import e, { Application } from "express"; import { Module } from "../module"; import * as wm from "../wmmt/wm.proto"; import * as svc from "../wmmt/service.proto"; import { prisma } from ".."; import { Car, User } from "@prisma/client"; import { Config } from "../config"; import Long from "long"; import { userInfo } from "os"; import { config } from "dotenv"; import * as scratch from "../util/scratch"; import { envelopeItemTypeToDataCategory } from "@sentry/utils"; export default class GameModule extends Module { register(app: Application): void {'/method/save_game_result', async (req, res) => { let body = wm.wm.protobuf.SaveGameResultRequest.decode(req.body); let car = await{ where: { carId: body.carId } }); let storyLose: boolean = false; switch (body.gameMode) { case wm.wm.protobuf.GameMode.MODE_STORY: { if (!(body.retired)) { let maxConsecutiveWins = car!.stConsecutiveWinsMax; if (maxConsecutiveWins < body.stResult!.stConsecutiveWins!) { maxConsecutiveWins = body.stResult!.stConsecutiveWins!; } let divcount = body.stResult?.stClearDivCount; let saveEx: any = {}; if (body.stResult?.stLoseBits !== null && body.stResult?.stLoseBits !== undefined) { let actualLoseBits = BigInt(0); if (body.stResult?.stLoseBits! instanceof Long) { actualLoseBits = actualLoseBits | BigInt(body.stResult?.stLoseBits.high); actualLoseBits = actualLoseBits << BigInt(32); actualLoseBits = actualLoseBits | BigInt(body.stResult?.stLoseBits.low); saveEx.stLoseBits = Number(actualLoseBits); if(saveEx.stLoseBits > 0){ storyLose = true; } } } else { saveEx.stLoseBits = car?.stLoseBits; } if (divcount !== null && divcount !== undefined && divcount !== 0) { console.log(body.stResult?.stClearDivCount); saveEx.stClearDivCount = divcount; } else { saveEx.stClearDivCount = car?.stClearDivCount; } if (body.stResult?.stClearBits !== null && body.stResult?.stClearBits !== undefined && storyLose !== true) { saveEx.stClearBits = body.stResult?.stClearBits; } else { saveEx.stClearBits = car?.stClearBits; } if (body.stResult?.stPlayCount !== null && body.stResult?.stPlayCount !== undefined) { saveEx.stPlayCount = body.stResult?.stPlayCount!; } else { saveEx.stPlayCount = car?.stPlayCount; } if (body.stResult?.stClearCount !== null && body.stResult?.stClearCount !== undefined && body.stResult?.stClearCount !== 0) { saveEx.stClearCount = body.stResult?.stClearCount!; } else { saveEx.stClearCount = car?.stClearCount; } if (body.stResult?.stConsecutiveWins !== null && body.stResult?.stConsecutiveWins !== undefined) { saveEx.stConsecutiveWins = body.stResult?.stConsecutiveWins!; } else { saveEx.stConsecutiveWins = car?.stConsecutiveWins; } if (body.stResult?.tuningPoint !== null && body.stResult?.tuningPoint !== undefined) { saveEx.tuningPoints = body.stResult?.tuningPoint!; } else { saveEx.tuningPoints = car?.tuningPoints; } if (body.stResult?.stCompleted_100Episodes !== null && body.stResult?.stCompleted_100Episodes !== undefined) { saveEx.stCompleted100Episodes = body.stResult?.stCompleted_100Episodes!; } else { saveEx.stCompleted100Episodes = car?.stCompleted100Episodes; } console.log(saveEx); let c = await{ where: { carId: body.carId }, data: saveEx }); console.log('-------'); console.log(c); } break; } case wm.wm.protobuf.GameMode.MODE_TIME_ATTACK: { // If the game was not timed out / retired if (!(body.retired || body.timeup)) { console.log('Game not retired / timed out, continuing ...') // Get the current time attack record for the car let currentRecord = await prisma.timeAttackRecord.findFirst({ where: { carId: body.carId, // , model:!.model!, course: body.taResult!.course } }); // Record already exists if (currentRecord) { // If the existing record is faster, do not continue if (body.taResult!.time > currentRecord.time) break; console.log('Updating time attack record...') await prisma.timeAttackRecord.update({ where: { // Could be null - if it is null, this will insert. dbId: currentRecord!.dbId }, data: { time: body.taResult!.time, section1Time: body!.taResult!.section_1Time, section2Time: body!.taResult!.section_2Time, section3Time: body!.taResult!.section_3Time, section4Time: body!.taResult!.section_4Time, section5Time: body!.taResult!.section_5Time, section6Time: body!.taResult!.section_6Time, section7Time: body!.taResult!.section_7Time, tunePower: body!.car!.tunePower, tuneHandling: body!.car!.tuneHandling } }); } else // Creating a new record { console.log('Creating new time attack record'); await prisma.timeAttackRecord.create({ data: { carId: body.carId, model:!.model!, time: body.taResult!.time, isMorning: body.taResult!.isMorning, course: body.taResult!.course, section1Time: body!.taResult!.section_1Time, section2Time: body!.taResult!.section_2Time, section3Time: body!.taResult!.section_3Time, section4Time: body!.taResult!.section_4Time, section5Time: body!.taResult!.section_5Time, section6Time: body!.taResult!.section_6Time, section7Time: body!.taResult!.section_7Time, tunePower: body!.car!.tunePower, tuneHandling: body!.car!.tuneHandling } }); break; } } break; } case wm.wm.protobuf.GameMode.MODE_GHOST_BATTLE: { if (!