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2022-08-20 21:35:57 +02:00
* Copyright (c) Meta Platforms, Inc. and affiliates.
* All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the Oculus SDK License Agreement (the "License");
* you may not use the Oculus SDK except in compliance with the License,
* which is provided at the time of installation or download, or which
* otherwise accompanies this software in either electronic or hard copy form.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* https://developer.oculus.com/licenses/oculussdk/
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, the Oculus SDK
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
public class OVRSkeleton : MonoBehaviour
public interface IOVRSkeletonDataProvider
SkeletonType GetSkeletonType();
SkeletonPoseData GetSkeletonPoseData();
public struct SkeletonPoseData
public OVRPlugin.Posef RootPose { get; set; }
public float RootScale { get; set; }
public OVRPlugin.Quatf[] BoneRotations { get; set; }
public bool IsDataValid { get; set; }
public bool IsDataHighConfidence { get; set; }
public int SkeletonChangedCount { get; set; }
public enum SkeletonType
None = OVRPlugin.SkeletonType.None,
HandLeft = OVRPlugin.SkeletonType.HandLeft,
HandRight = OVRPlugin.SkeletonType.HandRight,
public enum BoneId
Invalid = OVRPlugin.BoneId.Invalid,
// hand bones
Hand_Start = OVRPlugin.BoneId.Hand_Start,
Hand_WristRoot = OVRPlugin.BoneId.Hand_WristRoot, // root frame of the hand, where the wrist is located
Hand_ForearmStub = OVRPlugin.BoneId.Hand_ForearmStub, // frame for user's forearm
Hand_Thumb0 = OVRPlugin.BoneId.Hand_Thumb0, // thumb trapezium bone
Hand_Thumb1 = OVRPlugin.BoneId.Hand_Thumb1, // thumb metacarpal bone
Hand_Thumb2 = OVRPlugin.BoneId.Hand_Thumb2, // thumb proximal phalange bone
Hand_Thumb3 = OVRPlugin.BoneId.Hand_Thumb3, // thumb distal phalange bone
Hand_Index1 = OVRPlugin.BoneId.Hand_Index1, // index proximal phalange bone
Hand_Index2 = OVRPlugin.BoneId.Hand_Index2, // index intermediate phalange bone
Hand_Index3 = OVRPlugin.BoneId.Hand_Index3, // index distal phalange bone
Hand_Middle1 = OVRPlugin.BoneId.Hand_Middle1, // middle proximal phalange bone
Hand_Middle2 = OVRPlugin.BoneId.Hand_Middle2, // middle intermediate phalange bone
Hand_Middle3 = OVRPlugin.BoneId.Hand_Middle3, // middle distal phalange bone
Hand_Ring1 = OVRPlugin.BoneId.Hand_Ring1, // ring proximal phalange bone
Hand_Ring2 = OVRPlugin.BoneId.Hand_Ring2, // ring intermediate phalange bone
Hand_Ring3 = OVRPlugin.BoneId.Hand_Ring3, // ring distal phalange bone
Hand_Pinky0 = OVRPlugin.BoneId.Hand_Pinky0, // pinky metacarpal bone
Hand_Pinky1 = OVRPlugin.BoneId.Hand_Pinky1, // pinky proximal phalange bone
Hand_Pinky2 = OVRPlugin.BoneId.Hand_Pinky2, // pinky intermediate phalange bone
Hand_Pinky3 = OVRPlugin.BoneId.Hand_Pinky3, // pinky distal phalange bone
Hand_MaxSkinnable = OVRPlugin.BoneId.Hand_MaxSkinnable,
// Bone tips are position only. They are not used for skinning but are useful for hit-testing.
