);
int64_t pattern_offset = search(data, dllSize, "\x5E\x8B\xE5\x5D\xC2\x04\x00\xCC\xCC\xCC\xCC\xCC\xCC\xCC\xCC\xCC\xCC\xCC\xCC\xCC\xCC\x55\x8B\xEC\x83\xE4\xF8\x51\x56\x8B\xF1\x8B", 32, 0);
if (pattern_offset == -1) {
LOG("popnhax: Cannot find address for restore addr\n");
return false;
uint64_t patch_addr = (int64_t)data + pattern_offset -11;
MH_CreateHook((LPVOID)(patch_addr), (LPVOID)restore_plop,
(void **)&restore_op);
LOG("popnhax: R-Random hook enabled\n");
//add_stage に フラグオフ追加 (char *)"\x31\xC0\x40\xC3", 4
MH_CreateHook((LPVOID)(add_stage_addr+0x12), (LPVOID)clear_flg,
(void **)&add_stage_ext);
return true;
void (*real_render_loop)();
void enhanced_polling_stats_disp()
__asm("mov eax, [%0]\n"::"a"(*g_rend_addr));
__asm("cmp eax, 0\n");
__asm("je call_stat_menu\n");
__asm("mov dword ptr [eax], 2\n");
__asm("mov dword ptr [eax+4], 1\n");
__asm("mov dword ptr [eax+8], 0\n");
__asm("mov dword ptr [eax+0x34], 1\n");
/* enhanced_polling_stats */
const char stats_disp_header[] = " - 1000Hz Polling - ";
const char stats_disp_lastpoll[] = "last input: 0x%06x";
const char stats_disp_avgpoll[] = "100 polls in %dms";
const char stats_disp_offset_header[] = "- Latest correction -";
const char stats_disp_offset_top[] = "%s";
char stats_disp_offset_top_str[15] = "";
const char stats_disp_offset_bottom[] = "%s";
char stats_disp_offset_bottom_str[19] = "";
void enhanced_polling_stats_disp_sub()
__asm("push %0\n"::"a"(stats_disp_header));
__asm("push 0x2A\n"); //Y coord
__asm("push 0x160\n"); //X coord
__asm("mov esi, %0\n"::"a"(*font_color+COLOR_LIGHT_GREY));
__asm("call %0\n"::"a"(font_rend_func));
__asm("add esp, 0x0C\n");
uint8_t color = COLOR_GREEN;
if (g_poll_rate_avg > 100)
color = COLOR_RED;
__asm("push %0\n"::"D"(g_poll_rate_avg));
__asm("push %0\n"::"a"(stats_disp_avgpoll));
__asm("push 0x5C\n");
__asm("push 0x160\n");
__asm("mov esi, %0\n"::"a"(*font_color+color));
__asm("call %0\n"::"a"(font_rend_func));
__asm("add esp, 0x10\n");
__asm("push %0\n"::"D"(g_last_button_state));
__asm("push %0\n"::"a"(stats_disp_lastpoll));
__asm("push 0x48\n");
__asm("push 0x160\n");
__asm("mov esi, %0\n"::"a"(*font_color+COLOR_LIGHT_PURPLE));
__asm("call %0\n"::"a"(font_rend_func));
__asm("add esp, 0x10\n");
__asm("push %0\n"::"a"(stats_disp_offset_header));
__asm("push 0x2A\n");
__asm("push 0x200\n");
__asm("mov esi, %0\n"::"a"(*font_color+COLOR_LIGHT_GREY));
__asm("call %0\n"::"a"(font_rend_func));
__asm("add esp, 0x0C\n");
sprintf(stats_disp_offset_top_str, "%02u %02u %02u %02u", g_offset_fix[1], g_offset_fix[3], g_offset_fix[5], g_offset_fix[7]);
__asm("push %0\n"::"D"(stats_disp_offset_top_str));
__asm("push %0\n"::"a"(stats_disp_offset_top));
__asm("push 0x48\n");
__asm("push 0x200\n");
__asm("mov esi, %0\n"::"a"(*font_color+COLOR_ORANGE));
__asm("call %0\n"::"a"(font_rend_func));
__asm("add esp, 0x10\n");
sprintf(stats_disp_offset_bottom_str, "%02u %02u %02u %02u %02u", g_offset_fix[0], g_offset_fix[2], g_offset_fix[4], g_offset_fix[6], g_offset_fix[8]);
__asm("push %0\n"::"D"(stats_disp_offset_bottom_str));
__asm("push %0\n"::"a"(stats_disp_offset_top));
__asm("push 0x5C\n");
__asm("push 0x1FD\n");
__asm("mov esi, %0\n"::"a"(*font_color+COLOR_ORANGE));
__asm("call %0\n"::"a"(font_rend_func));
__asm("add esp, 0x10\n");
static bool patch_enhanced_polling_stats()
