project( 'rapidcheck', 'cpp', version: '0.1.0', license: 'BSD-2-Clause', default_options : [ 'cpp_std=c++11', 'warning_level=3', ], meson_version : '>=0.62.0', ) sources = [] subdir('src') # fills in 'sources' includes = include_directories('include') add_project_arguments( '-Wno-missing-braces', '-Wno-unused-command-line-argument', language: 'cpp' ) # Random is used a LOT so it should preferably be really fast rapidcheck_random_lib = static_library( 'rapidcheck_random', 'src/Random.cpp', include_directories: includes, cpp_args: '-O3', ) # On Windows under MinGW, random_device provides no entropy, # so it will always return the same value. # Seed using system time instead. # See: if host_machine.system() == 'cygwin' add_project_arguments('-DRC_SEED_SYSTEM_TIME', language: 'cpp') endif if not get_option('rtti') add_project_arguments('-DRC_DONT_USE_RTTI', language: 'cpp') endif # if get_option('tests') # subdir('ext') # subdir('test') # endif # if get_option('examples') # ... more unfun stuff # endif rapidcheck_lib = static_library( 'rapidcheck', sources, include_directories: includes, link_with: rapidcheck_random_lib, cpp_args: [ '-Wall', '-Wno-missing-braces', '-Wno-unused-command-line-argument', ] ) rapidcheck_dep = declare_dependency( include_directories: includes, link_with: rapidcheck_lib, ) meson.override_dependency('rapidcheck', rapidcheck_dep)