using UnityEngine; using System; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; using System.Text; namespace LIV.SDK.Unity { public static class SDKBridge { #if (UNITY_STANDALONE_WIN || UNITY_EDITOR_WIN) && UNITY_64 #region Interop [DllImport("LIV_Bridge")] static extern IntPtr GetRenderEventFunc(); [DllImport("LIV_Bridge", EntryPoint = "LivCaptureIsActive")] [return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.U1)] static extern bool GetIsCaptureActive(); [DllImport("LIV_Bridge", EntryPoint = "LivCaptureWidth")] static extern int GetTextureWidth(); [DllImport("LIV_Bridge", EntryPoint = "LivCaptureHeight")] static extern int GetTextureHeight(); [DllImport("LIV_Bridge", EntryPoint = "LivCaptureSetTextureFromUnity")] static extern void SetTexture(IntPtr texture); //// Acquire a frame from the compositor, allowing atomic access to its properties - most current one by default [DllImport("LIV_Bridge", EntryPoint = "AcquireCompositorFrame")] public static extern int AcquireCompositorFrame(ulong timestamp); [DllImport("LIV_Bridge", EntryPoint = "ReleaseCompositorFrame")] public static extern int ReleaseCompositorFrame(); // Get timestamp of SDK2 object (C# timestamp) - must be an object in the bridge, not a copy. [DllImport("LIV_Bridge", EntryPoint = "GetObjectTimeStamp")] public static extern ulong GetObjectTimeStamp(IntPtr obj); // Get current time in C# ticks [DllImport("LIV_Bridge", EntryPoint = "GetCurrentTimeTicks")] static extern ulong GetCurrentTimeTicks(); // Get object tag of SDK2 object - must be an object in the bridge, not a copy. [DllImport("LIV_Bridge", EntryPoint = "GetObjectTag")] public static extern ulong GetObjectTag(IntPtr obj); // Get a frame object from the compositor [DllImport("LIV_Bridge", EntryPoint = "GetCompositorFrameObject")] public static extern IntPtr GetCompositorFrameObject(ulong tag); // Get a frame object from the compositor [DllImport("LIV_Bridge", EntryPoint = "GetViewportTexture")] public static extern IntPtr GetViewportTexture(); // Get a channel object from the compositor [DllImport("LIV_Bridge", EntryPoint = "GetCompositorChannelObject")] public static extern IntPtr GetCompositorChannelObject(int slot, ulong tag, ulong timestamp); // Get a channel object from our own source channel [DllImport("LIV_Bridge", EntryPoint = "GetChannelObject")] public static extern IntPtr GetChannelObject(int slot, ulong tag, ulong timestamp); // Write an object to our channel [DllImport("LIV_Bridge", EntryPoint = "AddObjectToChannel")] public static extern int AddObjectToChannel(int slot, IntPtr obj, int objectsize, ulong tag); // Write an object to the compostor's channel [DllImport("LIV_Bridge", EntryPoint = "AddObjectToCompositorChannel")] public static extern int AddObjectToCompositorChannel(int slot, IntPtr obj, int objectsize, ulong tag); // Add a structure/object to the current frame / Considering if its simpler to combine with AddObjectToChannel with 0 being the frame [DllImport("LIV_Bridge", EntryPoint = "AddObjectToFrame")] public static extern int AddObjectToFrame(IntPtr obj, int objectsize, ulong tag); // Helper to add strings [DllImport("LIV_Bridge", EntryPoint = "AddObjectToFrame")] public static extern int AddStringToFrame(IntPtr str, ulong tag); [DllImport("LIV_Bridge", EntryPoint = "AddStringToChannel")] public static extern int AddStringToChannel(int slot, IntPtr str, int length, ulong tag); // Create a new frame for rendering / native code does this already - so probably don't use [DllImport("LIV_Bridge", EntryPoint = "NewFrame")] public static extern int NewFrame(); // Commit the frame early - not recommended - best to let the next NewFrame commit the frame to avoid pipeline stalls [DllImport("LIV_Bridge", EntryPoint = "CommitFrame")] public static extern IntPtr CommitFrame(); // Add a copy of a unity texture to the bridge [DllImport("LIV_Bridge", EntryPoint = "addsharedtexture")] public static extern int addsharedtexture(int width, int height, int format, IntPtr sourcetexture, ulong tag); [DllImport("LIV_Bridge", EntryPoint = "addtexture")] public static