if (config.practice_mode)
LOG("popnhax: enhanced polling stats displayed\n");
return false;
DWORD dllSize = 0;
char *data = getDllData(g_game_dll_fn, &dllSize);
int64_t pattern_offset = search(data, dllSize-0x100000, "\x83\xEC\x40\x53\x56\x57", 6, 0x100000);
if (pattern_offset == -1) {
LOG("popnhax: enhanced_polling_stats: cannot retrieve aging loop\n");
return false;
uint64_t patch_addr = (int64_t)data + pattern_offset + 6;
if (!get_rendaddr())
LOG("popnhax: enhanced_polling_stats: cannot find address for drawing\n");
return false;
MH_CreateHook((LPVOID)patch_addr, (LPVOID)enhanced_polling_stats_disp,
(void **)&real_render_loop);
LOG("popnhax: enhanced polling stats displayed\n");
return true;
uint8_t g_hard_gauge_selected = false;
void (*real_survival_flag_hard_gauge)();
void hook_survival_flag_hard_gauge()
__asm("cmp bl, 0\n");
__asm("jne no_hard_gauge\n");
g_hard_gauge_selected = false;
__asm("cmp cl, 2\n");
__asm("jne no_hard_gauge\n");
g_hard_gauge_selected = true;
void (*real_survival_flag_hard_gauge_old)();
void hook_survival_flag_hard_gauge_old()
__asm("cmp bl, 0\n");
__asm("jne no_hard_gauge_old\n");
g_hard_gauge_selected = false;
__asm("cmp dl, 2\n"); //dl is used instead of cl in older games
__asm("jne no_hard_gauge_old\n");
g_hard_gauge_selected = true;
void (*real_check_survival_gauge)();
void hook_check_survival_gauge()
if ( g_hard_gauge_selected )
__asm("mov al, 1\n");
void (*real_survival_gauge_medal_clear)();
void (*real_survival_gauge_medal)();
void hook_survival_gauge_medal()
if ( g_hard_gauge_selected )
__asm("cmp eax, 0\n"); //empty gauge should still fail
__asm("jz skip_force_clear\n");
/* fix gauge ( [0;1023] -> [725;1023] ) */
__asm("push eax");
__asm("push ebx");
__asm("push edx");
__asm("xor edx,edx");
__asm("mov eax, dword ptr [edi+4]");
/* bigger interval for first bar */
__asm("cmp eax, 42");
__asm("jge skip_lower");
__asm("mov eax, 42");
/* tweak off by one/two values */
__asm("cmp eax, 297");
__asm("je decrease_once");
__asm("cmp eax, 298");
__asm("je decrease_twice");
__asm("cmp eax, 426");
__asm("je decrease_once");
__asm("cmp eax, 681");
__asm("je decrease_once");
__asm("cmp eax, 936");
__asm("je decrease_once");
__asm("cmp eax, 937");
__asm("je decrease_twice");
__asm("jmp no_decrease");
__asm("dec eax");
__asm("dec eax");
/* perform ((gauge+99)/3) + 678 */
__asm("add eax, 99");
__asm("mov bx, 3");
__asm("idiv bx");
__asm("add eax, 678");
/* higher cap value */
__asm("cmp eax, 1023");
__asm("jle skip_trim");
__asm("mov eax, 1023");
__asm("mov dword ptr [edi+4], eax");
__asm("pop edx");
__asm("pop ebx");
__asm("pop eax");
__asm("jmp %0\n"::"m"(real_survival_gauge_medal_clear));
void (*real_get_retire_timer)();
void hook_get_retire_timer()
if ( g_hard_gauge_selected )
__asm("mov eax, 0xFFFF\n");
bool patch_hard_gauge_survival(uint8_t severity)
DWORD dllSize = 0;
char *data = getDllData(g_game_dll_fn, &dllSize);
/* refill gauge at each stage */
if (!find_and_patch_hex(g_game_dll_fn, "\x84\xC0\x75\x0B\xB8\x00\x04\x00\x00", 9, 0, "\x90\x90\x90\x90", 4))
LOG("popnhax: survival gauge: cannot patch gauge refill\n");
/* change is_survival_gauge function behavior */
int64_t pattern_offset = search(data, dllSize, "\x33\xC9\x83\xF8\x04\x0F\x94\xC1\x8A\xC1", 10, 0);