(body.retired)) { let saveEx: any = {}; if (body.rgResult?.rgRegionMapScore !== null && body.rgResult?.rgRegionMapScore !== undefined) { saveEx.rgRegionMapScore = body.rgResult?.rgRegionMapScore!; } else { saveEx.rgRegionMapScore = car?.rgRegionMapScore; } if (body.rgResult?.rgPlayCount !== null && body.rgResult?.rgPlayCount !== undefined) { saveEx.rgPlayCount = body.rgResult?.rgPlayCount!; } else { saveEx.rgPlayCount = car?.rgPlayCount; } if (body.rgResult?.dressupLevel !== null && body.rgResult?.dressupLevel !== undefined) { saveEx.dressupLevel = body.rgResult?.dressupLevel!; } else { saveEx.dressupLevel = car?.dressupLevel; } if (body.rgResult?.dressupPoint !== null && body.rgResult?.dressupPoint !== undefined) { saveEx.dressupPoint = body.rgResult?.dressupPoint!; } else { saveEx.dressupPoint = car?.dressupPoint; } if ( !== null && !== undefined) { saveEx.wheel =!; } else { saveEx.wheel = car?.wheel; } if ( !== null && !== undefined) { saveEx.wheelColor =!; } else { saveEx.wheelColor = car?.wheelColor; } if ( !== null && !== undefined) { =!; } else { = car?.aero; } if ( !== null && !== undefined) { saveEx.bonnet =!; } else { saveEx.bonnet = car?.bonnet; } if ( !== null && !== undefined) { saveEx.wing =!; } else { saveEx.wing = car?.wing; } if ( !== null && !== undefined) { saveEx.mirror =!; } else { saveEx.mirror = car?.mirror; } if ( !== null && !== undefined) { saveEx.neon =!; } else { saveEx.neon = car?.neon; } if ( !== null && !== undefined) { saveEx.trunk =!; } else { saveEx.trunk = car?.trunk; } if ( !== null && !== undefined) { saveEx.plate =!; } else { saveEx.plate = car?.plate; } if ( !== null && !== undefined) { saveEx.plateColor =!; } else { saveEx.plateColor = car?.plateColor; } if ( !== null && !== undefined) { saveEx.plateNumber =!; } else { saveEx.plateNumber = car?.plateNumber; } if ( !== null && !== undefined) { saveEx.ghostLevel =!; } else { saveEx.ghostLevel = car?.ghostLevel; } let winCounter = 0; if(body.rgResult?.rgRegionMapScore !== null && body.rgResult?.rgRegionMapScore !== undefined && body.rgResult?.rgRegionMapScore.length !== 0){ for(let i=0; i storedTutorials[idx] = true ); // Get the order of the user's cars let carOrder = user?.carOrder; // Get the index of the selected car let index = carOrder.indexOf(body.carId); // If the selected car is not first if (index > 0) { // Remove that index from the array carOrder.slice(index); // Add it back to the front carOrder.unshift(body.carId); } // Otherwise, just ignore it // Update the values await prisma.user.update({ where: { id:!.userId! }, data: { tutorials: storedTutorials, carOrder: carOrder } }); } let msg = { error: wm.wm.protobuf.ErrorCode.ERR_SUCCESS, } let resp = wm.wm.protobuf.SaveGameResultResponse.encode(msg); let end = resp.finish(); let r = res .header('Server', 'v388 wangan') .header('Content-Type', 'application/x-protobuf; revision=8053') .header('Content-Length', end.length.toString()) .status(200); r.send(Buffer.from(end)); })'/method/load_user', async (req, res) => { let body = wm.wm.protobuf.LoadUserRequest.decode(req.body); let user = await prisma.user.findFirst({ where: { chipId: body.cardChipId, accessCode: body.accessCode }, include: { cars: { include: { state: true, } } } }); // No user returned if (!user) { console.log('no such user'); let msg = { error: wm.wm.protobuf.ErrorCode.ERR_SUCCESS, numOfOwnedCars: 0, cars: [], spappState: wm.wm.protobuf.SmartphoneAppState.SPAPP_UNREGISTERED, transferState: wm.wm.protobuf.TransferState.NOT_REGISTERED }; if (!body.cardChipId || !body.accessCode) { let msg = { error: wm.wm.protobuf.ErrorCode.ERR_ID_BANNED, numOfOwnedCars: 0, spappState: wm.wm.protobuf.SmartphoneAppState.SPAPP_UNREGISTERED, transferState: wm.wm.protobuf.TransferState.NOT_REGISTERED } let resp = wm.wm.protobuf.LoadUserResponse.encode(msg); let end = resp.finish(); let r = res .header('Server', 'v388 wangan') .header('Content-Type', 'application/x-protobuf; revision=8053') .header('Content-Length', end.length.toString()) .status(200); r.send(Buffer.from(end)); return; } let user = await prisma.user.create({ data: { chipId: body.cardChipId, accessCode: body.accessCode, tutorials: [ false, //TUTORIAL_ID_STORY false, //TUTORIAL_ID_TIME_ATTACK false, //TUTORIAL_ID_GHOST false, //TUTORIAL_ID_GHOST_CHALLENGE false, //TUTORIAL_ID_GHOST_LEVEL false, //TUTORIAL_ID_UNUSED_5 false, //TUTORIAL_ID_GHOST_SEARCH false, //TUTORIAL_ID_GHOST_COMPETITION false, //TUTORIAL_ID_HP600_CARD false, //TUTORIAL_ID_UNUSED_9 false, //TUTORIAL_ID_COMPETITION_QUALIFIED false, //TUTORIAL_ID_COMPETITION_TERMINAL false, //TUTORIAL_ID_COMPETITION_NOTICE false, //TUTORIAL_ID_COMPETITION_FINISHED false, //TUTORIAL_ID_UNUSED_14 false, //TUTORIAL_ID_UNUSED_15 false, //TUTORIAL_ID_UNUSED_16 false, //TUTORIAL_ID_UNUSED_17 