#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "chart_state.hpp" #include "editor_state.hpp" #include "file_dialogs.hpp" #include "history_item.hpp" #include "marker.hpp" #include "mp3_reader.hpp" #include "notifications_queue.hpp" #include "preferences.hpp" #include "sound_effect.hpp" #include "src/custom_sfml_audio/synced_sound_streams.hpp" #include "widgets/blank_screen.hpp" int main() { // TODO : Make the playfield not appear when there's no chart selected // extend SFML to be able to read mp3's sf::SoundFileFactory::registerReader(); auto executable_folder = std::filesystem::u8path(whereami::executable_dir()); auto assets_folder = executable_folder / "assets"; auto settings_folder = executable_folder / "settings"; sf::RenderWindow window(sf::VideoMode(800, 600), "FEIS"); window.setVerticalSyncEnabled(true); window.setFramerateLimit(60); ImGui::SFML::Init(window, false); auto& style = ImGui::GetStyle(); style.WindowRounding = 5.f; auto font_path = assets_folder / "fonts" / "NotoSans-Medium.ttf"; if (not std::filesystem::exists(font_path)) { tinyfd_messageBox( "Error", ("Could not open "+font_path.string()).c_str(), "ok", "error", 1 ); return -1; } ImGuiIO& IO = ImGui::GetIO(); IO.Fonts->Clear(); IO.Fonts->AddFontFromFileTTF( (assets_folder / "fonts" / "NotoSans-Medium.ttf").c_str(), 16.f); ImGui::SFML::UpdateFontTexture(); IO.ConfigWindowsMoveFromTitleBarOnly = true; // SoundEffect beatTick {assets_folder / "sounds" / "beat.wav"}; // SoundEffect noteTick {assets_folder / "sounds" / "note.wav"}; // SoundEffect chordTick {assets_folder / "sounds" / "chord.wav"}; // Loading markers preview std::map markerPreviews; for (const auto& folder : std::filesystem::directory_iterator(assets_folder / "textures" / "markers")) { if (folder.is_directory()) { sf::Texture markerPreview; markerPreview.loadFromFile((folder.path() / "ma15.png").string()); markerPreview.setSmooth(true); markerPreviews.insert({folder, markerPreview}); } } Preferences preferences{assets_folder, settings_folder}; Marker defaultMarker = Marker(preferences.marker); Marker& marker = defaultMarker; Judgement& markerEndingState = preferences.marker_ending_state; BlankScreen bg{assets_folder}; std::optional editor_state; NotificationsQueue notificationsQueue; feis::NewChartDialog newChartDialog; feis::ChartPropertiesDialog chartPropertiesDialog; sf::Clock deltaClock; while (window.isOpen()) { sf::Event event; while (window.pollEvent(event)) { ImGui::SFML::ProcessEvent(event); switch (event.type) { case sf::Event::Closed: preferences.save(); if (editor_state) { if (editor_state->save_if_needed_and_user_wants_to() != EditorState::SaveOutcome::UserCanceled) { window.close(); } } else { window.close(); } break; case sf::Event::Resized: window.setView(sf::View( sf::FloatRect(0, 0, event.size.width, event.size.height))); break; case sf::Event::MouseButtonPressed: switch (event.mouseButton.button) { case sf::Mouse::Button::Right: if (editor_state and editor_state->chart_state) { editor_state->chart_state->creating_long_note = true; } break; default: break; } break; case sf::Event::MouseButtonReleased: switch (event.mouseButton.button) { case sf::Mouse::Button::Right: if (editor_state) { editor_state->insert_long_note_just_created(); } break; default: break; } break; case sf::Event::MouseWheelScrolled: switch (event.mouseWheelScroll.wheel) { case sf::Mouse::Wheel::VerticalWheel: { if (editor_state) { auto delta = static_cast( std::floor(event.mouseWheelScroll.delta)); if (delta >= 0) { for (int i = 0; i < delta; ++i) { editor_state->move_backwards_in_time(); } } else { for (int i = 0; i < -delta; ++i) { editor_state->move_forwards_in_time(); } } } } break; default: break; } break; case sf::Event::KeyPressed: switch (event.key.code) { /* * Selection related stuff */ // Discard, in that