if (pattern_offset == -1) {
LOG("popnhax: survival gauge: cannot find survival gauge check function\n");
return false;
uint64_t patch_addr = (int64_t)data + pattern_offset + 0x02;
MH_CreateHook((LPVOID)(patch_addr), (LPVOID)hook_check_survival_gauge,
(void **)&real_check_survival_gauge);
/* change get_retire_timer function behavior (fix bug with song not exiting on empty gauge when paseli is on) */
int64_t pattern_offset = search(data, dllSize, "\x3D\xB0\x04\x00\x00\x7C", 6, 0);
if (pattern_offset == -1) {
LOG("popnhax: survival gauge: cannot find get retire timer function\n");
return false;
int64_t fun_rel = *(int32_t *)(data + pattern_offset - 0x04 ); // function call is just before our pattern
uint64_t patch_addr = (int64_t)data + pattern_offset + fun_rel;
MH_CreateHook((LPVOID)(patch_addr), (LPVOID)hook_get_retire_timer,
(void **)&real_get_retire_timer);
/* hook commit option to flag hard gauge being selected */
/* find option commit function (unilab) */
int64_t pattern_offset = search(data, dllSize, "\x89\x48\x0C\x8B\x56\x10\x89\x50\x10\x66\x8B\x4E\x14\x66\x89\x48\x14\x5B\xC3\xCC", 20, 0);
if (pattern_offset == -1) {
/* wasn't found, look for older function */
int64_t first_loc = search(data, dllSize, "\x0F\xB6\xC3\x03\xCF\x8D", 6, 0);
if (first_loc == -1) {
LOG("popnhax: survival gauge: cannot find option commit function (1)\n");
return false;
pattern_offset = search(data, 0x50, "\x89\x50\x0C", 3, first_loc);
if (pattern_offset == -1) {
LOG("popnhax: survival gauge: cannot find option commit function (2)\n");
return false;
uint64_t patch_addr = (int64_t)data + pattern_offset;
MH_CreateHook((LPVOID)(patch_addr), (LPVOID)hook_survival_flag_hard_gauge_old,
(void **)&real_survival_flag_hard_gauge_old);
uint64_t patch_addr = (int64_t)data + pattern_offset;
MH_CreateHook((LPVOID)(patch_addr), (LPVOID)hook_survival_flag_hard_gauge,
(void **)&real_survival_flag_hard_gauge);
/* Fix medal calculation */
int64_t addr = search(data, dllSize, "\x0F\xB7\x47\x12\x66\x83\xF8\x14", 8, 0);
if (addr == -1) {
LOG("popnhax: survival gauge: cannot find medal computation\n");
return false;
uint64_t function_addr = (int64_t)data + addr;
real_survival_gauge_medal_clear = (void (*)())function_addr;
int64_t pattern_offset = search(data, dllSize, "\x0F\x9F\xC1\x5E\x8B\xD0\x3B\xC1\x7F\x02", 10, 0);
if (pattern_offset == -1) {
LOG("popnhax: survival gauge: cannot find medal computation hook\n");
return false;
uint64_t patch_addr = (int64_t)data + pattern_offset + 0x04;
MH_CreateHook((LPVOID)(patch_addr), (LPVOID)hook_survival_gauge_medal,
(void **)&real_survival_gauge_medal);
/* gauge severity */
const char* severity_str[5] = { "", "COURSE (-35)", "NORMAL (-51)", "IIDX (-92)", "HARD (-204)"};
uint32_t severity_val[5] = { 0, 0xFFFFFFDD, 0xFFFFFFCD, 0xFFFFFFA4, 0xFFFFFF34};
if (severity != 1)
if (severity > 4)
severity = 4;
uint32_t decrease_amount = severity_val[severity];
char *as_hex = (char *) &decrease_amount;
if (!find_and_patch_hex(g_game_dll_fn, "\xB8\xDD\xFF\xFF\xFF", 5, 1, as_hex, 4))
LOG("popnhax: survival gauge: cannot patch severity\n");
if (!config.iidx_hard_gauge)
LOG("popnhax: survival_gauge debug: enabled (decrease rate : %s)\n", severity_str[severity]);
return true;
void (*real_survival_iidx_prepare_gauge)();
void hook_survival_iidx_prepare_gauge()
