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* Copyright (c) Meta Platforms, Inc. and affiliates.
* All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the Oculus SDK License Agreement (the "License");
* you may not use the Oculus SDK except in compliance with the License,
* which is provided at the time of installation or download, or which
* otherwise accompanies this software in either electronic or hard copy form.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* https://developer.oculus.com/licenses/oculussdk/
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, the Oculus SDK
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
using UnityEngine;
using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
/// <summary>
/// Plays tactile effects on a tracked VR controller.
/// </summary>
public static class OVRHaptics
public readonly static OVRHapticsChannel[] Channels;
public readonly static OVRHapticsChannel LeftChannel;
public readonly static OVRHapticsChannel RightChannel;
private readonly static OVRHapticsOutput[] m_outputs;
static OVRHaptics()
m_outputs = new OVRHapticsOutput[]
new OVRHapticsOutput((uint)OVRPlugin.Controller.LTouch),
new OVRHapticsOutput((uint)OVRPlugin.Controller.RTouch),
Channels = new OVRHapticsChannel[]
LeftChannel = new OVRHapticsChannel(0),
RightChannel = new OVRHapticsChannel(1),
/// <summary>
/// Determines the target format for haptics data on a specific device.
/// </summary>
public static class Config
public static int SampleRateHz { get; private set; }
public static int SampleSizeInBytes { get; private set; }
public static int MinimumSafeSamplesQueued { get; private set; }
public static int MinimumBufferSamplesCount { get; private set; }
public static int OptimalBufferSamplesCount { get; private set; }
public static int MaximumBufferSamplesCount { get; private set; }
static Config()
public static void Load()
OVRPlugin.HapticsDesc desc = OVRPlugin.GetControllerHapticsDesc((uint)OVRPlugin.Controller.RTouch);
SampleRateHz = desc.SampleRateHz;
SampleSizeInBytes = desc.SampleSizeInBytes;
MinimumSafeSamplesQueued = desc.MinimumSafeSamplesQueued;
MinimumBufferSamplesCount = desc.MinimumBufferSamplesCount;
OptimalBufferSamplesCount = desc.OptimalBufferSamplesCount;
MaximumBufferSamplesCount = desc.MaximumBufferSamplesCount;
/// <summary>
/// A track of haptics data that can be mixed or sequenced with another track.
/// </summary>
public class OVRHapticsChannel
private OVRHapticsOutput m_output;
/// <summary>
/// Constructs a channel targeting the specified output.
/// </summary>
public OVRHapticsChannel(uint outputIndex)
m_output = m_outputs[outputIndex];
/// <summary>
/// Cancels any currently-playing clips and immediatly plays the specified clip instead.
/// </summary>
public void Preempt(OVRHapticsClip clip)
/// <summary>
/// Enqueues the specified clip to play after any currently-playing clips finish.
/// </summary>
public void Queue(OVRHapticsClip clip)
/// <summary>
/// Adds the specified clip to play simultaneously to the currently-playing clip(s).
/// </summary>
public void Mix(OVRHapticsClip clip)
/// <summary>
/// Cancels any currently-playing clips.
/// </summary>
public void Clear()
private class OVRHapticsOutput
private class ClipPlaybackTracker
public int ReadCount { get; set; }
public OVRHapticsClip Clip { get; set; }
public ClipPlaybackTracker(OVRHapticsClip clip)
Clip = clip;
private bool m_lowLatencyMode = true;
private bool m_paddingEnabled = true;
private int m_prevSamplesQueued = 0;
private float m_prevSamplesQueuedTime = 0;
private int m_numPredictionHits = 0;
private int m_numPredictionMisses = 0;
private int m_numUnderruns = 0;
private List<ClipPlaybackTracker> m_pendingClips = new List<ClipPlaybackTracker>();
private uint m_controller = 0;
private OVRNativeBuffer m_nativeBuffer = new OVRNativeBuffer(OVRHaptics.Config.MaximumBufferSamplesCount * OVRHaptics.Config.SampleSizeInBytes);
private OVRHapticsClip m_paddingClip = new OVRHapticsClip();
public OVRHapticsOutput(uint controller)
m_paddingEnabled = false;
m_controller = controller;
/// <summary>
/// The system calls this each frame to update haptics playback.
