(Pre. v.0.4.1) Fix issue #5 (Difficulty icons disapearing), memory leak while playing the clear song, and the ura-only map icon display
This commit is contained in:
@ -133,7 +133,7 @@ Discord以外で配布しておりません。
# 短期で実装する予定機能
## 短期で実装する予定機能
☐ 段位道場結果画面を実装し切る
☐ コイン(ドンメダル)を貯蓄可能にする機能を実装+ドンメダル商店
@ -134,6 +134,8 @@ namespace TJAPlayer3
return 0;
#region [private]
private CCounter ctExamConditionsAnim;
private bool DaniInAnime;
@ -386,5 +388,9 @@ namespace TJAPlayer3
@ -666,6 +666,9 @@ namespace TJAPlayer3
TJAPlayer3.t安全にDisposeする( ref this.ft曲リスト用フォント );
this.ttk選択している曲の曲名 = null;
this.ttk選択している曲のサブタイトル = null;
this.ct三角矢印アニメ = null;
@ -1432,96 +1435,97 @@ namespace TJAPlayer3
// 難易度がTower、Danではない
if (TJAPlayer3.stage選曲.n現在選択中の曲の難易度 != (int)Difficulty.Tower && TJAPlayer3.stage選曲.n現在選択中の曲の難易度 != (int)Difficulty.Dan)
#region [Display difficulty boxes]
bool uraExists = TJAPlayer3.stage選曲.r現在選択中のスコア.譜面情報.nレベル[(int)Difficulty.Edit] >= 0;
bool omoteExists = TJAPlayer3.stage選曲.r現在選択中のスコア.譜面情報.nレベル[(int)Difficulty.Oni] >= 0;
for (int i = 0; i < (int)Difficulty.Edit + 1; i++)
if (ctBarOpen.n現在の値 >= 100)
if (TJAPlayer3.stage選曲.r現在選択中のスコア.譜面情報.nレベル[i] >= 0)
#region [Skip conditions]
// Don't even bother process the Ura box if there isn't one
if (!uraExists && i == (int)Difficulty.Edit)
// Don't process oni box if ura exists but not oni
else if (uraExists && !omoteExists && i == (int)Difficulty.Oni)
// avaliable : bool (Chart exists)
#region [Gray box if stage isn't avaliable]
bool avaliable = TJAPlayer3.stage選曲.r現在選択中のスコア.譜面情報.nレベル[i] >= 0;
if (avaliable)
TJAPlayer3.Tx.SongSelect_Frame_Score.color4 = new Color4(1f, 1f, 1f);
TJAPlayer3.Tx.SongSelect_Frame_Score.color4 = new Color4(0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f);
// opacity : int (Box and scores opacity)
#region [Opacity management]
int opacity = 0;
if(BarAnimeCount == 62)
if (avaliable && BarAnimeCount == 62)
if (ctScoreFrameAnime.n現在の値 <= 3000 - 255)
opacity = 0;
else if (ctScoreFrameAnime.n現在の値 <= 3000)
opacity = ctScoreFrameAnime.n現在の値 - (3000 - 255);
else if (ctScoreFrameAnime.n現在の値 <= 6000 - 255)
opacity = 255;
if (ctScoreFrameAnime.n現在の値 <= 3000)
opacity = Math.Max(0, ctScoreFrameAnime.n現在の値 - 2745);
opacity = 255 - (ctScoreFrameAnime.n現在の値 - (6000 - 255));
opacity = Math.Min(255, 255 - (ctScoreFrameAnime.n現在の値 - 5745));
if (i == 4)
#region [Display box parameters]
int difSelectOpacity = (i == (int)Difficulty.Edit && omoteExists) ? (BarAnimeCount < 62 ? 0 : opacity) : (int)(BarAnimeCount * 4.25f);
if (!TJAPlayer3.stage選曲.act難易度選択画面.bIsDifficltSelect || ctDifficultyIn.n現在の値 < 1000)
if (!TJAPlayer3.stage選曲.act難易度選択画面.bIsDifficltSelect)
TJAPlayer3.Tx.SongSelect_Frame_Score.Opacity = BarAnimeCount < 62 ? 0 : opacity;
else if (ctDifficultyIn.n現在の値 >= 1000)
TJAPlayer3.Tx.SongSelect_Frame_Score.Opacity = (int)255.0f - (ctDifficultyIn.n現在の値 - 1000);
