(0.4 part 1) EXAM5,6,7 now supported (Layout automatically adapts if 4 gauges or more), dan cert optimizations, fix bugs, fix crashs (will put more informations later)
This commit is contained in:
@ -776,7 +776,7 @@ namespace TJAPlayer3
public int Difficulty;
public static int Number = 0;
public bool bTitleShow;
public Dan_C[] Dan_C = new Dan_C[4];
public Dan_C[] Dan_C = new Dan_C[CExamInfo.cMaxExam];
public CWAV Wave;
public DanSongs()
@ -1438,7 +1438,7 @@ namespace TJAPlayer3
Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture = CultureInfo.InvariantCulture; // Change default culture to invariant, fixes (Purota)
Dan_C = new Dan_C[4];
Dan_C = new Dan_C[CExamInfo.cMaxExam];
pDan_LastChip = new CChip[1];
DanSongs.Number = 0;
@ -3021,7 +3021,7 @@ namespace TJAPlayer3
private static readonly Regex regexForPrefixingCommaStartingLinesWithZero = new Regex(@"^,", RegexOptions.Multiline | RegexOptions.Compiled);
private static readonly Regex regexForStrippingHeadingLines = new Regex(
RegexOptions.Multiline | RegexOptions.Compiled);
/// <summary>
@ -4676,7 +4676,10 @@ namespace TJAPlayer3
strCommandParam = strArray[1].Trim();
if (strCommandName.Equals("EXAM1") || strCommandName.Equals("EXAM2") || strCommandName.Equals("EXAM3") || strCommandName.Equals("EXAM4"))
// Adapt to EXAM until 7, optimise condition
if (strCommandName.Equals("EXAM1") || strCommandName.Equals("EXAM2") || strCommandName.Equals("EXAM3") || strCommandName.Equals("EXAM4")
|| strCommandName.Equals("EXAM5") || strCommandName.Equals("EXAM6") || strCommandName.Equals("EXAM7"))
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(strCommandParam))
@ -292,7 +292,7 @@ namespace TJAPlayer3
this.fゲージ = 0.0f;
this.nクリア = new int[5];
this.nスコアランク = new int[5];
Dan_C = new Dan_C[4];
Dan_C = new Dan_C[CExamInfo.cMaxExam];
public bool bフルコンボじゃない
@ -681,6 +681,8 @@ namespace TJAPlayer3
DanC_Gauge[i] = TxC(GAME + DANC + @"Gauge_" + type[i] + ".png");
DanC_Base = TxC(GAME + DANC + @"Base.png");
DanC_Base_Small = TxC(GAME + DANC + @"Base_Small.png");
DanC_Gauge_Base = TxC(GAME + DANC + @"Gauge_Base.png");
DanC_Failed = TxC(GAME + DANC + @"Failed.png");
DanC_Number = TxC(GAME + DANC + @"Number.png");
@ -1048,6 +1050,9 @@ namespace TJAPlayer3
public CTexture DanC_Background;
public CTexture[] DanC_Gauge;
public CTexture DanC_Base;
public CTexture DanC_Base_Small;
public CTexture DanC_Gauge_Base;
public CTexture DanC_Failed;
public CTexture DanC_Number,
@ -10,6 +10,16 @@ using System.Linq;
namespace TJAPlayer3
static internal class CExamInfo
// Includes the gauge exam, DanCert max number of exams is 6
public static readonly int cMaxExam = 7;
// Max number of songs for a Dan chart
public static readonly int cExamMaxSongs = 3;
internal class Dan_Cert : CActivity
/// <summary>
@ -21,7 +31,7 @@ namespace TJAPlayer3
Dan_C[] Challenge = new Dan_C[4];
Dan_C[] Challenge = new Dan_C[CExamInfo.cMaxExam];
public void Start(int number)
@ -39,10 +49,10 @@ namespace TJAPlayer3
if (number == 0)
for (int i = 1; i < 4; i++)
for (int i = 1; i < CExamInfo.cMaxExam; i++)
ExamChange[i] = false;
for (int j = 1; j < 4; j++) //段位条件のループ(魂ゲージを除く) 縦(y)
for (int j = 1; j < CExamInfo.cMaxExam; j++) //段位条件のループ(魂ゲージを除く) 縦(y)
if (TJAPlayer3.stage選曲.r確定された曲.DanSongs[0].Dan_C[j] != null)
@ -74,7 +84,7 @@ namespace TJAPlayer3
public override void On活性化()
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
for (int i = 0; i < CExamInfo.cMaxExam; i++)
if(TJAPlayer3.DTX.Dan_C[i] != null) Challenge[i] = new Dan_C(TJAPlayer3.DTX.Dan_C[i]);
@ -92,19 +102,25 @@ namespace TJAPlayer3
FirstSectionAnime = false;
// 始点を決定する。
ExamCount = 0;
// ExamCount = 0;
songsnotesremain = new int[TJAPlayer3.stage選曲.r確定された曲.DanSongs.Count];
this.ct虹アニメ = new CCounter(0, TJAPlayer3.Skin.Game_Gauge_Dan_Rainbow_Ptn - 1, 30, TJAPlayer3.Timer);
this.ct虹透明度 = new CCounter(0, TJAPlayer3.Skin.Game_Gauge_Rainbow_Timer - 1, 1, TJAPlayer3.Timer);
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
for (int i = 0; i < CExamInfo.cMaxExam; i++)
if (Challenge[i] != null && Challenge[i].GetEnable() == true)
NowCymbolShowingNumber = 0;
bExamChangeCheck = false;
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
for (int i = 0; i < CExamInfo.cMaxExam; i++)
Status[i] = new ChallengeStatus();
Status[i].Timer_Amount = new CCounter();