//this code is specific to survival gauge, so no additional check is required
__asm("cmp esi, 2\n");
__asm("jne skip_iidx_prepare_gauge\n");
__asm("shr eax, 1\n");
void (*real_survival_iidx_apply_gauge)();
void hook_survival_iidx_apply_gauge()
__asm("cmp byte ptr %0, 0\n"::"m"(g_hard_gauge_selected));
__asm("je skip_iidx_apply_gauge\n"); //skip if not in survival gauge mode
__asm("cmp ecx, 2\n");
__asm("jb skip_iidx_apply_gauge\n"); //skip if gauge is not decreasing
__asm("mov ecx, 3\n");
__asm("cmp ax, 308\n");
__asm("jge skip_iidx_apply_gauge\n"); //skip if gauge is above 30%
__asm("mov ecx, 2\n");
bool patch_survival_iidx()
DWORD dllSize = 0;
char *data = getDllData(g_game_dll_fn, &dllSize);
/* put half the decrease value in the first slot */
int64_t pattern_offset = search(data, dllSize, "\xE9\x8C\x00\x00\x00\x8B\xC6", 7, 0);
if (pattern_offset == -1) {
LOG("popnhax: iidx survival gauge: cannot find survival gauge prepare function\n");
return false;
uint64_t patch_addr = (int64_t)data + pattern_offset;
MH_CreateHook((LPVOID)(patch_addr), (LPVOID)hook_survival_iidx_prepare_gauge,
(void **)&real_survival_iidx_prepare_gauge);
/* switch slot depending on gauge value (get halved value when 30% or less) */
int64_t pattern_offset = search(data, dllSize, "\x66\x83\xF8\x01\x75\x5E\x66\xA1", 8, 0);
if (pattern_offset == -1) {
LOG("popnhax: iidx survival gauge: cannot find survival gauge update function\n");
return false;
uint64_t patch_addr = (int64_t)data + pattern_offset + 0x0C;
MH_CreateHook((LPVOID)(patch_addr), (LPVOID)hook_survival_iidx_apply_gauge,
(void **)&real_survival_iidx_apply_gauge);
if (!config.iidx_hard_gauge)
LOG("popnhax: survival_gauge debug: IIDX-like <=30%% adjustment\n");
return true;
bool patch_survival_spicy()
if (!find_and_patch_hex(g_game_dll_fn, "\xB9\x02\x00\x00\x00\x66\x89\x0C\x75", 9, 1, "\x00\x00\x00\x00", 4))
LOG("popnhax: spicy survival gauge: cannot patch gauge increment\n");
return false;
if (!config.iidx_hard_gauge)
LOG("popnhax: survival_gauge debug: spicy gauge\n");
return true;
void (*skip_convergence_value_get_score)();
void (*real_convergence_value_compute)();
void hook_convergence_value_compute()
__asm("push eax\n");
__asm("mov eax, dword ptr [eax]\n"); // music id (edi-0x38 or edi-0x34 depending on game)
__asm("cmp ax, 0xBB8\n"); // skip if music id is >= 3000 (cs_omni and user customs)
__asm("jae force_convergence_value\n");
__asm("pop eax\n");
__asm("jmp %0\n"::"m"(real_convergence_value_compute));
__asm("pop eax\n");
__asm("xor eax, eax\n");
__asm("jmp %0\n"::"m"(skip_convergence_value_get_score));
void (*skip_pp_list_elem)();
void (*real_pp_increment_compute)();
void hook_pp_increment_compute()
__asm("cmp ecx, 0xBB8\n"); // skip if music id is >= 3000 (cs_omni and user customs)
__asm("jb process_pp_elem\n");
__asm("jmp %0\n"::"m"(skip_pp_list_elem));
__asm("jmp %0\n"::"m"(real_pp_increment_compute));
static bool patch_db_fix_cursor(){
/* bypass song id sanitizer */
if (!find_and_patch_hex(g_game_dll_fn, "\x0F\xB7\x06\x66\x85\xC0\x7C\x1C", 8, -5, "\x90\x90\x90\x90\x90", 5))
LOG("popnhax: patch_db: cannot fix cursor\n");
return false;
/* skip 2nd check */
if (!find_and_patch_hex(g_game_dll_fn, "\x0F\xB7\x06\x66\x85\xC0\x7C\x1C", 8, 0x1A, "\xEB", 1))
