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* Copyright (c) Meta Platforms, Inc. and affiliates.
* All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the Oculus SDK License Agreement (the "License");
* you may not use the Oculus SDK except in compliance with the License,
* which is provided at the time of installation or download, or which
* otherwise accompanies this software in either electronic or hard copy form.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* https://developer.oculus.com/licenses/oculussdk/
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, the Oculus SDK
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#define USING_XR_SDK
#if UNITY_2020_1_OR_NEWER
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
using UnityEngine.XR;
using UnityEngine.Experimental.XR;
/// <summary>
/// This is a simple behavior that can be attached to a parent of the CameraRig in order
/// to provide movement via the gamepad. This is useful when testing an application in
/// the Unity editor without the HMD.
/// To use it, create a game object in your scene and drag your CameraRig to be a child
/// of the game object. Then, add the OVRDebugHeadController behavior to the game object.
/// Alternatively, this behavior can be placed directly on the OVRCameraRig object, but
/// that is not guaranteed to work if OVRCameraRig functionality changes in the future.
/// In the parent case, the object with OVRDebugHeadController can be thougt of as a
/// platform that your camera is attached to. When the platform moves or rotates, the
/// camera moves or rotates, but the camera can still move independently while "on" the
/// platform.
/// In general, this behavior should be disabled when not debugging.
/// </summary>
public class OVRDebugHeadController : MonoBehaviour
public bool AllowPitchLook = false;
public bool AllowYawLook = true;
public bool InvertPitch = false;
public float GamePad_PitchDegreesPerSec = 90.0f;
public float GamePad_YawDegreesPerSec = 90.0f;
public bool AllowMovement = false;
public float ForwardSpeed = 2.0f;
public float StrafeSpeed = 2.0f;
protected OVRCameraRig CameraRig = null;
void Awake()
// locate the camera rig so we can use it to get the current camera transform each frame
OVRCameraRig[] CameraRigs = gameObject.GetComponentsInChildren<OVRCameraRig>();
if( CameraRigs.Length == 0 )
Debug.LogWarning("OVRCamParent: No OVRCameraRig attached.");
else if (CameraRigs.Length > 1)
Debug.LogWarning("OVRCamParent: More then 1 OVRCameraRig attached.");
CameraRig = CameraRigs[0];
// Use this for initialization
void Start ()
// Update is called once per frame
void Update ()
if ( AllowMovement )
float gamePad_FwdAxis = OVRInput.Get(OVRInput.RawAxis2D.LThumbstick).y;
float gamePad_StrafeAxis = OVRInput.Get(OVRInput.RawAxis2D.LThumbstick).x;
Vector3 fwdMove = ( CameraRig.centerEyeAnchor.rotation * Vector3.forward ) * gamePad_FwdAxis * Time.deltaTime * ForwardSpeed;
Vector3 strafeMove = ( CameraRig.centerEyeAnchor.rotation * Vector3.right ) * gamePad_StrafeAxis * Time.deltaTime * StrafeSpeed;
transform.position += fwdMove + strafeMove;
bool hasDevice = false;
XRDisplaySubsystem currentDisplaySubsystem = OVRManager.GetCurrentDisplaySubsystem();
if (currentDisplaySubsystem != null)
hasDevice = currentDisplaySubsystem.running;
hasDevice = false;
hasDevice = UnityEngine.XR.XRDevice.isPresent;
if ( !hasDevice && ( AllowYawLook || AllowPitchLook ) )
Quaternion r = transform.rotation;
if ( AllowYawLook )
float gamePadYaw = OVRInput.Get(OVRInput.RawAxis2D.RThumbstick).x;
float yawAmount = gamePadYaw * Time.deltaTime * GamePad_YawDegreesPerSec;
Quaternion yawRot = Quaternion.AngleAxis( yawAmount, Vector3.up );
r = yawRot * r;
if ( AllowPitchLook )
float gamePadPitch = OVRInput.Get(OVRInput.RawAxis2D.RThumbstick).y;
if ( Mathf.Abs( gamePadPitch ) > 0.0001f )
if ( InvertPitch )
gamePadPitch *= -1.0f;
float pitchAmount = gamePadPitch * Time.deltaTime * GamePad_PitchDegreesPerSec;
Quaternion pitchRot = Quaternion.AngleAxis( pitchAmount, Vector3.left );
r = r * pitchRot;
transform.rotation = r;