@ -120,9 +136,9 @@ namespace TJAPlayer3
public void Update()
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
for (int i = 0; i < CExamInfo.cMaxExam; i++)
if (Challenge[i] == null || !Challenge[i].GetEnable()) return;
if (Challenge[i] == null || !Challenge[i].GetEnable()) continue;
var oldReached = Challenge[i].GetReached();
var isChangedAmount = false;
switch (Challenge[i].GetExamType())
@ -243,12 +259,12 @@ namespace TJAPlayer3
public override void On非活性化()
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
for (int i = 0; i < CExamInfo.cMaxExam; i++)
Challenge[i] = null;
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
for (int i = 0; i < CExamInfo.cMaxExam; i++)
Status[i].Timer_Amount = null;
Status[i].Timer_Gauge = null;
@ -319,7 +335,7 @@ namespace TJAPlayer3
Counter_Text_Old = Counter_Text.n現在の値;
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
for (int i = 0; i < CExamInfo.cMaxExam; i++)
@ -373,10 +389,10 @@ namespace TJAPlayer3
if (!bExamChangeCheck)
for (int i = 1; i < 4; i++)
for (int i = 0; i < CExamInfo.cMaxExam; i++)
ExamChange[i] = false;
for (int j = 1; j < 4; j++) //段位条件のループ(魂ゲージを除く) 縦(y)
for (int j = 0; j < CExamInfo.cMaxExam; j++) // EXAM1 check for individual conditions added back, so gauge can be EXAM2, 5, 7 whatever
if (TJAPlayer3.stage選曲.r確定された曲.DanSongs[0].Dan_C[j] != null)
@ -446,433 +462,441 @@ namespace TJAPlayer3
public void DrawExam(Dan_C[] dan_C)
var count = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
int count = 0;
int countNoGauge = 0;
// Count exams, both with and without gauge
for (int i = 0; i < CExamInfo.cMaxExam; i++)
if (dan_C[i] != null && dan_C[i].GetEnable() == true)
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
if (dan_C[i].GetExamType() != Exam.Type.Gauge)
// Bar position on the cert
int currentPosition = -1;
for (int i = 0; i < CExamInfo.cMaxExam; i++)
if (dan_C[i] == null || dan_C[i].GetEnable() != true)
continue ;
if (dan_C[i].GetExamType() != Exam.Type.Gauge)
#region ゲージの土台を描画する。
TJAPlayer3.Tx.DanC_Base?.t2D描画(TJAPlayer3.app.Device, TJAPlayer3.Skin.Game_DanC_X[count - 1], TJAPlayer3.Skin.Game_DanC_Y[count - 1] + TJAPlayer3.Skin.Game_DanC_Size[1] * i + (i * TJAPlayer3.Skin.Game_DanC_Padding), new RectangleF(0, ExamChange[i] ? 92 : 0, 1006, 92));
// Determines if a small bar will be used to optimise the display layout
bool isSmallGauge = currentPosition >= 3 || (countNoGauge > 3 && countNoGauge % 3 > currentPosition);
for (int j = 1; j < 3; j++)
// Y index of the gauge
int yIndex = (currentPosition % 3) + 1;
// Origin position which will be used as a reference for bar elements
int barXOffset = TJAPlayer3.Skin.Game_DanC_X[1] + (currentPosition >= 3 ? 503 : 0);
int barYOffset = TJAPlayer3.Skin.Game_DanC_Y[1] + TJAPlayer3.Skin.Game_DanC_Size[1] * yIndex + (yIndex * TJAPlayer3.Skin.Game_DanC_Padding);
int lowerBarYOffset = barYOffset + TJAPlayer3.Skin.Game_DanC_Size[1] + TJAPlayer3.Skin.Game_DanC_Padding;
// Skin X : 70
// Skin Y : 292
#region [Gauge base]
if (!isSmallGauge)
TJAPlayer3.Tx.DanC_Base?.t2D描画(TJAPlayer3.app.Device, barXOffset, barYOffset, new RectangleF(0, ExamChange[i] ? 92 : 0, 1006, 92));
TJAPlayer3.Tx.DanC_Base_Small?.t2D描画(TJAPlayer3.app.Device, barXOffset, barYOffset, new RectangleF(0, ExamChange[i] ? 92 : 0, 503, 92));
#region [Counter wait variables]
int counter800 = (Counter_Wait != null ? Counter_Wait.n現在の値 - 800 : 0);
int counter255M255 = (Counter_Wait != null ? 255 - (Counter_Wait.n現在の値 - (800 - 255)) : 0);
#region [Small bars]
if (ExamChange[i] == true)
if (TJAPlayer3.stage選曲.r確定された曲.DanSongs[j - 1].Dan_C[i] != null && TJAPlayer3.stage選曲.r確定された曲.DanSongs[NowShowingNumber].Dan_C[i] != null)
for (int j = 1; j < CExamInfo.cExamMaxSongs; j++)
if (NowShowingNumber > j)
if (!(TJAPlayer3.stage選曲.r確定された曲.DanSongs[j - 1].Dan_C[i] != null && TJAPlayer3.stage選曲.r確定された曲.DanSongs[NowShowingNumber].Dan_C[i] != null))
// rainbowBetterSuccess (bool) : is current minibar better success ? | drawGaugeTypetwo (int) : Gauge style [0,2]
#region [Success type variables]
bool rainbowBetterSuccess = GetExamStatus(TJAPlayer3.stage選曲.r確定された曲.DanSongs[j - 1].Dan_C[i]) == Exam.Status.Better_Success
&& GetExamConfirmStatus(TJAPlayer3.stage選曲.r確定された曲.DanSongs[j - 1].Dan_C[i]);
int amountToPercent;
