# v0.2.0 ## Misc - THE THEME SYSTEM HOLY SHIT - Refactor Panels to use a command pattern - Refactor most things into drawables - Input Lag Setting - Revamp Markers to speed loading on launch - Logging system - Generic Error-reporting / Crash handling - Correct all preferences being overridden when one value is not found - "Value" class with delayed update for *n i c e* score display - LN Marker - Selection screen in Options - Customizable button highlight - Format - selection screen in Options - Global Offset - Fix the crash occuring sometimes when you select a song ## Music Select Screen - Add Touch support # v1.0.0 ## Music Select Screen - bound memory usage of Toolkit::Cache - Chart Panel - Sort menu - Differenciate Sort / Selection - Song Panel click - animation - cd - Sound - Sound Effects ### Options menu - Volume Settings - Give marker selection the timing check feature when your re-click on the same panel ## memo Compatibility ## Themeing support - Python bindings ? ## Misc - Make Drawables lazily react to resolution changes - update .memon spec and memoncpp to support BPM Changes - Optimize input thread in gameplay ## FB9 Support # v1.1.0 ## P4IO Support - Buy a P4IO