import { Application } from "express"; import { Module } from "../module"; import * as wm from "../wmmt/wm.proto"; import * as svc from "../wmmt/service.proto"; import { prisma } from ".."; import { User } from "@prisma/client"; import { Config } from "../config"; export default class GameModule extends Module { register(app: Application): void {'/method/save_game_result', async (req, res) => { let body = wm.wm.protobuf.SaveGameResultRequest.decode(req.body); let car = await{ where: { carId: body.carId } }); switch (body.gameMode) { case wm.wm.protobuf.GameMode.MODE_STORY: { let maxConsecutiveWins = car!.stConsecutiveWinsMax; if (maxConsecutiveWins > body.stResult!.stConsecutiveWins!) { maxConsecutiveWins = body.stResult!.stConsecutiveWins!; } await{ where: { carId: body.carId, }, data: { title:!.title!, level:!.level!, tunePower:!.tunePower!, tuneHandling:!.tuneHandling!, stClearBits: body.stResult!.stClearBits!, tuningPoints: body.stResult!.tuningPoint!, stPlayCount: body.stResult!.stPlayCount, stClearCount: body.stResult!.stClearCount!, stClearDivCount: body.stResult!.stClearDivCount!, stCompleted100Episodes: body.stResult!.stCompleted_100Episodes!, stConsecutiveWins: body.stResult!.stConsecutiveWins!, stConsecutiveWinsMax: maxConsecutiveWins, odometer: body.odometer, playCount: body.playCount } }) break; } case wm.wm.protobuf.GameMode.MODE_TIME_ATTACK: { if (!body.retired && !body.timeup) { let currentRecord = await prisma.timeAttackRecord.findFirst({ where: { carId: body.carId, model:!.model!, } }); // Make sure we don't save a worse record! if (currentRecord && body.taResult!.time > currentRecord.time) break; if (!currentRecord) { console.log('Creating new time attack record'); await prisma.timeAttackRecord.create({ data: { carId: body.carId, model:!.model!, time: body.taResult!.time, isMorning: body.taResult!.isMorning, course: body.taResult!.course, section1Time: body!.taResult!.section_1Time, section2Time: body!.taResult!.section_2Time, section3Time: body!.taResult!.section_3Time, section4Time: body!.taResult!.section_4Time, section5Time: body!.taResult!.section_5Time, section6Time: body!.taResult!.section_6Time, section7Time: body!.taResult!.section_7Time, } }); break; } console.log('Updating time attack record...') await prisma.timeAttackRecord.update({ where: { // Could be null - if it is null, this will insert. dbId: currentRecord!.dbId }, data: { time: body.taResult!.time, section1Time: body!.taResult!.section_1Time, section2Time: body!.taResult!.section_2Time, section3Time: body!.taResult!.section_3Time, section4Time: body!.taResult!.section_4Time, section5Time: body!.taResult!.section_5Time, section6Time: body!.taResult!.section_6Time, section7Time: body!.taResult!.section_7Time, } }); } break; } } await prisma.carSettings.update({ where: { dbId: car!.carSettingsDbId }, data: { ...body.setting } }); let user = await prisma.user.findFirst({ where: { id:!.userId! } }); let storedTutorials = user!.tutorials; body.confirmedTutorials.forEach( (idx) => storedTutorials[idx] = true ); await prisma.user.update({ where: { id:!.userId! }, data: { tutorials: storedTutorials } }); let msg = { error: wm.wm.protobuf.ErrorCode.ERR_SUCCESS, } let resp = wm.wm.protobuf.SaveGameResultResponse.encode(msg); let end = resp.finish(); let r = res .header('Server', 'v388 wangan') .header('Content-Type', 'application/x-protobuf; revision=8053') .header('Content-Length', end.length.toString()) .status(200); r.send(Buffer.from(end)); })'/method/load_user', async (req, res) => { let body = wm.wm.protobuf.LoadUserRequest.decode(req.body); let user = await prisma.user.findFirst({ where: { chipId: body.cardChipId, accessCode: body.accessCode }, include: { cars: { include: { state: true, } }, unusedTickets: true } }); if (!user) { console.log('no such user'); let msg = { error: wm.wm.protobuf.ErrorCode.ERR_SUCCESS, numOfOwnedCars: 0, cars: [], spappState: wm.wm.protobuf.SmartphoneAppState.SPAPP_UNREGISTERED, transferState: wm.wm.protobuf.TransferState.NOT_REGISTERED }; let user = await prisma.user.create({ data: { chipId: body.cardChipId, accessCode: body.accessCode, tutorials: [ false, //TUTORIAL_ID_STORY false, //TUTORIAL_ID_TIME_ATTACK false, //TUTORIAL_ID_GHOST false, //TUTORIAL_ID_GHOST_CHALLENGE false, //TUTORIAL_ID_GHOST_LEVEL false, //TUTORIAL_ID_UNUSED_5 false, //TUTORIAL_ID_GHOST_SEARCH false, //TUTORIAL_ID_GHOST_COMPETITION false, //TUTORIAL_ID_HP600_CARD false, //TUTORIAL_ID_UNUSED_9 false, //TUTORIAL_ID_COMPETITION_QUALIFIED false, //TUTORIAL_ID_COMPETITION_TERMINAL false, //TUTORIAL_ID_COMPETITION_NOTICE false, //TUTORIAL_ID_COMPETITION_FINISHED false, //TUTORIAL_ID_UNUSED_14 false, //TUTORIAL_ID_UNUSED_15 false, //TUTORIAL_ID_UNUSED_16 false, //TUTORIAL_ID_UNUSED_17 false, //TUTORIAL_ID_UNUSED_18 false, //TUTORIAL_ID_UNUSED_19 false, //TUTORIAL_ID_GHOST_STAMP false, //TUTORIAL_ID_GHOST_STAMP_DECLINED false, //TUTORIAL_ID_GHOST_STAMP_FRIENDS false, //TUTORIAL_ID_TERMINAL_SCRATCH false, //TUTORIAL_ID_TURN_SCRATCH_SHEET false, //TUTORIAL_ID_INVITE_FRIEND_CAMPAIGN false, //TUTORIAL_ID_CAR_COUPON_FULL_TUNED_RECEIVABLE false, //TUTORIAL_ID_VS_CONTINUE_TICKET false, //TUTORIAL_ID_UNUSED_28 false, //TUTORIAL_ID_UNUSED_29 false, //TUTORIAL_ID_UNUSED_30 false, //TUTORIAL_ID_DRESS_UP false, //TUTORIAL_ID_MULTI_GHOST true, //TUTORIAL_ID_STORY_NEW_FEATURE true, //TUTORIAL_ID_GHOST_NEW_FEATURE true, //TUTORIAL_ID_GHOST_REGION_MAP ], } }); console.log('user made') if (!user) { msg.error = wm.wm.protobuf.ErrorCode.ERR_REQUEST; } let ftTicketGrant = Config.getConfig().gameOptions.grantFullTuneTicketToNewUsers; if (ftTicketGrant > 0) { console.log(`Granting Full-Tune Ticket x${ftTicketGrant} to new user...`); for (let i=0; i e.state); let tickets = user! => { return { itemId: x.itemId, userItemId: x.dbId, category: x.category } }); let msg = { error: wm.wm.protobuf.ErrorCode.ERR_SUCCESS, numOfOwnedCars:, spappState: wm.wm.protobuf.SmartphoneAppState.SPAPP_UNREGISTERED, transferState: wm.wm.protobuf.TransferState.TRANSFERRED, carStates, cars:, userId:, banapassportAmId: 1, mbId: 1, tutorials: user.tutorials, unusedCarTickets: tickets, } if (user.userBanned) { msg.error = wm.wm.protobuf.ErrorCode.ERR_ID_BANNED; } let resp = wm.wm.protobuf.LoadUserResponse.encode(msg); let end = resp.finish(); let r = res .header('Server', 'v388 wangan') .header('Content-Type', 'application/x-protobuf; revision=8053') .header('Content-Length', end.length.toString()) .status(200); r.send(Buffer.from(end)); })'/method/load_drive_information', async (req, res) => { let body = wm.wm.protobuf.LoadDriveInformationRequest.decode(req.body); let user = await prisma.user.findFirst({ where: { id: body.userId, }, include: { unusedTickets: true, } }); let tickets = user! => { return { itemId: x.itemId, userItemId: x.dbId, category: x.category } }); let msg = { error: wm.wm.protobuf.ErrorCode.ERR_SUCCESS, noticeWindow: [], noticeWindowMessage: [], transferNotice: { needToSeeTransferred: false, totalMaxiGold: 0, numOfPorscheCars: 0, porscheModels: [], hasR35: false, }, restrictedModels: [], announceFeature: false, announceMobile: false, availableTickets: tickets, } let resp = wm.wm.protobuf.LoadDriveInformationResponse.encode(msg); let end = resp.finish(); let r = res .header('Server', 'v388 wangan') .header('Content-Type', 