// NOTE: Hand_ThumbTip == Hand_MaxSkinnable since the extended tips need to be contiguous
Hand_ThumbTip = OVRPlugin.BoneId.Hand_ThumbTip, // tip of the thumb
Hand_IndexTip = OVRPlugin.BoneId.Hand_IndexTip, // tip of the index finger
Hand_MiddleTip = OVRPlugin.BoneId.Hand_MiddleTip, // tip of the middle finger
Hand_RingTip = OVRPlugin.BoneId.Hand_RingTip, // tip of the ring finger
Hand_PinkyTip = OVRPlugin.BoneId.Hand_PinkyTip, // tip of the pinky
Hand_End = OVRPlugin.BoneId.Hand_End,
// add new bones here
Max = OVRPlugin.BoneId.Max
protected SkeletonType _skeletonType = SkeletonType.None;
private IOVRSkeletonDataProvider _dataProvider;
private bool _updateRootPose = false;
private bool _updateRootScale = false;
private bool _enablePhysicsCapsules = false;
private bool _applyBoneTranslations = true;
private GameObject _bonesGO;
private GameObject _bindPosesGO;
private GameObject _capsulesGO;
protected List<OVRBone> _bones;
private List<OVRBone> _bindPoses;
private List<OVRBoneCapsule> _capsules;
protected OVRPlugin.Skeleton2 _skeleton = new OVRPlugin.Skeleton2();
private readonly Quaternion wristFixupRotation = new Quaternion(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
public bool IsInitialized { get; private set; }
public bool IsDataValid { get; private set; }
public bool IsDataHighConfidence { get; private set; }
public IList<OVRBone> Bones { get; protected set; }
public IList<OVRBone> BindPoses { get; private set; }
public IList<OVRBoneCapsule> Capsules { get; private set; }
public SkeletonType GetSkeletonType() { return _skeletonType; }
public int SkeletonChangedCount { get; private set; }
private void Awake()
if (_dataProvider == null)
_dataProvider = GetComponent<IOVRSkeletonDataProvider>();
_bones = new List<OVRBone>();
Bones = _bones.AsReadOnly();
_bindPoses = new List<OVRBone>();
BindPoses = _bindPoses.AsReadOnly();
_capsules = new List<OVRBoneCapsule>();
Capsules = _capsules.AsReadOnly();
private void Start()
if (ShouldInitialize())
private bool ShouldInitialize()
if (IsInitialized)
return false;
if (_skeletonType == SkeletonType.None)
return false;
else if (_skeletonType == SkeletonType.HandLeft || _skeletonType == SkeletonType.HandRight)
return OVRInput.IsControllerConnected(OVRInput.Controller.Hands);
return true;
return true;
private void Initialize()
if (OVRPlugin.GetSkeleton2((OVRPlugin.SkeletonType)_skeletonType, ref _skeleton))
IsInitialized = true;
protected virtual Transform GetBoneTransform(BoneId boneId) => null;
protected virtual void InitializeBones()
bool flipX = (_skeletonType == SkeletonType.HandLeft || _skeletonType == SkeletonType.HandRight);
if (!_bonesGO)
_bonesGO = new GameObject("Bones");
_bonesGO.transform.SetParent(transform, false);
_bonesGO.transform.localPosition = Vector3.zero;
_bonesGO.transform.localRotation = Quaternion.identity;
if (_bones == null || _bones.Count != _skeleton.NumBones)
_bones = new List<OVRBone>(new OVRBone[_skeleton.NumBones]);
Bones = _bones.AsReadOnly();
// pre-populate bones list before attempting to apply bone hierarchy
for (int i = 0; i < _bones.Count; ++i)
OVRBone bone = _bones[i] ?? (_bones[i] = new OVRBone());
bone.Id = (OVRSkeleton.BoneId)_skeleton.Bones[i].Id;
bone.ParentBoneIndex = _skeleton.Bones[i].ParentBoneIndex;
