mirror of
synced 2025-02-25 22:28:04 +01:00
234 lines
7.1 KiB
234 lines
7.1 KiB
# pyright: reportMissingTypeStubs=false, reportOperatorIssue=false, reportUnknownArgumentType=false, reportUnknownMemberType=false
from math import ceil
import os
import secrets
import struct
import time
import zlib
from Crypto.Cipher import AES, PKCS1_OAEP
from Crypto.Hash import HMAC, SHA1
from Crypto.PublicKey import RSA
from construct import Bytes, Const, Int16ul, Int32ul, Int64ul, Int8ul, Struct
# ---- Configuration
ENCRYPTION_KEY = bytes.fromhex("")
INPUT_FILE = "" # Should not be encrypted.
"type": 0x0201, # 0x0201: Option, 0x0000: Pack, 0x0101: App
"sequence_number": 0x0000, # Set to 256 (0x0100) for options.
"game_id": b"SDGS",
"game_timestamp": {
"year": 2023,
"month": 12,
"day": 28,
"hour": 16,
"minute": 34,
"second": 43,
"milli": 0,
"game_version": {
"release": 0,
"minor": 30,
"major": 1,
"block_size": 0x40000,
"header_block_count": 8,
"unk1": 0,
"hw_family": b"ACA",
"hw_generation": 0,
"org_timestamp": {
"year": 0,
"month": 0,
"day": 0,
"hour": 0,
"minute": 0,
"second": 0,
"milli": 0,
"org_version": {
"release": 0,
"minor": 0,
"major": 0,
"os_version": {
"release": 1,
"minor": 54,
"major": 80,
"strings": b"\x00" * 0x27AC, # Depending on the app/opt/pack, this might have some text in it.
# ----
# ---- Keys
# The BootID (app/opt/pack header) encryption key and IV.
BTKEY = bytes.fromhex("")
BTIV = bytes.fromhex("")
# The HMAC key that ensures the app/opt/pack created is authentic.
SIGKEY = bytes.fromhex("")
-----END PUBLIC KEY-----
# ----
# ---- Constants. Don't edit.
EXFAT_HEADER = bytes.fromhex("EB769045584641542020200000000000")
OPTION_IV = bytes.fromhex("C063BF6F562D084D7963C987F5281761")
# ----
# ---- Script
Timestamp = Struct(
"year" / Int16ul,
"month" / Int8ul,
"day" / Int8ul,
"hour" / Int8ul,
"minute" / Int8ul,
"second" / Int8ul,
"milli" / Int8ul,
Version = Struct(
"release" / Int8ul,
"minor" / Int8ul,
"major" / Int16ul,
BootID = Struct(
"length" / Const(0x2800, Int32ul),
"magic" / Const(b"BTID", Bytes(4)),
"type" / Int16ul,
"sequence_number" / Int16ul,
"game_id" / Bytes(4),
"game_timestamp" / Timestamp,
"game_version" / Version,
"block_count" / Int64ul,
"block_size" / Int64ul,
"header_block_count" / Int64ul,
"unk1" / Int64ul,
"hw_family" / Bytes(3),
"hw_generation" / Int8ul,
"org_timestamp" / Timestamp,
"org_version" / Version,
"os_version" / Version,
"strings" / Bytes(0x27AC),
def get_page_iv(iv: bytes, offset: int):
return bytes(x ^ (offset >> (8 * (i % 8))) & 0xFF for (i, x) in enumerate(iv))
iv = secrets.token_bytes(16)
if BOOTID["type"] == 0x0201:
iv = bytes(x ^ EXFAT_HEADER[i] ^ OPTION_IV[i] for (i, x) in enumerate(iv))
print(f"Generated IV: {iv.hex()}")
filesize = os.stat(INPUT_FILE).st_size
BOOTID["block_count"] = ceil(filesize / BOOTID["block_size"]) + 8
header_meta = struct.pack("<Q", time.time()) + os.path.abspath(INPUT_FILE).encode("utf-8")
header_meta += secrets.token_bytes(BOOTID["block_size"] - len(header_meta))
header_meta = PKCS1_OAEP.new(HEADER_META_PUBKEY).encrypt(header_meta)
bullshit_crc32 = zlib.crc32(header_meta)
block_crc32s = [0, bullshit_crc32, bullshit_crc32, bullshit_crc32, bullshit_crc32, bullshit_crc32, bullshit_crc32, bullshit_crc32]
with open(INPUT_FILE, "rb") as fin, open(OUTPUT_FILE, "w+b") as fout:
# Write the bootID.
bootid = BootID.build(BOOTID)
bootid_crc32 = zlib.crc32(bootid)
bootid_bytes = cipher.encrypt(struct.pack("<I", bootid_crc32) + bootid)
_ = fout.write(bootid_bytes)
# Ignore the CRC32s and the signature for now, we'll come back later.
# We'll generate random bytes for them though.
_ = fout.write(secrets.token_bytes(BOOTID["block_size"] - 0x2800))
for i in range(BOOTID["header_block_count"] - 1):
_ = fout.write(header_meta)
# Encrypt the contents of the file.
total_written = 0
to_read = filesize
block_crc32 = 0
while to_read > 0:
page_iv = get_page_iv(iv, total_written)
contents = fin.read(4096)
contents_len = len(contents)
to_read -= contents_len
if contents_len < 4096:
contents += b"\x00" * (4096 - contents_len)
cipher = AES.new(ENCRYPTION_KEY, AES.MODE_CBC, page_iv)
encrypted = cipher.encrypt(contents)
total_written += fout.write(encrypted)
block_crc32 = zlib.crc32(encrypted, block_crc32)
if (total_written % BOOTID["block_size"]) == 0:
block_crc32 = 0
# Pad with null bytes if we have an unfinished block.
if (total_written % BOOTID["block_size"]) != 0:
null_byte_count = BOOTID["block_size"] - (total_written % BOOTID["block_size"])
while null_byte_count > 0:
page_iv = get_page_iv(iv, total_written)
cipher = AES.new(ENCRYPTION_KEY, AES.MODE_CBC, page_iv)
encrypted = cipher.encrypt(b"\x00" * 4096)
total_written += fout.write(encrypted)
block_crc32 = zlib.crc32(encrypted, block_crc32)
null_byte_count -= 4096
block_crc32 = 0
# We can finally revisit the CRC32s.
_ = fout.seek(0x2A04)
for crc32 in block_crc32s[1:]:
_ = fout.write(struct.pack("<I", crc32))
_ = fout.seek(0)
block_0_crc32 = zlib.crc32(fout.read(0x2800))
# Skip the HMAC signature and the first CRC32, which we're trying to calculate.
_ = fout.seek(0x204, os.SEEK_CUR)
block_0_crc32 = zlib.crc32(fout.read(BOOTID["block_size"] - 0x2800 - 0x204), block_0_crc32)
_ = fout.seek(0x2A00)
_ = fout.write(struct.pack("<I", block_0_crc32))
# Calculate the HMAC signature.
_ = fout.seek(0x2A00)
hmac = HMAC.new(SIGKEY, digestmod=SHA1)
to_read = BOOTID["block_size"] * 8 - 0x2A00
while to_read > 0:
block = fout.read(min(0x1000, to_read))
if len(block) == 0:
raise Exception("Ran out of data making the signature.")
_ = hmac.update(block)
to_read -= len(block)
_ = fout.seek(0x2800)
_ = fout.write(hmac.digest())