'application/x-protobuf; revision=8053') .header('Content-Length', end.length.toString()) .status(200); r.send(Buffer.from(end)); })'/method/load_time_attack_record', async (req, res) => { let body = wm.wm.protobuf.LoadTimeAttackRecordRequest.decode(req.body); let taRecordsForModel = await prisma.timeAttackRecord.findMany({ take: 100, where: { model: body.model, course: body.course }, orderBy: { time: 'asc' } }); let taRecordsOverall = await prisma.timeAttackRecord.findMany({ take: 100, where: { course: body.course }, orderBy: { time: 'asc' } }); let taRecordPb = await prisma.timeAttackRecord.findFirst({ where: { carId: body.carId, course: body.course }, orderBy: { time: 'asc' } }); if (!taRecordPb) { let msg = { error: wm.wm.protobuf.ErrorCode.ERR_SUCCESS, wholeRanking: => a.time), modelRanking: => a.time) }; let resp = wm.wm.protobuf.LoadTimeAttackRecordResponse.encode(msg); let end = resp.finish(); let r = res .header('Server', 'v388 wangan') .header('Content-Type', 'application/x-protobuf; revision=8053') .header('Content-Length', end.length.toString()) .status(200); r.send(Buffer.from(end)); return; } let msg = { error: wm.wm.protobuf.ErrorCode.ERR_SUCCESS, wholeRanking: => a.time), modelRanking: => a.time), personalBestTime: taRecordPb.time, pbSection1Time: taRecordPb.section1Time, pbSection2Time: taRecordPb.section2Time, pbSection3Time: taRecordPb.section3Time, pbSection4Time: taRecordPb.section4Time, pbSection5Time: taRecordPb.section5Time, pbSection6Time: taRecordPb.section6Time, pbSection7Time: taRecordPb.section7Time, }; let resp = wm.wm.protobuf.LoadTimeAttackRecordResponse.encode(msg); let end = resp.finish(); let r = res .header('Server', 'v388 wangan') .header('Content-Type', 'application/x-protobuf; revision=8053') .header('Content-Length', end.length.toString()) .status(200); r.send(Buffer.from(end)); }) //terminal specific'/method/load_terminal_information', (req, res) => { let msg = { error: wm.wm.protobuf.ErrorCode.ERR_SUCCESS, prizeReceivable: false, transferNotice: { needToSeeTransferred: false }, announceFeature: false, freeScratched: true } let resp = wm.wm.protobuf.LoadDriveInformationResponse.encode(msg); let end = resp.finish(); let r = res .header('Server', 'v388 wangan') .header('Content-Type', 'application/x-protobuf; revision=8053') .header('Content-Length', end.length.toString()) .status(200); r.send(Buffer.from(end)); })'/method/load_scratch_information', (req, res) => { let msg = { error: wm.wm.protobuf.ErrorCode.ERR_SUCCESS, currentSheet: 21, numOfScratched: 0, } let resp = wm.wm.protobuf.LoadScratchInformationResponse.encode(msg); let end = resp.finish(); let r = res .header('Server', 'v388 wangan') .header('Content-Type', 'application/x-protobuf; revision=8053') .header('Content-Length', end.length.toString()) .status(200); r.send(Buffer.from(end)); });'/method/update_car', async (req, res) => { let body = wm.wm.protobuf.UpdateCarRequest.decode(req.body); let car = await{ where: { carId: body.carId }, include: { settings: true } }); await prisma.carSettings.update({ where: { dbId: car?.carSettingsDbId, }, data: { ...body.setting } }); let msg = { error: wm.wm.protobuf.ErrorCode.ERR_SUCCESS, } let resp = wm.wm.protobuf.UpdateCarResponse.encode(msg); let end = resp.finish(); let r = res .header('Server', 'v388 wangan') .header('Content-Type', 'application/x-protobuf; revision=8053') .header('Content-Length', end.length.toString()) .status(200); r.send(Buffer.from(end)); })'/method/load_stamp_target', (req, res) => { let msg = { error: wm.wm.protobuf.ErrorCode.ERR_SUCCESS, } let resp = wm.wm.protobuf.LoadStampTargetResponse.encode(msg); let end = resp.finish(); let r = res .header('Server', 