import { Application } from "express"; import { Module } from "module"; import { prisma } from ".."; import { Config } from "../config"; // Import Proto import * as wm from "../wmmt/wm.proto"; // Import Util import * as common from "./util/common"; import * as ghost_ocm from "./ghost/ghost_ocm"; import * as ghost_ocm_area from "./ghost/ghost_util/ghost_ocm_area"; export default class GhostModule extends Module { register(app: Application): void { // Get OCM Battle event info'/method/load_ghost_competition_info', async (req, res) => { // Get the request body for the load stamp target request let body = wm.wm.protobuf.LoadGhostCompetitionInfoRequest.decode(req.body); // Get current date let date = Math.floor(new Date().getTime() / 1000); // Get currently active OCM event (query still not complete) let ocmEventDate = await prisma.oCMEvent.findFirst({ where: { // qualifyingPeriodStartAt is less than current date qualifyingPeriodStartAt: { lte: date }, // competitionEndAt is greater than current date competitionEndAt: { gte: date }, }, orderBy:{ competitionId: 'desc' } }); let msg: any; if(ocmEventDate) { // Check OCM Period let ocmPeriodCount = await prisma.oCMPeriod.count({ where:{ competitionId: ocmEventDate.competitionId } }); if(ocmPeriodCount === 0) { console.log('Calculating how many period(s) are available'); let competitionPeriodStartTimestamp = ocmEventDate.competitionStartAt; let competitionPeriodEndTimeStamp = 0; let period = 1; // Count how many period while(competitionPeriodStartTimestamp < ocmEventDate.competitionCloseAt) { // Count period closing timestamp competitionPeriodEndTimeStamp = competitionPeriodStartTimestamp + ocmEventDate.lengthOfPeriod; // competitionPeriodEndTimeStamp is more than competitionCloseAt if(competitionPeriodEndTimeStamp > ocmEventDate.competitionCloseAt) { competitionPeriodEndTimeStamp = ocmEventDate.competitionCloseAt; } // Insert to table await prisma.oCMPeriod.create({ data:{ competitionDbId: ocmEventDate.dbId, competitionId: ocmEventDate.competitionId, periodId: period, startAt: competitionPeriodStartTimestamp, closeAt: competitionPeriodEndTimeStamp } }); period++; competitionPeriodStartTimestamp = competitionPeriodEndTimeStamp + ocmEventDate.lengthOfInterval; } // Check the gap between quali close and main draw start timestamp let checkQualiMainGap = ocmEventDate.competitionStartAt - ocmEventDate.qualifyingPeriodCloseAt; if(checkQualiMainGap < 3600) { let changeTime = ocmEventDate.competitionStartAt - 3600; await prisma.oCMEvent.update({ where:{ dbId: ocmEventDate.dbId }, data:{ qualifyingPeriodCloseAt: changeTime } }) } console.log('Calculating Period Completed!'); } // Current date is OCM main draw if(ocmEventDate!.competitionStartAt < date && ocmEventDate!.competitionCloseAt > date) { console.log('Current OCM Day : Competition Day / Main Draw'); // Get Current OCM Period let OCMCurrentPeriod = await prisma.oCMPeriod.findFirst({ where: { competitionDbId: ocmEventDate!.dbId, competitionId: ocmEventDate!.competitionId, startAt: { lte: date, // competitionStartAt is less than current date }, closeAt: { gte: date, // competitionCloseAt is greater than current date } } }); if(OCMCurrentPeriod) { // Get OCM Tally Count let OCMTallyCount = await prisma.oCMTally.count({ where: { competitionId: OCMCurrentPeriod.competitionId, periodId: OCMCurrentPeriod.periodId }, orderBy:{ periodId: 'desc' } }); // If not yet tallying if(OCMTallyCount === 0) { await ghost_ocm.ocmTallying(body, OCMCurrentPeriod.periodId, false); // Completed console.log('Tally Completed!'); } // Get Competition Day Event Data for the car let ocmCompetitionDay = await ghost_ocm.ocmCompetitionDay(body, OCMCurrentPeriod!.competitionId, OCMCurrentPeriod!.periodId); // Response Data msg = ocmCompetitionDay.msg; } else { // Response data msg = { error: wm.wm.protobuf.ErrorCode.ERR_SUCCESS, closed: true, qualified: false, // if this set to false, user cannot enter OCM Battle game mode }; } } // Current date is OCM qualifying day else if(ocmEventDate!.qualifyingPeriodStartAt < date && ocmEventDate!.qualifyingPeriodCloseAt > date) { console.log('Current OCM Day : Qualifying Day'); // Get Competition Day Event Data for the car let ocmCompetitionDay = await ghost_ocm.ocmQualifyingDay(body, ocmEventDate.competitionId); // Response Data msg = ocmCompetitionDay.msg; } // OCM has ended else if(ocmEventDate!.competitionCloseAt < date && ocmEventDate!.competitionEndAt > date) { console.log('Current OCM Day : OCM has Ended'); // Tallying // Get Current OCM Period let OCMCurrentPeriod = await prisma.oCMPeriod.findFirst({ where: { competitionId: ocmEventDate!.competitionId }, orderBy: { periodId: 'desc' } }); if(OCMCurrentPeriod) { // Get OCM Tally Count let OCMTallyCount = await prisma.oCMTally.count({ where: { competitionId: OCMCurrentPeriod.competitionId, periodId: 999999999 }, orderBy:{ periodId: 'desc' } }); // If not yet tallying if(OCMTallyCount === 0) { console.log('Tallying'); await ghost_ocm.ocmTallying(body, OCMCurrentPeriod.periodId, true); // Completed console.log('Last Tally Completed!'); } // Checking if nameplate reward is given let checkOneParticipant = await prisma.oCMPlayRecord.findFirst({ orderBy:{ dbId: 'desc' } }); if(checkOneParticipant) { let itemId = 0; // 16th - C1 Outbound if(ocmEventDate.competitionId === 1) { itemId = 204; } // 17th - Osaka else if(ocmEventDate.competitionId === 2) { itemId = 210; } // 18th - Fukuoka else if(ocmEventDate.competitionId === 3) { itemId = 216; } // 19th - Nagoya else if(ocmEventDate.competitionId === 4) { itemId = 222; } // 6th - C1 Inbound else if(ocmEventDate.competitionId === 5) { itemId = 35; } // 20th - Kobe else if(ocmEventDate.competitionId === 6) { itemId = 228; } // 7th - Fukutoshin else if(ocmEventDate.competitionId === 7) { itemId = 41; } // 21st - Hiroshima else if(ocmEventDate.competitionId === 8) { itemId = 234; } // 8th - Hakone else if(ocmEventDate.competitionId === 9) { itemId = 47; } // 1st - C1 Outbound else if(ocmEventDate.competitionId === 10) { itemId = 5; } // 2nd - Osaka else if(ocmEventDate.competitionId === 11) { itemId = 11; } // 3rd - Fukuoka else if(ocmEventDate.competitionId === 12) { itemId = 17; } // 4th - Nagoya else if(ocmEventDate.competitionId === 13) { itemId = 23; } // 5th - Yaesu else if(ocmEventDate.competitionId === 14) { itemId = 29; } // 9th - Hakone (Mt. Taikan) else if(ocmEventDate.competitionId === 15) { itemId = 53; } // 10th - Sub-center(Shibuya/Shinjuku) else if(ocmEventDate.competitionId === 16) { itemId = 93; } // 11th - Sub-center(Ikebukuro) else if(ocmEventDate.competitionId === 17) { itemId = 99; } // 12th - Kobe else if(ocmEventDate.competitionId === 18) { itemId = 105; } // 13th - New Belt Line else if(ocmEventDate.competitionId === 19) { itemId = 141; } // 14th - Yokohama else if(ocmEventDate.competitionId === 20) { itemId = 147; } // 15th - Hiroshima else if(ocmEventDate.competitionId === 21) { itemId = 153; } let checkNameplate = await prisma.carItem.count({ where:{ carId: checkOneParticipant.carId, category: 17, itemId: itemId }, orderBy:{ itemId: 'desc' } }); if(checkNameplate === 0) { await ghost_ocm.ocmGiveNamePlateReward(ocmEventDate.competitionId); } // else{} nameplate reward already given } } // Response data msg = { error: wm.wm.protobuf.ErrorCode.ERR_SUCCESS, closed: true }; } else { // Response data msg = { error: wm.wm.protobuf.ErrorCode.ERR_SUCCESS, closed: true }; } } // No OCM Event else{ msg = { error: wm.wm.protobuf.ErrorCode.ERR_SUCCESS, closed: true }; } // Encode the response