bone.Transform = GetBoneTransform(bone.Id);
if (bone.Transform == null)
bone.Transform = new GameObject(BoneLabelFromBoneId(_skeletonType, bone.Id)).transform;
var pose = _skeleton.Bones[i].Pose;
if (_applyBoneTranslations)
bone.Transform.localPosition = flipX
? pose.Position.FromFlippedXVector3f()
: pose.Position.FromFlippedZVector3f();
bone.Transform.localRotation = flipX
? pose.Orientation.FromFlippedXQuatf()
: pose.Orientation.FromFlippedZQuatf();
for (int i = 0; i < _bones.Count; ++i)
if ((BoneId)_bones[i].ParentBoneIndex == BoneId.Invalid)
_bones[i].Transform.SetParent(_bonesGO.transform, false);
_bones[i].Transform.SetParent(_bones[_bones[i].ParentBoneIndex].Transform, false);
private void InitializeBindPose()
if (!_bindPosesGO)
_bindPosesGO = new GameObject("BindPoses");
_bindPosesGO.transform.SetParent(transform, false);
_bindPosesGO.transform.localPosition = Vector3.zero;
_bindPosesGO.transform.localRotation = Quaternion.identity;
if (_bindPoses == null || _bindPoses.Count != _bones.Count)
_bindPoses = new List<OVRBone>(new OVRBone[_bones.Count]);
BindPoses = _bindPoses.AsReadOnly();
// pre-populate bones list before attempting to apply bone hierarchy
for (int i = 0; i < _bindPoses.Count; ++i)
OVRBone bone = _bones[i];
OVRBone bindPoseBone = _bindPoses[i] ?? (_bindPoses[i] = new OVRBone());
bindPoseBone.Id = bone.Id;
bindPoseBone.ParentBoneIndex = bone.ParentBoneIndex;
Transform trans = bindPoseBone.Transform ? bindPoseBone.Transform : (bindPoseBone.Transform =
new GameObject(BoneLabelFromBoneId(_skeletonType, bindPoseBone.Id)).transform);
trans.localPosition = bone.Transform.localPosition;
trans.localRotation = bone.Transform.localRotation;
for (int i = 0; i < _bindPoses.Count; ++i)
if ((BoneId)_bindPoses[i].ParentBoneIndex == BoneId.Invalid)
_bindPoses[i].Transform.SetParent(_bindPosesGO.transform, false);
_bindPoses[i].Transform.SetParent(_bindPoses[_bindPoses[i].ParentBoneIndex].Transform, false);
private void InitializeCapsules()
bool flipX = (_skeletonType == SkeletonType.HandLeft || _skeletonType == SkeletonType.HandRight);
if (_enablePhysicsCapsules)
if (!_capsulesGO)
_capsulesGO = new GameObject("Capsules");
_capsulesGO.transform.SetParent(transform, false);
_capsulesGO.transform.localPosition = Vector3.zero;
_capsulesGO.transform.localRotation = Quaternion.identity;
if (_capsules == null || _capsules.Count != _skeleton.NumBoneCapsules)
_capsules = new List<OVRBoneCapsule>(new OVRBoneCapsule[_skeleton.NumBoneCapsules]);
Capsules = _capsules.AsReadOnly();
for (int i = 0; i < _capsules.Count; ++i)
OVRBone bone = _bones[_skeleton.BoneCapsules[i].BoneIndex];
OVRBoneCapsule capsule = _capsules[i] ?? (_capsules[i] = new OVRBoneCapsule());
capsule.BoneIndex = _skeleton.BoneCapsules[i].BoneIndex;
if (capsule.CapsuleRigidbody == null)
capsule.CapsuleRigidbody = new GameObject(BoneLabelFromBoneId(_skeletonType, bone.Id) + "_CapsuleRigidbody").AddComponent<Rigidbody>();
capsule.CapsuleRigidbody.mass = 1.0f;
capsule.CapsuleRigidbody.isKinematic = true;
capsule.CapsuleRigidbody.useGravity = false;
capsule.CapsuleRigidbody.collisionDetectionMode = CollisionDetectionMode.ContinuousSpeculative;
GameObject rbGO = capsule.CapsuleRigidbody.gameObject;
