const fs = require("fs"); //This is adapted from //I'm personally not very good at data exploration. class Sample { constructor(data, offset, key_no) { const header = data.toString("ascii", offset, offset+4); offset += 4; const header_lead = data.readUInt32LE(offset); offset += 4; if (header !== "2DX9" || header_lead != 24) { throw "Invalid 2DX header."; } const size = data.readUInt32LE(offset); offset += 6; //Previously the keysound number was stored here. //In popn files this doesn't appear to be the case. //So we assume keysounds are sequential in these files. this.key_no = key_no; //These two bytes are set to 0000 on keysounds which are //used as background tracks. This keysound needs to be //identified as it should be at the start of the container. this.is_bg = data.toString("hex", offset, offset+2) == "0000"; offset += 2; //These values were for attenuation and loop point in SDVX 2dxs. //I have no clue how to make use of these. this.unk1 = data.readUInt16LE(offset); offset += 2; this.unk2 = data.readUInt16LE(offset); offset += 6; = data.slice(offset, offset+size); } } class Twodx { constructor(path) { this.path = path; = fs.readFileSync(path); this.offset = 0; ="ascii", 0, 16); this.offset += 16; this.header_len =; this.offset += 4; this.file_count =; this.offset += 52; const offsets = this.generateOffsets(); this.keysounds = this.generateSamples(offsets); } generateOffsets() { return [...Array(this.file_count).keys()].map((_) => { const ind =; this.offset += 4; return ind; }); } generateSamples(offsets) { const keysounds = []; for (let i = 0; i