'v388 wangan') .header('Content-Type', 'application/x-protobuf; revision=8053') .header('Content-Length', end.length.toString()) .status(200); r.send(Buffer.from(end)); })'/method/create_car', async (req, res) => { let body = wm.wm.protobuf.CreateCarRequest.decode(req.body); let user: User | null; if (body.userId) { user = await prisma.user.findFirst({ where: { id: body.userId }, }); } else { user = await prisma.user.findFirst({ where: { chipId: body.cardChipId, accessCode: body.accessCode }, }) } if (!user) throw new Error(); let settings = await prisma.carSettings.create({ data: {} }); let state = await prisma.carState.create({ data: {} }) let fullTuneUsed = false; if (body.userItemId) { console.log(`Item used - ID ${body.userItemId}`); let item = await prisma.userItem.delete({ where: { dbId: body.userItemId } }); console.log(`Item category was ${item.category} and item game ID was ${item.itemId}`); if (item.category == wm.wm.protobuf.ItemCategory.CAT_CAR_TICKET_FREE && item.itemId == 5) { // This is a full-tune ticket fullTuneUsed = true; } console.log('Item deleted!'); } let carInsert = { userId:, manufacturer:!, defaultColor:!, model:!, visualModel:!, name:!, title:!, level:!, tunePower:!, tuneHandling:!, carSettingsDbId: settings.dbId, carStateDbId: state.dbId }; let additionalInsert = {} if (fullTuneUsed) { additionalInsert = { stClearBits: 0, stLoseBits: 0, stClearCount: 80, stClearDivCount: 4, stConsecutiveWins: 80, ...carInsert }; } let car = await{ data: { ...carInsert, ...additionalInsert } }); console.log(`Created new car ${} with ID ${car.carId}`); let msg = { error: wm.wm.protobuf.ErrorCode.ERR_SUCCESS, carId: car.carId, car, ...carInsert, ...additionalInsert } let resp = wm.wm.protobuf.CreateCarResponse.encode(msg); let end = resp.finish(); let r = res .header('Server', 'v388 wangan') .header('Content-Type', 'application/x-protobuf; revision=8053') .header('Content-Length', end.length.toString()) .status(200); r.send(Buffer.from(end)); })'/method/load_car', async (req, res) => { let body = wm.wm.protobuf.LoadCarRequest.decode(req.body); let car = await{ where: { carId: body.carId }, include: { settings: true, items: true, } }); let msg = { error: wm.wm.protobuf.ErrorCode.ERR_SUCCESS, car: {! }, tuningPoint: car!.tuningPoints, setting: car!.settings, vsStarCountMax: car!.vsStarCount, rgPreviousVersionPlayCount: 0, stCompleted_100Episodes: car!.stCompleted100Episodes, auraMotifAutoChange: false, screenshotCount: 0, transferred: false,! }; let resp = wm.wm.protobuf.LoadCarResponse.encode(msg); let end = resp.finish(); let r = res .header('Server', 'v388 wangan') .header('Content-Type', 'application/x-protobuf; revision=8053') .header('Content-Length', end.length.toString()) .status(200); r.send(Buffer.from(end)); });'/method/load_game_history', (req, res) => { let msg = { error: wm.wm.protobuf.ErrorCode.ERR_SUCCESS, taRankingUpdatedAt: 0, ghostBattleCount: 0, ghostBattleWinCount: 0, stampSheetCount: 100, } let resp = wm.wm.protobuf.LoadGameHistoryResponse.encode(msg); let end = resp.finish(); let r = res .header('Server', 'v388 wangan') .header('Content-Type', 'application/x-protobuf; revision=8053') .header('Content-Length', end.length.toString()) .status(200); r.send(Buffer.from(end)); })'/method/update_user_session', (req, res) => { let msg = { error: wm.wm.protobuf.ErrorCode.ERR_SUCCESS, } let resp = wm.wm.protobuf.UpdateUserSessionResponse.encode(msg); let end = resp.finish(); let r = res .header('Server', 'v388 wangan') .header('Content-Type', 'application/x-protobuf; revision=8053') .header('Content-Length', end.length.toString()) .status(200); r.send(Buffer.from(end)); }) } }