#pragma once #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "special_numeric_types.hpp" namespace better { struct SecondsAtBeat { Decimal seconds; Fraction beats; }; class BPMAtBeat { public: BPMAtBeat(Decimal bpm, Fraction beats); Decimal get_bpm() const; double get_bpm_as_double() const; Fraction get_beats() const; private: Decimal bpm; double bpm_as_double; Fraction beats; }; class BPMEvent { public: BPMEvent(Fraction beats, double seconds, Decimal bpm); Decimal get_bpm() const; double get_bpm_as_double() const; Fraction get_beats() const; double get_seconds() const; bool operator==(const BPMEvent&) const = default; friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& out, const BPMEvent& b); private: Decimal bpm; double bpm_as_double; Fraction beats; double seconds; }; class Timing { public: using bpm_event_type = BPMEvent; using key_type = bpm_event_type; struct beat_order_for_events { template bool operator()(const T& a, const T& b) const { return a.get_beats() < b.get_beats(); } }; using keys_by_beats_type = std::set; Timing(); Timing(const std::vector& events, const Decimal& offset); double seconds_at(Fraction beats) const; private: double seconds_without_offset_at(Fraction beats) const; public: double seconds_between(Fraction beat_a, Fraction beat_b) const; sf::Time time_at(Fraction beats) const; sf::Time time_between(Fraction beat_a, Fraction beat_b) const; Fraction beats_at(sf::Time time) const; Fraction beats_at(double seconds) const; Decimal bpm_at(sf::Time time) const; Decimal bpm_at(double seconds) const; Decimal bpm_at(Fraction beats) const; void insert(const BPMAtBeat& bpm_change); void erase(const BPMAtBeat& bpm_change); Decimal get_offset() const; void set_offset(const Decimal& new_offset); nlohmann::ordered_json dump_to_memon_1_0_0() const; static Timing load_from_memon_1_0_0(const nlohmann::json& json); static Timing load_from_memon_legacy(const nlohmann::json& metadata); template void for_each_event_between(const Fraction& first, const Fraction& last, const Callback& cb) const { const auto first_element = events_by_beats.lower_bound(bpm_event_type{first, 0, 1}); const auto last_element = events_by_beats.upper_bound(bpm_event_type{last, 0, 1}); std::for_each(first_element, last_element, [&](const bpm_event_type& ptr){cb(ptr);}); } template void for_each_event_between(const sf::Time& start, const sf::Time& end, const Callback& cb) const { for_each_event_between( beats_at(start), beats_at(end), cb ); } bool operator==(const Timing&) const = default; friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& out, const Timing& t); friend fmt::formatter; private: Decimal offset = 0; double offset_as_double = 0; // holds the bpm changes with seconds precomputed, seconds are synced // as if beat zero was happening at zero seconds, ignoring any offset keys_by_beats_type events_by_beats = {}; // holds a pair for each event to allow a quick search // when querying by seconds, seconds held in this are synced as if beat // zero was happenning at zero seconds std::map seconds_to_beats = {}; void reconstruct(const std::vector& events, const Decimal& offset); /* Reload using the given events */ void reload_events_from(const std::vector& events); /* Shift all events in the timing object to make beat zero happen at the given offset in seconds */ void shift_to_match(const Decimal& offset); const key_type& bpm_event_in_effect_at(sf::Time time) const; const key_type& bpm_event_in_effect_at(double seconds) const; const key_type& bpm_event_in_effect_at(Fraction beats) const; }; } template <> struct fmt::formatter: formatter { // parse is inherited from formatter. template auto format(const better::BPMEvent& b, FormatContext& ctx) { return format_to( ctx.out(), "BPMEvent(beats: {}, bpm: {})", b.get_beats(), b.get_bpm() ); } }; template <> struct fmt::formatter: formatter { // parse is inherited from formatter. template auto format(const better::Timing& t, FormatContext& ctx) { return format_to( ctx.out(), "Timing(offset: {}, events: [{}])", t.offset, fmt::join(t.events_by_beats, ", ") ); } };