using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using UnityEngine; namespace LIV.SDK.Unity { public static class SDKUtils { public static void CreateClipPlane(Mesh mesh, int resX, int resY, bool useQuads, float skirtLength) { int vertexCount = (resX + 1) * (resY + 1); int triangleCount = useQuads ? (resX * resY * 4) : (resX * resY * 2 * 3); Vector3[] v = new Vector3[vertexCount]; Vector2[] uv = new Vector2[vertexCount]; int[] t = new int[triangleCount]; float hWidth = 0.5f; float hHeight = 0.5f; int resX1 = resX + 1; int resY1 = resY + 1; for (int y = 0; y < resY1; y++) { for (int x = 0; x < resX1; x++) { int vi = y * resX1 + x; float uvx = (float)x / (float)resX; float uvy = (float)y / (float)resY; float skirtX = (x == 0 || x == resX) ? skirtLength : 1f; float skirtY = (y == 0 || y == resY) ? skirtLength : 1f; v[vi] = new Vector2((-hWidth + uvx) * skirtX, (-hHeight + uvy) * skirtY); uv[vi] = new Vector2(Mathf.InverseLerp(1, resX - 1, x), Mathf.InverseLerp(1, resY - 1, y)); } } mesh.Clear(); mesh.vertices = v; mesh.uv = uv; mesh.bounds = new Bounds(, * float.MaxValue); { int faces = resX * resY; int vi = 0; int ti = 0; if (useQuads) { for (int i = 0; i < faces; i++) { vi = (i / resX) * resX1 + (i % resX); t[ti++] = vi + 1; t[ti++] = vi; t[ti++] = vi + 1 + resX; t[ti++] = vi + 2 + resX; } mesh.SetIndices(t, MeshTopology.Quads, 0); } else { for (int i = 0; i < faces; i++) { vi = (i / resX) * resX1 + (i % resX); t[ti++] = vi + 2 + resX; t[ti++] = vi + 1; t[ti++] = vi; t[ti++] = vi + 1 + resX; t[ti++] = vi + 2 + resX; t[ti++] = vi; } mesh.SetIndices(t, MeshTopology.Triangles, 0); } } } public static RenderTextureReadWrite GetReadWriteFromColorSpace(TEXTURE_COLOR_SPACE colorSpace) { switch (colorSpace) { case TEXTURE_COLOR_SPACE.LINEAR: return RenderTextureReadWrite.Linear; case TEXTURE_COLOR_SPACE.SRGB: return RenderTextureReadWrite.sRGB; default: return RenderTextureReadWrite.Default; } } public static TEXTURE_COLOR_SPACE GetDefaultColorSpace { get { switch (QualitySettings.activeColorSpace) { case UnityEngine.ColorSpace.Gamma: return TEXTURE_COLOR_SPACE.SRGB; case UnityEngine.ColorSpace.Linear: return TEXTURE_COLOR_SPACE.LINEAR; } return TEXTURE_COLOR_SPACE.UNDEFINED; } } public static TEXTURE_COLOR_SPACE GetColorSpace(RenderTexture renderTexture) { if (renderTexture == null) return TEXTURE_COLOR_SPACE.UNDEFINED; if (renderTexture.sRGB) return TEXTURE_COLOR_SPACE.SRGB; return TEXTURE_COLOR_SPACE.LINEAR; } public static RENDERING_PIPELINE GetRenderingPipeline(RenderingPath renderingPath) { switch (renderingPath) { case RenderingPath.DeferredLighting: return RENDERING_PIPELINE.DEFERRED; case RenderingPath.DeferredShading: return RENDERING_PIPELINE.DEFERRED; case RenderingPath.Forward: return RENDERING_PIPELINE.FORWARD; case RenderingPath.VertexLit: return RENDERING_PIPELINE.VERTEX_LIT; default: return RENDERING_PIPELINE.UNDEFINED; } } public static TEXTURE_DEVICE GetDevice() { switch (SystemInfo.graphicsDeviceType) { case UnityEngine.Rendering.GraphicsDeviceType.Direct3D11: case UnityEngine.Rendering.GraphicsDeviceType.Direct3D12: return TEXTURE_DEVICE.DIRECTX; case UnityEngine.Rendering.GraphicsDeviceType.Vulkan: return TEXTURE_DEVICE.VULKAN; case UnityEngine.Rendering.GraphicsDeviceType.Metal: return TEXTURE_DEVICE.METAL; case UnityEngine.Rendering.GraphicsDeviceType.OpenGLCore: return TEXTURE_DEVICE.OPENGL; default: return TEXTURE_DEVICE.UNDEFINED; } } public static bool ContainsFlag(ulong flags, ulong flag) { return (flags & flag) != 0; } public static ulong SetFlag(ulong flags, ulong flag, bool enabled) { if (enabled) { return flags | flag; } else { return flags & (~flag); } } public static void GetCameraPositionAndRotation(SDKPose pose, Matrix4x4 originLocalToWorldMatrix, out Vector3 position, out Quaternion rotation) { position = originLocalToWorldMatrix.MultiplyPoint(pose.localPosition); rotation = RotateQuaternionByMatrix(originLocalToWorldMatrix, pose.localRotation); } public static void CleanCameraBehaviours(Camera camera, string[] excludeBehaviours) { // Remove all children from camera clone. foreach (Transform child in camera.transform) { Object.Destroy(child.gameObject); } if (excludeBehaviours == null) return; for (int i = 0; i < excludeBehaviours.Length; i++) { Object.Destroy(camera.GetComponent(excludeBehaviours[i])); } } public static void SetCamera(Camera camera, Transform cameraTransform, SDKInputFrame inputFrame, Matrix4x4 originLocalToWorldMatrix, int layerMask) { Vector3 worldPosition =; Quaternion worldRotation = Quaternion.identity; float verticalFieldOfView = inputFrame.pose.verticalFieldOfView; float nearClipPlane = inputFrame.pose.nearClipPlane; float