using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using UnityEngine; using TMPro; public class SkyboxSwitcher : MonoBehaviour { [SerializeField] private List skyboxes; [SerializeField] private int currentSkyboxIndex; // should start at 0 [Header("Components")] [SerializeField] private PanelButton incrementBtn; [SerializeField] private PanelButton decrementBtn; [SerializeField] private TextMeshPro counterTxt; // Start is called before the first frame update void Start() { incrementBtn.ButtonPressed += IncrementEvent; decrementBtn.ButtonPressed += DecrementEvent; //skyboxes.Insert(0, Resources.Load("unity_builtin_extra/Default-Skybox")); // results in plain blue??? not the ubiquitous unity default skyboxes.Insert(0, RenderSettings.skybox); // add ubiquitous default skybox (should be current) SetSkybox(); } private void IncrementEvent() { currentSkyboxIndex = (currentSkyboxIndex + 1) % skyboxes.Count; SetSkybox(); } private void DecrementEvent() { if (--currentSkyboxIndex < 0) currentSkyboxIndex = skyboxes.Count - 1; SetSkybox(); } private void SetSkybox() { counterTxt.text = (currentSkyboxIndex + 1).ToString(); Debug.Log(skyboxes[currentSkyboxIndex]); if (skyboxes[currentSkyboxIndex] != null) RenderSettings.skybox = skyboxes[currentSkyboxIndex]; } }