mirror of synced 2025-02-12 09:02:57 +01:00
2022-07-30 09:36:18 +07:00

231 lines
7.5 KiB
Raw Blame History

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// This is your Prisma schema file,
// learn more about it in the docs: https://pris.ly/d/prisma-schema
generator client {
provider = "prisma-client-js"
datasource db {
provider = "postgresql"
url = env("POSTGRES_URL")
model User {
id Int @id @default(autoincrement())
chipId String @unique
accessCode String
cars Car[]
carOrder Int[]
items UserItem[]
tutorials Boolean[]
userBanned Boolean @default(false)
bookmarks Int[]
ScratchSheet ScratchSheet[]
currentSheet Int @default(1)
lastScratched Int @default(0) // Timestamp
model ScratchSheet {
id Int @id @default(autoincrement())
User User @relation(fields: [userId], references: [id])
userId Int
sheetNo Int // Player's sheet number (i.e. first sheet)
squares ScratchSquare[]
model ScratchSquare {
id Int @id @default(autoincrement())
Sheet ScratchSheet @relation(fields: [sheetId], references: [id])
sheetId Int
category Int
itemId Int
earned Boolean
model UserItem {
userItemId Int @id @default(autoincrement())
category Int
itemId Int
User User @relation(fields: [userId], references: [id])
userId Int
type Int @default(0)
earnedAt Int @default(0)
model Car {
user User @relation(fields: [userId], references: [id])
userId Int
// This is the Car object itself
carId Int @id @default(autoincrement())
name String
manufacturer Int
regionId Int @default(0)
model Int
visualModel Int
customColor Int @default(0)
defaultColor Int
wheel Int @default(0)
wheelColor Int @default(0)
aero Int @default(0)
bonnet Int @default(0)
wing Int @default(0)
mirror Int @default(0)
neon Int @default(0)
trunk Int @default(0)
plate Int @default(0)
plateColor Int @default(0)
plateNumber Int @default(0)
tunePower Int @default(0)
tuneHandling Int @default(0)
title String @default("New Car")
level Int @default(0)
windowSticker Boolean @default(false)
windowStickerString String @default("")
windowStickerFont Int @default(0)
windowDecoration Int @default(0)
rivalMarker Int @default(0)
lastPlayedAt Int @default(0)
aura Int @default(0)
auraMotif Int @default(0)
ghostLevel Int @default(1)
// This is more data about the car
tuningPoints Int @default(0)
odometer Int @default(0)
playCount Int @default(0)
earnedCustomColor Boolean @default(false)
carSettingsDbId Int @unique
settings CarSettings @relation(fields: [carSettingsDbId], references: [dbId])
vsPlayCount Int @default(0)
vsBurstCount Int @default(0)
vsStarCount Int @default(0)
vsCoolOrWild Int @default(0)
vsSmoothOrRough Int @default(0)
vsTripleStarMedals Int @default(0)
vsDoubleStarMedals Int @default(0)
vsSingleStarMedals Int @default(0)
vsPlainMedals Int @default(0)
rgPlayCount Int @default(0)
rgWinCount Int @default(0)
rgTrophy Int @default(0)
rgScore Int @default(0)
rgStamp Int @default(0)
rgAcquireAllCrowns Boolean @default(false)
rgRegionMapScore Int[]
dressupLevel Int @default(0)
dressupPoint Int @default(0)
stPlayCount Int @default(0)
stClearBits Int @default(0)
stClearDivCount Int @default(0)
stClearCount Int @default(0)
stLoseBits BigInt @default(0)
stConsecutiveWins Int @default(0)
stConsecutiveWinsMax Int @default(0)
stCompleted100Episodes Boolean @default(false)
items CarItem[]
carGTWingDbId Int @unique
gtWing CarGTWing @relation(fields: [carGTWingDbId], references: [dbId])
carStateDbId Int @unique
state CarState @relation(fields: [carStateDbId], references: [dbId])
TimeAttackRecord TimeAttackRecord[]
CarCrown CarCrown[]
GhostTrail GhostTrail[]
model CarGTWing {
dbId Int @id @default(autoincrement())
car Car?
pillar Int @default(0)
pillarMaterial Int @default(0)
mainWing Int @default(0)
mainWingColor Int @default(0)
wingTip Int @default(0)
material Int @default(0)
model CarItem {
dbId Int @id @default(autoincrement())
Car Car @relation(fields: [carId], references: [carId])
carId Int
category Int
itemId Int
amount Int
model CarSettings {
dbId Int @id @default(autoincrement())
car Car?
view Boolean @default(true)
transmission Boolean @default(false)
retire Boolean @default(false)
meter Int @default(0)
navigationMap Boolean @default(true)
volume Int @default(1)
bgm Int @default(0)
nameplate Int @default(0)
nameplateColor Int @default(0)
terminalBackground Int @default(0)
model CarState {
dbId Int @id @default(autoincrement())
car Car?
hasOpponentGhost Boolean @default(false)
eventJoined Boolean @default(false)
transferred Boolean @default(false)
toBeDeleted Boolean @default(false)
model TimeAttackRecord {
dbId Int @id @default(autoincrement())
car Car @relation(fields: [carId], references: [carId])
carId Int
model Int // Car model, literally just the `model` field from Car
time Int
course Int
isMorning Boolean
section1Time Int @map("section1Time")
section2Time Int @map("section2Time")
section3Time Int @map("section3Time")
section4Time Int @map("section4Time")
section5Time Int? @map("section5Time")
section6Time Int? @map("section6Time")
section7Time Int? @map("section7Time")
tunePower Int @default(0) // Car Power
tuneHandling Int @default(0) // Car Handling
model CarCrown {
dbId Int @id @default(autoincrement())
car Car @relation(fields: [carId], references: [carId])
carId Int
area Int @unique
ramp Int
path Int
playedAt Int @default(0)
tunePower Int
tuneHandling Int
model GhostTrail {
dbId Int @id @default(autoincrement())
car Car @relation(fields: [carId], references: [carId])
carId Int
area Int
ramp Int
path Int
trail Bytes
time Int?
driveData Bytes? @db.ByteA
trendBinaryByArea Bytes? @db.ByteA
playedAt Int
crownBattle Boolean