# How to install jubeatools This page is a guide for people who are unfamiliar with Python and with the command line. ## Installing Python jubeatools is written in Python. Because of how Python programs work, you need to have Python installed on your machine to be able to run Python programs. ### Windows Go to [www.python.org](https://www.python.org/) then head over to the `Downloads` section. Download the latest version. Open the installer On the first page be sure the tick the box that says `Add Python 3.(number) to PATH` :::{figure-md} :class: myclass ![](_static/Add_Python_3.10_to_PATH.png) Why isn't this on by default ? ::: Click `Install Now` Once it's done, let's check that everything went fine. Open up any terminal (for instance you can search "cmd" in the start menu) Once at the prompt type in `py --version` then hit enter. If everything went right it should answer back with the version number you just installed. :::{figure-md} :class: myclass ![](_static/py_--version.png) Here's what it's supposed to look like in `cmd.exe` :::