LOG("popnhax: patch_db: cannot fix cursor (2)\n");
return false;
return true;
bool patch_db_power_points()
DWORD dllSize = 0;
char *data = getDllData(g_game_dll_fn, &dllSize);
int64_t child_fun_loc = 0;
int64_t offset = search(data, dllSize, "\x8D\x46\xFF\x83\xF8\x0A\x0F", 7, 0);
if (offset == -1) {
#if DEBUG == 1
LOG("popnhax: patch_db: failed to retrieve struct size and offset\n");
return false;
uint32_t child_fun_rel = *(uint32_t *) ((int64_t)data + offset - 0x04);
child_fun_loc = offset + child_fun_rel;
int64_t pattern_offset = search(data, 0x40, "\x8d\x74\x01", 3, child_fun_loc);
if (pattern_offset == -1) {
LOG("popnhax: patch_db: failed to retrieve offset from base\n");
g_pfree_song_offset = 0x54; // best effort
return false;
g_pfree_song_offset = *(uint8_t *) ((int64_t)data + pattern_offset + 0x03);
/* Adapt convergence value computation (skip cs_omni and customs) */
int64_t pattern_offset = search(data, dllSize, "\x84\xC0\x75\x11\x8D\x44\x24\x38", 8, 0);
if (pattern_offset == -1) {
LOG("popnhax: patch_db: cannot find convergence value computation\n");
return false;
uint64_t patch_addr = (int64_t)data + pattern_offset + 0x08;
skip_convergence_value_get_score = (void(*)()) (patch_addr + 0x05);
MH_CreateHook((LPVOID)(patch_addr), (LPVOID)hook_convergence_value_compute,
(void **)&real_convergence_value_compute);
/* skip cs_omni and customs in new stages pplist */
int64_t pattern_offset = search(data, dllSize, "\x8A\x1E\x6A\x00\x51\xE8", 6, 0);
if (pattern_offset == -1) {
LOG("popnhax: patch_db: cannot find pp increment computation\n");
return false;
uint64_t patch_addr = (int64_t)data + pattern_offset + 0x02;
MH_CreateHook((LPVOID)(patch_addr), (LPVOID)hook_pp_increment_compute,
(void **)&real_pp_increment_compute);
int64_t jump_addr_offset = search(data, dllSize, "\x8B\x54\x24\x5C\x0F\xB6\x42\x0E\x45", 9, 0);
if (jump_addr_offset == -1) {
LOG("popnhax: patch_db: cannot find pp increment computation next iter\n");
return false;
skip_pp_list_elem = (void(*)()) ((int64_t)data + jump_addr_offset);
return true;
static bool option_full()
/* patch default values in memory init function */
if (!find_and_patch_hex(g_game_dll_fn, "\x88\x48\x1A\x88\x48\x1B\x88\x48\x1C", 9, 0, "\xC7\x40\x1A\x00\x00\x01\x00\x90\x90", 9))
LOG("popnhax: cannot set full options by default\n");
return false;
LOG("popnhax: always display full options\n");
return true;
static bool option_guide_se_off(){
/* set guide SE OFF by default in all modes */
if (!find_and_patch_hex(g_game_dll_fn, "\xC6\x40\x24\x01\x88\x48\x25", 7, 3, "\x00", 1) /* unilab */
&& !find_and_patch_hex(g_game_dll_fn, "\x89\x48\x20\x88\x48\x24\xC3\xCC", 8, 3, "\xC6\x40\x24\x01\xC3", 5) ) /* usaneko-kaimei */
LOG("popnhax: guidese_off: cannot set guide SE off by default\n");
return false;
LOG("popnhax: guidese_off: Guide SE OFF by default\n");
return true;
static bool option_net_ojama_off(){
/* set netvs ojama OFF by default */
if (!find_and_patch_hex(g_game_dll_fn, "\xC6\x40\xFD\x00\xC6\x00\x01", 7, 6, "\x00", 1))
LOG("popnhax: netvs_off: cannot set net ojama off by default\n");
return false;
LOG("popnhax: netvs_off: net ojama OFF by default\n");
return true;
BOOL APIENTRY DllMain(HMODULE hModule, DWORD ul_reason_for_call, LPVOID lpReserved) {
switch (ul_reason_for_call) {
g_log_fp = fopen("popnhax.log", "w");
