# Folder Structure This describes how one should lay out files and folders for jujube to properly work with them. ## Overview A vanilla install of jujube should look like this : ``` jujube/ ├─ assets/ ├─ data/ ├─ markers/ ├─ songs/ └─ jujube ``` ## `assets` folder You should not touch this under normal circonstances, it contains things jujube needs to display the fallback theme ## `data` folder For now this folder only contains a json representation of the user's preferences ## `markers` folder This folder contains your markers, the structure is very simple. Just take a look at what's already there. ## `songs` folder At startup, jujube will search for songs recursively from here, this means you *can*, unlike stepmania, have subfolders. If you don't now how you should arrange you songs, I suggest sticking to the stepmania way : ``` songs/ └ pack/ └ song/ ├ song.memon ├ song.ogg └ song.png ```