import vm from "node:vm"; import * as cheerio from "npm:cheerio"; import { BemaniPatch, BemaniPatcherArgs } from "./_types.ts"; export function bytesToHex(bytes: number[]) { return => b.toString(16).padStart(2, "0").toUpperCase()).join( "", ); } export function parsePatcherHtml(filename: string, contents: string) { const $ = cheerio.load(contents); let script = ""; for (const element of $("script").get()) { const code = $(element).html(); if (!code?.includes("new Patcher")) { continue; } script += code; script += "\n"; } if (script.length === 0) { console.warn( `Failed to find any BemaniPatcher patches in ${filename}.`, ); return []; } const patchers: BemaniPatcherArgs[] = []; const context = { window: { addEventListener: (_type: string, listener: () => unknown) => listener(), }, Patcher: class { constructor( fname: string, description: string, patches: BemaniPatch[], ) { patchers.push({ fname, description, patches }); } }, PatchContainer: class { constructor(_patchers: unknown[]) {} }, }; vm.createContext(context); vm.runInContext(script, context); return patchers; }