if (g_log_fp == NULL)
LOG("cannot open popnhax.log for write, output to stderr only\n");
LOG("== popnhax version " PROGRAM_VERSION " ==\n");
LOG("popnhax: Initializing\n");
if (MH_Initialize() != MH_OK) {
LOG("Failed to initialize minhook\n");
return TRUE;
bool force_trans_debug = false;
bool force_no_omni = false;
LPWSTR *szArglist;
int nArgs;
szArglist = CommandLineToArgvW(GetCommandLineW(), &nArgs);
if (szArglist == NULL) {
LOG("popnhax: Failed to get cmdline\n");
return 0;
for (int i = 0; i < nArgs; i++) {
/* game dll */
if ( wcsstr(szArglist[i], L".dll") != NULL && wcsstr(szArglist[i], L"popn2") == szArglist[i] )
char* resultStr = new char [wcslen(szArglist[i]) + 1];
wsprintfA ( resultStr, "%S", szArglist[i]);
g_game_dll_fn = strdup(resultStr);
/* config xml */
else if ( wcscmp(szArglist[i], L"--popnhax-config") == 0 )
char* resultStr = new char [wcslen(szArglist[i+1]) + 1];
wsprintfA ( resultStr, "%S", szArglist[i+1]);
g_config_fn = strdup(resultStr);
else if ( wcscmp(szArglist[i], L"--translation-debug") == 0 )
LOG("--translation-debug: turning on translation-related dumps\n");
force_trans_debug = true;
else if ( wcscmp(szArglist[i], L"--no-omni") == 0 )
LOG("--no-omni: force disable patch_db\n");
force_no_omni = true;
if (g_game_dll_fn == NULL)
g_game_dll_fn = strdup("popn22.dll");
if (g_config_fn == NULL)
/* if there's an xml named like the custom game dll, it takes priority */
char *tmp_name = strdup(g_game_dll_fn);
strcpy(tmp_name+strlen(tmp_name)-3, "xml");
if (access(tmp_name, F_OK) == 0)
g_config_fn = strdup(tmp_name);
g_config_fn = strdup("popnhax.xml");
LOG("popnhax: game dll: %s\n",g_game_dll_fn);
LOG("popnhax: config file: %s\n",g_config_fn);
if (!_load_config(g_config_fn, &config, config_psmap))
LOG("FATAL ERROR: Could not parse %s\n", g_config_fn);
return FALSE;
if (force_trans_debug)
config.translation_debug = true;
if (force_no_omni)
config.patch_db = false;
if (!config.disable_multiboot)
/* automatically force datecode based on dll name when applicable (e.g. popn22_2022061300.dll and no force_datecode) */
if ( (strlen(g_game_dll_fn) == 21)
&& (config.force_datecode[0] == '\0') )
LOG("popnhax: multiboot autotune activated (custom game dll, force_datecode off)\n");
memcpy(config.force_datecode, g_game_dll_fn+7, 10);
LOG("popnhax: multiboot: auto set datecode to %s\n", config.force_datecode);
if (config.score_challenge && ( strcmp(config.force_datecode,"2020092800") <= 0 ) )
LOG("popnhax: multiboot: auto disable score challenge patch (already ingame)\n");
config.score_challenge = false;
if (config.patch_db && ( strcmp(config.force_datecode,"2016121400") < 0 ) )
LOG("popnhax: multiboot: auto disable omnimix patch (not compatible)\n");
config.patch_db = false;
if (config.guidese_off && ( strcmp(config.force_datecode,"2016121400") < 0 ) )
LOG("popnhax: multiboot: auto disable Guide SE patch (not compatible)\n");
config.guidese_off = false;
if (config.force_datecode[0] != '\0')
if (strlen(config.force_datecode) != 10)
LOG("popnhax: force_datecode: Invalid datecode %s, should be 10 digits (e.g. 2022061300)\n", config.force_datecode);
/* look for possible translation patch folder ("_yyyymmddrr_tr" for multiboot, or simply "_translation") */
if (!config.disable_translation)
char translation_folder[16] = "";
