2022-08-15 10:47:34 +07:00
import { Application } from "express" ;
import { Module } from "module" ;
import { prisma } from ".." ;
import { CarPathandTuning , GhostTrail } from "@prisma/client" ;
import Long from "long" ;
// Import Proto
import * as wm from "../wmmt/wm.proto" ;
import * as wmsrv from "../wmmt/service.proto" ;
// Import Util
import * as common from "../util/common" ;
import * as ghost_save_trail from "../util/games/ghost_save_trail" ;
import * as ghost_trail from "../util/games/ghost_trail" ;
export default class GhostModule extends Module {
register ( app : Application ) : void {
// Load Ghost Battle Info
app . post ( '/method/load_ghost_battle_info' , async ( req , res ) = > {
// ---For testing only---
let cars = await prisma . car . findMany ( {
where : {
OR : [
name : { startsWith : 'K I T S U ' }
} ,
name : { startsWith : 'きつ' }
} ,
] ,
} ,
include : {
gtWing : true
} ,
orderBy : {
carId : 'asc'
} ,
take : 10
} ) ;
for ( let i = 0 ; i < cars.length ; i + + )
// If regionId is 0 or not set, game will crash after defeating the ghost
if ( cars [ i ] . regionId === 0 )
let randomRegionId = Math . floor ( Math . random ( ) * 47 ) + 1 ;
cars [ i ] . regionId = randomRegionId ; // Change car region id to 1 (Hokkaido)
// ----------------------
// Response data
let msg = {
error : wm.wm.protobuf.ErrorCode.ERR_SUCCESS ,
stampSheetCount : 100 ,
history : cars || null ,
} ;
// Encode the response
let message = wm . wm . protobuf . LoadGhostBattleInfoResponse . encode ( msg ) ;
// Send the response to the client
common . sendResponse ( message , res ) ;
} )
// Load Stamp Target (Still not working)
app . post ( '/method/load_stamp_target' , async ( req , res ) = > {
// Get the request body for the load stamp target request
let body = wm . wm . protobuf . LoadStampTargetRequest . encode ( req . body ) ;
// TODO: Actual stamp stuff here
// This is literally just bare-bones
// Response data
let msg = {
error : wm.wm.protobuf.ErrorCode.ERR_SUCCESS ,
} ;
// Encode the response
let message = wm . wm . protobuf . LoadStampTargetResponse . encode ( msg ) ;
// Send the response to the client
common . sendResponse ( message , res ) ;
} )
// Ghost Mode - Search ghost car by level
app . post ( '/method/search_cars_by_level' , async ( req , res ) = > {
// Get the request body for the search cars by level request
let body = wm . wm . protobuf . SearchCarsByLevelRequest . decode ( req . body ) ;
// Find ghost car by selected level
let car = await prisma . car . findMany ( {
where : {
ghostLevel : body.ghostLevel
} ,
include : {
gtWing : true
} ) ;
// Randomizing the starting ramp and path based on selected area
let rampVal = 0 ;
let pathVal = 0 ;
if ( body . area === 0 ) { // GID_RUNAREA_C1
rampVal = Math . floor ( Math . random ( ) * 4 ) ;
pathVal = Math . floor ( Math . random ( ) * 10 ) ;
else if ( body . area === 1 ) { // GID_RUNAREA_RING
rampVal = Math . floor ( Math . random ( ) * 2 ) + 4 ;
pathVal = Math . floor ( Math . random ( ) * 6 ) + 10 ;
else if ( body . area === 2 ) { // GID_RUNAREA_SUBTOKYO_3_4
rampVal = Math . floor ( Math . random ( ) * 2 ) + 6 ;
pathVal = Math . floor ( Math . random ( ) * 2 ) + 16 ;
else if ( body . area === 3 ) { // GID_RUNAREA_SUBTOKYO_5
rampVal = Math . floor ( Math . random ( ) * 2 ) + 8 ;
pathVal = Math . floor ( Math . random ( ) * 2 ) + 18 ;
else if ( body . area === 4 ) { // GID_RUNAREA_WANGAN
rampVal = Math . floor ( Math . random ( ) * 4 ) + 10 ;