int drawGaugeTypetwo = 0;
if (!rainbowBetterSuccess)
TJAPlayer3.Tx.DanC_SmallBase.Opacity = 255;
TJAPlayer3.Tx.DanC_Small_ExamCymbol.Opacity = 255;
amountToPercent = TJAPlayer3.stage選曲.r確定された曲.DanSongs[j - 1].Dan_C[i].GetAmountToPercent();
if (amountToPercent >= 100)
drawGaugeTypetwo = 2;
else if (TJAPlayer3.stage選曲.r確定された曲.DanSongs[j - 1].Dan_C[i].GetExamRange() == Exam.Range.More && amountToPercent >= 70 || amountToPercent > 70)
drawGaugeTypetwo = 1;
// Small bar elements base opacity
#region [Default opacity]
TJAPlayer3.Tx.DanC_SmallBase.Opacity = 255;
TJAPlayer3.Tx.DanC_Small_ExamCymbol.Opacity = 255;
TJAPlayer3.Tx.Gauge_Dan_Rainbow[0].Opacity = 255;
TJAPlayer3.Tx.DanC_MiniNumber.Opacity = 255;
TJAPlayer3.Tx.DanC_Gauge[drawGaugeTypetwo].Opacity = 255;
// Currently showing song parameters
if (NowShowingNumber == j)
if (Counter_Wait != null && Counter_Wait.n現在の値 >= 800)
TJAPlayer3.Tx.DanC_SmallBase.Opacity = (Counter_Wait.n現在の値 - 800);
TJAPlayer3.Tx.DanC_Small_ExamCymbol.Opacity = (Counter_Wait.n現在の値 - 800);
#region [counter800 opacity]
TJAPlayer3.Tx.DanC_SmallBase.Opacity = counter800;
TJAPlayer3.Tx.DanC_Small_ExamCymbol.Opacity = counter800;
TJAPlayer3.Tx.Gauge_Dan_Rainbow[0].Opacity = counter800;
TJAPlayer3.Tx.DanC_MiniNumber.Opacity = counter800;
TJAPlayer3.Tx.DanC_Gauge[drawGaugeTypetwo].Opacity = counter800;
if (Counter_In != null || (Counter_Wait != null && Counter_Wait.n現在の値 < 800))
else if (Counter_In != null || (Counter_Wait != null && Counter_Wait.n現在の値 < 800))
#region [0 opacity]
TJAPlayer3.Tx.DanC_SmallBase.Opacity = 0;
TJAPlayer3.Tx.DanC_Small_ExamCymbol.Opacity = 0;
TJAPlayer3.Tx.DanC_SmallBase.Opacity = 255;
TJAPlayer3.Tx.DanC_Small_ExamCymbol.Opacity = 255;
TJAPlayer3.Tx.Gauge_Dan_Rainbow[0].Opacity = 0;
TJAPlayer3.Tx.DanC_MiniNumber.Opacity = 0;
TJAPlayer3.Tx.DanC_Gauge[drawGaugeTypetwo].Opacity = 0;
// Bars starting from the song N
if (NowShowingNumber >= j)
TJAPlayer3.Tx.DanC_SmallBase?.t2D描画(TJAPlayer3.app.Device, 815, 613 + (j - 1) * 33);
TJAPlayer3.Tx.DanC_Small_ExamCymbol?.t2D描画(TJAPlayer3.app.Device, 785, 610 + (j - 1) * 33, new RectangleF(0, (j - 1) * 28, 30, 28));
// Determine bars width
TJAPlayer3.Tx.DanC_SmallBase.vc拡大縮小倍率.X = isSmallGauge ? 0.34f : 1f;
// 815 : Small base (70 + 745)
int miniBarPositionX = barXOffset + (isSmallGauge ? 410 : 745);
// 613 + (j - 1) * 33 : Small base (barYoffset for 3rd exam : 494 + 119 + Local song offset (j - 1) * 33)
int miniBarPositionY = (barYOffset + 119) + (j - 1) * 33 - (TJAPlayer3.Skin.Game_DanC_Size[1] + (TJAPlayer3.Skin.Game_DanC_Padding));
// Display bars
#region [Displayables]
// Display mini-bar base and small symbol
TJAPlayer3.Tx.DanC_SmallBase?.t2D描画(TJAPlayer3.app.Device, miniBarPositionX, miniBarPositionY);
TJAPlayer3.Tx.DanC_Small_ExamCymbol?.t2D描画(TJAPlayer3.app.Device, miniBarPositionX - 30, miniBarPositionY - 3, new RectangleF(0, (j - 1) * 28, 30, 28));
// Display bar content
if (rainbowBetterSuccess)
TJAPlayer3.Tx.Gauge_Dan_Rainbow[0].vc拡大縮小倍率.X = 0.23875f * TJAPlayer3.Tx.DanC_SmallBase.vc拡大縮小倍率.X * (isSmallGauge ? 0.94f : 1f);
TJAPlayer3.Tx.Gauge_Dan_Rainbow[0].vc拡大縮小倍率.Y = 0.35185f;
TJAPlayer3.Tx.Gauge_Dan_Rainbow[0]?.t2D描画(TJAPlayer3.app.Device, miniBarPositionX + 3, miniBarPositionY + 2,
new Rectangle(0, 0, (int)(TJAPlayer3.stage選曲.r確定された曲.DanSongs[j - 1].Dan_C[i].GetAmountToPercent() * (TJAPlayer3.Tx.Gauge_Dan_Rainbow[0].szテクスチャサイズ.Width / 100.0)), TJAPlayer3.Tx.Gauge_Dan_Rainbow[0].szテクスチャサイズ.Height));
TJAPlayer3.Tx.DanC_Gauge[drawGaugeTypetwo].vc拡大縮小倍率.X = 0.23875f * TJAPlayer3.Tx.DanC_SmallBase.vc拡大縮小倍率.X * (isSmallGauge ? 0.94f : 1f);
TJAPlayer3.Tx.DanC_Gauge[drawGaugeTypetwo].vc拡大縮小倍率.Y = 0.35185f;
TJAPlayer3.Tx.DanC_Gauge[drawGaugeTypetwo]?.t2D描画(TJAPlayer3.app.Device, miniBarPositionX + 3, miniBarPositionY + 2,
new Rectangle(0, 0, (int)(TJAPlayer3.stage選曲.r確定された曲.DanSongs[j - 1].Dan_C[i].GetAmountToPercent() * (TJAPlayer3.Tx.DanC_Gauge[drawGaugeTypetwo].szテクスチャサイズ.Width / 100.0)), TJAPlayer3.Tx.DanC_Gauge[drawGaugeTypetwo].szテクスチャサイズ.Height));
// Usually +23 for gold and +17 for white, to test
DrawMiniNumber(TJAPlayer3.stage選曲.r確定された曲.DanSongs[j - 1].Dan_C[i].GetAmount(), miniBarPositionX + 11, miniBarPositionY + 20, 14, TJAPlayer3.stage選曲.r確定された曲.DanSongs[j - 1].Dan_C[i]);
#region ゲージを描画する。
