/* Warnings: - You are about to drop the column `lastSheet` on the `User` table. All the data in the column will be lost. - The primary key for the `UserItem` table will be changed. If it partially fails, the table could be left without primary key constraint. - You are about to drop the column `dbId` on the `UserItem` table. All the data in the column will be lost. */ -- AlterTable ALTER TABLE "Car" ADD COLUMN "lastPlayedAt" INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, ALTER COLUMN "stLoseBits" SET DEFAULT 0; -- AlterTable ALTER TABLE "User" DROP COLUMN "lastSheet", ADD COLUMN "lastScratched" INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, ALTER COLUMN "currentSheet" SET DEFAULT 1; -- AlterTable ALTER TABLE "UserItem" DROP CONSTRAINT "UserItem_pkey", DROP COLUMN "dbId", ADD COLUMN "earnedAt" INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, ADD COLUMN "type" INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, ADD COLUMN "userItemId" SERIAL NOT NULL, ADD CONSTRAINT "UserItem_pkey" PRIMARY KEY ("userItemId"); -- CreateTable CREATE TABLE "ScratchSheet" ( "id" SERIAL NOT NULL, "userId" INTEGER NOT NULL, "sheetNo" INTEGER NOT NULL, CONSTRAINT "ScratchSheet_pkey" PRIMARY KEY ("id") ); -- CreateTable CREATE TABLE "ScratchSquare" ( "id" SERIAL NOT NULL, "sheetId" INTEGER NOT NULL, "category" INTEGER NOT NULL, "itemId" INTEGER NOT NULL, "earned" BOOLEAN NOT NULL, CONSTRAINT "ScratchSquare_pkey" PRIMARY KEY ("id") ); -- AddForeignKey ALTER TABLE "ScratchSheet" ADD CONSTRAINT "ScratchSheet_userId_fkey" FOREIGN KEY ("userId") REFERENCES "User"("id") ON DELETE RESTRICT ON UPDATE CASCADE; -- AddForeignKey ALTER TABLE "ScratchSquare" ADD CONSTRAINT "ScratchSquare_sheetId_fkey" FOREIGN KEY ("sheetId") REFERENCES "ScratchSheet"("id") ON DELETE RESTRICT ON UPDATE CASCADE;