false, //TUTORIAL_ID_UNUSED_18 false, //TUTORIAL_ID_UNUSED_19 false, //TUTORIAL_ID_GHOST_STAMP false, //TUTORIAL_ID_GHOST_STAMP_DECLINED false, //TUTORIAL_ID_GHOST_STAMP_FRIENDS true, //TUTORIAL_ID_TERMINAL_SCRATCH true, //TUTORIAL_ID_TURN_SCRATCH_SHEET false, //TUTORIAL_ID_INVITE_FRIEND_CAMPAIGN false, //TUTORIAL_ID_CAR_COUPON_FULL_TUNED_RECEIVABLE false, //TUTORIAL_ID_VS_CONTINUE_TICKET false, //TUTORIAL_ID_UNUSED_28 false, //TUTORIAL_ID_UNUSED_29 false, //TUTORIAL_ID_UNUSED_30 false, //TUTORIAL_ID_DRESS_UP false, //TUTORIAL_ID_MULTI_GHOST true, //TUTORIAL_ID_STORY_NEW_FEATURE true, //TUTORIAL_ID_GHOST_NEW_FEATURE true, //TUTORIAL_ID_GHOST_REGION_MAP ], } }); console.log('user made') if (!user) { msg.error = wm.wm.protobuf.ErrorCode.ERR_REQUEST; } let ftTicketGrant = Config.getConfig().gameOptions.grantFullTuneTicketToNewUsers; if (ftTicketGrant > 0) { console.log(`Granting Full-Tune Ticket x${ftTicketGrant} to new user...`); for (let i=0; i 0) { // Sort the player's car list using the car order property =, b){ // User, and both car IDs exist if (user) { // Compare both values using the car order array let compare = user?.carOrder.indexOf(a!.carId) - user?.carOrder.indexOf(b!.carId); // Return the comparison return compare; } else // Car IDs not present in car order list { throw Error("UserNotFoundException"); } }); } else // Car order undefined { // We will define it here let carOrder : number[] = []; // Loop over all of the user cars for(let car of { // Add the car id to the list carOrder.push(car.carId); } // Update the car id property for the user await prisma.user.update({ where: { id: }, data: { carOrder: carOrder } }) } // Get the states of the user's cars let carStates = => e.state); // Get all of the user's tickets let tickets = await prisma.userItem.findMany({ where: { userId:, type: 0 }, select: { itemId: true, category: true, userItemId: true } }) let msg = { error: wm.wm.protobuf.ErrorCode.ERR_SUCCESS, numOfOwnedCars:, spappState: wm.wm.protobuf.SmartphoneAppState.SPAPP_UNREGISTERED, transferState: wm.wm.protobuf.TransferState.TRANSFERRED, carStates, // 5 cars in-game, 200 cars on terminal cars:, body.maxCars), userId:, banapassportAmId: 1, mbId: 1, tutorials: user.tutorials, unusedCarTickets: tickets, } if (user.userBanned) { msg.error = wm.wm.protobuf.ErrorCode.ERR_ID_BANNED; } let resp = wm.wm.protobuf.LoadUserResponse.encode(msg); let end = resp.finish(); let r = res .header('Server', 'v388 wangan') .header('Content-Type', 'application/x-protobuf; revision=8053') .header('Content-Length', end.length.toString()) .status(200); r.send(Buffer.from(end)); })'/method/load_drive_information', async (req, res) => { let body = wm.wm.protobuf.LoadDriveInformationRequest.decode(req.body); let user = await prisma.user.findFirst({ where: { id: body.userId, } }); // Get all of the user's tickets let tickets = await prisma.userItem.findMany({ where: { userId: body.userId, type: 0 }, select: { itemId: true, category: true, userItemId: true } }) let notice = (Config.getConfig().notices || []); let noticeWindows = => wm.wm.protobuf.NoticeEntry.NOTICE_UNUSED_1); let msg = { error: wm.wm.protobuf.ErrorCode.ERR_SUCCESS, noticeWindow: noticeWindows, noticeWindowMessage: notice, transferNotice: { needToSeeTransferred: false, totalMaxiGold: 0, numOfPorscheCars: 0, porscheModels: [], hasR35: false, }, restrictedModels: [], announceFeature: false, announceMobile: false, availableTickets: tickets, } let resp = wm.wm.protobuf.LoadDriveInformationResponse.encode(msg); let end = resp.finish(); let r = res .header('Server', 'v388 wangan') .header('Content-Type', 'application/x-protobuf; revision=8053') .header('Content-Length', end.length.toString()) .status(200); r.send(Buffer.from(end)); })'/method/load_time_attack_record', async (req, res) => { let body = wm.wm.protobuf.LoadTimeAttackRecordRequest.decode(req.body); let taRecordsForModel = await prisma.timeAttackRecord.findMany({ take: 100, where: { model: body.model, course: body.course }, orderBy: { time: 'asc' } }); let taRecordsOverall = await prisma.timeAttackRecord.findMany({ take: 100, where: { course: body.course }, orderBy: { time: 'asc' } }); let taRecordPb = await prisma.timeAttackRecord.findFirst({ where: { carId: body.carId, course: body.course }, orderBy: { time: 'asc' } }); if (!taRecordPb) { let msg = { error: wm.wm.protobuf.ErrorCode.ERR_SUCCESS, wholeRanking: => a.time), modelRanking: => a.time) }; let resp = wm.wm.protobuf.LoadTimeAttackRecordResponse.encode(msg); let end = resp.finish(); let r = res .header('Server', 'v388 wangan') .header('Content-Type', 'application/x-protobuf; revision=8053') .header('Content-Length', end.length.toString()) .status(200); r.send(Buffer.from(end)); return; } let msg = { error: wm.wm.protobuf.ErrorCode.ERR_SUCCESS, wholeRanking: => a.time), modelRanking: => a.time), personalBestTime: taRecordPb.time, pbSection_1Time: taRecordPb.section1Time, pbSection_2Time: taRecordPb.section2Time, pbSection_3Time: taRecordPb.section3Time, pbSection_4Time: taRecordPb.section4Time, pbSection_5Time: taRecordPb.section5Time, pbSection_6Time: taRecordPb.section6Time, pbSection_7Time: taRecordPb.section7Time, }; let resp = wm.wm.protobuf.LoadTimeAttackRecordResponse.encode(msg); let end = resp.finish(); let r = res .header('Server', 'v388 wangan') .header('Content-Type', 'application/x-protobuf; revision=8053') .header('Content-Length', end.length.toString()) .status(200); r.send(Buffer.from(end)); }) // Load upon enter terminal'/method/load_terminal_information', (req, res) => { let msg = { error: wm.wm.protobuf.ErrorCode.ERR_SUCCESS, prizeReceivable: false, transferNotice: { needToSeeTransferred: false }, announceFeature: false, freeScratched: true } let resp = wm.wm.protobuf.LoadDriveInformationResponse.encode(msg); let end = resp.finish(); let r = res .header('Server', 'v388 wangan') .header('Content-Type', 'application/x-protobuf; revision=8053') .header('Content-Length', end.length.toString()) .status(200); r.send(Buffer.from(end)); }) // Recieve user items'/method/receive_user_items', async (req, res) => { // Get the request body let body = wm.wm.protobuf.ReceiveUserItemsRequest.decode(req.body); // Loop over all of the item IDs for(let targetItem of body.targetItemIds) { // Get the item info for the target item let item = await prisma.userItem.findFirst({ where: { userItemId: targetItem } }); // Item is returned if (item) { // Insert the item into the car items await prisma.carItem.create({ data: { carId: body.carId, category: item.category, itemId: item.itemId, amount: 1 } }); // Delete the accepted item await prisma.userItem.delete({ where: { userItemId: targetItem } }); } else // No item found { console.log("Warning: Item " + targetItem + " not found. Item not added."); } } let msg = { error: wm.wm.protobuf.ErrorCode.ERR_SUCCESS } let resp = wm.wm.protobuf.LoadBookmarksResponse.encode(msg); let end = resp.finish(); let r = res .header('Server', 'v388 wangan') .header('Content-Type', 'application/x-protobuf; revision=8053') .header('Content-Length', end.length.toString()) .status(200); r.send(Buffer.from(end)); }) // Load user bookmarks'/method/load_bookmarks', async (req, res) => { // Get the save bookmark request let body = wm.wm.protobuf.LoadBookmarksRequest.decode(req.body); // Check if the user has any existing bookmarks let user = await prisma.user.findFirst({ where: { id: Number(body.userId) } }); // Car bookmarks placeholder let cars : Car[] = []; // User is not null if (user) { // Loop over the bookmarked cars for (let carId of user.bookmarks) { // Get the car with the bookmarked car id let car = await{ where: { carId: carId } }); // If the car is not null if (car) { // Add the car to the cars list cars.push(car); } } } let msg = { error: wm.wm.protobuf.ErrorCode.ERR_SUCCESS, cars: cars } let resp = wm.wm.protobuf.LoadBookmarksResponse.encode(msg); let end = resp.finish(); let r = res .header('Server', 'v388 wangan') .header('Content-Type', 'application/x-protobuf; revision=8053') .header('Content-Length', end.length.toString()) .status(200); r.send(Buffer.from(end)); }) // Save user bookmarks'/method/save_bookmarks', async (req, res) => { // Get the save bookmark request let body = wm.wm.protobuf.SaveBookmarksRequest.decode(req.body); // Update existing bookmarks await prisma.user.update({ where: { id: body.userId }, data: { bookmarks: } }) // Generate the response to the terminal (success messsage) let resp = wm.wm.protobuf.LoadBookmarksResponse.encode({ error: wm.wm.protobuf.ErrorCode.ERR_SUCCESS }); let end = resp.finish(); let r = res .header('Server', 'v388 wangan') .header('Content-Type', 'application/x-protobuf; revision=8053') .header('Content-Length', end.length.toString()) .status(200); r.send(Buffer.from(end)); }) // Car Summary Request (for bookmarks) app.get('/resource/car_summary', async (req, res) => { // Get the query from the request let query = req.query; // Get all of the cars matching the query let cars = await{ take: Number(query.limit), where: { name: { startsWith: String( } }, }); let msg = { hitCount: cars.length, cars: cars } let resp = wm.wm.protobuf.CarSummary.encode(msg); let end = resp.finish(); let r = res .header('Server', 'v388 wangan') .header('Content-Type', 'application/x-protobuf; revision=8053') .header('Content-Length', end.length.toString()) .status(200); r.send(Buffer.from(end)); }) // Save upon timeout / exit terminal'/method/save_terminal_result', async (req, res) => { // Get the contents from the request let body = wm.wm.protobuf.SaveTerminalResultRequest.decode(req.body); // user id is required field let user = await prisma.user.findFirst({ where: { id: body.userId }, }); // Update the completed tutorials let storedTutorials = user!.tutorials; body.confirmedTutorials.forEach( (idx) => storedTutorials[idx] = true ); await