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synced 2025-02-25 22:28:00 +01:00
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258 lines
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using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
using MoreChartFormats.Simai.Errors;
namespace MoreChartFormats.Simai.LexicalAnalysis
internal sealed class Tokenizer
private const char Space = (char)0x0020;
private const char EnSpace = (char)0x2002;
private const char PunctuationSpace = (char)0x2008;
private const char IdeographicSpace = (char)0x3000;
private const char LineSeparator = (char)0x2028;
private const char ParagraphSeparator = (char)0x2029;
private const char EndOfFileChar = 'E';
private static readonly HashSet<char> EachDividerChars = new()
'/', '`'
private static readonly HashSet<char> DecoratorChars = new()
'f', 'b', 'x', 'h', 'm',
'!', '?',
'@', '$'
private static readonly HashSet<char> SlideChars = new()
'>', '<', '^',
'p', 'q',
'v', 'V',
's', 'z',
private static readonly HashSet<char> SeparatorChars = new()
'\r', '\t',
private readonly char[] _sequence;
private int _current;
private int _charIndex;
private int _line = 1;
private int _start;
public Tokenizer(string sequence)
_sequence = sequence.ToCharArray();
private bool IsAtEnd => _current >= _sequence.Length;
public IEnumerable<Token> GetTokens()
while (!IsAtEnd)
_start = _current;
var nextToken = ScanToken();
if (nextToken.HasValue)
yield return nextToken.Value;
private Token? ScanToken()
var c = Advance();
switch (c)
case ',':
return CompileToken(TokenType.TimeStep);
case '(':
return CompileSectionToken(TokenType.Tempo, '(', ')');
case '{':
return CompileSectionToken(TokenType.Subdivision, '{', '}');
case '[':
return CompileSectionToken(TokenType.Duration, '[', ']');
case var _ when TryScanLocationToken(out var length):
_current += length - 1;
return CompileToken(TokenType.Location);
case var _ when DecoratorChars.Contains(c):
return CompileToken(TokenType.Decorator);
case var _ when IsReadingSlideDeclaration(out var length):
_current += length - 1;
return CompileToken(TokenType.Slide);
case '*':
return CompileToken(TokenType.SlideJoiner);
case var _ when EachDividerChars.Contains(c):
return CompileToken(TokenType.EachDivider);
case var _ when SeparatorChars.Contains(c):
// Ignore whitespace.
return null;
case '\n':
_charIndex = 0;
return null;
case 'E':
return CompileToken(TokenType.EndOfFile);
case '|':
if (Peek() != '|')
throw new UnexpectedCharacterException(_line, _charIndex, "|");
while (Peek() != '\n' && !IsAtEnd)
return null;
throw new UnsupportedSyntaxException(_line, _charIndex);
private bool TryScanLocationToken(out int length)
var firstLocationChar = PeekPrevious();
if (IsButtonLocation(firstLocationChar))
length = 1;
return true;
length = 0;
if (!IsSensorLocation(firstLocationChar))
return false;
var secondLocationChar = Peek();
if (IsButtonLocation(secondLocationChar))
length = 2;
return true;
if (firstLocationChar == 'C')
length = 1;
return true;
var secondCharIsEmpty = SeparatorChars.Contains(secondLocationChar) ||
secondLocationChar is '\n' or '\0';
// This is the notation for EOF.
if (firstLocationChar == EndOfFileChar && secondCharIsEmpty)
return false;
throw new UnexpectedCharacterException(_line, _charIndex, "1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8");
private bool IsReadingSlideDeclaration(out int length)
if (!SlideChars.Contains(PeekPrevious()))
length = 0;
return false;
var nextChar = Peek();
length = nextChar is 'p' or 'q' ? 2 : 1;
return true;
private Token? CompileSectionToken(TokenType tokenType, char initiator, char terminator)
while (Peek() != terminator)
if (IsAtEnd || Peek() == initiator)
throw new UnterminatedSectionException(_line, _charIndex);
var token = CompileToken(tokenType);
// The terminator.
return token;
private Token CompileToken(TokenType type)
var text = new string(_sequence.Skip(_start).Take(_current - _start).ToArray());
return new Token(type, text, _line, _charIndex);
private static bool IsSensorLocation(char value)
return value is >= 'A' and <= 'E';
private static bool IsButtonLocation(char value)
return value is >= '0' and <= '8';
/// <summary>
/// Returns the <see cref="_current" /> glyph, and increments by one.
/// </summary>
private char Advance()
return _sequence[_current++];
/// <summary>
/// Returns the <see cref="_current" /> glyph without incrementing.
/// </summary>
private char Peek()
return IsAtEnd ? default : _sequence[_current];
/// <summary>
/// Returns the last glyph without decrementing.
/// </summary>
private char PeekPrevious()
return _current == 0 ? default : _sequence[_current - 1];