#region [Currently playing song icons]
#region ゲージ横のシンボル描画しようぜ。
TJAPlayer3.Tx.DanC_ExamCymbol.Opacity = 255;
if (ExamChange[i] && NowShowingNumber != 0)
if (Counter_Wait != null)
if (Counter_Wait.n現在の値 >= 800)
TJAPlayer3.Tx.DanC_ExamCymbol.Opacity = (Counter_Wait.n現在の値 - 800);
TJAPlayer3.Tx.DanC_ExamCymbol.Opacity = counter800;
else if (Counter_Wait.n現在の値 >= 800 - 255)
TJAPlayer3.Tx.DanC_ExamCymbol.Opacity = 255 - (Counter_Wait.n現在の値 - (800 - 255));
TJAPlayer3.Tx.DanC_ExamCymbol.Opacity = counter255M255;
TJAPlayer3.Tx.DanC_ExamCymbol.Opacity = 255;
TJAPlayer3.Tx.DanC_ExamCymbol.Opacity = 255;
//75, 418
// 292 - 228 = 64
if (ExamChange[i])
TJAPlayer3.Tx.DanC_ExamCymbol.t2D描画(TJAPlayer3.app.Device, 75, 428 + (i - 1) * 100, new RectangleF(0, 41 * NowCymbolShowingNumber, 197, 41));
TJAPlayer3.Tx.DanC_ExamCymbol.t2D描画(TJAPlayer3.app.Device, barXOffset + 5, lowerBarYOffset - 64, new RectangleF(0, 41 * NowCymbolShowingNumber, 197, 41));
for (int j = 1; j < 3; j++)
#region [Large bars]
// LrainbowBetterSuccess (bool) : is current minibar better success ? | LdrawGaugeTypetwo (int) : Gauge style [0,2]
#region [Success type variables]
bool LrainbowBetterSuccess = GetExamStatus(dan_C[i]) == Exam.Status.Better_Success && GetExamConfirmStatus(dan_C[i]);
int LamountToPercent;
int LdrawGaugeTypetwo = 0;
if (!LrainbowBetterSuccess)
if(TJAPlayer3.stage選曲.r確定された曲.DanSongs[j - 1].Dan_C[i] != null && TJAPlayer3.stage選曲.r確定された曲.DanSongs[NowShowingNumber].Dan_C[i] != null)
if (GetExamStatus(TJAPlayer3.stage選曲.r確定された曲.DanSongs[j - 1].Dan_C[i]) == Exam.Status.Better_Success && GetExamConfirmStatus(TJAPlayer3.stage選曲.r確定された曲.DanSongs[j - 1].Dan_C[i]))
if (NowShowingNumber > j)
TJAPlayer3.Tx.Gauge_Dan_Rainbow[0].Opacity = 255;
TJAPlayer3.Tx.DanC_MiniNumber.Opacity = 255;
LamountToPercent = dan_C[i].GetAmountToPercent();
if (LamountToPercent >= 100)
LdrawGaugeTypetwo = 2;
else if (dan_C[i].GetExamRange() == Exam.Range.More && LamountToPercent >= 70 || LamountToPercent > 70)
LdrawGaugeTypetwo = 1;
if (NowShowingNumber == j)
if (Counter_Wait != null && Counter_Wait.n現在の値 >= 800)
TJAPlayer3.Tx.Gauge_Dan_Rainbow[0].Opacity = (Counter_Wait.n現在の値 - 800);
TJAPlayer3.Tx.DanC_MiniNumber.Opacity = (Counter_Wait.n現在の値 - 800);
if (Counter_In != null || (Counter_Wait != null && Counter_Wait.n現在の値 < 800))
TJAPlayer3.Tx.Gauge_Dan_Rainbow[0].Opacity = 0;
TJAPlayer3.Tx.DanC_MiniNumber.Opacity = 0;
TJAPlayer3.Tx.Gauge_Dan_Rainbow[0].Opacity = 255;
TJAPlayer3.Tx.DanC_MiniNumber.Opacity = 255;
if (NowShowingNumber >= j)
// rainbowIndex : Rainbow bar texture to display (int), rainbowBase : same as rainbowIndex, but 0 if the counter is maxed
#region [Rainbow gauge counter]
int rainbowIndex = 0;
int rainbowBase = 0;
if (LrainbowBetterSuccess)
TJAPlayer3.Tx.Gauge_Dan_Rainbow[0].vc拡大縮小倍率.X = 0.23875f;
TJAPlayer3.Tx.Gauge_Dan_Rainbow[0].vc拡大縮小倍率.Y = 0.35185f;
TJAPlayer3.Tx.Gauge_Dan_Rainbow[0]?.t2D描画(TJAPlayer3.app.Device, 818, 615 + (j - 1) * 33,
new Rectangle(0, 0, (int)(TJAPlayer3.stage選曲.r確定された曲.DanSongs[j - 1].Dan_C[i].GetAmountToPercent() * (TJAPlayer3.Tx.Gauge_Dan_Rainbow[0].szテクスチャサイズ.Width / 100.0)), TJAPlayer3.Tx.Gauge_Dan_Rainbow[0].szテクスチャサイズ.Height));
DrawMiniNumber(TJAPlayer3.stage選曲.r確定された曲.DanSongs[j - 1].Dan_C[i].GetAmount(), 826, 636 + (j - 1) * 33, 14, TJAPlayer3.stage選曲.r確定された曲.DanSongs[j - 1].Dan_C[i]);
if (NowShowingNumber > j)
for (int l = 0; l < TJAPlayer3.Tx.DanC_Gauge.Length; l++)
TJAPlayer3.Tx.DanC_Gauge[l].Opacity = 255;
TJAPlayer3.Tx.DanC_MiniNumber.Opacity = 255;
if (NowShowingNumber == j)
if (Counter_Wait != null && Counter_Wait.n現在の値 >= 800)
for (int l = 0; l < TJAPlayer3.Tx.DanC_Gauge.Length; l++)
TJAPlayer3.Tx.DanC_Gauge[l].Opacity = (Counter_Wait.n現在の値 - 800);
TJAPlayer3.Tx.DanC_MiniNumber.Opacity = (Counter_Wait.n現在の値 - 800);
if (Counter_In != null || (Counter_Wait != null && Counter_Wait.n現在の値 < 800))
for (int l = 0; l < TJAPlayer3.Tx.DanC_Gauge.Length; l++)
TJAPlayer3.Tx.DanC_Gauge[l].Opacity = 0;
TJAPlayer3.Tx.DanC_MiniNumber.Opacity = 0;
for (int l = 0; l < TJAPlayer3.Tx.DanC_Gauge.Length; l++)
TJAPlayer3.Tx.DanC_Gauge[l].Opacity = 255;
TJAPlayer3.Tx.DanC_MiniNumber.Opacity = 255;
if (NowShowingNumber >= j)
var drawGaugeTypetwo = 0;
if (TJAPlayer3.stage選曲.r確定された曲.DanSongs[j - 1].Dan_C[i].GetExamRange() == Exam.Range.More)