rbGO.transform.SetParent(_capsulesGO.transform, false);
rbGO.transform.position = bone.Transform.position;
rbGO.transform.rotation = bone.Transform.rotation;
if (capsule.CapsuleCollider == null)
capsule.CapsuleCollider = new GameObject(BoneLabelFromBoneId(_skeletonType, bone.Id) + "_CapsuleCollider").AddComponent<CapsuleCollider>();
capsule.CapsuleCollider.isTrigger = false;
var p0 = flipX ? _skeleton.BoneCapsules[i].StartPoint.FromFlippedXVector3f() : _skeleton.BoneCapsules[i].StartPoint.FromFlippedZVector3f();
var p1 = flipX ? _skeleton.BoneCapsules[i].EndPoint.FromFlippedXVector3f() : _skeleton.BoneCapsules[i].EndPoint.FromFlippedZVector3f();
var delta = p1 - p0;
var mag = delta.magnitude;
var rot = Quaternion.FromToRotation(Vector3.right, delta);
capsule.CapsuleCollider.radius = _skeleton.BoneCapsules[i].Radius;
capsule.CapsuleCollider.height = mag + _skeleton.BoneCapsules[i].Radius * 2.0f;
capsule.CapsuleCollider.direction = 0;
capsule.CapsuleCollider.center = Vector3.right * mag * 0.5f;
GameObject ccGO = capsule.CapsuleCollider.gameObject;
ccGO.transform.SetParent(rbGO.transform, false);
ccGO.transform.localPosition = p0;
ccGO.transform.localRotation = rot;
private void Update()
if (ShouldInitialize())
if (!IsInitialized || _dataProvider == null)
IsDataValid = false;
IsDataHighConfidence = false;
var data = _dataProvider.GetSkeletonPoseData();
IsDataValid = data.IsDataValid;
if (data.IsDataValid)
if (SkeletonChangedCount != data.SkeletonChangedCount)
SkeletonChangedCount = data.SkeletonChangedCount;
IsInitialized = false;
IsDataHighConfidence = data.IsDataHighConfidence;
if (_updateRootPose)
transform.localPosition = data.RootPose.Position.FromFlippedZVector3f();
transform.localRotation = data.RootPose.Orientation.FromFlippedZQuatf();
if (_updateRootScale)
transform.localScale = new Vector3(data.RootScale, data.RootScale, data.RootScale);
for (var i = 0; i < _bones.Count; ++i)
var boneTransform = _bones[i].Transform;
if (boneTransform == null) continue;
if (_skeletonType == SkeletonType.HandLeft || _skeletonType == SkeletonType.HandRight)
boneTransform.localRotation = data.BoneRotations[i].FromFlippedXQuatf();
if (_bones[i].Id == BoneId.Hand_WristRoot)
boneTransform.localRotation *= wristFixupRotation;
boneTransform.localRotation = data.BoneRotations[i].FromFlippedZQuatf();
private void FixedUpdate()
if (!IsInitialized || _dataProvider == null)
IsDataValid = false;
IsDataHighConfidence = false;
if (_enablePhysicsCapsules)
var data = _dataProvider.GetSkeletonPoseData();
IsDataValid = data.IsDataValid;
IsDataHighConfidence = data.IsDataHighConfidence;
for (int i = 0; i < _capsules.Count; ++i)
OVRBoneCapsule capsule = _capsules[i];
var capsuleGO = capsule.CapsuleRigidbody.gameObject;
if (data.IsDataValid && data.IsDataHighConfidence)
Transform bone = _bones[(int)capsule.BoneIndex].Transform;
if (capsuleGO.activeSelf)
capsule.CapsuleRigidbody.position = bone.position;
capsule.CapsuleRigidbody.rotation = bone.rotation;
if (capsuleGO.activeSelf)
public BoneId GetCurrentStartBoneId()
switch (_skeletonType)
case SkeletonType.HandLeft:
case SkeletonType.HandRight:
return BoneId.Hand_Start;
case SkeletonType.None:
return BoneId.Invalid;
public BoneId GetCurrentEndBoneId()
switch (_skeletonType)