prisma.user.update({ where: { id: body.userId }, data: { tutorials: storedTutorials } }); // If the car order was modified // Update the car order in the table if (body.carOrder.length > 0) { await prisma.user.update({ where: { id: body.userId }, data: { carOrder: body.carOrder } }); } let msg = { // Success error code error: wm.wm.protobuf.ErrorCode.ERR_SUCCESS, } // Encode the save terminal result response let resp = wm.wm.protobuf.SaveTerminalResultResponse.encode(msg); let end = resp.finish(); let r = res .header('Server', 'v388 wangan') .header('Content-Type', 'application/x-protobuf; revision=8053') .header('Content-Length', end.length.toString()) .status(200); r.send(Buffer.from(end)); }) // Terminal scratch'/method/load_scratch_information', async (req, res) => { // Get the information from the request let body = wm.wm.protobuf.LoadScratchInformationRequest.decode(req.body); // Get the current date/time (unix epoch) let date = Math.floor(new Date().getTime() / 1000) // Scratch sheet proto let scratchSheetProto : wm.wm.protobuf.ScratchSheet[] = []; // Current scratch sheet (default: Sheet 1 (R2)) let currentSheet = 1; // User has scratched already (default: True) let scratched = 1; // Get the scratch sheet configuration let scratchEnabled = Config.getConfig().gameOptions.scratchEnabled; // If the scratch game is enabled if (scratchEnabled) { // Get all of the info for the user let user = await prisma.user.findFirst({ where: { id: body.userId } }); // Get the updated scratch sheet proto scratchSheetProto = await scratch.getScratchSheetProto(body.userId); // User is defined if (user) { // Update the currentSheet, scratched values currentSheet = user.currentSheet; // If unlimited scratches is set if (scratchEnabled == 2) { // User can scratch again scratched = 0; } else // Otherwise, daily scratches { // If a day has passed, allow the user to scratch again scratched = scratch.dayPassed( new Date(date*1000), // Todays date new Date(user.lastScratched*1000) // Last Scratched date ); } } } // Owned user items list let ownedUserItems : wm.wm.protobuf.UserItem[] = []; // Get the user items list ownedUserItems = await scratch.getScratchItemList(body.userId, date); let msg = { error: wm.wm.protobuf.ErrorCode.ERR_SUCCESS, scratchSheets: scratchSheetProto, currentSheet: currentSheet, numOfScratched: scratched, ownedUserItems: ownedUserItems } let resp = wm.wm.protobuf.LoadScratchInformationResponse.encode(msg); let end = resp.finish(); let r = res .header('Server', 'v388 wangan') .header('Content-Type', 'application/x-protobuf; revision=8053') .header('Content-Length', end.length.toString()) .status(200); r.send(Buffer.from(end)); }); // Change terminal scratch page'/method/turn_scratch_sheet', async (req, res) => { let body = wm.wm.protobuf.TurnScratchSheetRequest.decode(req.body); // Update the active scratch sheet await prisma.user.update({ where: { id: body.userId }, data: { currentSheet: body.targetSheet } }); let msg = { error: wm.wm.protobuf.ErrorCode.ERR_SUCCESS, } let resp = wm.wm.protobuf.TurnScratchSheetResponse.encode(msg); let end = resp.finish(); let r = res .header('Server', 'v388 wangan') .header('Content-Type', 'application/x-protobuf; revision=8053') .header('Content-Length', end.length.toString()) .status(200); r.send(Buffer.from(end)); }) // Update scratch sheet'/method/save_scratch_sheet', async (req, res) => { // Get the information from the request let body = wm.wm.protobuf.SaveScratchSheetRequest.decode(req.body); // Get the current date/time (unix epoch) let date = Math.floor(new Date().getTime() / 1000) // Get all of the info for the user let user = await prisma.user.findFirst({ where: { id: body.userId } }); // Get all of the scratch sheets for the user let scratchSheets = await prisma.scratchSheet.findMany({ where: { userId: body.userId }, include: { squares: { orderBy: { id: 'asc' } } } }) // Get the target scratch sheet (subtract one for zero-index) let scratchSheet = scratchSheets[Number(body.targetSheet)-1]; // Get all of the squares for the scratch sheet let scratchSquares = await prisma.scratchSquare.findMany({ where: { sheetId: }, orderBy: { id: 'asc' } }); // Get the target scratch square let scratchSquare = scratchSquares[Number(body.targetSquare)]; // Get the item from the scratch square let earnedItem = wm.wm.protobuf.UserItem.create({ category: scratchSquare.category, itemId: scratchSquare.itemId, earnedAt: date }); try // Attempt to update scratch sheet { // Add the item to the user's scratch items list await prisma.userItem.create({ data: { userId: body.userId, category: scratchSquare.category, itemId: scratchSquare.itemId, type: 1, // Scratch item earnedAt: date } }); // Update the revealed scratch square await prisma.scratchSquare.update({ where: { id: }, data: { earned: true } }); // Update the last scratched timestamp await prisma.user.update({ where: { id: body.userId }, data: { lastScratched: date } }); // If the box we uncovered is the car if (scratchSquare.category == 201) { // Generate a new scratch sheet for the user await scratch.generateScratchSheet(body.userId, body.targetSheet + 1) } } catch (error) // Failed to update scratch sheet { console.log("Failed to update scratch sheet! Reason:", error); } // Get the updated content for the scratch sheet // Scratch sheet proto let scratchSheetProto : wm.wm.protobuf.ScratchSheet[] = [] // Get the updated scratch sheet proto scratchSheetProto = await scratch.getScratchSheetProto(body.userId); let msg = { error: wm.wm.protobuf.ErrorCode.ERR_SUCCESS, scratchSheets : scratchSheetProto, currentSheet: body.targetSheet, numOfScratched: 1, earnedItem: earnedItem } let resp = wm.wm.protobuf.SaveScratchSheetResponse.encode(msg); let end = resp.finish(); let r = res .header('Server', 'v388 wangan') .header('Content-Type', 'application/x-protobuf; revision=8053') .header('Content-Length', end.length.toString()) .status(200); r.send(Buffer.from(end)); })'/method/update_car', async (req, res) => { let body = wm.wm.protobuf.UpdateCarRequest.decode(req.body); let car = await{ where: { carId: body.carId }, include: { settings: true } }); // Update the car info await{ where: { carId: body.carId }, data: { // Car components customisable in terminal customColor: || 0, wheel: || 0, aero: || 0, bonnet: || 0, wing: || 0, mirror: || 0, neon: || 0, trunk: || 0, plate: || 0, plateColor: || 0, windowSticker: || false, windowStickerString: || 'WANGAN', windowStickerFont: || 0, rivalMarker: || 0, aura: || 0, auraMotif: || 0 } }) // Update the car settings await prisma.carSettings.update({ where: { dbId: car?.carSettingsDbId, }, data: { ...body.setting } }); // Get car item if(body.earnedItems.length !== 0){ console.log('Car Item reward available, continuing ...'); for(let i=0; i { let msg = { error: wm.wm.protobuf.ErrorCode.ERR_SUCCESS, } let resp = wm.wm.protobuf.LoadStampTargetResponse.encode(msg); let end = resp.finish(); let r = res .header('Server', 'v388 wangan') .header('Content-Type', 'application/x-protobuf; revision=8053') .header('Content-Length', end.length.toString()) .status(200); r.send(Buffer.from(end)); })'/method/create_car', async (req, res) => { // Get the create car request body let body = wm.wm.protobuf.CreateCarRequest.decode(req.body); // Get the current date/time (unix epoch) let date = Math.floor(new Date().getTime() / 1000) // Retrieve user from card chip / user id let user: User | null; // User ID provided, use that if (body.userId) { user = await prisma.user.findFirst({ where: { id: body.userId }, }); } else { // No user id, use card chip user = await prisma.user.findFirst({ where: { chipId: body.cardChipId, accessCode: body.accessCode }, }) } // User not found, terminate if (!user) throw new Error(); // Generate blank car settings object let settings = await prisma.carSettings.create({ data: {} }); // Generate blank car state object let state = await prisma.carState.create({ data: {} }) // Sets if full tune is used or not // let fullyTuned = false; // 0: Stock Tune // 1: Basic Tune (600 HP) // 2: Fully Tuned (840 HP) let tune = 0; // If a user item has been used if (body.userItemId) { console.log(`Item used - ID ${body.userItemId}`); // Remove the user item from the database let item = await prisma.userItem.delete({ where: { userItemId: body.userItemId } }); console.log('Item deleted!'); switch(item.category) { case 203: // Car Tune Ticket // Switch on item id switch(item.itemId) { // Discarded Vehicle Card case 1: tune = 1; break; case 2: tune = 1; break; case 3: tune = 1; break; // Fully Tuned Ticket case 5: tune = 2; break; default: // Unknown item type, throw unsupported error throw Error("Unsupported itemId: " + item.itemId); } break; case 201: // Special Car Ticket // Fully tuned special cars if (scratch.fullyTunedCars.includes(item.itemId)) { // Car is fully tuned tune = 2; } // Basic tuned special cars if (scratch.basicTunedCars.includes(item.itemId)) { // If gift cars fully tuned is set if (Config.getConfig().gameOptions.giftCarsFullyTuned) { // Car is fully tuned tune = 2; } else // Gift cars fully tuned not set { // Car is basic tuned tune = 1; } } // Stock tuned special cars if (scratch.stockTunedCars.includes(item.itemId)) { // If gift cars fully tuned is set if (Config.getConfig().gameOptions.giftCarsFullyTuned) { // Car is fully tuned tune = 2; } else // Gift cars fully tuned not set { // Car is stock tune = 0; } } break; } console.log(`Item category was ${item.category} and item game ID was ${item.itemId}`); } // Other cases, may occur if item is not detected as 'used' // User item not used, but car has 740 HP by default else if ( && ( == 17) && ( == 17)) { // Car is fully tuned tune = 2; } // User item not used, but car has 600 HP by default else if ( && ( == 10) && ( == 10)) { // Car is basic tuned tune = 1; } // User item not used, but gift cars fully