pathVal = Math . floor ( Math . random ( ) * 7 ) + 20 ;
else if ( body . area === 5 ) { // GID_RUNAREA_K1
rampVal = Math . floor ( Math . random ( ) * 4 ) + 14 ;
pathVal = Math . floor ( Math . random ( ) * 7 ) + 27 ;
else if ( body . area === 6 ) { // GID_RUNAREA_YAESU
rampVal = Math . floor ( Math . random ( ) * 3 ) + 18 ;
pathVal = Math . floor ( Math . random ( ) * 4 ) + 34 ;
else if ( body . area === 7 ) { // GID_RUNAREA_YOKOHAMA
rampVal = Math . floor ( Math . random ( ) * 4 ) + 21 ;
pathVal = Math . floor ( Math . random ( ) * 11 ) + 38 ;
else if ( body . area === 8 ) { // GID_RUNAREA_NAGOYA
rampVal = 25 ;
pathVal = 49 ;
else if ( body . area === 9 ) { // GID_RUNAREA_OSAKA
rampVal = 26 ;
pathVal = Math . floor ( Math . random ( ) * 4 ) + 50 ;
else if ( body . area === 10 ) { // GID_RUNAREA_KOBE
rampVal = Math . floor ( Math . random ( ) * 2 ) + 27 ;
pathVal = Math . floor ( Math . random ( ) * 2 ) + 54 ;
else if ( body . area === 11 ) { // GID_RUNAREA_FUKUOKA
rampVal = Math . floor ( Math . random ( ) * 4 ) + 29 ;
pathVal = Math . floor ( Math . random ( ) * 4 ) + 58 ;
else if ( body . area === 12 ) { // GID_RUNAREA_HAKONE
rampVal = Math . floor ( Math . random ( ) * 2 ) + 33 ;
pathVal = Math . floor ( Math . random ( ) * 2 ) + 62 ;
else if ( body . area === 13 ) { // GID_RUNAREA_TURNPIKE
rampVal = Math . floor ( Math . random ( ) * 2 ) + 35 ;
pathVal = Math . floor ( Math . random ( ) * 2 ) + 64 ;
//14 - 16 are dummy area, 17 is GID_RUNAREA_C1_CLOSED
else if ( body . area === 18 ) { // GID_RUNAREA_HIROSHIMA
rampVal = Math . floor ( Math . random ( ) * 2 ) + 37 ;
pathVal = Math . floor ( Math . random ( ) * 2 ) + 56 ;
// Empty list of ghost car records
let lists_ghostcar : wm.wm.protobuf.GhostCar [ ] = [ ] ;
let arr = [ ] ;
let maxNumber = 0 ;
// If all user car data available is more than 10 for certain level
if ( car . length > 10 ) {
maxNumber = 10 // Limit to 10 (game default)
// If no more than 10
else {
maxNumber = car . length ;
// Choose the user's car data randomly to appear
while ( arr . length < maxNumber ) {
// Pick random car Id
let randomNumber : number = Math . floor ( Math . random ( ) * car . length ) ;
if ( arr . indexOf ( randomNumber ) === - 1 ) {
// Push current number to array
arr . push ( randomNumber ) ;
// Check if ghost trail for certain car is available
let ghost_trails = await prisma . ghostTrail . findFirst ( {
where : {
carId : car [ randomNumber ] . carId ,
area : body.area ,
crownBattle : false
} ,
orderBy : {
playedAt : 'desc'
} ) ;
// If regionId is 0 or not set, game will crash after defeating the ghost
if ( car [ randomNumber ] ! . regionId === 0 )
let randomRegionId = Math . floor ( Math . random ( ) * 47 ) + 1 ;
car [ randomNumber ] . regionId = randomRegionId ; // Hokkaido
// Push user's car data without ghost trail
if ( ! ( ghost_trails ) ) {
lists_ghostcar . push ( wm . wm . protobuf . GhostCar . create ( {
car : car [ randomNumber ]
} ) ) ;
// Push user's car data with ghost trail
else {
// Set the tunePower used when playing certain area
car [ randomNumber ] . tunePower = ghost_trails ! . tunePower ;
// Set the tuneHandling used when playing certain area
car [ randomNumber ] . tuneHandling = ghost_trails ! . tuneHandling ;
// Push data to Ghost car proto
lists_ghostcar . push ( wm . wm . protobuf . GhostCar . create ( {
car : car [ randomNumber ] ,
nonhuman : false ,
type : wm . wm . protobuf . GhostType . GHOST_NORMAL ,
trailId : ghost_trails ! . dbId !