if (TJAPlayer3.stage選曲.r確定された曲.DanSongs[j - 1].Dan_C[i].GetAmountToPercent() >= 100)
drawGaugeTypetwo = 2;
else if (TJAPlayer3.stage選曲.r確定された曲.DanSongs[j - 1].Dan_C[i].GetAmountToPercent() >= 70)
drawGaugeTypetwo = 1;
drawGaugeTypetwo = 0;
if (TJAPlayer3.stage選曲.r確定された曲.DanSongs[j - 1].Dan_C[i].GetAmountToPercent() >= 100)
drawGaugeTypetwo = 2;
else if (TJAPlayer3.stage選曲.r確定された曲.DanSongs[j - 1].Dan_C[i].GetAmountToPercent() > 70)
drawGaugeTypetwo = 1;
drawGaugeTypetwo = 0;
TJAPlayer3.Tx.DanC_Gauge[drawGaugeTypetwo].vc拡大縮小倍率.X = 0.23875f;
TJAPlayer3.Tx.DanC_Gauge[drawGaugeTypetwo].vc拡大縮小倍率.Y = 0.35185f;
TJAPlayer3.Tx.DanC_Gauge[drawGaugeTypetwo]?.t2D描画(TJAPlayer3.app.Device, 818, 615 + (j - 1) * 33, new Rectangle(0, 0, (int)(TJAPlayer3.stage選曲.r確定された曲.DanSongs[j - 1].Dan_C[i].GetAmountToPercent() * (TJAPlayer3.Tx.DanC_Gauge[drawGaugeTypetwo].szテクスチャサイズ.Width / 100.0)), TJAPlayer3.Tx.DanC_Gauge[drawGaugeTypetwo].szテクスチャサイズ.Height));
DrawMiniNumber(TJAPlayer3.stage選曲.r確定された曲.DanSongs[j - 1].Dan_C[i].GetAmount(), 826, 630 + (j - 1) * 33, 14, TJAPlayer3.stage選曲.r確定された曲.DanSongs[j - 1].Dan_C[i]);
if (GetExamStatus(dan_C[i]) == Exam.Status.Better_Success && GetExamConfirmStatus(dan_C[i]))
if (ExamChange[i] && NowShowingNumber != 0)
if (Counter_Wait != null)
if (Counter_Wait.n現在の値 >= 800)
for (int j = 0; j < TJAPlayer3.Tx.DanC_Gauge.Length; j++)
TJAPlayer3.Tx.DanC_Gauge[j].Opacity = (Counter_Wait.n現在の値 - 800);
for (int j = 0; j < TJAPlayer3.Tx.Gauge_Dan_Rainbow.Length; j++)
TJAPlayer3.Tx.Gauge_Dan_Rainbow[j].Opacity = (Counter_Wait.n現在の値 - 800);
TJAPlayer3.Tx.DanC_Number.Opacity = (Counter_Wait.n現在の値 - 800);
TJAPlayer3.Tx.DanC_ExamRange.Opacity = (Counter_Wait.n現在の値 - 800);
TJAPlayer3.Tx.DanC_Small_Number.Opacity = (Counter_Wait.n現在の値 - 800);
else if (Counter_Wait.n現在の値 >= 800 - 255)
for (int j = 0; j < TJAPlayer3.Tx.DanC_Gauge.Length; j++)
TJAPlayer3.Tx.DanC_Gauge[j].Opacity = 255 - (Counter_Wait.n現在の値 - (800 - 255));
for (int j = 0; j < TJAPlayer3.Tx.Gauge_Dan_Rainbow.Length; j++)
TJAPlayer3.Tx.Gauge_Dan_Rainbow[j].Opacity = 255 - (Counter_Wait.n現在の値 - (800 - 255));
TJAPlayer3.Tx.DanC_Number.Opacity = 255 - (Counter_Wait.n現在の値 - (800 - 255));
TJAPlayer3.Tx.DanC_ExamRange.Opacity = 255 - (Counter_Wait.n現在の値 - (800 - 255));
TJAPlayer3.Tx.DanC_Small_Number.Opacity = 255 - (Counter_Wait.n現在の値 - (800 - 255));
for (int j = 0; j < TJAPlayer3.Tx.DanC_Gauge.Length; j++)
TJAPlayer3.Tx.DanC_Gauge[j].Opacity = 255;
for (int j = 0; j < TJAPlayer3.Tx.Gauge_Dan_Rainbow.Length; j++)
TJAPlayer3.Tx.Gauge_Dan_Rainbow[j].Opacity = 255;
TJAPlayer3.Tx.DanC_Number.Opacity = 255;
TJAPlayer3.Tx.DanC_ExamRange.Opacity = 255;
TJAPlayer3.Tx.DanC_Small_Number.Opacity = 255;
for (int j = 0; j < TJAPlayer3.Tx.DanC_Gauge.Length; j++)
TJAPlayer3.Tx.DanC_Gauge[j].Opacity = 255;
for (int j = 0; j < TJAPlayer3.Tx.Gauge_Dan_Rainbow.Length; j++)
TJAPlayer3.Tx.Gauge_Dan_Rainbow[j].Opacity = 255;
TJAPlayer3.Tx.DanC_Number.Opacity = 255;
TJAPlayer3.Tx.DanC_ExamRange.Opacity = 255;
TJAPlayer3.Tx.DanC_Small_Number.Opacity = 255;
int 虹ベース = ct虹アニメ.n現在の値;
if (虹ベース == ct虹アニメ.n終了値) 虹ベース = 0;
rainbowIndex = this.ct虹アニメ.n現在の値;
TJAPlayer3.Tx.Gauge_Dan_Rainbow[this.ct虹アニメ.n現在の値].vc拡大縮小倍率.X = ExamChange[i] ? 0.663333333f : 1.0f;
TJAPlayer3.Tx.Gauge_Dan_Rainbow[0].vc拡大縮小倍率.X = ExamChange[i] ? 0.663333333f : 1.0f;
rainbowBase = rainbowIndex;
if (rainbowBase == ct虹アニメ.n終了値) rainbowBase = 0;
#region [Default opacity]
TJAPlayer3.Tx.DanC_Gauge[LdrawGaugeTypetwo].Opacity = 255;
TJAPlayer3.Tx.Gauge_Dan_Rainbow[rainbowIndex].Opacity = 255;
TJAPlayer3.Tx.DanC_Number.Opacity = 255;
TJAPlayer3.Tx.DanC_ExamRange.Opacity = 255;
TJAPlayer3.Tx.DanC_Small_Number.Opacity = 255;
if (ExamChange[i] && NowShowingNumber != 0 && Counter_Wait != null)
if (Counter_Wait.n現在の値 >= 800)
#region [counter800 opacity]
TJAPlayer3.Tx.DanC_Gauge[LdrawGaugeTypetwo].Opacity = counter800;
TJAPlayer3.Tx.Gauge_Dan_Rainbow[rainbowIndex].Opacity = counter800;
TJAPlayer3.Tx.DanC_Number.Opacity = counter800;
TJAPlayer3.Tx.DanC_ExamRange.Opacity = counter800;
TJAPlayer3.Tx.DanC_Small_Number.Opacity = counter800;
else if (Counter_Wait.n現在の値 >= 800 - 255)
#region [counter255M255 opacity]
TJAPlayer3.Tx.DanC_Gauge[LdrawGaugeTypetwo].Opacity = counter255M255;
TJAPlayer3.Tx.Gauge_Dan_Rainbow[rainbowIndex].Opacity = counter255M255;