TJAPlayer3.Tx.SongSelect_Frame_Score.t2D下中央基準描画(TJAPlayer3.app.Device, 494 + (3 * 122) - 31, TJAPlayer3.Skin.SongSelect_Overall_Y + 465, new Rectangle(122 * i, 0, 122, 360));
TJAPlayer3.Tx.SongSelect_Frame_Score.Opacity = difSelectOpacity;
TJAPlayer3.Tx.SongSelect_Level_Number.Opacity = difSelectOpacity;
else if (i != 4)
else if (ctDifficultyIn.n現在の値 >= 1000)
if (!TJAPlayer3.stage選曲.act難易度選択画面.bIsDifficltSelect)
TJAPlayer3.Tx.SongSelect_Frame_Score.Opacity = (int)(BarAnimeCount * 4.25f);
else if (ctDifficultyIn.n現在の値 >= 1000)
TJAPlayer3.Tx.SongSelect_Frame_Score.Opacity = (int)255.0f - (ctDifficultyIn.n現在の値 - 1000);
int difInOpacity = (int)((float)((int)255.0f - (ctDifficultyIn.n現在の値 - 1000)) * ((i == (int)Difficulty.Edit && omoteExists) ? (float)difSelectOpacity / 255f : 1f));
TJAPlayer3.Tx.SongSelect_Frame_Score.t2D下中央基準描画(TJAPlayer3.app.Device, 494 + (i * 122) - 31, TJAPlayer3.Skin.SongSelect_Overall_Y + 465, new Rectangle(122 * i, 0, 122, 360));
TJAPlayer3.Tx.SongSelect_Frame_Score.Opacity = difInOpacity;
TJAPlayer3.Tx.SongSelect_Level_Number.Opacity = difInOpacity;
if (i == 4)
if (!TJAPlayer3.stage選曲.act難易度選択画面.bIsDifficltSelect)
TJAPlayer3.Tx.SongSelect_Level_Number.Opacity = BarAnimeCount < 62 ? 0 : opacity;
else if (ctDifficultyIn.n現在の値 >= 1000)
TJAPlayer3.Tx.SongSelect_Level_Number.Opacity = (int)255.0f - (ctDifficultyIn.n現在の値 - 1000);
t小文字表示(TJAPlayer3.stage選曲.r現在選択中のスコア.譜面情報.nレベル[4] < 10 ? 497 + (3 * 122) - 5 : 492 + (3 * 122) - 5, TJAPlayer3.Skin.SongSelect_Overall_Y + 277, TJAPlayer3.stage選曲.r現在選択中のスコア.譜面情報.nレベル[4].ToString());
else if (i != 4)
if (!TJAPlayer3.stage選曲.act難易度選択画面.bIsDifficltSelect)
TJAPlayer3.Tx.SongSelect_Level_Number.Opacity = (int)(BarAnimeCount * 4.25f);
else if (ctDifficultyIn.n現在の値 >= 1000)
TJAPlayer3.Tx.SongSelect_Level_Number.Opacity = (int)255.0f - (ctDifficultyIn.n現在の値 - 1000);
#region [Displayables]
int displayingDiff = Math.Min(i, (int)Difficulty.Oni);
int positionalOffset = displayingDiff * 122;
TJAPlayer3.Tx.SongSelect_Frame_Score.t2D下中央基準描画(TJAPlayer3.app.Device, 494
+ positionalOffset - 31, TJAPlayer3.Skin.SongSelect_Overall_Y + 465, new Rectangle(122 * i, 0, 122, 360));
if (avaliable)
t小文字表示(TJAPlayer3.stage選曲.r現在選択中のスコア.譜面情報.nレベル[i] < 10 ? 497
+ positionalOffset - 5 : 492 + positionalOffset - 5, TJAPlayer3.Skin.SongSelect_Overall_Y + 277,
t小文字表示(TJAPlayer3.stage選曲.r現在選択中のスコア.譜面情報.nレベル[i] < 10 ? 497 + (i * 122) - 5 : 492 + (i * 122) - 5, TJAPlayer3.Skin.SongSelect_Overall_Y + 277, TJAPlayer3.stage選曲.r現在選択中のスコア.譜面情報.nレベル[i].ToString());
// レベルが0未満 = 譜面がないとみなす
TJAPlayer3.Tx.SongSelect_Frame_Score.color4 = new Color4(0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f);
if (i == 4 && TJAPlayer3.stage選曲.n現在選択中の曲の難易度 == 4)
if (!TJAPlayer3.stage選曲.act難易度選択画面.bIsDifficltSelect)