} ) ) ;
// Response data
let msg = {
error : wm.wm.protobuf.ErrorCode.ERR_SUCCESS ,
ramp : rampVal ,
path : pathVal ,
ghosts : lists_ghostcar ,
selectionMethod : Number ( wm . wm . protobuf . GhostSelectionMethod . GHOST_SELECT_BY_LEVEL )
} ;
// Encode the response
let message = wm . wm . protobuf . SearchCarsByLevelResponse . encode ( msg ) ;
// Send the response to the client
common . sendResponse ( message , res ) ;
} )
// Load Normal Ghost Trail data
app . post ( '/method/load_ghost_drive_data' , async ( req , res ) = > {
// Get the request body for the load ghost drive data request
let body = wm . wm . protobuf . LoadGhostDriveDataRequest . decode ( req . body ) ;
// Get the path value from request body
let path = body . path ;
// Empty list of ghost drive data records
let lists_ghostcar : wm.wm.protobuf.LoadGhostDriveDataResponse.GhostDriveData [ ] = [ ] ;
// Check how many opponent ghost data available (including user data)
for ( let i = 0 ; i < body.carTunings.length ; i + + ) {
// Check if opponent ghost have trail
let ghost_trails = await prisma . ghostTrail . findFirst ( {
where : {
carId : body.carTunings [ i ] . carId ! ,
path : body.path ,
} ,
orderBy : {
playedAt : 'desc'
} ) ;
// ---Get the user and opponent ghost trail data---
let ghostType : number = wm . wm . protobuf . GhostType . GHOST_NORMAL ;
let lists_binarydriveData ;
if ( ghost_trails ? . driveData !== null && ghost_trails ? . driveData !== undefined ) {
lists_binarydriveData = wm . wm . protobuf . BinaryData . create ( {
data : ghost_trails ! . driveData ! ,
mergeSerial : ghost_trails ! . driveDMergeSerial !
} ) ;
let lists_binaryByArea
if ( ghost_trails ? . trendBinaryByArea !== null && ghost_trails ? . trendBinaryByArea !== undefined ) {
lists_binaryByArea = wm . wm . protobuf . BinaryData . create ( {
data : ghost_trails ! . trendBinaryByArea ! ,
mergeSerial : ghost_trails ! . byAreaMergeSerial !
} ) ;
let lists_binaryByCar
if ( ghost_trails ? . trendBinaryByCar !== null && ghost_trails ? . trendBinaryByCar !== undefined ) {
lists_binaryByCar = wm . wm . protobuf . BinaryData . create ( {
data : ghost_trails ! . trendBinaryByCar ! ,
mergeSerial : ghost_trails ! . byCarMergeSerial !
} ) ;
let lists_binaryByUser
if ( ghost_trails ? . trendBinaryByUser !== null && ghost_trails ? . trendBinaryByUser !== undefined ) {
lists_binaryByUser = wm . wm . protobuf . BinaryData . create ( {
data : ghost_trails ! . trendBinaryByUser ! ,
mergeSerial : ghost_trails ! . byUserMergeSerial !