tuned switch is set else if (Config.getConfig().gameOptions.giftCarsFullyTuned) { // List of event / exclusive car IDs let event_cars = [ 0x7A, // Mini 0x82, // S660 0x83, // S2000 0x89, // NDERC 0x8B, // GS130 (Starts at 20 Stories by default) ]; // If the car visual model is not null and is in the list of event cars if ( && event_cars.includes( { // Set full tune used to be true tune = 2; } } // Default car values let carInsert = { userId:, manufacturer:!, defaultColor:!, model:!, visualModel:!, name:!, title:!, level:!, tunePower:!, tuneHandling:!, carSettingsDbId: settings.dbId, carStateDbId: state.dbId, regionId:!, lastPlayedAt: date, }; // Additional car values (for basic / full tune) let additionalInsert = { } // Switch on tune status switch(tune) { // 0: Stock, nothing extra case 1: // Basic Tune // Updated default values carInsert.level = 2; // C8 carInsert.tunePower = 10; // 600 HP carInsert.tuneHandling = 10; // 600 HP // Additional basic tune values additionalInsert = { stClearBits: 0, stLoseBits: 0, stClearCount: 20, stClearDivCount: 1, stConsecutiveWins: 20 }; break; case 2: // Fully Tuned // Updated default values carInsert.level = 8; // C3 carInsert.tunePower = 17; // 740 HP carInsert.tuneHandling = 17; // 740 HP // Additional full tune values additionalInsert = { ghostLevel: 10, stClearBits: 0, stLoseBits: 0, stClearCount: 80, stClearDivCount: 4, stConsecutiveWins: 80 }; } // Insert the car into the database let car = await{ data: { ...carInsert, ...additionalInsert, } }); // Get the user's current car order let carOrder = user.carOrder; // Add the new car to the front of the id carOrder.unshift(car.carId); // Add the car to the front of the order await prisma.user.update({ where: { id: }, data: { carOrder: carOrder } }); console.log(`Created new car ${} with ID ${car.carId}`); let msg = { error: wm.wm.protobuf.ErrorCode.ERR_SUCCESS, carId: car.carId, car, ...carInsert, ...additionalInsert } let resp = wm.wm.protobuf.CreateCarResponse.encode(msg); let end = resp.finish(); let r = res .header('Server', 'v388 wangan') .header('Content-Type', 'application/x-protobuf; revision=8053') .header('Content-Length', end.length.toString()) .status(200); r.send(Buffer.from(end)); })'/method/load_car', async (req, res) => { let body = wm.wm.protobuf.LoadCarRequest.decode(req.body); let car = await{ where: { carId: body.carId }, include: { settings: true, items: true, } }); // This is fucking terrible let longLoseBits = Long.fromString(car!.stLoseBits.toString()); let msg = { error: wm.wm.protobuf.ErrorCode.ERR_SUCCESS, car: {! }, tuningPoint: car!.tuningPoints, setting: car!.settings, vsStarCountMax: car!.vsStarCount, rgPreviousVersionPlayCount: 0, stCompleted_100Episodes: car!.stCompleted100Episodes, auraMotifAutoChange: false, screenshotCount: 0, transferred: false,!, stLoseBits: longLoseBits, ownedItems: car!.items, lastPlayedAt: car!.lastPlayedAt }; let resp = wm.wm.protobuf.LoadCarResponse.encode(msg); let end = resp.finish(); let r = res .header('Server', 'v388 wangan') .header('Content-Type', 'application/x-protobuf; revision=8053') .header('Content-Length', end.length.toString()) .status(200); r.send(Buffer.from(end)); });'/method/load_game_history', async (req, res) => { // Get the request content let body = wm.wm.protobuf.LoadGameHistoryRequest.decode(req.body); // Empty list of time attack records for the player's car let ta_records : wm.wm.protobuf.LoadGameHistoryResponse.TimeAttackRecord[] = []; // Get the car info let car = await{ where: { carId: body.carId } }); // Get the car's time attack records let records = await prisma.timeAttackRecord.findMany({ where: { carId: body.carId } }); // Loop over all of the records for(let record of records) { // This code could probably be done with less DB calls in the future // Calculate the total rank, total participants for the record let wholeData = await prisma.timeAttackRecord.findMany({ where: { course: record.course }, orderBy: { time: 'asc' } }); // Get the overall number of participants let wholeParticipants = wholeData.length; // Whole rank (default: 1) let wholeRank = 1; // Loop over all of the participants for(let row of wholeData) { // If the car ID does not match if (row.carId !== body.carId) { // Increment whole rank wholeRank++; } else // Model ID matches { // Break the loop break; } } // Calculate the model rank, model participants for the record let modelData = await prisma.timeAttackRecord.findMany({ where: { course: record.course, model: record.model }, orderBy: { time: 'asc' } }); // Get the overall number of participants (with the same car model) let modelParticipants = modelData.length; // Model rank (default: 1) let modelRank = 1; // Loop over all of the participants for(let row of modelData) { // If the car ID does not match if (row.carId !