TJAPlayer3.Tx.DanC_Number.Opacity = counter255M255;
TJAPlayer3.Tx.DanC_ExamRange.Opacity = counter255M255;
TJAPlayer3.Tx.DanC_Small_Number.Opacity = counter255M255;
#region [Displayables]
// Non individual : 209 / 650 : 0.32154f
// Individual : 97 / 432 : 0.22454f
float xExtend = ExamChange[i] ? (isSmallGauge ? 0.215f * 0.663333333f : 0.663333333f) : (isSmallGauge ? 0.32154f : 1.0f);
if (LrainbowBetterSuccess)
#region [Rainbow gauge display]
TJAPlayer3.Tx.Gauge_Dan_Rainbow[rainbowIndex].vc拡大縮小倍率.X = xExtend;
// Reset base since it was used for minibars
TJAPlayer3.Tx.Gauge_Dan_Rainbow[0].vc拡大縮小倍率.X = xExtend;
TJAPlayer3.Tx.Gauge_Dan_Rainbow[0].vc拡大縮小倍率.Y = 1.0f;
if (Counter_Wait != null && !(Counter_Wait.n現在の値 <= 1055 && Counter_Wait.n現在の値 >= 800 - 255))
TJAPlayer3.Tx.Gauge_Dan_Rainbow[this.ct虹アニメ.n現在の値].Opacity = 255;
TJAPlayer3.Tx.Gauge_Dan_Rainbow[rainbowIndex].Opacity = 255;
TJAPlayer3.Skin.Game_DanC_X[count - 1] + TJAPlayer3.Skin.Game_DanC_Offset[0], TJAPlayer3.Skin.Game_DanC_Y[count - 1] + TJAPlayer3.Skin.Game_DanC_Size[1] * (i + 1) + ((i + 1) * TJAPlayer3.Skin.Game_DanC_Padding) - TJAPlayer3.Skin.Game_DanC_Offset[1],
new Rectangle(0, 0, (int)(dan_C[i].GetAmountToPercent() * (TJAPlayer3.Tx.Gauge_Dan_Rainbow[this.ct虹アニメ.n現在の値].szテクスチャサイズ.Width / 100.0)), TJAPlayer3.Tx.Gauge_Dan_Rainbow[this.ct虹アニメ.n現在の値].szテクスチャサイズ.Height));
barXOffset + TJAPlayer3.Skin.Game_DanC_Offset[0], lowerBarYOffset - TJAPlayer3.Skin.Game_DanC_Offset[1],
new Rectangle(0, 0, (int)(dan_C[i].GetAmountToPercent() * (TJAPlayer3.Tx.Gauge_Dan_Rainbow[rainbowIndex].szテクスチャサイズ.Width / 100.0)), TJAPlayer3.Tx.Gauge_Dan_Rainbow[rainbowIndex].szテクスチャサイズ.Height));
if (Counter_Wait != null && !(Counter_Wait.n現在の値 <= 1055 && Counter_Wait.n現在の値 >= 800 - 255))
TJAPlayer3.Tx.Gauge_Dan_Rainbow[虹ベース].Opacity = (ct虹透明度.n現在の値 * 255 / (int)ct虹透明度.n終了値) / 1;
TJAPlayer3.Tx.Gauge_Dan_Rainbow[rainbowBase].Opacity = (ct虹透明度.n現在の値 * 255 / (int)ct虹透明度.n終了値) / 1;
TJAPlayer3.Skin.Game_DanC_X[count - 1] + TJAPlayer3.Skin.Game_DanC_Offset[0], TJAPlayer3.Skin.Game_DanC_Y[count - 1] + TJAPlayer3.Skin.Game_DanC_Size[1] * (i + 1) + ((i + 1) * TJAPlayer3.Skin.Game_DanC_Padding) - TJAPlayer3.Skin.Game_DanC_Offset[1],
new Rectangle(0, 0, (int)(dan_C[i].GetAmountToPercent() * (TJAPlayer3.Tx.Gauge_Dan_Rainbow[虹ベース].szテクスチャサイズ.Width / 100.0)), TJAPlayer3.Tx.Gauge_Dan_Rainbow[this.ct虹アニメ.n現在の値].szテクスチャサイズ.Height));
barXOffset + TJAPlayer3.Skin.Game_DanC_Offset[0], lowerBarYOffset - TJAPlayer3.Skin.Game_DanC_Offset[1],
new Rectangle(0, 0, (int)(dan_C[i].GetAmountToPercent() * (TJAPlayer3.Tx.Gauge_Dan_Rainbow[rainbowBase].szテクスチャサイズ.Width / 100.0)), TJAPlayer3.Tx.Gauge_Dan_Rainbow[rainbowIndex].szテクスチャサイズ.Height));
if(ExamChange[i] && NowShowingNumber != 0)
if (Counter_Wait != null)
if (Counter_Wait.n現在の値 >= 800)
for (int j = 0; j < TJAPlayer3.Tx.DanC_Gauge.Length; j++)
TJAPlayer3.Tx.DanC_Gauge[j].Opacity = (Counter_Wait.n現在の値 - 800);
#region [Regular gauge display]
TJAPlayer3.Tx.DanC_Number.Opacity = (Counter_Wait.n現在の値 - 800);
TJAPlayer3.Tx.DanC_ExamRange.Opacity = (Counter_Wait.n現在の値 - 800);
TJAPlayer3.Tx.DanC_Small_Number.Opacity = (Counter_Wait.n現在の値 - 800);
else if (Counter_Wait.n現在の値 >= 800 - 255)
for (int j = 0; j < TJAPlayer3.Tx.DanC_Gauge.Length; j++)
TJAPlayer3.Tx.DanC_Gauge[j].Opacity = 255 - (Counter_Wait.n現在の値 - (800 - 255));
TJAPlayer3.Tx.DanC_Number.Opacity = 255 - (Counter_Wait.n現在の値 - (800 - 255));
TJAPlayer3.Tx.DanC_ExamRange.Opacity = 255 - (Counter_Wait.n現在の値 - (800 - 255));
TJAPlayer3.Tx.DanC_Small_Number.Opacity = 255 - (Counter_Wait.n現在の値 - (800 - 255));
for (int j = 0; j < TJAPlayer3.Tx.DanC_Gauge.Length; j++)
TJAPlayer3.Tx.DanC_Gauge[j].Opacity = 255;
TJAPlayer3.Tx.DanC_Number.Opacity = 255;
TJAPlayer3.Tx.DanC_ExamRange.Opacity = 255;
TJAPlayer3.Tx.DanC_Small_Number.Opacity = 255;
for (int j = 0; j < TJAPlayer3.Tx.DanC_Gauge.Length; j++)
TJAPlayer3.Tx.DanC_Gauge[j].Opacity = 255;
TJAPlayer3.Tx.DanC_Number.Opacity = 255;
TJAPlayer3.Tx.DanC_ExamRange.Opacity = 255;
TJAPlayer3.Tx.DanC_Small_Number.Opacity = 255;
var drawGaugeType = 0;
if (dan_C[i].GetExamRange() == Exam.Range.More)
if (dan_C[i].GetAmountToPercent() >= 100)
drawGaugeType = 2;
else if (dan_C[i].GetAmountToPercent() >= 70)
drawGaugeType = 1;
