using UnityEngine; using UnityEngine.Rendering; using System.Collections; namespace LIV.SDK.Unity { public partial class SDKRender : System.IDisposable { private LIV _liv = null; public LIV liv { get { return _liv; } } private SDKOutputFrame _outputFrame = SDKOutputFrame.empty; public SDKOutputFrame outputFrame { get { return _outputFrame; } } private SDKInputFrame _inputFrame = SDKInputFrame.empty; public SDKInputFrame inputFrame { get { return _inputFrame; } } private SDKResolution _resolution =; public SDKResolution resolution { get { return _resolution; } } private Camera _cameraInstance = null; public Camera cameraInstance { get { return _cameraInstance; } } public Camera cameraReference { get { return _liv.MRCameraPrefab == null ? _liv.HMDCamera : _liv.MRCameraPrefab; } } public Camera hmdCamera { get { return _liv.HMDCamera; } } public Transform stage { get { return _liv.stage; } } public Transform stageTransform { get { return _liv.stageTransform; } } public Matrix4x4 stageLocalToWorldMatrix { get { return _liv.stage == null ? Matrix4x4.identity : _liv.stage.localToWorldMatrix; } } public Matrix4x4 localToWorldMatrix { get { return _liv.stageTransform == null ? stageLocalToWorldMatrix : _liv.stageTransform.localToWorldMatrix; } } public int spectatorLayerMask { get { return _liv.spectatorLayerMask; } } public bool disableStandardAssets { get { return _liv.disableStandardAssets; } } private SDKPose _requestedPose = SDKPose.empty; private int _requestedPoseFrameIndex = 0; /// /// Detect if the game can actually change the pose during this frame. /// /// /// Because other applications can take over the pose, the game has to know if it can take over the pose or not. /// /// /// /// public class CanControlCameraPose : MonoBehaviour /// { /// [SerializeField] LIV.SDK.Unity.LIV _liv; /// /// private void Update() /// { /// if(_liv.isActive) /// { /// Debug.Log(_liv.render.canSetPose); /// } /// } /// } /// /// public bool canSetPose { get { if (_inputFrame.frameid == 0) return false; return _inputFrame.priority.pose <= (sbyte)PRIORITY.GAME; } } /// /// Control camera pose by calling this method each frame. The pose is released when you stop calling it. /// /// /// By default the pose is set in worldspace, turn on local space for using the stage relative space instead. /// /// /// /// public class ControlCameraPose : MonoBehaviour /// { /// [SerializeField] LIV.SDK.Unity.LIV _liv; /// [SerializeField] float _fov = 60f; /// /// private void Update() /// { /// if(_liv.isActive) /// { /// _liv.render.SetPose(transform.position, transform.rotation, _fov); /// } /// } /// } /// /// public bool SetPose(Vector3 position, Quaternion rotation, float verticalFieldOfView = 60f, bool useLocalSpace = false) { if (_inputFrame.frameid == 0) return false; SDKPose inputPose = _inputFrame.pose; float aspect = 1f; if (_resolution.height > 0) { aspect = (float)_resolution.width / (float)_resolution.height; } if (!useLocalSpace) { Matrix4x4 worldToLocal = Matrix4x4.identity; Transform localTransform = stageTransform == null ? stage : stageTransform; if(localTransform != null) worldToLocal = localTransform.worldToLocalMatrix; position = worldToLocal.MultiplyPoint(position); rotation = SDKUtils.RotateQuaternionByMatrix(worldToLocal, rotation); } _requestedPose = new SDKPose() { localPosition = position, localRotation = rotation, verticalFieldOfView = verticalFieldOfView, projectionMatrix = Matrix4x4.Perspective(verticalFieldOfView, aspect, inputPose.nearClipPlane, inputPose.farClipPlane) }; _requestedPoseFrameIndex = Time.frameCount; return _inputFrame.priority.pose <= (sbyte)PRIORITY.GAME; } /// /// Set the game ground plane. /// /// /// If you wisth to use local space coordinates use local space instead. /// The local space has to be relative to stage or stage transform if set. /// /// public void SetGroundPlane(float distance, Vector3 normal, bool useLocalSpace = false) { float outputDistance = distance; Vector3 outputNormal = normal; if (!useLocalSpace) { Transform localTransform = stageTransform == null ? stage : stageTransform; Matrix4x4 worldToLocal = localTransform.worldToLocalMatrix; Vector3 localPosition = worldToLocal.MultiplyPoint(normal * distance); outputNormal = worldToLocal.MultiplyVector(normal); outputDistance = -Vector3.Dot(normal, localPosition); } SDKBridge.SetGroundPlane(new SDKPlane() { distance = outputDistance, normal = outputNormal }); } /// /// Set the game ground plane. /// /// /// If you wisth to use local space coordinates use local space instead. /// The local space has to be relative to stage or stage transform if set. /// /// public void SetGroundPlane(Plane plane, bool useLocalSpace = false) { SetGroundPlane(plane.distance, plane.normal, useLocalSpace); } /// /// Set the game ground plane. /// /// /// The transform up vector defines the normal of the plane and the position defines the distance. /// By default, the transform uses world space coordinates. If you wisth to use local space coordinates /// use local space instead. The local space has to be relative