let message = wm.wm.protobuf.LoadGhostCompetitionInfoResponse.encode(msg); // Send the response to the client common.sendResponse(message, res, req.rawHeaders); }) // Get the Top 1 OCM Ghost for qualifying day and competition day (this still not completed) app.get('/resource/ghost_competition_target', async (req, res) => { // Get url query parameter (competition_id) let competition_id = Number(req.query.competition_id); // Calling OCM Area function (BASE_PATH/src/util/games/games_util/ghost_ocm.ts) let OCMArea = await ghost_ocm_area.OCMArea(competition_id); // Set the value from OCMArea let areaVal: number = OCMArea.areaVal; let rampVal: number = OCMArea.rampVal; let pathVal: number = OCMArea.pathVal; // Get url query parameter (period_id) let period_id = Number(req.query.period_id); // Get current date let date = Math.floor(new Date().getTime() / 1000); // Get currently active OCM event let ocmEventDate = await prisma.oCMEvent.findFirst({ where: { // qualifyingPeriodStartAt is less than current date qualifyingPeriodStartAt: { lte: date }, // competitionEndAt is greater than current date competitionEndAt: { gte: date }, }, orderBy:{ competitionId: 'desc' } }); if(!(ocmEventDate)) { ocmEventDate = await prisma.oCMEvent.findFirst({ orderBy:{ competitionId: 'desc' }, }); } // Declare variable for Top 1 OCM Ghost let ghostCars: wm.wm.protobuf.GhostCar; let ghostTypes; let cars: wm.wm.protobuf.ICar | null; let playedPlace = wm.wm.protobuf.Place.create({ placeId: Config.getConfig().placeId, regionId: Config.getConfig().regionId, shopName: Config.getConfig().shopName, country: Config.getConfig().country }); let competitionSchedule; // Get default trail id let ghostTrailId = 0; // Current date is OCM main draw if(ocmEventDate!.competitionStartAt < date && ocmEventDate!.competitionCloseAt > date) { console.log('OCM Competition Day / Main Draw'); // Get Top 1 qualifying car data let ocmTallyRecord = await prisma.oCMTop1Ghost.findFirst({ where:{ competitionId: competition_id, periodId: period_id }, orderBy:{ result: 'desc' }, }); // Get Top 1 qualifying ghost trail id let checkGhostTrail = await prisma.oCMTop1GhostTrail.findFirst({ where:{ carId: ocmTallyRecord!.carId, competitionId: ocmEventDate!.competitionId, periodId: period_id, }, orderBy:{ playedAt: 'desc' }, }); // Top 1 OCM Ghost trail data available if(checkGhostTrail) { // Get the Top 1 OCM car data cars = await{ where:{ carId: checkGhostTrail!.carId }, include:{ gtWing: true, lastPlayedPlace: true } }); // Set the tunePower used when playing ghost crown cars!.tunePower = ocmTallyRecord!.tunePower; // Set the tuneHandling used when playing ghost crown cars!.tuneHandling = ocmTallyRecord!.tuneHandling; // Set Ghost stuff Value cars!.lastPlayedAt = checkGhostTrail.playedAt ghostTrailId = checkGhostTrail.dbId!; areaVal = Number(checkGhostTrail.area); rampVal = Number(checkGhostTrail.ramp); pathVal = Number(checkGhostTrail.path); ghostTypes = wm.wm.protobuf.GhostType.GHOST_NORMAL; } } // Current date is OCM qualifying day else if(ocmEventDate!.qualifyingPeriodStartAt < date && ocmEventDate!.qualifyingPeriodCloseAt > date) { console.log('OCM Qualifying Day'); // Get the default ghost trail let checkGhostTrail = await prisma.oCMTop1GhostTrail.findFirst({ where:{ carId: 999999999, competitionId: ocmEventDate!.competitionId, periodId: 0, }, orderBy:{ playedAt: 'desc' } }); // Generate default S660 car data cars = wm.wm.protobuf.Car.create({ carId: 999999999, // Don't change this name: 'S660', regionId: 18, // IDN (福井) manufacturer: 12, // HONDA model: 105, // S660 [JW5] visualModel: 130, // S660 [JW5] defaultColor: 0, customColor: 0, wheel: 20, wheelColor: 0, aero: 0, bonnet: 0, wing: 0, mirror: 0, neon: 0, trunk: 0, plate: 0, plateColor: 0, plateNumber: 