} ) ;
// ------------------------------------------------
// Push the data
lists_ghostcar . push ( wm . wm . protobuf . LoadGhostDriveDataResponse . GhostDriveData . create ( { // Push the data
carId : Number ( body . carTunings [ i ] . carId ! ) ,
type : ghostType ,
driveData : lists_binarydriveData || null ,
trendBinaryByArea : lists_binaryByArea || null ,
trendBinaryByCar : lists_binaryByCar || null ,
trendBinaryByUser : lists_binaryByUser || null ,
} ) ) ;
// Response data
let msg = {
error : wm.wm.protobuf.ErrorCode.ERR_SUCCESS ,
path : path ,
data : lists_ghostcar
} ;
// Encode the response
let message = wm . wm . protobuf . LoadGhostDriveDataResponse . encode ( msg ) ;
// Send the response to the client
common . sendResponse ( message , res ) ;
} )
// Saving the ghost trail on mileage screen
app . post ( '/method/register_ghost_trail' , async ( req , res ) = > {
// Get the request body for the register ghost trail request
let body = wm . wm . protobuf . RegisterGhostTrailRequest . decode ( req . body ) ;
// Get the session id
let actualSessionId : number = 0 ;
// If the session are set, and are long data
if ( Long . isLong ( body . ghostSessionId ) )
// Convert them to BigInt and add to the data
actualSessionId = common . getBigIntFromLong ( body . ghostSessionId ) ;
// OCM game mode session id
if ( actualSessionId > 100 && actualSessionId < 201 )
console . log ( 'OCM Ghost Battle Game found' ) ;
// User playing ocm battle game mode
await ghost_save_trail . saveOCMGhostTrail ( body ) ;
// Ghost Battle or Crown Ghost Battle game Mode session id
else if ( actualSessionId > 0 && actualSessionId < 101 )
// Check if it is crown ghost battle or not (crown ghost battle don't have time, driveData, trendBinaryByArea, trendBinaryByCar, trendBinaryByUser value from request body)
2022-08-16 15:38:05 +07:00
if ( ! ( body . trendBinaryByArea ) && ! ( body . trendBinaryByCar ) && ! ( body . trendBinaryByUser ) )
2022-08-15 10:47:34 +07:00
console . log ( 'Crown Ghost Battle Game found' ) ;
// User is playing crown ghost battle game mode
await ghost_save_trail . saveCrownGhostTrail ( body ) ;
console . log ( 'Normal Ghost Battle Game found' ) ;
// User is playing normal ghost battle game mode
await ghost_save_trail . saveNormalGhostTrail ( body ) ;
// Saving Ghost Path and Tuning
await ghost_save_trail . savePathAndTuning ( body ) ;
// Response data
let msg = {
error : wm.wm.protobuf.ErrorCode.ERR_SUCCESS
// Encode the response
let message = wm . wm . protobuf . RegisterGhostTrailResponse . encode ( msg ) ;
// Send the response to the client
common . sendResponse ( message , res ) ;
} )
// Load Crown Ghost Trail or Top 1 OCM Ghost Trail
app . get ( '/resource/ghost_trail' , async ( req , res ) = > {
// Get url query parameter [For Crown Ghost Battle]
let pCarId = Number ( req . query . car_id ) ;
let pArea = Number ( req . query . area ) ;
// Get url query parameter [For OCM Ghost Battle]
let pTrailId = Number ( req . query . trail_id ) || undefined ;
// Declare variable
let rampVal : number = 0 ;
