<% var rootPath='../' ; %> <%- include(rootPath + 'templates/header.ejs' ); %> <% function normalizeText(text) { return text .normalize('NFD') .replace(/[\u0300-\u036f]/g, '' ).replace(/[\uFF01-\uFF5E]/g, function(ch) { return String.fromCharCode(ch.charCodeAt(0) - 0xFEE0); }); } %> <% // set parameters correctly for either aqua format or Artemis format var user = {}; if(userdata.user_name !== undefined) { user = { user_name: userdata.user_name, music_rating: userdata.music_rating, total_awake: userdata.total_awake } } else { user = { user_name: userdata.userName, music_rating: userdata.musicRating, total_awake: userdata.totalAwake } } %>

Yo! Welcome Back <%= normalizeText(user.user_name) %>!

User Image

<%= normalizeText(user.user_name) %>

<%= user.music_rating%>

★ ☓<%= user.total_awake%>

Developer Only Information For Development purposes only, send statistics found in this menu when encontering UI Errors.
Ban User
Raw User Details
<%=JSON.stringify(userdata, null, 2)%>
Raw User Playlog
{"No Data": "Load the `Play Log` Tab First to See the Raw Playlog Data"}
Raw User Area
{"No Data": "Load the `Area` Tab First to See the Raw User Area Data"}