TJAPlayer3.Tx.SongSelect_Frame_Score.Opacity = (int)(BarAnimeCount * 4.25f);
else if (ctDifficultyIn.n現在の値 >= 1000)
TJAPlayer3.Tx.SongSelect_Frame_Score.Opacity = (int)255.0f - (ctDifficultyIn.n現在の値 - 1000);
// エディット
TJAPlayer3.Tx.SongSelect_Frame_Score.t2D下中央基準描画(TJAPlayer3.app.Device, 494 + (3 * 122) - 31, TJAPlayer3.Skin.SongSelect_Overall_Y + 465, new Rectangle(122 * i, 0, 122, 360));
else if (i != 4)
if (!TJAPlayer3.stage選曲.act難易度選択画面.bIsDifficltSelect)
TJAPlayer3.Tx.SongSelect_Frame_Score.Opacity = (int)(BarAnimeCount * 4.25f);
else if (ctDifficultyIn.n現在の値 >= 1000)
TJAPlayer3.Tx.SongSelect_Frame_Score.Opacity = (int)255.0f - (ctDifficultyIn.n現在の値 - 1000);
TJAPlayer3.Tx.SongSelect_Frame_Score.t2D下中央基準描画(TJAPlayer3.app.Device, 494 + (i * 122) - 31, TJAPlayer3.Skin.SongSelect_Overall_Y + 465, new Rectangle(122 * i, 0, 122, 360));
// To replace (Generate a display bug for tower maps
// To replace (Generate a display bug for tower mapc)
if (TJAPlayer3.stage選曲.r現在選択中のスコア.譜面情報.nレベル[TJAPlayer3.stage選曲.n現在選択中の曲の難易度] >= 0)
@ -2081,7 +2085,9 @@ namespace TJAPlayer3
public int nStrジャンルtoNum(string strジャンル)
// Magic number to change
int nGenre = 8;
for (int i = 0; i < TJAPlayer3.Skin.SongSelect_GenreName.Length; i++)
if (TJAPlayer3.Skin.SongSelect_GenreName[i] == strジャンル)
@ -2106,7 +2112,9 @@ namespace TJAPlayer3
public int nStrジャンルtoNumBox(string strジャンル)
// Magic number to change
int nGenre = 8;
for (int i = 0; i < TJAPlayer3.Skin.SongSelect_GenreName.Length; i++)
if (TJAPlayer3.Skin.SongSelect_GenreName[i] == strジャンル)
@ -747,6 +747,10 @@ namespace TJAPlayer3
// Would be good to have a separate class for Don + Puchichara + Nameplate
#region [Donchan & PuchiChara]
if (this.ctDonchan_Select.b終了値に達してない)
if (TJAPlayer3.ConfigIni.nPlayerCount == 2)
@ -786,6 +790,9 @@ namespace TJAPlayer3
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
tBoardNumberDraw(this.ptBoardNumber[i].X - 10, this.ptBoardNumber[i].Y, i < 7 ? this.act曲リスト.ScoreRankCount[i].ToString() : this.act曲リスト.CrownCount[i - 7].ToString());
@ -96,14 +96,19 @@ namespace TJAPlayer3
public override void OnManagedリソースの作成()
this.b再生済み = false;
if (!base.b活性化してない)
this.soundClear = TJAPlayer3.Sound管理.tサウンドを生成する(CSkin.Path(@"Sounds\Clear.ogg"), ESoundGroup.SoundEffect);
this.soundFailed = TJAPlayer3.Sound管理.tサウンドを生成する(CSkin.Path(@"Sounds\Failed.ogg"), ESoundGroup.SoundEffect);
this.soundFullCombo = TJAPlayer3.Sound管理.tサウンドを生成する(CSkin.Path(@"Sounds\Full combo.ogg"), ESoundGroup.SoundEffect);
this.soundDondaFullCombo = TJAPlayer3.Sound管理.tサウンドを生成する(CSkin.Path(@"Sounds\Donda Full Combo.ogg"), ESoundGroup.SoundEffect);
public override void OnManagedリソースの解放()
if (!base.b活性化してない)
if (this.soundClear != null)
@ -115,6 +120,7 @@ namespace TJAPlayer3
#region [effects]
// ------------------------------------
Binary file not shown.
Reference in New Issue
Block a user