extern int addtexture(IntPtr sourcetexture, ulong tag); [DllImport("LIV_Bridge", EntryPoint = "PublishTextures")] public static extern void PublishTextures(); [DllImport("LIV_Bridge", EntryPoint = "updateinputframe")] public static extern IntPtr updatinputframe(IntPtr InputFrame); [DllImport("LIV_Bridge", EntryPoint = "setinputframe")] public static extern IntPtr setinputframe(float x, float y, float z, float q0, float q1, float q2, float q3, float fov, int priority); [DllImport("LIV_Bridge", EntryPoint = "setfeature")] public static extern ulong setfeature(ulong feature); [DllImport("LIV_Bridge", EntryPoint = "clearfeature")] public static extern ulong clearfeature(ulong feature); #endregion #else public static int AddStringToChannel(int slot, IntPtr str, int length, ulong tag) { return -2; } public static int addtexture(IntPtr sourcetexture, ulong tag) { return -2; } public static ulong GetObjectTimeStamp(IntPtr obj) { return 0; } public static ulong GetCurrentTimeTicks() { return 0; } static bool GetIsCaptureActive() { return false; } public static IntPtr GetRenderEventFunc() { return IntPtr.Zero; } public static IntPtr GetCompositorChannelObject(int slot, ulong tag, ulong timestamp) { return IntPtr.Zero; } public static int AddObjectToCompositorChannel(int slot, IntPtr obj, int objectsize, ulong tag) { return -2; } public static int AddObjectToFrame(IntPtr obj, int objectsize, ulong tag) { return -2; } public static IntPtr updatinputframe(IntPtr InputFrame) { return IntPtr.Zero; } public static IntPtr GetViewportTexture() { return IntPtr.Zero; } public static IntPtr GetChannelObject(int slot, ulong tag, ulong timestamp) { return IntPtr.Zero; } public static int AddObjectToChannel(int slot, IntPtr obj, int objectsize, ulong tag) { return -2; } #endif public struct SDKInjection { public bool active; public System.Action action; public T data; } static SDKInjection _injection_SDKInputFrame = new SDKInjection() { active = false, action = null, data = SDKInputFrame.empty }; static SDKInjection _injection_SDKResolution = new SDKInjection() { active = false, action = null, data = }; static SDKInjection _injection_IsActive = new SDKInjection() { active = false, action = null, data = false }; static bool _injection_DisableSubmit = false; static bool _injection_DisableSubmitApplicationOutput = false; static bool _injection_DisableAddTexture = false; static bool _injection_DisableCreateFrame = false; // Get the tag code for a string - won't win any awards - pre-compute these and use constants. public static ulong Tag(string str) { ulong tag = 0; for (int i = 0; i < str.Length; i++) { if (i == 8) break; char c = str[i]; tag |= (((ulong)(c & 255)) << (i * 8)); } return tag; } public static void AddString(string tag, string value, int slot) { var utf8 = Encoding.UTF8; byte[] utfBytes = utf8.GetBytes(value); GCHandle gch = GCHandle.Alloc(utfBytes, GCHandleType.Pinned); AddStringToChannel(slot, Marshal.UnsafeAddrOfPinnedArrayElement(utfBytes, 0), utfBytes.Length, Tag(tag)); gch.Free(); } public static void AddTexture(SDKTexture texture, ulong tag) { GCHandle gch = GCHandle.Alloc(texture, GCHandleType.Pinned); addtexture(gch.AddrOfPinnedObject(), tag); gch.Free(); } public static ulong GetObjectTime(IntPtr objectptr) { return GetObjectTimeStamp(objectptr) + 621355968000000000; } public static ulong GetCurrentTime() { return GetCurrentTimeTicks() + 621355968000000000; } public static bool IsActive { get { if ( { return; } return GetIsCaptureActive(); } } public static void IssuePluginEvent() { if (_injection_DisableSubmit) return; GL.IssuePluginEvent(GetRenderEventFunc(), 2); } public static void SubmitApplicationOutput(SDKApplicationOutput applicationOutput) { if (_injection_DisableSubmitApplicationOutput) return; AddString("APPNAME", applicationOutput.applicationName, 5); AddString("APPVER", applicationOutput.applicationVersion, 5); AddString("ENGNAME", applicationOutput.engineName, 5); AddString("ENGVER", applicationOutput.engineVersion, 5); AddString("GFXAPI", applicationOutput.graphicsAPI, 5); AddString("SDKID", applicationOutput.sdkID, 