// // Created by Symeon on 23/12/2018. // #ifndef FEIS_EDITORSTATE_H #define FEIS_EDITORSTATE_H #include #include #include #include "Fumen.h" #include "Marker.h" #include "Widgets.h" class EditorState { public: explicit EditorState(Fumen& fumen); Fumen fumen; std::optional selectedChart; // Ok this was a pretty terrible design choice, be EXTRA careful about this still being in sync with what's actually in the std::map of fumen Widgets::Playfield playfield; int snap = 1; std::optional music; int musicVolume = 10; // 0 -> 10 void updateMusicVolume(); std::optional jacket; sf::Time previousPos; sf::Time playbackPosition; sf::Time chartRuntime; // sf::Time at which the chart preview stops, can be after the end of the audio void setPlaybackAndMusicPosition(sf::Time newPosition); bool playing; float getBeats() {return getBeatsAt(playbackPosition.asSeconds());}; float getBeatsAt(float seconds) {return ((seconds+fumen.offset)/60.f)* fumen.BPM;}; float getTicks() {return getTicksAt(playbackPosition.asSeconds());}; float getTicksAt(float seconds) {return getBeatsAt(seconds) * getResolution();} float getSecondsAt(int tick) {return (60.f * tick)/(fumen.BPM * getResolution()) - fumen.offset;}; int getResolution() {return selectedChart ? selectedChart->getResolution() : 240;}; int getSnapStep() {return getResolution() / snap;}; void reloadFromFumen(); void reloadMusic(); void reloadPlaybackPositionAndChartRuntime(); void reloadJacket(); bool showPlayfield = true; bool showProperties; bool showStatus; bool showPlaybackStatus = true; bool showTimeline = true; bool showChartList; bool showNewChartDialog; bool showChartProperties; void displayPlayfield(Marker& marker, MarkerEndingState markerEndingState); void displayProperties(); void displayStatus(); void displayPlaybackStatus(); void displayTimeline(); void displayChartList(); void updateVisibleNotes(MarkerEndingState markerEndingState); std::vector visibleNotes; }; namespace ESHelper { void save(EditorState& ed); void open(std::optional& ed); void openFromFile(std::optional& ed, std::filesystem::path path); class NewChartDialog { public: std::optional display(EditorState& editorState); void resetValues() {level = 1; resolution = 240; difficulty = ""; comboPreview = ""; showCustomDifName = false;}; private: int level = 1; int resolution = 240; std::string difficulty; std::string comboPreview; bool showCustomDifName = false; }; class ChartPropertiesDialog { public: void display(EditorState& editorState); bool shouldRefreshValues = true; private: int level; std::string difficulty; std::string comboPreview; std::set difNamesInUse; bool showCustomDifName = false; }; } #endif //FEIS_EDITORSTATE_H