drawGaugeType = 0;
if (dan_C[i].GetAmountToPercent() >= 100)
drawGaugeType = 2;
else if (dan_C[i].GetAmountToPercent() > 70)
drawGaugeType = 1;
drawGaugeType = 0;
TJAPlayer3.Tx.DanC_Gauge[drawGaugeType].vc拡大縮小倍率.X = ExamChange[i] ? 0.663333333f : 1.0f;
TJAPlayer3.Tx.DanC_Gauge[drawGaugeType].vc拡大縮小倍率.Y = 1.0f;
TJAPlayer3.Skin.Game_DanC_X[count - 1] + TJAPlayer3.Skin.Game_DanC_Offset[0], TJAPlayer3.Skin.Game_DanC_Y[count - 1] + TJAPlayer3.Skin.Game_DanC_Size[1] * (i + 1) + ((i + 1) * TJAPlayer3.Skin.Game_DanC_Padding) - TJAPlayer3.Skin.Game_DanC_Offset[1],
new Rectangle(0, 0, (int)(dan_C[i].GetAmountToPercent() * (TJAPlayer3.Tx.DanC_Gauge[drawGaugeType].szテクスチャサイズ.Width / 100.0)), TJAPlayer3.Tx.DanC_Gauge[drawGaugeType].szテクスチャサイズ.Height));
TJAPlayer3.Tx.DanC_Gauge[LdrawGaugeTypetwo].vc拡大縮小倍率.X = xExtend;
TJAPlayer3.Tx.DanC_Gauge[LdrawGaugeTypetwo].vc拡大縮小倍率.Y = 1.0f;
barXOffset + TJAPlayer3.Skin.Game_DanC_Offset[0], lowerBarYOffset - TJAPlayer3.Skin.Game_DanC_Offset[1],
new Rectangle(0, 0, (int)(dan_C[i].GetAmountToPercent() * (TJAPlayer3.Tx.DanC_Gauge[LdrawGaugeTypetwo].szテクスチャサイズ.Width / 100.0)), TJAPlayer3.Tx.DanC_Gauge[LdrawGaugeTypetwo].szテクスチャサイズ.Height));
#region 現在の値を描画する。
var nowAmount = 0;
#region [Print the current value number]
int nowAmount = dan_C[i].Amount;
if (dan_C[i].GetExamRange() == Exam.Range.Less)
nowAmount = dan_C[i].Value[0] - dan_C[i].Amount;
nowAmount = dan_C[i].Amount;
if (nowAmount < 0) nowAmount = 0;
float numberXScale = isSmallGauge ? TJAPlayer3.Skin.Game_DanC_Number_Small_Scale * 0.6f : TJAPlayer3.Skin.Game_DanC_Number_Small_Scale;
float numberYScale = isSmallGauge ? TJAPlayer3.Skin.Game_DanC_Number_Small_Scale * 0.8f : TJAPlayer3.Skin.Game_DanC_Number_Small_Scale;
int numberPadding = (int)(TJAPlayer3.Skin.Game_DanC_Number_Padding * (isSmallGauge ? 0.6f : 1f));
TJAPlayer3.Skin.Game_DanC_X[count - 1] + TJAPlayer3.Skin.Game_DanC_Number_Small_Number_Offset[0],
TJAPlayer3.Skin.Game_DanC_Y[count - 1] + TJAPlayer3.Skin.Game_DanC_Size[1] * (i + 1) + ((i + 1) * TJAPlayer3.Skin.Game_DanC_Padding) - TJAPlayer3.Skin.Game_DanC_Number_Small_Number_Offset[1],
barXOffset + TJAPlayer3.Skin.Game_DanC_Number_Small_Number_Offset[0],
lowerBarYOffset - TJAPlayer3.Skin.Game_DanC_Number_Small_Number_Offset[1],
(Status[i].Timer_Amount != null ? ScoreScale[Status[i].Timer_Amount.n現在の値] : 0f));
#region 条件の文字を描画する。
var offset = TJAPlayer3.Skin.Game_DanC_Exam_Offset[0];
//offset -= CDTXMania.Skin.Game_DanC_ExamRange_Padding;
// 条件の範囲
#region [Dan conditions display]
int offset = TJAPlayer3.Skin.Game_DanC_Exam_Offset[0];
TJAPlayer3.Tx.DanC_ExamType.vc拡大縮小倍率.X = 1.0f;
TJAPlayer3.Tx.DanC_ExamType.vc拡大縮小倍率.Y = 1.0f;
TJAPlayer3.Tx.DanC_ExamRange?.t2D拡大率考慮下基準描画(TJAPlayer3.app.Device, TJAPlayer3.Skin.Game_DanC_X[count - 1] + offset - TJAPlayer3.Tx.DanC_ExamRange.szテクスチャサイズ.Width, TJAPlayer3.Skin.Game_DanC_Y[count - 1] + TJAPlayer3.Skin.Game_DanC_Size[1] * (i + 1) + ((i + 1) * TJAPlayer3.Skin.Game_DanC_Padding) - TJAPlayer3.Skin.Game_DanC_Exam_Offset[1], new Rectangle(0, TJAPlayer3.Skin.Game_DanC_ExamRange_Size[1] * (int)dan_C[i].GetExamRange(), TJAPlayer3.Skin.Game_DanC_ExamRange_Size[0], TJAPlayer3.Skin.Game_DanC_ExamRange_Size[1]));
//offset -= CDTXMania.Skin.Game_DanC_ExamRange_Padding;
// Exam range (Less than/More)
barXOffset + offset - TJAPlayer3.Tx.DanC_ExamRange.szテクスチャサイズ.Width,
lowerBarYOffset - TJAPlayer3.Skin.Game_DanC_Exam_Offset[1],
new Rectangle(0, TJAPlayer3.Skin.Game_DanC_ExamRange_Size[1] * (int)dan_C[i].GetExamRange(), TJAPlayer3.Skin.Game_DanC_ExamRange_Size[0], TJAPlayer3.Skin.Game_DanC_ExamRange_Size[1]));
offset -= TJAPlayer3.Skin.Game_DanC_ExamRange_Padding;
// 条件の数字
// Condition number
TJAPlayer3.Skin.Game_DanC_X[count - 1] + offset - dan_C[i].Value[0].ToString().Length * (int)(TJAPlayer3.Skin.Game_DanC_Number_Small_Padding * TJAPlayer3.Skin.Game_DanC_Exam_Number_Scale),
TJAPlayer3.Skin.Game_DanC_Y[count - 1] + TJAPlayer3.Skin.Game_DanC_Size[1] * (i + 1) + ((i + 1) * TJAPlayer3.Skin.Game_DanC_Padding) - TJAPlayer3.Skin.Game_DanC_Exam_Offset[1] - 1,
barXOffset + offset - dan_C[i].Value[0].ToString().Length * (int)(TJAPlayer3.Skin.Game_DanC_Number_Small_Padding * TJAPlayer3.Skin.Game_DanC_Exam_Number_Scale),
lowerBarYOffset - TJAPlayer3.Skin.Game_DanC_Exam_Offset[1] - 1,