farClipPlane = inputFrame.pose.farClipPlane; Matrix4x4 projectionMatrix = inputFrame.pose.projectionMatrix; GetCameraPositionAndRotation(inputFrame.pose, originLocalToWorldMatrix, out worldPosition, out worldRotation); cameraTransform.position = worldPosition; cameraTransform.rotation = worldRotation; camera.fieldOfView = verticalFieldOfView; camera.nearClipPlane = nearClipPlane; camera.farClipPlane = farClipPlane; camera.projectionMatrix = projectionMatrix; camera.cullingMask = layerMask; } public static Quaternion RotateQuaternionByMatrix(Matrix4x4 matrix, Quaternion rotation) { return Quaternion.LookRotation( matrix.MultiplyVector(Vector3.forward), matrix.MultiplyVector(Vector3.up) ) * rotation; } public static SDKTrackedSpace GetTrackedSpace(Transform transform) { if (transform == null) return SDKTrackedSpace.empty; return new SDKTrackedSpace { trackedSpaceWorldPosition = transform.position, trackedSpaceWorldRotation = transform.rotation, trackedSpaceLocalScale = transform.localScale, trackedSpaceLocalToWorldMatrix = transform.localToWorldMatrix, trackedSpaceWorldToLocalMatrix = transform.worldToLocalMatrix, }; } public static bool DestroyObject(ref T reference) where T : UnityEngine.Object { if (reference == null) return false; Object.Destroy(reference); reference = default(T); return true; } public static bool DisposeObject(ref T reference) where T : System.IDisposable { if (reference == null) return false; reference.Dispose(); reference = default(T); return true; } public static bool CreateTexture(ref RenderTexture renderTexture, int width, int height, int depth, RenderTextureFormat format) { DestroyTexture(ref renderTexture); if (width <= 0 || height <= 0) { Debug.LogError("LIV: Unable to create render texture. Texture dimension must be higher than zero."); return false; } renderTexture = new RenderTexture(width, height, depth, format) { antiAliasing = 1, wrapMode = TextureWrapMode.Clamp, useMipMap = false, anisoLevel = 0 }; if (!renderTexture.Create()) { Debug.LogError("LIV: Unable to create render texture."); return false; } return true; } public static void DestroyTexture(ref RenderTexture _renderTexture) { if (_renderTexture == null) return; if (_renderTexture.IsCreated()) { _renderTexture.Release(); } _renderTexture = null; } public static void ApplyUserSpaceTransform(SDKRender render) { if (render.stageTransform == null) return; render.stageTransform.localPosition = render.inputFrame.stageTransform.localPosition; render.stageTransform.localRotation = render.inputFrame.stageTransform.localRotation; render.stageTransform.localScale = render.inputFrame.stageTransform.localScale; } public static void CreateBridgeOutputFrame(SDKRender render) { RENDERING_PIPELINE renderingPipeline = RENDERING_PIPELINE.UNDEFINED; #if LIV_UNIVERSAL_RENDER renderingPipeline = RENDERING_PIPELINE.UNIVERSAL; #else if(render.cameraInstance != null) { renderingPipeline = SDKUtils.GetRenderingPipeline(render.cameraInstance.actualRenderingPath); } #endif SDKBridge.CreateFrame(new SDKOutputFrame() { renderingPipeline = renderingPipeline, trackedSpace = SDKUtils.GetTrackedSpace(render.stageTransform == null ? render.stage : render.stageTransform) }); } public static bool FeatureEnabled(FEATURES features, FEATURES feature) { return SDKUtils.ContainsFlag((ulong)features, (ulong)feature); } // Disable standard assets if required. public static void DisableStandardAssets(Camera cameraInstance, ref MonoBehaviour[] behaviours, ref bool[] wasBehaviourEnabled) { behaviours = null; wasBehaviourEnabled = null; behaviours = cameraInstance.gameObject.GetComponents(); wasBehaviourEnabled = new bool[behaviours.Length]; for (var i = 0; i < behaviours.Length; i++) { var behaviour = behaviours[i]; // generates garbage if (behaviour.enabled && behaviour.GetType().ToString().StartsWith("UnityStandardAssets.")) { behaviour.enabled = false; wasBehaviourEnabled[i] = true; } } } // Restore disabled behaviours. public static void RestoreStandardAssets(ref MonoBehaviour[] behaviours, ref bool[] wasBehaviourEnabled) { if (behaviours != null) for (var i = 0; i < behaviours.Length; i++) if (wasBehaviourEnabled[i]) behaviours[i].enabled = true; } public static void ForceForwardRendering(Camera cameraInstance, Mesh clipPlaneMesh, Material forceForwardRenderingMaterial) { Matrix4x4 forceForwardRenderingMatrix = cameraInstance.transform.localToWorldMatrix * Matrix4x4.TRS(Vector3.forward * (cameraInstance.nearClipPlane + 0.1f), Quaternion.identity,; Graphics.DrawMesh(clipPlaneMesh, forceForwardRenderingMatrix, forceForwardRenderingMaterial, 0, cameraInstance, 0, new MaterialPropertyBlock(), false, false, false); } } }