0, tunePower: checkGhostTrail!.tunePower, tuneHandling: checkGhostTrail!.tuneHandling, rivalMarker: 32, aura: 551, windowSticker: true, windowStickerString: 'BAYSHORE', windowStickerFont: 0, title: 'Don\'t have S660?', level: 65, // SSSSS lastPlayedAt: checkGhostTrail!.playedAt, country: 'IDN', lastPlayedPlace: playedPlace }); // Set Ghost stuff Value ghostTrailId = checkGhostTrail!.dbId; areaVal = Number(checkGhostTrail!.area); rampVal = Number(checkGhostTrail!.ramp); pathVal = Number(checkGhostTrail!.path); ghostTypes = wm.wm.protobuf.GhostType.GHOST_NORMAL; } else if(ocmEventDate!.competitionCloseAt < date && ocmEventDate!.competitionEndAt > date) { // TODO: Actual stuff here // This is literally just bare-bones so the shit boots } else { console.log('OCM has ended'); // Get Top 1 qualifying car data let ocmTallyRecord = await prisma.oCMTop1Ghost.findFirst({ where:{ competitionId: competition_id, periodId: 999999999 }, orderBy:{ result: 'desc' }, }); // Get Top 1 qualifying ghost trail id let checkGhostTrail = await prisma.oCMTop1GhostTrail.findFirst({ where:{ competitionId: competition_id, periodId: 999999999, }, orderBy:{ playedAt: 'desc' }, }); // Top 1 OCM Ghost trail data available if(checkGhostTrail) { // Get the Top 1 OCM car data cars = await{ where:{ carId: checkGhostTrail!.carId }, include:{ gtWing: true, lastPlayedPlace: true } }); // Set the tunePower used when playing ghost crown cars!.tunePower = ocmTallyRecord!.tunePower; // Set the tuneHandling used when playing ghost crown cars!.tuneHandling = ocmTallyRecord!.tuneHandling; // Set Ghost stuff Value cars!.lastPlayedAt = checkGhostTrail.playedAt ghostTrailId = checkGhostTrail.dbId!; ghostTypes = wm.wm.protobuf.GhostType.GHOST_NORMAL; let checkShopName = await prisma.oCMGhostBattleRecord.findFirst({ where:{ carId: checkGhostTrail!.carId, competitionId: competition_id }, select:{ playedShopName: true } }) if(checkShopName) { cars!.lastPlayedPlace!.shopName = checkShopName.playedShopName; } let ocmEventDate = await prisma.oCMEvent.findFirst({ where:{ competitionId: competition_id } }); if(ocmEventDate) { // Creating GhostCompetitionSchedule competitionSchedule = wm.wm.protobuf.GhostCompetitionSchedule.create({ // OCM Competition ID (1 = C1 (Round 16), 4 = Nagoya (Round 19), 8 = Hiroshima (Round 21)) competitionId: ocmEventDate.competitionId, // OCM Qualifying Start Timestamp qualifyingPeriodStartAt: ocmEventDate.qualifyingPeriodStartAt, // OCM Qualifying Close Timestamp qualifyingPeriodCloseAt: ocmEventDate.qualifyingPeriodCloseAt, // OCM Competition (Main Draw) Start Timestamp competitionStartAt: ocmEventDate.competitionStartAt, // OCM Competition (Main Draw) Close Timestamp competitionCloseAt: ocmEventDate.competitionCloseAt, // OCM Competition (Main Draw) End Timestamp competitionEndAt: ocmEventDate.competitionEndAt, // idk what this is lengthOfPeriod: ocmEventDate.lengthOfPeriod, // idk what this is lengthOfInterval: ocmEventDate.lengthOfInterval, // Area for the event (GID_RUNAREA_*, 8 is GID_RUNAREA_NAGOYA) area: ocmEventDate.area, // idk what this is minigamePatternId: ocmEventDate.minigamePatternId }); } } } // Push the Top 1 OCM ghost car data ghostCars = wm.wm.protobuf.GhostCar.create({ car: cars!, area: areaVal, ramp: rampVal, path: pathVal, nonhuman: false, type: ghostTypes, trailId: ghostTrailId, }); // Response data let msg = { error: wm.wm.protobuf.ErrorCode.ERR_SUCCESS, competitionId: competition_id, specialGhostId: competition_id, ghostCar: ghostCars, trailId: ghostTrailId, updatedAt: date, competitionSchedule: competitionSchedule || null }; // Encode the response let message = wm.wm.protobuf.GhostCompetitionTarget.encode(msg); // Send the response to the client common.sendResponse(message, res, req.rawHeaders); }) } }