to stage or stage transform if set. /// /// /// /// /// public class SetGround : MonoBehaviour /// { /// [SerializeField] LIV.SDK.Unity.LIV _liv = null; /// /// void Update () /// { /// if(_liv.isActive) /// { /// _liv.render.SetGroundPlane(transform); /// } /// } /// } /// /// public void SetGroundPlane(Transform transform, bool useLocalSpace = false) { if (transform == null) return; Quaternion rotation = useLocalSpace ? transform.localRotation : transform.rotation; Vector3 position = useLocalSpace ? transform.localPosition : transform.position; Vector3 normal = rotation * Vector3.up; SetGroundPlane(-Vector3.Dot(normal, position), normal, useLocalSpace); } private void ReleaseBridgePoseControl() { _inputFrame.ReleaseControl(); SDKBridge.UpdateInputFrame(ref _inputFrame); } private void UpdateBridgeResolution() { SDKBridge.GetResolution(ref _resolution); } private void UpdateBridgeInputFrame() { if (_requestedPoseFrameIndex == Time.frameCount) { _inputFrame.ObtainControl(); _inputFrame.pose = _requestedPose; _requestedPose = SDKPose.empty; } else { _inputFrame.ReleaseControl(); } if (_cameraInstance != null) { // Near and far is always driven by game _inputFrame.pose.nearClipPlane = _cameraInstance.nearClipPlane; _inputFrame.pose.farClipPlane = _cameraInstance.farClipPlane; } SDKBridge.UpdateInputFrame(ref _inputFrame); } private void InvokePreRender() { if (_liv.onPreRender != null) _liv.onPreRender(this); } private void IvokePostRender() { if (_liv.onPostRender != null) _liv.onPostRender(this); } private void InvokePreRenderBackground() { if (_liv.onPreRenderBackground != null) _liv.onPreRenderBackground(this); } private void InvokePostRenderBackground() { if (_liv.onPostRenderBackground != null) _liv.onPostRenderBackground(this); } private void InvokePreRenderForeground() { if (_liv.onPreRenderForeground != null) _liv.onPreRenderForeground(this); } private void InvokePostRenderForeground() { if (_liv.onPostRenderForeground != null) _liv.onPostRenderForeground(this); } private void CreateBackgroundTexture() { if (SDKUtils.CreateTexture(ref _backgroundRenderTexture, _resolution.width, _resolution.height, 24, RenderTextureFormat.ARGB32)) { #if UNITY_EDITOR = "LIV.BackgroundRenderTexture"; #endif } else { Debug.LogError("LIV: Unable to create background texture!"); } } private void CreateForegroundTexture() { if (SDKUtils.CreateTexture(ref _foregroundRenderTexture, _resolution.width, _resolution.height, 24, RenderTextureFormat.ARGB32)) { #if UNITY_EDITOR = "LIV.ForegroundRenderTexture"; #endif } else { Debug.LogError("LIV: Unable to create foreground texture!"); } } private void CreateOptimizedTexture() { if (SDKUtils.CreateTexture(ref _optimizedRenderTexture, _resolution.width, _resolution.height, 24, RenderTextureFormat.ARGB32)) { #if UNITY_EDITOR = "LIV.OptimizedRenderTexture"; #endif } else { Debug.LogError("LIV: Unable to create optimized texture!"); } } private void CreateComplexClipPlaneTexture() { if (SDKUtils.CreateTexture(ref _complexClipPlaneRenderTexture, _inputFrame.clipPlane.width, _inputFrame.clipPlane.height, 0, RenderTextureFormat.ARGB32)) { #if UNITY_EDITOR = "LIV.ComplexClipPlaneRenderTexture"; #endif } else { Debug.LogError("LIV: Unable to create complex clip plane texture!"); } } private void UpdateTextures() { if (SDKUtils.FeatureEnabled(inputFrame.features, FEATURES.BACKGROUND_RENDER)) { if ( _backgroundRenderTexture == null || _backgroundRenderTexture.width != _resolution.width || _backgroundRenderTexture.height != _resolution.height ) { CreateBackgroundTexture(); } } else { SDKUtils.DestroyTexture(ref _backgroundRenderTexture); } if (SDKUtils.FeatureEnabled(inputFrame.features, FEATURES.FOREGROUND_RENDER)) { if ( _foregroundRenderTexture == null || _foregroundRenderTexture.width != _resolution.width || _foregroundRenderTexture.height != _resolution.height ) { CreateForegroundTexture(); } } else { SDKUtils.DestroyTexture(ref _foregroundRenderTexture); } if (SDKUtils.FeatureEnabled(inputFrame.features, FEATURES.OPTIMIZED_RENDER)) { if ( _optimizedRenderTexture == null || _optimizedRenderTexture.width != _resolution.width || _optimizedRenderTexture.height != _resolution.height ) { CreateOptimizedTexture(); } } else { SDKUtils.DestroyTexture(ref _optimizedRenderTexture); } if (SDKUtils.FeatureEnabled(inputFrame.features, FEATURES.COMPLEX_CLIP_PLANE)) { if ( _complexClipPlaneRenderTexture == null || _complexClipPlaneRenderTexture.width != _inputFrame.clipPlane.width || _complexClipPlaneRenderTexture.height != _inputFrame.clipPlane.height ) { CreateComplexClipPlaneTexture(); } } else { SDKUtils.DestroyTexture(ref _complexClipPlaneRenderTexture); } } void SendTextureToBridge(RenderTexture texture, TEXTURE_ID id) { SDKBridge.AddTexture(new SDKTexture() { id = id, texturePtr = texture.GetNativeTexturePtr(), SharedHandle = System.IntPtr.Zero, device = SDKUtils.GetDevice(), dummy = 0, type = TEXTURE_TYPE.COLOR_BUFFER, format = TEXTURE_FORMAT.ARGB32, colorSpace = SDKUtils.GetColorSpace(texture), width = texture.width, height = texture.height }); } } }