let pathVal : number = 0 ;
let playedAt : number = 0 ;
let ghostTrail ;
// Query parameter from OCM Battle available
if ( pTrailId )
// Get the trail data
let ghost_trails = await ghost_trail . getOCMGhostTrail ( pCarId , pTrailId ) ;
pArea = ghost_trails . areaVal ;
rampVal = ghost_trails . rampVal ;
pathVal = ghost_trails . pathVal ;
playedAt = ghost_trails . playedAt ;
ghostTrail = ghost_trails . ghostTrail ;
// Query parameter from Crown Ghost Battle available
// Get the crown trail data
let ghost_trails = await ghost_trail . getCrownGhostTrail ( pCarId , pArea ) ;
rampVal = ghost_trails . rampVal ;
pathVal = ghost_trails . pathVal ;
playedAt = ghost_trails . playedAt ;
ghostTrail = ghost_trails . ghostTrail ;
// Response data
let msg = {
carId : pCarId ,
area : pArea ,
ramp : rampVal ,
path : pathVal ,
playedAt : playedAt ,
trail : ghostTrail
} ;
// Encode the response
let message = wm . wm . protobuf . GhostTrail . encode ( msg ) ;
// Send the response to the client
common . sendResponse ( message , res ) ;
} )
// Load ghost path and tunings per area
app . post ( '/method/load_paths_and_tunings' , async ( req , res ) = > {
// Get the request body for the load path and tunings request
let body = wm . wm . protobuf . LoadPathsAndTuningsRequest . decode ( req . body ) ;
// Empty list of car path and tuning records
let carTbyP : wm.wm.protobuf.LoadPathsAndTuningsResponse.CarTuningsByPath [ ] = [ ] ;
for ( let j = 0 ; j < 19 ; j + + )
// 14 - 16 are dummy area, 17 is C1 Closed
if ( j >= 14 ) {
let rampVal = 0 ;
let pathVal = 0 ;
if ( j === 0 ) { // GID_RUNAREA_C1
rampVal = Math . floor ( Math . random ( ) * 4 ) ;
pathVal = Math . floor ( Math . random ( ) * 10 ) ;
else if ( j === 1 ) { // GID_RUNAREA_RING
rampVal = Math . floor ( Math . random ( ) * 2 ) + 4 ;
pathVal = Math . floor ( Math . random ( ) * 6 ) + 10 ;
else if ( j === 2 ) { // GID_RUNAREA_SUBTOKYO_3_4
rampVal = Math . floor ( Math . random ( ) * 2 ) + 6 ;
pathVal = Math . floor ( Math . random ( ) * 2 ) + 16 ;
else if ( j === 3 ) { // GID_RUNAREA_SUBTOKYO_5
rampVal = Math . floor ( Math . random ( ) * 2 ) + 8 ;
pathVal = Math . floor ( Math . random ( ) * 2 ) + 18 ;
else if ( j === 4 ) { // GID_RUNAREA_WANGAN
rampVal = Math . floor ( Math . random ( ) * 4 ) + 10 ;
pathVal = Math . floor ( Math . random ( ) * 7 ) + 20 ;
else if ( j === 5 ) { // GID_RUNAREA_K1
rampVal = Math . floor ( Math . random ( ) * 4 ) + 14 ;
pathVal = Math . floor ( Math . random ( ) * 7 ) + 27 ;
else if ( j === 6 ) { // GID_RUNAREA_YAESU
rampVal = Math . floor ( Math . random ( ) * 3 ) + 18 ;
pathVal = Math . floor ( Math . random ( ) * 4 ) + 34 ;
else if ( j === 7 ) { // GID_RUNAREA_YOKOHAMA
rampVal = Math . floor ( Math . random ( ) * 4 ) + 21 ;
pathVal = Math . floor ( Math . random ( ) * 11 ) + 38 ;
else if ( j === 8 ) { // GID_RUNAREA_NAGOYA
rampVal = 25 ;
pathVal = 49 ;
else if ( j === 9 ) { // GID_RUNAREA_OSAKA
rampVal = 26 ;
pathVal = Math . floor ( Math . random ( ) * 4 ) + 50 ;
else if ( j === 10 ) { // GID_RUNAREA_KOBE
