2019-03-26 00:04:29 +01:00

85 lines
3.0 KiB

// Created by Syméon on 13/01/2019.
#define IM_MAX(_A,_B) (((_A) >= (_B)) ? (_A) : (_B))
#include <SFML/Audio.hpp>
#include <functional>
#include <filesystem>
#include <SFML/Graphics/Texture.hpp>
#include <imgui-SFML.h>
namespace Toolbox {
struct CustomColors {
ImColor FrameBg_Green = {0.163f, 0.480f, 0.160f, 0.540f};
ImColor FrameBgHovered_Green = {0.261f, 0.980f, 0.261f, 0.400f};
ImColor FrameBgActive_Green = {0.261f, 0.980f, 0.261f, 0.671f};
ImColor FrameBg_Red = {0.480f, 0.160f, 0.160f, 0.540f};
ImColor FrameBgHovered_Red = {0.980f, 0.261f, 0.261f, 0.400f};
ImColor FrameBgActive_Red = {0.980f, 0.261f, 0.261f, 0.671f};
void pushNewRecentFile(std::filesystem::path path);
std::vector<std::string> getRecentFiles();
struct CustomConstraints {
static void ContentSquare(ImGuiSizeCallbackData* data) {
float TitlebarHeight = ImGui::GetFontSize() + ImGui::GetStyle().FramePadding.y * 2.f;
float y = data->DesiredSize.y - TitlebarHeight;
float x = data->DesiredSize.x;
data->DesiredSize = ImVec2(IM_MAX(x,y), IM_MAX(x,y) + TitlebarHeight);
std::string to_string(sf::Time time);
bool InputTextColored(bool isValid, const std::string& hoverHelpText, const char *label, std::string *str, ImGuiInputTextFlags flags = 0, ImGuiInputTextCallback callback = NULL, void* user_data = NULL);
float convertToLogarithmicVolume(int);
void updateVolume(sf::SoundSource& soundSource,int volume);
int getNextDivisor(int number, int starting_point);
int getPreviousDivisor(int number, int starting_point);
std::string toOrdinal(int number);
void displayIfHasValue(const std::optional<std::reference_wrapper<sf::Texture>>& tex, ImVec2 cursorPosition, ImVec2 texSize, int& index);
template<typename T>
class AffineTransform {
AffineTransform(T low_input, T high_input, T low_output, T high_output):
if (low_input == high_input) {
throw std::invalid_argument("low and high input values for affine transform must be different !");
a = (high_output-low_output)/(high_input-low_input);
b = (high_input*low_output - high_output*low_input)/(high_input-low_input);
T transform(T val) {return a*val + b;};
T clampedTransform(T val) { return transform(std::clamp(val,low_input,high_input));};
T backwards_transform(T val) {
// if we're too close to zero
if (std::abs(a) < 10e-10) {
throw std::runtime_error("Can't apply backwards transformation, coefficient is too close to zero");
} else {
return (val-b)/a;
T a;
T b;
T low_input;
T high_input;
T low_output;
T high_output;