char translation_path[64] = "";
/* parse */
if (config.force_datecode[0] != '\0')
sprintf(translation_folder, "_%s%s", config.force_datecode, "_tr");
sprintf(translation_path, "%s%s", "data_mods\\", translation_folder);
if (access(translation_path, F_OK) != 0)
translation_folder[0] = '\0';
if (translation_folder[0] == '\0')
sprintf(translation_folder, "%s", "_translation");
sprintf(translation_path, "%s%s", "data_mods\\", translation_folder);
if (access(translation_path, F_OK) != 0)
translation_folder[0] = '\0';
if (translation_folder[0] != '\0')
LOG("popnhax: translation: using folder \"%s\"\n", translation_folder);
patch_translate(g_game_dll_fn, translation_folder, config.translation_debug);
else if ( config.translation_debug )
DWORD dllSize = 0;
char *data = getDllData(g_game_dll_fn, &dllSize);
LOG("popnhax: translation debug: no translation applied, dump prepatched dll\n");
FILE* dllrtp = fopen("dllruntime_prepatched.dll", "wb");
fwrite(data, 1, dllSize, dllrtp);
if (config.practice_mode) {
if (config.audio_source_fix) {
if (config.unset_volume) {
if (config.pfree) {
g_pfree_mode = true; /* used by asm hook */
if (config.quick_retire) {
if (config.score_challenge) {
if (config.force_hd_timing) {
if (config.force_hd_resolution) {
if (config.iidx_hard_gauge){
if (config.survival_gauge || config.survival_spicy || config.survival_iidx)
LOG("popnhax: iidx_hard_gauge cannot be used when other survival options are already set\n");
config.iidx_hard_gauge = false;
config.survival_gauge = 3;
config.survival_spicy = true;
config.survival_iidx = true;
if (config.survival_gauge) {
bool res = true;
res &= patch_hard_gauge_survival(config.survival_gauge);
if (config.survival_spicy) {
res &= patch_survival_spicy();
if (config.survival_iidx) {
res &= patch_survival_iidx();
if (config.iidx_hard_gauge && res)
LOG("popnhax: iidx_hard_gauge: HARD gauge is now IIDX-like\n");
if (config.hidden_is_offset){
if (config.show_offset){
if (config.show_fast_slow){
if (config.show_details){
if (config.audio_offset){
if (config.keysound_offset)
LOG("popnhax: audio_offset cannot be used when keysound_offset is already set\n");
config.disable_keysounds = true;
config.keysound_offset = -1*config.audio_offset;
LOG("popnhax: audio_offset: disable keysounds then offset timing by %d ms\n", config.keysound_offset);
if (config.disable_keysounds){
if (config.keysound_offset){
/* must be called _after_ force_hd_timing */
if (config.beam_brightness){
/* must be called _after_ force_hd_resolution */
if (config.event_mode) {
if (config.remove_timer) {
if (config.freeze_timer) {
if (config.skip_tutorials) {
if (config.patch_db) {
LOG("popnhax: patching songdb\n");
/* must be called after force_datecode */
if (config.force_unlocks) {
if (!config.patch_db) {
/* Only unlock using these methods if it's not done directly through the database hooks */
if (config.force_full_opt)
if (config.netvs_off)
if (config.guidese_off)
if (config.fps_uncap)
if (config.enhanced_polling)
patch_enhanced_polling(config.debounce, config.enhanced_polling_stats);
if (config.enhanced_polling_stats)
if (config.hispeed_auto)
patch_hispeed_auto(config.hispeed_auto, config.hispeed_default_bpm);
#if DEBUG == 1
LOG("popnhax: done patching game, enjoy!\n");
if (g_log_fp != stderr)
return TRUE;