case SkeletonType.HandLeft:
case SkeletonType.HandRight:
return BoneId.Hand_End;
case SkeletonType.None:
return BoneId.Invalid;
private BoneId GetCurrentMaxSkinnableBoneId()
switch (_skeletonType)
case SkeletonType.HandLeft:
case SkeletonType.HandRight:
return BoneId.Hand_MaxSkinnable;
case SkeletonType.None:
return BoneId.Invalid;
public int GetCurrentNumBones()
switch (_skeletonType)
case SkeletonType.HandLeft:
case SkeletonType.HandRight:
return GetCurrentEndBoneId() - GetCurrentStartBoneId();
case SkeletonType.None:
return 0;
public int GetCurrentNumSkinnableBones()
switch (_skeletonType)
case SkeletonType.HandLeft:
case SkeletonType.HandRight:
return GetCurrentMaxSkinnableBoneId() - GetCurrentStartBoneId();
case SkeletonType.None:
return 0;
// force aliased enum values to the more appropriate value
public static string BoneLabelFromBoneId(OVRSkeleton.SkeletonType skeletonType, BoneId boneId)
if (skeletonType == OVRSkeleton.SkeletonType.HandLeft || skeletonType == OVRSkeleton.SkeletonType.HandRight)
switch (boneId)
case OVRSkeleton.BoneId.Hand_WristRoot:
return "Hand_WristRoot";
case OVRSkeleton.BoneId.Hand_ForearmStub:
return "Hand_ForearmStub";
case OVRSkeleton.BoneId.Hand_Thumb0:
return "Hand_Thumb0";
case OVRSkeleton.BoneId.Hand_Thumb1:
return "Hand_Thumb1";
case OVRSkeleton.BoneId.Hand_Thumb2:
return "Hand_Thumb2";
case OVRSkeleton.BoneId.Hand_Thumb3:
return "Hand_Thumb3";
case OVRSkeleton.BoneId.Hand_Index1:
return "Hand_Index1";
case OVRSkeleton.BoneId.Hand_Index2:
return "Hand_Index2";
case OVRSkeleton.BoneId.Hand_Index3:
return "Hand_Index3";
case OVRSkeleton.BoneId.Hand_Middle1:
return "Hand_Middle1";
case OVRSkeleton.BoneId.Hand_Middle2:
return "Hand_Middle2";
case OVRSkeleton.BoneId.Hand_Middle3:
return "Hand_Middle3";
case OVRSkeleton.BoneId.Hand_Ring1:
return "Hand_Ring1";
case OVRSkeleton.BoneId.Hand_Ring2:
return "Hand_Ring2";
case OVRSkeleton.BoneId.Hand_Ring3:
return "Hand_Ring3";
case OVRSkeleton.BoneId.Hand_Pinky0:
return "Hand_Pinky0";
case OVRSkeleton.BoneId.Hand_Pinky1:
return "Hand_Pinky1";
case OVRSkeleton.BoneId.Hand_Pinky2:
return "Hand_Pinky2";
case OVRSkeleton.BoneId.Hand_Pinky3:
return "Hand_Pinky3";
case OVRSkeleton.BoneId.Hand_ThumbTip:
return "Hand_ThumbTip";
case OVRSkeleton.BoneId.Hand_IndexTip:
return "Hand_IndexTip";
case OVRSkeleton.BoneId.Hand_MiddleTip:
return "Hand_MiddleTip";
case OVRSkeleton.BoneId.Hand_RingTip:
return "Hand_RingTip";
case OVRSkeleton.BoneId.Hand_PinkyTip:
return "Hand_PinkyTip";
return "Hand_Unknown";
return "Skeleton_Unknown";
public class OVRBone
public OVRSkeleton.BoneId Id { get; set; }
public short ParentBoneIndex { get; set; }
public Transform Transform { get; set; }
public OVRBone() { }
public OVRBone(OVRSkeleton.BoneId id, short parentBoneIndex, Transform trans)
Id = id;
ParentBoneIndex = parentBoneIndex;
Transform = trans;
public class OVRBoneCapsule
public short BoneIndex { get; set; }
public Rigidbody CapsuleRigidbody { get; set; }
public CapsuleCollider CapsuleCollider { get; set; }
public OVRBoneCapsule() { }
public OVRBoneCapsule(short boneIndex, Rigidbody capsuleRigidBody, CapsuleCollider capsuleCollider)
BoneIndex = boneIndex;
CapsuleRigidbody = capsuleRigidBody;
CapsuleCollider = capsuleCollider;