/// </summary>
public void Process()
var hapticsState = OVRPlugin.GetControllerHapticsState(m_controller);
float elapsedTime = Time.realtimeSinceStartup - m_prevSamplesQueuedTime;
if (m_prevSamplesQueued > 0)
int expectedSamples = m_prevSamplesQueued - (int)(elapsedTime * OVRHaptics.Config.SampleRateHz + 0.5f);
if (expectedSamples < 0)
expectedSamples = 0;
if ((hapticsState.SamplesQueued - expectedSamples) == 0)
//Debug.Log(hapticsState.SamplesAvailable + "a " + hapticsState.SamplesQueued + "q " + expectedSamples + "e "
//+ "Prediction Accuracy: " + m_numPredictionHits / (float)(m_numPredictionMisses + m_numPredictionHits));
if ((expectedSamples > 0) && (hapticsState.SamplesQueued == 0))
//Debug.LogError("Samples Underrun (" + m_controller + " #" + m_numUnderruns + ") -"
// + " Expected: " + expectedSamples
// + " Actual: " + hapticsState.SamplesQueued);
m_prevSamplesQueued = hapticsState.SamplesQueued;
m_prevSamplesQueuedTime = Time.realtimeSinceStartup;
int desiredSamplesCount = OVRHaptics.Config.OptimalBufferSamplesCount;
if (m_lowLatencyMode)
float sampleRateMs = 1000.0f / (float)OVRHaptics.Config.SampleRateHz;
float elapsedMs = elapsedTime * 1000.0f;
int samplesNeededPerFrame = (int)Mathf.Ceil(elapsedMs / sampleRateMs);
int lowLatencySamplesCount = OVRHaptics.Config.MinimumSafeSamplesQueued + samplesNeededPerFrame;
if (lowLatencySamplesCount < desiredSamplesCount)
desiredSamplesCount = lowLatencySamplesCount;
if (hapticsState.SamplesQueued > desiredSamplesCount)
if (desiredSamplesCount > OVRHaptics.Config.MaximumBufferSamplesCount)
desiredSamplesCount = OVRHaptics.Config.MaximumBufferSamplesCount;
if (desiredSamplesCount > hapticsState.SamplesAvailable)
desiredSamplesCount = hapticsState.SamplesAvailable;
int acquiredSamplesCount = 0;
int clipIndex = 0;
while(acquiredSamplesCount < desiredSamplesCount && clipIndex < m_pendingClips.Count)
int numSamplesToCopy = desiredSamplesCount - acquiredSamplesCount;
int remainingSamplesInClip = m_pendingClips[clipIndex].Clip.Count - m_pendingClips[clipIndex].ReadCount;
if (numSamplesToCopy > remainingSamplesInClip)
numSamplesToCopy = remainingSamplesInClip;
if (numSamplesToCopy > 0)
int numBytes = numSamplesToCopy * OVRHaptics.Config.SampleSizeInBytes;
int dstOffset = acquiredSamplesCount * OVRHaptics.Config.SampleSizeInBytes;
int srcOffset = m_pendingClips[clipIndex].ReadCount * OVRHaptics.Config.SampleSizeInBytes;
Marshal.Copy(m_pendingClips[clipIndex].Clip.Samples, srcOffset, m_nativeBuffer.GetPointer(dstOffset), numBytes);
m_pendingClips[clipIndex].ReadCount += numSamplesToCopy;
acquiredSamplesCount += numSamplesToCopy;
for (int i = m_pendingClips.Count - 1; i >= 0 && m_pendingClips.Count > 0; i--)
if (m_pendingClips[i].ReadCount >= m_pendingClips[i].Clip.Count)
if (m_paddingEnabled)
int desiredPadding = desiredSamplesCount - (hapticsState.SamplesQueued + acquiredSamplesCount);
if (desiredPadding < (OVRHaptics.Config.MinimumBufferSamplesCount - acquiredSamplesCount))
desiredPadding = (OVRHaptics.Config.MinimumBufferSamplesCount - acquiredSamplesCount);
if (desiredPadding > hapticsState.SamplesAvailable)