order : // - time selection // - selected notes case sf::Keyboard::Escape: if (editor_state) { editor_state->discard_selection(); } break; // Modify time selection case sf::Keyboard::Tab: if (editor_state and editor_state->chart_state) { editor_state->chart_state->handle_time_selection_tab( editor_state->current_exact_beats() ); } break; // Delete selected notes from the chart and discard // time selection case sf::Keyboard::Delete: if (editor_state) { editor_state->delete_(notificationsQueue); } break; // Arrow keys case sf::Keyboard::Up: if (event.key.shift) { if (editor_state) { editor_state->volume_up(); notificationsQueue.push( std::make_shared(fmt::format( "Music Volume : {}%", editor_state->get_volume() * 10 )) ); } } else { if (editor_state) { editor_state->move_backwards_in_time(); } } break; case sf::Keyboard::Down: if (event.key.shift) { if (editor_state) { editor_state->volume_down(); notificationsQueue.push( std::make_shared(fmt::format( "Music Volume : {}%", editor_state->get_volume() * 10 )) ); } } else { if (editor_state) { editor_state->move_forwards_in_time(); } } break; case sf::Keyboard::Left: if (not ImGui::GetIO().WantTextInput) { if (event.key.shift) { if (editor_state) { editor_state->speed_down(); notificationsQueue.push(std::make_shared(fmt::format( "Speed : {}%", editor_state->get_speed() * 10 ))); } } else { if (editor_state and editor_state->chart_state) { editor_state->snap = Toolbox::getPreviousDivisor(240, editor_state->snap); notificationsQueue.push( std::make_shared(fmt::format( "Snap : {}", Toolbox::toOrdinal(4 * editor_state->snap) )) ); } } } break; case sf::Keyboard::Right: if (not ImGui::GetIO().WantTextInput) { if (event.key.shift) { if (editor_state) { editor_state->speed_up(); notificationsQueue.push(std::make_shared(fmt::format( "Speed : {}%", editor_state->get_speed() * 10 ))); } } else { if (editor_state and editor_state->chart_state) { editor_state->snap = Toolbox::getNextDivisor(240, editor_state->snap); notificationsQueue.push( std::make_shared(fmt::format( "Snap : {}", Toolbox::toOrdinal(4 * editor_state->snap) )) ); } } } break; /* * F keys */ case sf::Keyboard::F3: /* if (beatTick.toggle()) { notificationsQueue.push(std::make_shared( "Beat tick : on")); } else { notificationsQueue.push(std::make_shared( "Beat tick : off")); } */ break; case sf::Keyboard::F4: /* if (event.key.shift) { if (chordTick.toggle()) { noteTick.shouldPlay = true; notificationsQueue.push(std::make_shared( "Note+Chord tick : on")); } else { noteTick.shouldPlay = false; notificationsQueue.push(std::make_shared( "Note+Chord tick : off")); } } else { if (noteTick.toggle()) { notificationsQueue.push(std::make_shared( "Note tick : on")); } else { notificationsQueue.push(std::make_shared( "Note tick : off")); } } */ break; case sf::Keyboard::Space: if (not ImGui::GetIO().WantTextInput) { if (editor_state) { editor_state->toggle_playback(); } } break; case sf::Keyboard::Add: if (editor_state) { editor_state->linear_view.zoom_in(); notificationsQueue.push(std::make_shared("Zoom in")); } break; case sf::Keyboard::Subtract: if (editor_state) { editor_state->linear_view.zoom_out(); notificationsQueue.push(std::make_shared("Zoom out")); } break; /* * Letter keys, in alphabetical order */ case sf::Keyboard::C: if (event.key.control) { if (editor_state and editor_state->chart_state) { editor_state->chart_state->copy(notificationsQueue); } } break; case sf::Keyboard::O: if (event.key.control) { feis::save_ask_open(editor_state, assets_folder, settings_folder); } break; case sf::Keyboard::P: if (event.key.shift) { editor_state->show_file_properties = true; } break; case sf::Keyboard::S: if (event.key.control) { feis::force_save(editor_state, notificationsQueue); } break; case sf::Keyboard::V: if (event.key.control) { if (editor_state) { editor_state->paste(notificationsQueue); } } break; case sf::Keyboard::X: if (event.key.control) { if (editor_state) { editor_state->cut(notificationsQueue); } } break; case sf::Keyboard::Y: if (event.key.control) { if (editor_state) { editor_state->redo(notificationsQueue); } } break; case sf::Keyboard::Z: if (event.key.control) { if (editor_state) { editor_state->undo(notificationsQueue); } } break; default: break; } break; default: break; } } sf::Time delta = deltaClock.restart(); ImGui::SFML::Update(window, delta); // Audio playback management if (editor_state) { editor_state->update_visible_notes(); if (editor_state->get_status() == sf::SoundSource::Playing) { editor_state->previous_playback_position = editor_state->playback_position; if (editor_state->has_any_audio()) { editor_state->playback_position = editor_state->get_precise_playback_position(); } else { editor_state->playback_position = editor_state->current_time() + delta * editor_state->get_pitch(); } if (editor_state->current_time() > editor_state->get_editable_range().end) { editor_state->pause(); } } } // Drawing if (editor_state) { window.clear(sf::Color(0, 0, 0)); if (editor_state->show_history) { editor_state->display_history(); } if (editor_state->show_playfield) { editor_state->display_playfield(marker, markerEndingState); } if (editor_state->show_linear_view) { editor_state->display_linear_view(); } if (editor_state->linear_view.shouldDisplaySettings) { editor_state->linear_view.display_settings(); } if (editor_state->show_file_properties) { editor_state->display_file_properties(); } if (editor_state->show_status) { editor_state->display_status(); } if (editor_state->show_playback_status) { editor_state->display_playback_status(); } if (editor_state->show_timeline) { editor_state->display_timeline(); } if (editor_state->show_chart_list) { editor_state->display_chart_list(); } if (editor_state->show_new_chart_dialog) { auto pair = newChartDialog.display(*editor_state); if (pair) { auto& [dif_name, new_chart] = *pair; editor_state->show_new_chart_dialog = false; editor_state->insert_chart_and_push_history(dif_name, new_chart); } } else { newChartDialog.resetValues(); } if (editor_state->show_chart_properties) { chartPropertiesDialog.display(*editor_state); } else { chartPropertiesDialog.should_refresh_values = true; } if (editor_state->show_sound_settings) { editor_state->display_sound_settings(); } if (editor_state->show_editor_settings) { editor_state->display_editor_settings(); } if (editor_state->show_timing_menu) { editor_state->display_timing_menu(); } } else { bg.render(window); } notificationsQueue.display(); // Main Menu bar drawing ImGui::BeginMainMenuBar(); { if (ImGui::BeginMenu("File")) { if (ImGui::MenuItem("New")) { if (not editor_state) { editor_state.emplace(assets_folder); } else { if (editor_state->save_if_needed_and_user_wants_to() != EditorState::SaveOutcome::UserCanceled) { editor_state.emplace(assets_folder); } } } ImGui::Separator(); if (ImGui::MenuItem("Open", "Ctrl+O")) { feis::save_ask_open(editor_state, assets_folder, settings_folder); } if (ImGui::BeginMenu("Recent Files")) { int i = 0; for (const auto& file : Toolbox::getRecentFiles(settings_folder)) { ImGui::PushID(i); if (ImGui::MenuItem(file.c_str())) { feis::save_open(editor_state, file, assets_folder, settings_folder); } ImGui::PopID(); ++i; } ImGui::EndMenu(); } if (ImGui::MenuItem("Close", "", false, editor_state.has_value())) { feis::save_close(editor_state); } ImGui::Separator(); if (ImGui::MenuItem("Save", "Ctrl+S", false, editor_state.has_value())) { feis::force_save(editor_state, notificationsQueue); } if (ImGui::MenuItem("Save As", "", false, editor_state.has_value())) { if (editor_state) { if (const auto& path = feis::save_file_dialog()) { editor_state->save(*path); } } } ImGui::Separator(); if (ImGui::MenuItem("Properties", "Shift+P", false, editor_state.has_value())) { editor_state->show_file_properties = true; } ImGui::EndMenu(); } if (ImGui::BeginMenu("Edit")) { if (ImGui::MenuItem("Undo", "Ctrl+Z")) { if (editor_state) { editor_state->undo(notificationsQueue); } } if (ImGui::MenuItem("Redo", "Ctrl+Y")) { if (editor_state) { editor_state->redo(notificationsQueue); } } ImGui::Separator(); if (ImGui::MenuItem("Cut", "Ctrl+X")) { if (editor_state) { editor_state->cut(notificationsQueue); } } if (ImGui::MenuItem("Copy", "Ctrl+C")) { if (editor_state and editor_state->chart_state) { editor_state->chart_state->copy(notificationsQueue); } } if (ImGui::MenuItem("Paste", "Ctrl+V")) { if (editor_state) { editor_state->paste(notificationsQueue); } } if (ImGui::MenuItem("Delete", "Delete")) { if (editor_state) { editor_state->delete_(notificationsQueue); } } ImGui::EndMenu(); } if (ImGui::BeginMenu("Chart", editor_state.has_value())) { if (ImGui::MenuItem("Chart List")) { editor_state->show_chart_list = true; } if (ImGui::MenuItem( "Properties##Chart", nullptr, false, editor_state->chart_state.has_value())) { editor_state->show_chart_properties = true; } ImGui::Separator(); if (ImGui::MenuItem("New Chart")) { editor_state->show_new_chart_dialog = true; } ImGui::Separator(); if (ImGui::MenuItem( "Delete Chart", nullptr, false, editor_state->chart_state.has_value())) { editor_state->erase_chart_and_push_history(editor_state->chart_state->difficulty_name); } ImGui::EndMenu(); } if (ImGui::BeginMenu("Timing", editor_state.has_value())) { if (ImGui::MenuItem("Adjust Timing")) { editor_state->show_timing_menu = true; } ImGui::EndMenu(); } if (ImGui::BeginMenu("View", editor_state.has_value())) { if (ImGui::MenuItem("Playfield", nullptr, editor_state->show_playfield)) { editor_state->show_playfield = not editor_state->show_playfield; } if (ImGui::MenuItem("Linear View", nullptr, editor_state->show_linear_view)) { editor_state->show_linear_view = not editor_state->show_linear_view; } if (ImGui::MenuItem("Playback Status", nullptr, editor_state->show_playback_status)) { editor_state->show_playback_status = not editor_state->show_playback_status; } if (ImGui::MenuItem("Timeline", nullptr, editor_state->show_timeline)) { editor_state->show_timeline = not editor_state->show_timeline; } if (ImGui::MenuItem("Editor Status", nullptr, editor_state->show_status)) { editor_state->show_status = not editor_state->show_status; } if (ImGui::MenuItem("History", nullptr, editor_state->show_history)) { editor_state->show_history = not editor_state->show_history; } ImGui::EndMenu(); } if (ImGui::BeginMenu("Settings", editor_state.has_value())) { if (ImGui::MenuItem("Sound")) { editor_state->show_sound_settings = true; } if (ImGui::MenuItem("Linear View")) { editor_state->linear_view.shouldDisplaySettings = true; } if (ImGui::MenuItem("Editor")) { editor_state->show_editor_settings = true; } if (ImGui::BeginMenu("Marker")) { int i = 0; for (auto& tuple : markerPreviews) { ImGui::PushID(tuple.first.c_str()); if (ImGui::ImageButton(tuple.second, {100, 100})) { try { marker = Marker(tuple.first); preferences.marker = tuple.first.string(); } catch (const std::exception& e) { tinyfd_messageBox( "Error", e.what(), "ok", "error", 1); marker = defaultMarker; } } ImGui::PopID(); i++; if (i % 4 != 0) { ImGui::SameLine(); } } ImGui::EndMenu(); } if (ImGui::BeginMenu("Marker Ending State")) { for (const auto& [judgement, name] : marker_state_previews) { if (ImGui::ImageButton(marker.preview(judgement), {100, 100})) { markerEndingState = judgement; } ImGui::SameLine(); ImGui::TextUnformatted(name.c_str()); } ImGui::EndMenu(); } ImGui::EndMenu(); } } ImGui::EndMainMenuBar(); ImGui::SFML::Render(window); window.display(); } ImGui::SFML::Shutdown(); return 0; }