rampVal = Math . floor ( Math . random ( ) * 2 ) + 27 ;
pathVal = Math . floor ( Math . random ( ) * 2 ) + 54 ;
else if ( j === 11 ) { // GID_RUNAREA_FUKUOKA
rampVal = Math . floor ( Math . random ( ) * 4 ) + 29 ;
pathVal = Math . floor ( Math . random ( ) * 4 ) + 58 ;
else if ( j === 12 ) { // GID_RUNAREA_HAKONE
rampVal = Math . floor ( Math . random ( ) * 2 ) + 33 ;
pathVal = Math . floor ( Math . random ( ) * 2 ) + 62 ;
else if ( j === 13 ) { // GID_RUNAREA_TURNPIKE
rampVal = Math . floor ( Math . random ( ) * 2 ) + 35 ;
pathVal = Math . floor ( Math . random ( ) * 2 ) + 64 ;
//14 - 16 are dummy area, 17 is GID_RUNAREA_C1_CLOSED
else if ( j === 18 ) { // GID_RUNAREA_HIROSHIMA
rampVal = Math . floor ( Math . random ( ) * 2 ) + 37 ;
pathVal = Math . floor ( Math . random ( ) * 2 ) + 56 ;
// Empty list of car tuning records
let carTuning : wm.wm.protobuf.CarTuning [ ] = [ ] ;
let pathAndTuning : CarPathandTuning | null ;
// Loop to how many opponent ghost selected by user
for ( let i = 0 ; i < body.selectedCars.length ; i + + )
// Get path and tuning per area
pathAndTuning = await prisma . carPathandTuning . findFirst ( {
where : {
carId : body.selectedCars [ i ] ,
area : j
} ,
orderBy : {
area : 'asc'
} ) ;
// Opponent ghost have path and tuning record for certain area
if ( pathAndTuning )
// Push the data
carTuning . push ( wm . wm . protobuf . CarTuning . create ( {
carId : body.selectedCars [ i ] ,
tunePower : pathAndTuning ! . tunePower ,
tuneHandling : pathAndTuning ! . tuneHandling ,
lastPlayedAt : pathAndTuning ! . lastPlayedAt
} ) ) ;
// Opponent ghost doesn't have path and tuning record for certain area
// Get user's car last used tunePower and tuneHandling
let car = await prisma . car . findFirst ( {
where : {
carId : body.carId
} ,
select : {
tunePower : true ,
tuneHandling : true
} ) ;
// Push the data
carTuning . push ( wm . wm . protobuf . CarTuning . create ( {
carId : body.selectedCars [ i ] ,
// Set the tunePower used when last played the game
tunePower : car ! . tunePower ,
// Set the tuneHandling used when last played the game
tuneHandling : car ! . tuneHandling
} ) ) ;
// Push the data
carTbyP . push ( wm . wm . protobuf . LoadPathsAndTuningsResponse . CarTuningsByPath . create ( {
area : j ,
ramp : rampVal ,
path : pathVal ,
carTunings : carTuning ,
selectionMethod : wm.wm.protobuf.PathSelectionMethod.PATH_NORMAL // idk what this is
} ) ) ;
// Response data
let msg = {
error : wm.wm.protobuf.ErrorCode.ERR_SUCCESS ,
data : carTbyP
} ;
// Encode the response
let message = wm . wm . protobuf . LoadPathsAndTuningsResponse . encode ( msg ) ;
// Send the response to the client
common . sendResponse ( message , res ) ;
} )
// idk what this is this for
app . post ( '/method/lock_crown' , ( req , res ) = > {
// Response data
let msg = {
error : wmsrv.wm.protobuf.ErrorCode.ERR_SUCCESS ,
} ;
// Encode the response
let message = wmsrv . wm . protobuf . LockCrownResponse . encode ( msg ) ;
// Send the response to the client
common . sendResponse ( message , res ) ;
} )