== body.carId) { // Increment whole rank modelRank++; } else // Model ID matches { // Break the loop break; } } // Generate the time attack record object and add it to the list ta_records.push(wm.wm.protobuf.LoadGameHistoryResponse.TimeAttackRecord.create({ course: record.course, time: record.time, tunePower: record.tunePower, tuneHandling: record.tuneHandling, wholeParticipants: wholeParticipants, wholeRank: wholeRank, modelParticipants: modelParticipants, modelRank: modelRank })); } let msg = { error: wm.wm.protobuf.ErrorCode.ERR_SUCCESS, taRecords: ta_records, taRankingUpdatedAt: 1, ghostBattleCount: 0, ghostBattleWinCount: 0, stampSheetCount: 0, } let resp = wm.wm.protobuf.LoadGameHistoryResponse.encode(msg); let end = resp.finish(); let r = res .header('Server', 'v388 wangan') .header('Content-Type', 'application/x-protobuf; revision=8053') .header('Content-Length', end.length.toString()) .status(200); r.send(Buffer.from(end)); })'/method/update_user_session', (req, res) => { // Get the request body // let body = wm.wm.protobuf.UpdateUserSessionRequest.decode(req.body); let msg = { error: wm.wm.protobuf.ErrorCode.ERR_SUCCESS, } let resp = wm.wm.protobuf.UpdateUserSessionResponse.encode(msg); let end = resp.finish(); let r = res .header('Server', 'v388 wangan') .header('Content-Type', 'application/x-protobuf; revision=8053') .header('Content-Length', end.length.toString()) .status(200); r.send(Buffer.from(end)); })'/method/load_ghost_battle_info', async (req, res) => { let body = wm.wm.protobuf.LoadGhostBattleInfoRequest.decode(req.body); //---------------MAYBE NOT CORRECT--------------- let msg = { error: wm.wm.protobuf.ErrorCode.ERR_SUCCESS, stampSheetCount: 100, }; //----------------------------------------------- let resp = wm.wm.protobuf.LoadGhostBattleInfoResponse.encode(msg); let end = resp.finish(); let r = res .header('Server', 'v388 wangan') .header('Content-Type', 'application/x-protobuf; revision=8053') .header('Content-Length', end.length.toString()) .status(200); r.send(Buffer.from(end)); })'/method/search_cars_by_level', async (req, res) => { let body = wm.wm.protobuf.SearchCarsByLevelRequest.decode(req.body); //---------------MAYBE NOT CORRECT--------------- let rampVal = 0; let pathVal = 0; if(body.area === 0){ //GID_RUNAREA_C1 rampVal = 0; pathVal = Math.floor(Math.random() * 10); } else if(body.area === 1){ //GID_RUNAREA_RING rampVal = 0; pathVal = Math.floor(Math.random() * 6) + 10; } else if(body.area === 2){ //GID_RUNAREA_SUBTOKYO_3_4 rampVal = 0; pathVal = Math.floor(Math.random() * 2) + 16; } else if(body.area === 3){ //GID_RUNAREA_SUBTOKYO_5 rampVal = 0; pathVal = Math.floor(Math.random() * 2) + 18; } else if(body.area === 4){ //GID_RUNAREA_WANGAN rampVal = 0; pathVal = Math.floor(Math.random() * 7) + 20; } else if(body.area === 5){ //GID_RUNAREA_K1 rampVal = 0; pathVal = Math.floor(Math.random() * 7) + 27; } else if(body.area === 6){ //GID_RUNAREA_YAESU rampVal = 0; pathVal = Math.floor(Math.random() * 4) + 34; } else if(body.area === 7){ //GID_RUNAREA_YOKOHAMA rampVal = 0; pathVal = Math.floor(Math.random() * 11) + 38; } else if(body.area === 8){ //GID_RUNAREA_NAGOYA rampVal = 0; pathVal = 49; } else if(body.area === 9){ //GID_RUNAREA_OSAKA rampVal = 0; pathVal = Math.floor(Math.random() * 4) + 50; } else if(body.area === 10){ //GID_RUNAREA_KOBE rampVal = 0; pathVal = Math.floor(Math.random() * 2) + 54; } else if(body.area === 11){ //GID_RUNAREA_FUKUOKA rampVal = 0; pathVal = Math.floor(Math.random() * 4) + 58; } else if(body.area === 12){ //GID_RUNAREA_HAKONE rampVal = 0; pathVal = Math.floor(Math.random() * 2) + 62; } else if(body.area === 13){ //GID_RUNAREA_TURNPIKE rampVal = 0; pathVal = Math.floor(Math.random() * 2) + 64; } //14 - 16 is dummy area else if(body.area === 17){ //GID_RUNAREA_C1_CLOSED rampVal = 0; pathVal = Math.floor(Math.random() * 10); //probably not correct } else if(body.area === 18){ //GID_RUNAREA_HIROSHIMA rampVal = 0; pathVal = Math.floor(Math.random() * 2) + 56; } let msg = { error: wm.wm.protobuf.ErrorCode.ERR_SUCCESS, ramp: rampVal, path: pathVal, selectionMethod: 2, }; //----------------------------------------------- let resp = wm.wm.protobuf.SearchCarsByLevelResponse.encode(msg); let end = resp.finish(); let r = res .header('Server', 'v388 wangan') .header('Content-Type', 'application/x-protobuf; revision=8053') .header('Content-Length', end.length.toString()) .status(200); r.send(Buffer.from(end)); })'/method/load_ghost_drive_data', async (req, res) => { let body = wm.wm.protobuf.LoadGhostDriveDataRequest.decode(req.body); //---------------MAYBE NOT CORRECT--------------- let msg = { error: wm.wm.protobuf.ErrorCode.ERR_SUCCESS, path: body.path }; //----------------------------------------------- let resp = wm.wm.protobuf.LoadGhostDriveDataResponse.encode(msg); let end = resp.finish(); let r = res .header('Server', 'v388 wangan') .header('Content-Type', 'application/x-protobuf; revision=8053') .header('Content-Length', end.length.toString()) .status(200); r.send(Buffer.from(end)); }) } }