######################## OCMEvent TABLE ######################## // Structure INSERT INTO "public"."OCMEvent" VALUES (dbId, competitionId, qualifyingPeriodStartAt, qualifyingPeriodCloseAt, competitionStartAt, competitionCloseAt, competitionEndAt, lengthOfPeriod, lengthOfInterval, area, minigamePattern); // Query Example INSERT INTO "public"."OCMEvent" VALUES (1, 1, 1659312000, 1660420740, 1660420800, 1661446800, 1661792400, 86400, 0, 0, 1); // CompetitionId Reference : BASE_PATH\src\util\games\games_util\ghost_ocm_area.ts // Description competitionId = OCM Event number (also for changing the area) qualifyingPeriodStartAt = start timestamp (datetime) of OCM Qualifying qualifyingPeriodCloseAt = end timestamp (datetime) of OCM Qualifying competitionStartAt = start timestamp (datetime) of OCM Main Draw competitionCloseAt = end timestamp (datetime) of OCM Main Draw competitionEndAt = idk what this is, last tally maybe lengthOfPeriod = not sure what this is, maybe the length of the timestamp of each period (like how much time for each period) lengthOfInterval = idk what this is (maybe interval for each period) area = course area, not really important tbh.. set to 0 still works fine minigamePattern = idk the correct value ---PLEASE DON'T CHANGE THE TIMETAMPS (maybe competitionId too) AFTER YOU SET YOURS OCM EVENT.. DO IT BEFORE YOU RUN THE QUERY--- ######################## OCMPeriod TABLE ######################## // Structure INSERT INTO "public"."OCMPeriod" VALUES (dbId, competitionDbId, competitionId, periodId, startAt, closeAt); // INSERT QUERY is automatic.. no need to insert manually // Description competitionId = OCM Event number (connected to OCMEvent table) periodId = idk how to explain this... how many period available for main draw startAt = start timestamp (datetime) of each period closeAt = end timestamp (datetime) of each period // periodId (idk if this is correct) : 1. x = competitionStartAt + lengthOfPeriod 2. if x is still less than competitionCloseAt, periodId = 1 (startAt = competitionStartAt, closeAt = x) 3. competitionStartAt = x + lengthOfInterval 4. if x is still less than competitionCloseAt, periodId = periodId + 1 (in this case is periodId = 2) 5. do the count again (no 1) 6. do it again until x is more than or same like competitionCloseAt (for last period, better make it same like competitionCloseAt)