5); AddString("SDKVER", applicationOutput.sdkVersion, 5); AddString("SUPPORT", applicationOutput.supportedFeatures.ToString(), 5); AddString("XRNAME", applicationOutput.xrDeviceName, 5); } public static bool GetStructFromGlobalChannel ( ref T mystruct, int channel, ulong tag) { IntPtr structPtr = GetCompositorChannelObject(channel, tag, UInt64.MaxValue); if (structPtr == IntPtr.Zero) return false; mystruct= (T)Marshal.PtrToStructure(structPtr, typeof(T)); return true; } public static int AddStructToGlobalChannel(ref T mystruct, int channel, ulong tag) { GCHandle gch = GCHandle.Alloc(mystruct, GCHandleType.Pinned); int output = AddObjectToCompositorChannel(channel, gch.AddrOfPinnedObject(), Marshal.SizeOf(mystruct), tag); gch.Free(); return output; } public static bool GetStructFromLocalChannel(ref T mystruct, int channel, ulong tag) { IntPtr structPtr = GetChannelObject(channel, tag, UInt64.MaxValue); if (structPtr == IntPtr.Zero) return false; mystruct = (T)Marshal.PtrToStructure(structPtr, typeof(T)); return true; } public static int AddStructToLocalChannel(ref T mystruct, int channel, ulong tag) { GCHandle gch = GCHandle.Alloc(mystruct, GCHandleType.Pinned); int output = AddObjectToChannel(channel, gch.AddrOfPinnedObject(), Marshal.SizeOf(mystruct), tag); gch.Free(); return output; } // Add ANY structure to the current frame public static void AddStructToFrame(ref T mystruct, ulong tag) { GCHandle gch = GCHandle.Alloc(mystruct, GCHandleType.Pinned); AddObjectToFrame(gch.AddrOfPinnedObject(), Marshal.SizeOf(mystruct), tag); gch.Free(); } /// /// Update the master pose sent to ALL applications. /// /// when called initialy, having the flags set to 0 will return the current pose (which includes resolution - which you might need) /// If you wish to change the pose, change the parts of the structures you need to, and set the appropriate flag to update. /// atm, the flags will be for Pose, Stage, Clipping Plane, and resolution. /// /// /// /// The current pose - could be yours, someone elses, or a combination public static bool UpdateInputFrame(ref SDKInputFrame setframe) { if ( && _injection_SDKInputFrame.action != null) { _injection_SDKInputFrame.action.Invoke(); setframe =; } else { // Pin the object briefly so we can send it to the API without it being accidentally garbage collected GCHandle gch = GCHandle.Alloc(setframe, GCHandleType.Pinned); IntPtr structPtr = updatinputframe(gch.AddrOfPinnedObject()); gch.Free(); if (structPtr == IntPtr.Zero) { setframe = SDKInputFrame.empty; return false; } setframe = (SDKInputFrame)Marshal.PtrToStructure(structPtr, typeof(SDKInputFrame)); = setframe; } return true; } public static SDKTexture GetViewfinderTexture() { SDKTexture overlaytexture = SDKTexture.empty; IntPtr structPtr = GetCompositorChannelObject(11, Tag("OUTTEX"), UInt64.MaxValue); if (structPtr == IntPtr.Zero) return new SDKTexture(); overlaytexture = (SDKTexture)Marshal.PtrToStructure(structPtr, typeof(SDKTexture)); return overlaytexture; } public static void AddTexture(SDKTexture texture) { if (_injection_DisableAddTexture) return; string tag = ""; switch ( { case TEXTURE_ID.BACKGROUND_COLOR_BUFFER_ID: tag = "BGCTEX"; break; case TEXTURE_ID.FOREGROUND_COLOR_BUFFER_ID: tag = "FGCTEX"; break; case TEXTURE_ID.OPTIMIZED_COLOR_BUFFER_ID: tag = "OPTTEX"; break; } AddTexture(texture, Tag(tag)); } public static void CreateFrame(SDKOutputFrame frame) { if (_injection_DisableCreateFrame) return; GCHandle gch = GCHandle.Alloc(frame, GCHandleType.Pinned); AddObjectToFrame(gch.AddrOfPinnedObject(), Marshal.SizeOf(frame), Tag("OUTFRAME")); gch.Free(); } public static void SetGroundPlane(SDKPlane groundPlane) { AddStructToGlobalChannel(ref groundPlane, 2, SDKBridge.Tag("SetGND")); } public static bool GetResolution(ref SDKResolution sdkResolution) { if( && _injection_SDKResolution.action != null) { _injection_SDKResolution.action.Invoke(); sdkResolution =; return true; } bool output = GetStructFromLocalChannel(ref sdkResolution, 15, SDKBridge.Tag("SDKRes")); = sdkResolution; return output; } } }