desiredPadding = hapticsState.SamplesAvailable;
if (desiredPadding > 0)
int numBytes = desiredPadding * OVRHaptics.Config.SampleSizeInBytes;
int dstOffset = acquiredSamplesCount * OVRHaptics.Config.SampleSizeInBytes;
int srcOffset = 0;
Marshal.Copy(m_paddingClip.Samples, srcOffset, m_nativeBuffer.GetPointer(dstOffset), numBytes);
acquiredSamplesCount += desiredPadding;
if (acquiredSamplesCount > 0)
OVRPlugin.HapticsBuffer hapticsBuffer;
hapticsBuffer.Samples = m_nativeBuffer.GetPointer();
hapticsBuffer.SamplesCount = acquiredSamplesCount;
OVRPlugin.SetControllerHaptics(m_controller, hapticsBuffer);
hapticsState = OVRPlugin.GetControllerHapticsState(m_controller);
m_prevSamplesQueued = hapticsState.SamplesQueued;
m_prevSamplesQueuedTime = Time.realtimeSinceStartup;
/// <summary>
/// Immediately plays the specified clip without waiting for any currently-playing clip to finish.
/// </summary>
public void Preempt(OVRHapticsClip clip)
m_pendingClips.Add(new ClipPlaybackTracker(clip));
/// <summary>
/// Enqueues the specified clip to play after any currently-playing clip finishes.
/// </summary>
public void Queue(OVRHapticsClip clip)
m_pendingClips.Add(new ClipPlaybackTracker(clip));
/// <summary>
/// Adds the samples from the specified clip to the ones in the currently-playing clip(s).
/// </summary>
public void Mix(OVRHapticsClip clip)
int numClipsToMix = 0;
int numSamplesToMix = 0;
int numSamplesRemaining = clip.Count;
while (numSamplesRemaining > 0 && numClipsToMix < m_pendingClips.Count)
int numSamplesRemainingInClip = m_pendingClips[numClipsToMix].Clip.Count - m_pendingClips[numClipsToMix].ReadCount;
numSamplesRemaining -= numSamplesRemainingInClip;
numSamplesToMix += numSamplesRemainingInClip;
if (numSamplesRemaining > 0)
numSamplesToMix += numSamplesRemaining;
numSamplesRemaining = 0;
if (numClipsToMix > 0)
OVRHapticsClip mixClip = new OVRHapticsClip(numSamplesToMix);
OVRHapticsClip a = clip;
int aReadCount = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < numClipsToMix; i++)
OVRHapticsClip b = m_pendingClips[i].Clip;
for(int bReadCount = m_pendingClips[i].ReadCount; bReadCount < b.Count; bReadCount++)
if (OVRHaptics.Config.SampleSizeInBytes == 1)
byte sample = 0; // TODO support multi-byte samples
if ((aReadCount < a.Count) && (bReadCount < b.Count))
sample = (byte)(Mathf.Clamp(a.Samples[aReadCount] + b.Samples[bReadCount], 0, System.Byte.MaxValue)); // TODO support multi-byte samples
else if (bReadCount < b.Count)
sample = b.Samples[bReadCount]; // TODO support multi-byte samples
mixClip.WriteSample(sample); // TODO support multi-byte samples
while (aReadCount < a.Count)
if (OVRHaptics.Config.SampleSizeInBytes == 1)
mixClip.WriteSample(a.Samples[aReadCount]); // TODO support multi-byte samples
m_pendingClips[0] = new ClipPlaybackTracker(mixClip);
for (int i = 1; i < numClipsToMix; i++)
m_pendingClips.Add(new ClipPlaybackTracker(clip));
public void Clear()
/// <summary>
/// The system calls this each frame to update haptics playback.
/// </summary>
public static void Process()
for (int i = 0; i < m_outputs.Length; i++)