(int)(TJAPlayer3.Skin.Game_DanC_Number_Small_Padding * TJAPlayer3.Skin.Game_DanC_Exam_Number_Scale),
//offset -= CDTXMania.Skin.Game_DanC_Number_Small_Padding * (dan_C[i].Value[0].ToString().Length + 1);
offset -= TJAPlayer3.Skin.Game_DanC_Number_Small_Padding * (dan_C[i].Value[0].ToString().Length);
// 条件の種類
TJAPlayer3.Tx.DanC_ExamType?.t2D拡大率考慮下基準描画(TJAPlayer3.app.Device, TJAPlayer3.Skin.Game_DanC_X[1] + TJAPlayer3.Skin.Game_DanC_Exam_Offset[0] - TJAPlayer3.Tx.DanC_ExamType.szテクスチャサイズ.Width + 22, TJAPlayer3.Skin.Game_DanC_Y[count - 1] + TJAPlayer3.Skin.Game_DanC_Size[1] * (i + 1) + ((i + 1) * TJAPlayer3.Skin.Game_DanC_Padding) - TJAPlayer3.Skin.Game_DanC_Exam_Offset[1] - 48, new Rectangle(0, TJAPlayer3.Skin.Game_DanC_ExamType_Size[1] * (int)dan_C[i].GetExamType(), TJAPlayer3.Skin.Game_DanC_ExamType_Size[0], TJAPlayer3.Skin.Game_DanC_ExamType_Size[1]));
// Exam type flag
barXOffset + TJAPlayer3.Skin.Game_DanC_Exam_Offset[0] - TJAPlayer3.Tx.DanC_ExamType.szテクスチャサイズ.Width + 22,
lowerBarYOffset - TJAPlayer3.Skin.Game_DanC_Exam_Offset[1] - 48,
new Rectangle(0, TJAPlayer3.Skin.Game_DanC_ExamType_Size[1] * (int)dan_C[i].GetExamType(), TJAPlayer3.Skin.Game_DanC_ExamType_Size[0], TJAPlayer3.Skin.Game_DanC_ExamType_Size[1]));
#region 条件達成失敗の画像を描画する。
#region [Failed condition box]
TJAPlayer3.Tx.DanC_Failed.vc拡大縮小倍率.X = isSmallGauge ? 0.33f : 1f;
if (dan_C[i].GetReached())
TJAPlayer3.Tx.DanC_Failed.t2D拡大率考慮下基準描画(TJAPlayer3.app.Device, TJAPlayer3.Skin.Game_DanC_X[count - 1] + TJAPlayer3.Skin.Game_DanC_Offset[0], TJAPlayer3.Skin.Game_DanC_Y[count - 1] + TJAPlayer3.Skin.Game_DanC_Size[1] * (i + 1) + ((i + 1) * TJAPlayer3.Skin.Game_DanC_Padding) - TJAPlayer3.Skin.Game_DanC_Offset[1]);
barXOffset + TJAPlayer3.Skin.Game_DanC_Offset[0],
lowerBarYOffset - TJAPlayer3.Skin.Game_DanC_Offset[1]);
#region ゲージの土台を描画する。
TJAPlayer3.Tx.DanC_Gauge_Base?.t2D描画(TJAPlayer3.app.Device, TJAPlayer3.Skin.Game_DanC_X[0] - ((50 - dan_C[i].GetValue(false) / 2) * 14) + 4, TJAPlayer3.Skin.Game_DanC_Y[0] + TJAPlayer3.Skin.Game_DanC_Size[1] * i + (i * TJAPlayer3.Skin.Game_DanC_Padding));
#region [Gauge dan condition]
TJAPlayer3.Skin.Game_DanC_X[0] - ((50 - dan_C[i].GetValue(false) / 2) * 14) + 4,
// Display percentage here
TJAPlayer3.Skin.Game_DanC_X[0] - ((50 - dan_C[i].GetValue(false) / 2) * 14) + 292 - dan_C[i].Value[0].ToString().Length * (int)(TJAPlayer3.Skin.Game_DanC_Number_Small_Padding * TJAPlayer3.Skin.Game_DanC_Exam_Number_Scale),
TJAPlayer3.Skin.Game_DanC_Y[0] - TJAPlayer3.Skin.Game_DanC_Exam_Offset[1] + 64,
(int)(TJAPlayer3.Skin.Game_DanC_Number_Small_Padding * TJAPlayer3.Skin.Game_DanC_Exam_Number_Scale),
@ -943,8 +967,10 @@ namespace TJAPlayer3
public bool GetFailedAllChallenges()
var isFailed = false;
for (int i = 0; i < this.ExamCount; i++)
for (int i = 0; i < CExamInfo.cMaxExam; i++)
if (Challenge[i] == null) continue;
for(int j = 0; j < TJAPlayer3.stage選曲.r確定された曲.DanSongs.Count; j++ )
if(TJAPlayer3.stage選曲.r確定された曲.DanSongs[j].Dan_C[i] != null)
@ -965,20 +991,16 @@ namespace TJAPlayer3
public Exam.Status GetExamStatus(Dan_C[] dan_C)
var status = Exam.Status.Better_Success;
var count = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
if (dan_C[i] != null && dan_C[i].GetEnable() == true)
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
for (int i = 0; i < CExamInfo.cMaxExam; i++)
if (dan_C[i] == null || dan_C[i].GetEnable() != true)
if (!dan_C[i].GetCleared()[1]) status = Exam.Status.Success;
if (!dan_C[i].GetCleared()[0]) return (Exam.Status.Failure);
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
if (!dan_C[i].GetCleared()[0]) status = Exam.Status.Failure;
return status;
@ -1050,9 +1072,9 @@ namespace TJAPlayer3
private bool bExamChangeCheck;
private int notesremain;
private int[] songsnotesremain;
private bool[] ExamChange = new bool[4];
private bool[] ExamChange = new bool[CExamInfo.cMaxExam];
private int ExamCount;
private ChallengeStatus[] Status = new ChallengeStatus[4];
private ChallengeStatus[] Status = new ChallengeStatus[CExamInfo.cMaxExam];
private CTexture Dan_Plate;
private bool[] IsEnded;
public bool FirstSectionAnime;
@ -1 +1 @@
Subproject commit 36df7a30586d91bd23e8110dd2c3d79714ba8cd5
Subproject commit 692b1dc05b083e1a8ad2eb57911d0b215ce5a8b0
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